Damn this was such a good article when it had its original images. It is pretty sad to see them gone (fuck you GirlVinyl). If I remember correctly ODB worked on this page the summer before his death. Does anyone have his MacBook? --Stumbles 00:46, 15 December 2012 (EST)
missing images
File:Popeye the idf sailor 2.jpg Leader of the IDF Navy SEAL team
File:Bluto the turk.jpg A Turkish terrorist in the Freedom Flotilla
File:Freedomflotilla.jpg Ship ahoy!
File:Savegaza.jpg arab water ski
File:Freedom flotilla map.png All aboard the fail boat!
File:Knivesmarmara.jpg Gaza Flotilla's 'humanitarian' supplies. The fact that this picture was taken in 1998 is irrelevant No meta-data. The next picture was taken May 31, 2010
File:Weaponsmarmara1.jpg Moar humanitarian supplies
File:Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon (L) meets Turkey's ambassador to Israel Ahmet Oguz Celikkol at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, in Jerusalem January 11, 2010.jpg Turkish ambassador seated at the kid's table. That will teach them not to mess with Israel.
File:Flotilla protest.jpg Butthurt Arab
File:Butthurt gaza resident.jpg Butthurt Palestinians throwing rocks at a brick wall
File:Flotila explained.jpg Polandball explains
File:Freedom flotilla on b.png /b / chimes in.
File:Activists.jpg A batshit insane Turkish berserker. A PEACE ACTIVIST