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  • Gonna need some help with this shit. oddguy 13:54, 3 September 2014 (EDT)

to think all this started w a blog...

of an ex-boyfriend.--Talk to me|Contribs 02:02, 4 September 2014 (EDT)

You posted this on September 4. It is now October 17. Ever since one blog post, the following has occurred:
  • Tens of thousands of dollars have been donated to various charity by gamers for no reason other than to spite a bunch of tumblr pissbabies.
  • A large group of Americans outside of conspiracy theorists or Wikileaks supporters are starting to see just how shitty their media really is.
  • Fez is proven to have been over-hyped. Likewise, Polytron has ceased its cancerous involvement with the industry for the time being, and that bastard Fish is being investigated by the partyvan for racketeering.
  • Kotaku has had to completely shift its style of content in order to stay alive from piss-poor reviews to Facebook shit, rendering them almost officially into Buzzfeed 2.0
  • SJW false flags and foot-shootings are now starting to bring the cancers and horrible beliefs of third wave feminism into the public eye.
  • The main voice behind Tropes Vs Women in Gaming is now suspected to be a very specific and hateful male.
  • Gamers are now proving themselves to be a rather diverse group of individuals from a wide spectrum of genders, political alignments, and skin colors, as opposed to the people that criticize the movement typically being liberal white males.
Now, I know I am probably doing so, so just what the am I missing in this list? Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 12:27, 17 October 2014 (EDT)

What can you do?

This could easily be its own page (or subpage to this article) rather. It is fucking long. Maybe also sort the retards in a table or some shit. CobaltCat 14:24, 5 September 2014 (EDT)

  • It is about to get a lot shorter. First of all, I am going to make it into a sort of chart. Second of all, I am going to remove anyone who is on that list for writing an article supporting Anita Sarkeesian. They have nothing to do with the topic. Third of all I am going to remove anyone who wrote a anti-GamerGate article that I can't find proof is connected with Zoe Quinn. I am not saying they aren't guilty, but if I can't prove it they shouldn't be on the list. This isn't the "report anyone who has anything nice to say about feminism" list, nor is it the "report anyone who is anti GamerGate list". This is a list of online gaming news publications we have a real reason to suspect are corrupt that is beyond "they all probably are". oddguy 14:39, 5 September 2014 (EDT)
@oddguy i set this as aotn for sep. 7 & 8, but feel free to bump it forward if more time is needed to bring it around. vermin 14:45, 5 September 2014 (EDT)
  • I don't think I'll have it finished on time. oddguy 14:53, 5 September 2014 (EDT)
  • I don't think this topic can or should be separated from the feminism cancer that is killing the games journalism industry. The corrupt people and the agenda-pushing people are the same. This is a war of ideologies as much as a war of ethics. Plantourchen 19:39, 6 September 2014 (EDT)

Things out of the list.

  • Okay, I went through the list and I am only keeping people who either:
  • Wrote an article on the 28th or really close to it
  • Wrote an article and are friends or somehow connected to Zoe or someone else
  • Wrote an article and posted insults about gamers on twitter
  • Donated money or were corrupt in some other way
    • I am not saying that everyone else is not involved. But I have no proof atm. I will maybe add those articles back as "suspected" and "wildly misleading".
      • Here us everything I am removing:

Kirk Hamilton- (archive)

Writers: Gawn Til November- [1]
Your Stratagy: Let the sponsors know that the site took part in a coordinated PR stunt to write articles attacking gamers as a response to a demand from the gaming public for writers with conflicts of interests to recuse themselves. They did so with the rest of Gawker Media and that this had elianted you as a reader. Insist action is taken.

Adi Robertson- [2]

Site: DailyKos
Writers: Drewid- [3]

Site: Geekenstein
Writers: David Rhinehart- [4]

Site: Kpopstarz
Writers: Louie Sipher- [5]

Site: Thefrisky
Writers: Rebecca Vipond Brink- [6]

Robo Panda- [7]

Alyssa Rosenberg- [8]

Luke Brown- [9]
John Llewellyn Martin- [10]

Kyle Orland- [11]

Site: Motherboard.vice
Fruzsina Eördögh- [12]

Site: Vox
Writers: Todd VanDerWerff- [13]

Site: Theweek
Ryan Cooper- [14]
Chris Gayomali- [15]

Dan Whitehead- [16]<br /

oddguy 19:54, 5 September 2014 (EDT)

How about?

Very long table shit, deleted because it fucked up shit.

This could be a better layout, I think. I just can't be bothered to do them all, as there are a fucking fuckload of fucks. And I am all out of fucks to give. I stole it from my FFXIII because I am a lazy shit. It might need some centering, but it works.

  • I'm not sure if I like this... I want a chart where people can see everything at once. Even if it takes up space. oddguy 06:09, 6 September 2014 (EDT)
Well what is there right now sure as shit doesn't work. It is just endless scrolling. And poorly spelled. CobaltCat 06:22, 6 September 2014 (EDT)
  • I know, but I'm not finished yet. I don't want to put it in the chart before I make a list of people to contact. That's what I need the most help with. For every site I need an Email for a sponsor, CEO and perhaps the Editor in chief... Could you help me with that? It's the most important thing and you're better at looking up info than I am.
Also, I fixed the spelling. oddguy 06:45, 6 September 2014 (EDT)
Fellate me faggot. Then perhaps. CobaltCat 06:55, 6 September 2014 (EDT)

Jezebel Editor-in-Chief: Jessica Coen

The Escapist: Editor in Chief Greg Tito

Gamasutra: Editor-In-Chief Kris Graft

Forbes: Editor In Chief Steve Forbes CEO: Mike Perlis

Badassdigest: Gaming Editor: Alex Riviello

Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Editor Graham Smith CobaltCat 07:10, 6 September 2014 (EDT)

  • Thanks. You done or you gonna help moar? oddguy 08:15, 6 September 2014 (EDT)
Yes. CobaltCat 08:57, 6 September 2014 (EDT)

More Real Journalism On This Page...

...than on the rest of the internet put together. Oddguy, you are a hero. Plantourchen 19:33, 6 September 2014 (EDT)

  • I'm not fucking finished. I need to fix the fucking chart but it is so much fucking work. Plus, after spending all day yesterday working on it and being unable to find the sponsors I remembered I have AdBlock on. oddguy 02:38, 7 September 2014 (EDT)
Fucking... fucking... fucking... fucking...


oddguy, tro0 journalist

 VX  22:49, 9 September 2014 (EDT)

the center tags at the bottom

the entire bottom of the article is centered, headers and all. it also seems that the first header in GamerGate/list does not transclude as a header, but instead the equals signs are shown for the "Gawker Media" section. i tried several things to fix it but i was unsuccessful. would someone else pls have a look... it's likely a simple markup issue (or two) that i can't find/see. -hipcrime 01:25, 8 September 2014 (EDT)

Fat White Knight Failing at reading comprehension

This white knight called David Futrelle in this link [17] asserts that "Zoe Quinn embarrassed some of her biggest critics", despite it was proven the logs were taken out of context (he's 100% sure all 4chan are misogynist brutes despite he didn't read them all). Apparently he's also an expert on the subject as Vice called him [18] to talk about how gamers are a bunch immature boys who don't want to get cooties from strong independent womyn. The man himself and his blog are drama worthy --Sveracrux 19:47, 9 September 2014 (EDT)

Bunch of crap

  • Someone just dumped this crap in the center of the article. I will keep it here until I have time to read it and see if it is worth adding. oddguy 06:28, 12 September 2014 (EDT)
I put this in my sandbox and read through it. What it is is mostly chatlogs from over a year ago of game journalists discussing their dislike for the term "gamer" and how they want to replace it with their own term because they feel it's an exclusionary term that drives away the mainstream public. The rest is a bunch of tinfoil hat nonsense connecting dots trying to show that everything which has happened in the last month has been being planned at least as far back as last year, and somehow involves the government. The main assertion is that there's a huge conspiracy to try and drive out straight, white, able-bodied males from gaming culture. Frankly it's a big ball of crazy Talk | Contribs 15:35, 17 September 2014 (EDT)

==Working up HIGHER THROUGH THE FOOD CHAIN: The Central Nervous System of this entire shitstorm== One of the people Zoe Quinn slept with was Maya Kramer. Ms. Kramer is a PR rep at Silverstring Media. The Quinnspiracy thing really revolves around Silverstring Media, a PR company associated with Anita Sarkeesian, Silverstring's employees, their clients and the very complicated web of relationships used by Silverstring to push their friends', clients' and employees' games. Zoe Quinn and Maya Kramer were responsible for the takedown of the Fine Young Capitalist's Women in Gaming campaign. === Early Planning Session to end-of-line "gamers" ... March 2013===!topic/game-words-incorporated/VxYXZhDqv8I Alan Williamson 3/4/13 Last night, I was editing copy for Issue 2 of Five out of Ten (coming soon to a digital store near you!) and one of the writers had used the word 'gamer' extensively throughout. As I edited, I basically did a bulk Find and Replace of the term. I hate it. My rationale is that I read 'gamer' is analogous to 'film buff' or 'music snob': someone who is obsessively dedicated - an otaku, if you like - with the blinkered mentality that implies. A 'player' is someone who is playing the game, analogous to viewer, listener or reader. FooT is for players and people who want to understand players. It's not for gamers. I think most of the time people say "gamers" (especially "we gamers"... I don't call myself a gamer, so don't paint me with that brush please!) they actually mean "players". This might just be the side effect of seeing a million different websites and publications that have abused the term 'gamer' to the point where it is no longer salvageable but... can I have a sanity check here? Am I just being ridiculous? - Alan Dan Golding 3/4/13 Yes, to all of this. I didn't ever like the term 'gamer', but it wasn't until I read this scholarly article that I stopped using it altogether (that's behind a SAGE paywall; if anyone would like this and doesn't have another avenue for getting hold of it, send me a message). - show quoted text - psepho 3/4/13 How do you feel about the word 'gaming' as referring to the wider field/activity of games? I can certainly see where you're coming from on 'gamer' though. To my mind there are twin angles on this: first, all the cultural baggage that goes with 'g4mr' stylings; second, the rather condescending marginalization that goes on when businesses/academic/journalists use it as a way putting players into a pigeonhole. Of course, I am also guilty to the extent of calling my blog 'Commuter Gamer' -- although that is probably overshadowed by the brilliance (or otherwise) of the pun. Nate Andrews 3/4/13 I do the same for anything I edit at NWR. It's not the worst habit, but I've always found it too insular. - show quoted text - Ethan Gach 3/4/13 I usually just gauge my audiece first. Am I talking to people who self-identify as gamers, or a more diverse audience? If I'm posting on an IGN blog, then yea, I'm going to talk about gamers and gaming. If I'm submitting a pitch to 5outof10, then obvioulsy I'm looking to engage with an audience which, at the very least, doesn't identify exclusively or even mostly as "gamers." The important thing to note is that it depends less on whether you think gamers are your audience, then whether gamers is something your audience overwhelming identify as (as oppose to: general media ethusiasts, readers, human beings, etc.) Brendan Keogh 3/4/13 I was going to link the very article Dan linked. But yes, 'gamer' only refers to a very narrow and specific (and highly gendered) subset of people who play videogames and should pretty much always be avoided unless you are talking about a very specific niche or really want to exclude a whole range of people, which you probably don't. I couldn't fault anyone for having it in their blog title, though. It's one of those words you don't realise is so problematic or cringe-worthy until you've been writing/reading games stuff for a while. I was having a rant about it on Twitter a few months back and someone pointed out I still had 'gamer' (worse, 'life-long gamer!') in my 'Profile' on the side of my blogger that I had written many years earlier and then forgotten about >>_>> On Monday, March 4, 2013 9:30:55 PM UTC+11, Alan Williamson wrote: - show quoted text - Alan Williamson 3/4/13 On Monday, March 4, 2013 2:20:11 PM UTC, psepho wrote: How do you feel about the word 'gaming' as referring to the wider field/activity of games? 'Gaming' is fine in my book. It's an arbitrary distinction, but it doesn't carry the negative connotations of gamer. At least, not to me. Kaitlin Tremblay 3/4/13 Same here. I think that's because it's not used to delineate one's saturation in the field. "Gaming" isn't specific to anyone person or group (any one can play a game), whereas "gamer" has been used to denigrate and exclude, in a way, so I can definitely see where the two part ways. SJML 3/4/13 FWIW, historically, "gaming" has specifically referred to gambling. I don't think the examples given were being used in this context, but some people take umbrage if their work is referred to as "in the gaming industry," preferring "games industry." - show quoted text - Zoya 3/4/13 I guess as an editor your biggest question is 'could this alienate the reader'. To me, the answer is yes. Everyone who has ever told me that they are not a gamer has in fact had experiences with games that are culturally and historically really important, and have had smart things to say about those experiences. For example, one person who told me they were not a gamer turned out to have been instrumental in setting up some of super interesting experiments with interactive fiction and poetry in MUDs in the 1990s. I'm pretty sure any creatively-minded game dev would love to work with them. Something about gamer culture makes people feel excluded even though they have so much of value to contribute. - show quoted text - Bryant Francis 3/5/13 This thread is fascinating to me. My answer at first would have that the phrase is "absolutely" valid, because to me, "Gamer" has come to represent a wide-encompassing term that simply covers people who play video games... BUT, looking around, I can see that's not the case, and I had no clue about that! Fascinating. The company I work for tends to throw the word "gamer" around a lot when we're trying to talk about "gamers are interested in this" "gamers care about that." (I often try to take the side of opening up the definition of that word, but I wonder if I'm fighting a futile battle, and shouldn't just suggest we seek a new term. Mark Duval 3/5/13 Yeah the word 'gamer' is a term I'm somewhat hesitant to apply to myself these days due to the negative connotations (sexism, homophobia, hypermasculinity etc) associated with the word. I used to have 'gamer' in my Twitter profile but I've since removed it for that reason. In the past, I always referred to myself as a gamer because I felt that I had an interest in videogames that was greater than most people in society, so why not embrace the term gamer, right? To me it was like how someone with an intense interest in film might refer to themself as a 'cinemaphile'. However, I'm not so sure anymore, as videogames are no longer a niche hobby and are played these days by a diverse range of people. It was the exclusionary actions of some so-called gamers that put me off the word when I saw dudebro gamers mock women for playing games, e.g. 'lol, they only play The Sims, they're not REAL gamers", or mocking people for playing Facebook games or iOS games, or insisting that to be a "real gamer" you had to have an unhealthy diet, embrace sleep deprivation as a badge of honour, and be socially awkward. Nope! No thanks. Then I saw the marketing that went along with the word gamer that was promoting a lifestyle that didn't exactly appeal to me anymore. So in conclusion, I guess I still consider myself a 'gamer', but what I mean by that is likely not what some other more stereotypical 'gamers' mean by that. So, eh, whatever. Labels are limiting maybe :/ -Mark On Monday, March 4, 2013 9:30:55 PM UTC+11, Alan Williamson wrote: - show quoted text - TheGameCritique 3/5/13 Got to go with the majority of this one. Gamer, unless I'm talking about something community has done, is one of those words I'm excising out of my vocabulary. I have no use for the word and isn't specific to what I'm talking about. I use player, audience or a pronoun almost exclusively. - show quoted text - Alan Williamson 3/5/13 On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 8:32:41 AM UTC, Mark Duval wrote: It was the exclusionary actions of some so-called gamers that put me off the word when I saw dudebro gamers mock women for playing games, e.g. 'lol, they only play The Sims, they're not REAL gamers", or mocking people for playing Facebook games or iOS games, or insisting that to be a "real gamer" you had to have an unhealthy diet, embrace sleep deprivation as a badge of honour, and be socially awkward. Nope! No thanks. Then I saw the marketing that went along with the word gamer that was promoting a lifestyle that didn't exactly appeal to me anymore. This. The meaningless distinction between "hardcore" and "casual" is what has really ruined the word gamer. It doesn't even matter if we find the distinction meaningless, because a lot of people do and language is based on consensual understanding if nothing else. I think my hope behind using 'player' instead of 'gamer' is to show that this hobby is for everyone, whether you're my girlfriend playing The Room on an iPad or me playing Halo 4 in the dark after she has fallen asleep. Ryan Thompson 3/5/13 While I don't disagree with any of the opinions regarding some negative connotations regarding the word "gamer" in certain contexts, I would suggest that excising it from our collective vocabularies is a very dangerous road with a slippery slope. Permit me a quick digression to explain... The mainstream Christian church has lost control of a single word, and it has become a powerful barrier to new people joining the church today. By taking ownership of one word -- evangelical -- conservative denominations of the church (Campus Crusade for Christ, etc.) have not only removed a powerful word, but have used that control to erect a variety of confrontational barriers by defining those confrontations in terms of "evangelism." Has anyone ever been asked "Have you been saved (by Jesus Christ)?" This question (which is inappropriate in myriad ways, beyond the scope of this post) stems from the idea that the conservative church owns "evangelical" and can therefore define "evangelizing" on their own terms. Back to gaming, I would suggest that someone playing The Room on an iPad is a gamer just as much as someone who can beat Ninja Gaiden Black. We should be powerfully denying any comparison that rates the person who plays Street Fighter, Halo, et al as "better" in any way than someone who plays Audiosurf and Zen Pinball. By yielding the word "gamer" to those who would make those comparisons, we acknowledge that there is some truth to it -- a notion I reject. We should not be letting others define what it means to be a "gamer" and therefore what it means to play games. - show quoted text - Mark Duval 3/5/13 This is true, and it's why for example, conservative Christians hate Rachel Evans Held because she identifies as an evangelical Christian, but her theology doesn't match with theirs. They think, "hey, you can't be in our club!" - show quoted text - Joe Köller 3/5/13 Perhaps I'm strange for not disliking the term enough, but for me it's more a case of "hate the game, not the gamer". I see it as a voluntary badge for showing something is exceptionally important to you, just as you might call yourself an avid reader, or cinephile, audiophile etc. Of course things get muddy and generally unpleasant when you deny others the right to membership and argue over arcane rites of passage, but while that kind of snobbery is frequently associated with such terms, I don't think it's an inherent, defining feature. Being a writer isn't about telling other people what kind of goal to meet in order to finally be a real, genuine wordsmith either (though in my experience it means spending quite a lot of time wondering about these things yourself). On the other hand it could certainly stand to be used less frequently and I tend to avoid it when I can. Only I prefer this as a stylistic consideration over simply seeing a word as evil and wanting it to go away, because the linguist in me doesn't like that idea. Connotations can change, might well be we can one day retake the term gamer, and hopefully in a more dignified manner than gamers retaking Mass Effect. Cheers, Joe P.S.: Turns out what I wrote in the opening of Issue 3 of Haywire is somewhat related, in case anybody wants to read that. psepho 3/5/13 It's also weird how little relation to reality the hardcore/casual dichotomy has: is a game like Dys4ia hardcore or casual? It's not mechanically challenging but it sure as hell isn't 'easy' mass market. What about your CoDs etc? apparently hardcore but they don't present a significantly different or harder challenge than previous iterations. Is it really 'hardcore' to be playing a game that is (more or less) the same as one you beat a decade ago? And I'll bet that a ton of people happily play both Halo 4 and The Room at different times. Bryant Francis 3/5/13 Well it also has to do with basic required skills. Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed or really any console game aren't that difficult to anyone who grew up learning how to move in 3-D spaces like that, but it's waaaaaaaaaaay harder to those who haven't. Call of Duty may not be "hard" but imagine time after time if you're unable to continue through the story because your body/thumbs isn't used to orienting itself by way of the controller. What this really points out is that difficulty is largely arbitrary and relative to the gaming population. That's one advantage that mobile, tablet, and motion gaming have had in attracting larger audiences--the difficulty curve is less intrusive to people without traditional gaming backgrounds. On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 10:40:55 AM UTC-8, psepho wrote: It's also weird how little relation to reality the hardcore/casual dichotomy has: is a game like Dys4ia hardcore or casual? It's not mechanically challenging but it sure as hell isn't 'easy' mass market. What about your CoDs etc? apparently hardcore but they don't present a significantly different or harder challenge than previous iterations. Is it really 'hardcore' to be playing a game that is (more or less) the same as one you beat a decade ago? And I'll bet that a ton of people happily play both Halo 4 and The Room at different times. Kaitlin Tremblay 3/7/13 I think the problem is that while "gamer" isn't inherently bad it's being used in a territorial fashion now. I think it's been pointed out that words and connotations change, and I think once we accept the word "gamer" as widespread as a term like "reader" then it's power in being used against people will lessen. But the problem with this is that it is being used against people (I've come up across it against myself and it's laughable, but also incredibly sad in that people do think that way), so a change in terminology can help a change in attitude. Cha Holland 3/11/13 Gamer isn't a useful term in most of my writing, but I do use it a bit in a more personal sense. I wouldn't call someone else a gamer, unless possibly I know they self-identify that way, but I would say that I'm a gamer, and it's precisely because of all these issues. I very clearly don't fit the narrow definition of gamer that pops into people's heads, and so I have the potential to broaden people's minds. It might be a bit theoretical, but that's important to me. - show quoted text - ===The Stalinist-like planner -- Academic Cunt Adrienne Shaw=== Google discussion forum about retiring the "gamer demographic", members of Silverstring participating (Zoya Street): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!topic/game-words-incorporated/VxYXZhDqv8I Adrienne Shaw's writing are heavily influential on Silverstring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Adrienne Shaw is an assistant professor in the Media Studies and Production Department at Temple University's School of Media and Communication. Her primary areas of interest are video games, gaming culture, the politics of representation, and qualitative audience research." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaw's Government/Military funded research, US Air Force and IARPA "CYCLES" program, Director of National Intelligence: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaw's Publications: --------------------------------------------------- Dismantling "hegemonic masculinity in gamer culture": ---------------------------------------------------- Race, gender, and gamer identity ------------------------------- (the first 3 lines of the conclusion are interesting, targeting white/cis/male gamers for elimination from gamer culture): (Original behind paywall): ----------------------- Related: ------- ===The man behind the curtain == Silverstring Media is promo outfit, and reliably and with just a couple of minutes of googling, you can find a connection between any of the SJW authors involved and this shady outfit, Silverstring Media, owned by one Lucas Johnson

4chan mods turn traitor

So all the GamerGate threads are starting to get deleted in /v/. Theories range from a rogue mod, to Moot caving under pressure. Talk | Contribs 10:05, 16 September 2014 (EDT)

Mod. oddguy 13:37, 16 September 2014 (EDT)

  • Been trying to follow this consistently since I saw it start this morning. I've been grabbing screen shots of posts that seem relevant/incriminating for later use in an article. I'll add to this gallery as things develop.

Talk | Contribs 13:52, 16 September 2014 (EDT)

  • according to an EDiot, @Alexanderlifschitz is a /v/ moderator whose friendship with Zoe Quinn was recently exposed:

i didn't see this in the article but it's huge, so maybe i missed it. anyways i'll just leave this here. -hipcrime 14:01, 20 September 2014 (EDT)

  • It isn't just this mod, it's m00t himself. His girlfriend works for Gawker. I am making a new article about that later. oddguy 14:53, 20 September 2014 (EDT)
  • oic, thanks. next time i will finish reading the talkpage before posting. :B -hipcrime 15:20, 20 September 2014 (EDT)

Chanology 2.0

So it looks like GamerGate is now just a bunch of butthurt pots calling the kettle black:

Here's a summary of what's happening:

>"We want a calm, reasonable discussion." >"You disagree with us? $10 shilling goon over here, guys!" >mods allow this shit to go on for a month >"Fuck the mods! They're shills being pressured by SJWs!" >"But aren't GG threads being pruned because you guys kept false flagging people for spam and then insulted the mods when they said it wasn't spam?" >"It was spam! We need to silence these goony shills! We're being censored! The mods are being fooled by the SJW goon shill NWO Illuminati! WE'RE THE REAL VICTIMS!"

Better take screenshots before they start sweeping things under the rug.  — Preceding comment added by WhistleBlowersMother (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

We're aware of the drama taking place due to yesterday's mass bannings and deletions on 4chan; and the ongoing fallout therein. As it stands I think we're waiting on official word from Moot before adding a section to the article. If you've taken any screenshots yourself we'd appreciate if you'd add them to the gallery in the above section of the talk page for when the time comes. Talk | Contribs 15:22, 17 September 2014 (EDT)
  • M00t is having a startup of his financially supported by people in the game journalism industry. Looks like he sold out. I will try to wrote a section about this tomorrow and if anything changes I'll just retract it. oddguy 15:27, 17 September 2014 (EDT)
This article just got published. It's causing Kotaku to go into panic mode. They posted an article about a bomb threat on Anita that was made back in March. Link to the Twitter of the author. --LoverOfBats 18:33, 17 September 2014 (EDT)
  • A lot of shit is going down. DiGRA, m00t selling out and Milo dropping this new bomb. I will work everything into the article tomorrow. Scout's honor. oddguy 19:30, 17 September 2014 (EDT)
  • Do you have a higher res version of that first moot sellout pic? It's tough reading that blurry text. --Rvale7 14:36, 18 September 2014 (EDT)
  • I don't remember where I found it... KYM maybe? oddguy 14:51, 18 September 2014 (EDT)


Don't know how this discussion shit works, don't fucking care. What's important here is this dipshit oddguy is posting pro-GamerGate bullshit and wants everyone to ignore that GG has gone full retard. You know moot selling out? Fake shit some troll made up. His girlfriend working for Gawker? Her company has a number of clients, one of who just happens to be Gawker. He's been using ED as a platform to promote a bunch of retards who are no different than SJWs.  — Preceding comment added by WhistleBlowersMother (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

  • It's good for traffic. oddguy 03:29, 21 September 2014 (EDT)
i like that he's working so tirelessly on it while the topic's hot. while others are giving in to threats and deleting anything GG related, oddy's ensuring ED remains the one, true source for updates on it, as well as everything related to it. eventually this will fizzle out and we'll be moving on to the next topic, but for now this is what's buzzing on the internet. i mean holy shit, 4chan is dead... over *this* shit.. that's pretty fucked, man.
in the meantime, we have other contributors using ED as a platform for their "i hate niggers & jews" agenda with the XOTNs, and others setting holiday-themed AOTNs, so we still have a little bit of lulzy variety on top of that truthful coverage. vermin 10:53, 21 September 2014 (EDT)

MSNBC throws their hat in the ring for SJWs

Oh god. I've never encountered so many lies in one interview before, and on MSNBC no less. This is the kind of bullshit you expect to see on Fox News, not the liberals.

WARNING! Incoming bullshit

Actual fact corrections

Twitter and 8chan is on fire right now from that report. --LoverOfBats 03:50, 14 October 2014 (EDT)

Dude, MSNBC is the liberal equivalent of Fox News. Wu cancelled an appointment with Nero to cry on TV. Not only is this just fanning fires, but it's hinting that Brianna Wu might soon be noteworthy enough to get an article (might). Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 11:00, 14 October 2014 (EDT)
Yeah, I don't see how anyone could be surprised by this, MSNBC is the leftist cheerleader. As for Wu, this piece + her douchebaggery toward Milo merits some form of mention.  VX  14:12, 14 October 2014 (EDT)
Don't forget the copy/pasted CNN interview she had and the Huffington Post livestream 'debate' she had with Hotwheels. --LoverOfBats 23:11, 14 October 2014 (EDT)

::::Guys, there's a lot of drama surrounding Wu (a lot of it that she inflicted upon herself) that mentioning it all in the GamerGate page would be cumbersome. I've been thinking of using this, her twitter buffoonery, and the trainwreck of Revolution 60 as the starting point for her own article. Should I go through with it, or is the drama not really noteworthy? Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 12:40, 17 October 2014 (EDT)

Yeah, you could start your own article on Wu, or you could use the one already existing, you retarded fuck. CobaltCat 13:02, 17 October 2014 (EDT)
Next time link it into the article then! Ctrl F for "Wu" gives nothing for me in editing the GamerGate page. Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 15:07, 17 October 2014 (EDT)
Complain to Oddguy or use the search function on the left. CobaltCat 15:35, 17 October 2014 (EDT)
Well, Oddguy didn't make the BW article, but I went ahead and made a mention of the interview in the main article. Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 16:12, 17 October 2014 (EDT)

great article guys

keep it up. H64 likes this. 01:54, 15 October 2014 (EDT)

agreed. --Mantequilla (talk) 18:57, 23 October 2014 (EDT)

retail game store receiving so many threats from antigamergate CEO is forced to issue a statement


Announcement: GAMERSGATE.COM is NOT Gamergate!

As many of you are aware of, recently there has been a fierce and infected discussion about sexism as well as journalistic ethics in the gaming industry. We've received threats and harsh words from around the world and want to make it clear for everyone that is not part of this controversy whatsoever.

Next year celebrate our 10th anniversary and since start we have been selling games for download. We are one of the original download platforms and we do our best to support gamers so that they can buy and download games to good prices. Anytime, anywhere.

Theodore Bergqvist. CEO -


Yes somehow gamergate is the "organized hate campaign". Also this just proves that those against GamerGate are not gamers, as any gamer knows has been around forever. Polygon article. --Mantequilla (talk) 17:24, 23 October 2014 (EDT)

  • HAHAHA this is hilarious. Poor guy. Whenever I google GamerGate it accidentally autocompletes it to "Gamersgate" and I keep going to their website by mistake. I can understand the confusion. oddguy 17:29, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
Gamersgate is fucking excellent. 10/10 would use again. CobaltCat 17:37, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
  • I love that polygon is the one to break this story. Way to put your foot in your mouth bros. --Mantequilla (talk) 17:40, 23 October 2014 (EDT)

Anyone wanna help me photshop some shit for some GamerGate related articles?

  • I can't photoshop. If anyone is good at that shit and wants to help me improve some GG articles let me know. oddguy 11:50, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
On that note I've been considering a standalone Milo article, which would need an icon.  VX  11:53, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
  • Nah, we're making a general article for noteworthy pro-GG people and he's gonna be in there. I think that's enough. What are we gonna write about Milo? That he's a journalist and that he's gay? Skip it. oddguy 12:03, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
Anyone wanna help me photshop some shit for some GamerGate related articles? NO!. CobaltCat 12:21, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
Anyone wanna help photoshop Cobalt's face into gay cat porn?  vermin  12:31, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
Y U need Photoshop for dat? Use your Google, fagso. CobaltCat 13:09, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
links pls.  Vermin  13:29, 27 October 2014 (EDT)

my opinion

This page is a bunch of nerd shit written by the same fags that buy into this whole GAMING JOURNALISM IS CORRUPT crap. Like here I am scrolling through this monstrosity and all I see are layers of jpgs about hipsters making gaming nerds upset or something. None of this is interesting, nobody cares about person X that talked to person Y on twitter about video games being misogynistic or some bullshit like that. Whoever wrote this should be utterly ashamed for helping to promote the nerd hivemind. 11:02, 13 November 2014 (EST)

  • It's good for pageviews. oddguy 11:23, 13 November 2014 (EST)
Who cares. If ED page views is all you have to justify your authenticity, that's p sad. 14:13, 13 November 2014 (EST)
  • Alright. Long answer: At first I wrote about this when it was just the Zoe Quinn thing. At that point the angle was obvious - "Crazy whore sleeps with a bunch of dudes to promote her game". After a while it turned into GamerGate and, expecting this to be over soon, I just continued in that direction. Had I known this would go on for several months I might have done things differently and written an article about how GG is bullshit and everyone who cares about it is a fag. But it would have been a short/shallow article and I would have ignored the other retards I got to make fun of. So in a way, I guess it's fine things turned out this way. Either way, at that point I already committed and it was too late to rewrite everything.
As far as my personal opinion- I don't care either way. I don't play video games so I have no personal stake in this. I only enjoy the drama and enjoy documenting it. This whole thing has exposed some pretty hilarious lolcows and people fucking with Gawker is entertaining, so the longer this goes on the better.
Is that a satisfactory answer? oddguy 14:56, 13 November 2014 (EST)
ahahahhaaha you had to blog up some tl;dr shit because of something I said online. Get some dasein, fag. 14:57, 13 November 2014 (EST)
Hahaha okay you got me. oddguy 15:03, 13 November 2014 (EST)
Vermin likes this. Lol.. never change, Oddguy.  Vermin    10:17, 14 November 2014 (EST)
~_^ oddguy 11:51, 14 November 2014 (EST)
>It's good for pageviews

  Vermin    11:15, 17 November 2014 (EST)

  • This actually seems to prove I was right, doesn't it? oddguy 04:25, 11 January 2015 (EST)
  • Agreed, someone with more time on their hands really oughta make this page less autist-friendly --Teridax 04:50, 6 July 2015 (EDT)
Then how would you view it, Teri? CobaltCat 05:07, 6 July 2015 (EDT)

Well, it's not an ED article... I mean... it just isn't. It might be on ED, but it's not ED article. There's nothing satirical or particularly lulzy about any of it. It's just a fan slurp page promoting various entities attempting to cash in on a particular hashtag campaign by making it out to be more than it is. The thing about "corruption in journalism" is a moot fucking point. If there's corruption then you report the shit and any evidence to the FCC and they will come down like a fucking hammer on anyone and everyone involved... the end. Anything beyond that is just pedantic media ass grabbing all over the place trying to build up a mountain of a mole hill. ALL the sides are guilty of this, they each couch their bullshit in the guise of being revolutionary reformers of social justice to one degree or another but they're all full of shit, they're all opportunistic fuck jobs looking to circle jerk each other for page hits... and ED is effectively just as guilty for dropping trou and fumbling on into the fray. --Monster 20:37, 6 July 2015 (EDT)

u fukkin wot —  VX  21:26, 6 July 2015 (EDT)
  • I'm starting to think I should make the article worse just because people don't like it. oddguy 00:54, 7 July 2015 (EDT)
I'm starting to think if other people start editing it like an actual ED article you might potentially chimp out with spazzy rage convulsions. The lulz potential is MUCH higher if it's made to mock Gamer Gate. Supporting it just... doesn't do much of anything really. It rubs their boners real good I guess. I mean, maybe that was your intention when you wrote the thing, you wanted to cop some feels from 4chan rejects, but otherwise there's just no point to this little slurp fest. Maybe you think you're getting back at Gawky or... Otaku or... what the fuck ever the names of those Nobody News outlets are, but... really, they don't care. They've got their heads so far up their own asses all they can see is their own shit. --Monster 02:16, 7 July 2015 (EDT)
  • Actually, I just wrote it during the first couple of weeks of GG when it was just another way to get a few more jabs in at Quinn. If I had known this would last for a year I would have written it differently. I added some more critical sections in later edits, but didn't have the energy to blank everything and rewrite the article from scratch. oddguy 07:50, 7 July 2015 (EDT)

Wikipedia, Mozilla, and GamerGate

I think it's amusing that two of WMF's most misogynistic people, Jorm and Ironholds, have selected themselves to keep watch over Wikipedia's GamerGate article. Also, the two deleted posts from Mozilla have been submitted to

-hipcrime 17:59, 16 November 2014 (EST)
  • Always nice to know that some editors at TOW are so paranoid that they point to ED as the source of trouble like saying the CIA is tracking them via their fillings. Talk | Contribs 19:14, 16 November 2014 (EST)
r/KIA have been having a field day with Ryu for about a month now; he's basically become their token male villain disregarding McIntosh --LulzKiller 19:44, 16 November 2014 (EST).
omg Michael Cohen

Mr Michael Cohen, aka Ryulong, doesn't like his name to be known, but he is an abusive Wikipedian, and his name should be known, IMO. Obsdlvbf 20:12, 16 November 2014 (EST)

  • This was deleted from the gamergate Wikia. You guys should know better than to trust any Jimbo Wales property with the truth. The account that deleted it had only seven other contributions to that wiki. -hipcrime 17:56, 13 December 2014 (EST)
8chan did some digging. It looks like we have a possible match for who NorthBySouthBaronOf is. The bad news is that we (or I, anyway) still need a real smoking gun connection besides coincidental editing, and if it's true we have a lot of shit to upload/update. The good news is that the suspect already has an article, is ugly as hell, and is an adult baby. Save the whales! Adolph-in Hitler needs an army! 00:56, 11 January 2015 (EST)
FCYTravis, the diaper lover. :) -hipcrime 17:50, 28 January 2015 (EST)
“No sanctions at all were proposed against any of Gamergate’s warriors, save for a few disposable accounts created specifically for the purpose of being sanctioned,” said Mark Bernstein, a writer and Wikipedia editor.

In contrast, he says, “by my informal count, every feminist active in the area is to be sanctioned. This takes care of social justice warriors with a vengeance — not only do the Gamergaters get to rewrite their own page (and Zoe Quinn’s, Brianna Wu’s, Anita Sarkeesian’s, etc); feminists are to be purged en bloc from the encyclopedia.”


so Wikipedia, looking to increase female participation, has banned the feminists and left the GamerGate people alone. lol -hipcrime 20:42, 23 January 2015 (EST)
Accurate as fuck. -hipcrime 17:50, 28 January 2015 (EST)


does this jackass have anything to do with whats going on? ••General Niggerson Page me. 03:48, 27 November 2014 (EST)

  • No clue who he is. Just a random supporter as far as I can tell. oddguy 05:49, 27 November 2014 (EST)

Anita nudes Anita nudes leaked already posted? Tldr scroll on iPad Lazarus

  • It isn't her. We already confirmed this. oddguy 01:38, 12 August 2015 (EDT)

1 year

  • Should we shove this on AOTN again from the 1 year anniversary or some shit? oddguy 16:28, 15 August 2015 (EDT)
Would the SPJ bomb threat figure into that? (talk) 16:42, 15 August 2015 (EDT)

Ice T: A GamerGate ally

Looks like GamerGate gain a celebrity ally on Twitter and his name is Ice T. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 06:26, 7 September 2015 (EDT)

Tyson Rinehart using Gamergate line for Prison School anime

Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 01:48, 29 September 2015 (EDT)

Anita & Zoe in the UN whining about being cyberbullied

Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 01:48, 29 September 2015 (EDT)

  • This would be big if the UN actually had power and authority of some form over anyone other than 3rd world countries. The INSUFFERABLE Tim 12:24, 29 September 2015 (EDT)

Zoe Quinn The Movie

Zoe Quinn is going to make a movie about her made-up true story fighting against GamerGate thanks to Amy Pascal. Currently she's in Los Angeles not shutting the hell up in her Twitter. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 02:59, 22 November 2015 (EST)

I found out what would happen if she did made her movie. Her ex Eron Gjoni will sue her for defamation. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 00:59, 7 December 2015 (EST)

Maybe a Little TOO biased?

I find pedantic tumblr jackasses who make up their own goddamn pronouns and think they were fictional creatures in a past life as insufferable as the next person, but I feel like this entire article goes against the original point of ED, which was to make fun of *EVERYONE*. Mind, my impression of ED was formed quite a few years ago, before the big 'Oh Internet' debacle, so if I'm out of line and out of touch, it wouldn't surprise me. I'm just saying.

EDIT: Aaaaand I just noticed the 'my opinion' thread, which addresses this. My bad.FleckinBleck 21:34, 6 December 2015 (EST)


Did you know that Zoe Quinn was a member of helldump? If nobody knows what the hell is Helldump, Helldump is a doxing and swatting message board on Something Awful. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 00:59, 7 December 2015 (EST)

American McGee

GamerGate is helping American McGee looking for his sister who is currently lost and missing. One of his evidence includes death threats to American McGee from a random anti-GamerGater. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 04:48, 18 December 2015 (EST)

2nd Anniversary

Two years has passed since Zoe Quinn slept with Five Guys Burgers And Fries. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 12:52, 15 August 2016 (EDT)

FBI Closed #GamerGate Case Due To No Actionable Leads And Evidence

There was a FBI case against GamerGate but there's no proof and evidence of their claim. Not even their Over 9000 bombs as said in the report. Ivo Robotnik 18:43, 8 December 2016 (EST)