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Talk:Brony/Archive 1

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just for reference

This page had 1337 views when I split it from MLP. --zaiger (talk) 20:08, 5 March 2012 (EST)

I remember when 1337 was cool. Lord Tony 09:47, 9 March 2012 (EST)

meme butchering

We need a gallery here showing off how the ponyfags have butchered our memes and reaction images. just attach an inflamatory remark to the gallery, profit.


Goes in My Little Pony article, bro. Lord Tony 06:19, 18 March 2012 (EDT)
Maybe just leave the blurb and add the pics to MLP. -  19:09, 31 March 2012 (EDT)

Homo Kid Against Bronies & 4chan

Some homo kid name Charlie has a problem with not only bronies but the entire 4chan thread as well. It's worth ROFLing at his embarrassments. Just check out the video if you're interested.

Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 02:49, 24 March 2012 (EDT)

What's with the entrance? Dude is mad, also he has trouble reading his own "rhymes". --zaiger (talk) 00:50, 25 April 2012 (EDT)

I still think this would be better summed up with a redirect to Faggot or something similar

GlobalUnderscore 18:23, 31 March 2012 (EDT)

Don't bring down what's left of the faggots good name. Bronies are far worse than faggots. Lord Tony 18:31, 31 March 2012 (EDT)
Yeah. Ponyfuckers shouldn't be shaming not only faggots, but also bundles of sticks, a British brand of meatballs, and cigarettes. Nobody should think of ponies while smoking, that's just horrible. -  19:08, 31 March 2012 (EDT)
As a proud faggot, I disagree! --Blethisto 19:26, 31 March 2012 (EDT)
Which kind of faggot? Hopefully not the meatballs. -  21:06, 31 March 2012 (EDT)
Depends on what kind of sauce he's in. --Shifty 02:30, 8 May 2012 (EDT)

Where can I put this?


I don't find many lulzy comments on youtube but when I do, I don't know where to put them. Lord Tony 07:44, 4 April 2012 (EDT)

Under Original Post.png is enough space. You could put it there with some subtext. DekoMan91   07:49, 4 April 2012 (EDT)

Ooh, I can do the retarded comment thing as well!

 NuclearDuckie 00:07, 11 April 2012 (EDT)

faggot whining about kids react to.

So i found this faggot whining on youtube about kids react to bronies. There's some videos there that might be funny. I remember one in particular in which a brony was screaming.

See if you can find some more. Heres a link to one such butthurt reaction

 — Preceding comment added by Shifty (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! Yes it is. It is rocket science. --Shifty 00:50, 22 May 2012 (EDT)


How about we take everything cupcake related out of my My Little Pony article and put it here as suggested by BakaRed. A brony created it. Lord Tony 23:09, 2 May 2012 (EDT)

This video has the least agitating narrator doing the reading,along with a few voice actresses so you don't have to imagine the sparkledogs rainbow horses as shemales.

This is Johnathan,signing off. JohnathanNiggers 13:07, 3 May 2012 (EDT)

Cupcakes Fanfic. Super long.

Cupcakes (Warning. UBAR long. Rev up that mousewheel.)

Use scrollbar to see the full text


By Sergeant Sprinkles: World's Greatest Party Clown (And worlds biggest inadvertent ponyfag troll?)

Edited by Edinpony. The ponyfag who oh so generously fixed the spelling mistakes for us. Three cheers for him my friends.

The air was warm, the sun was shining, and everypony in Ponyville was having a glorious day. The town square was bustling and crowded and busy ponies filled the streets. All the pony folk seemed to have somewhere specific to be. All except Rainbow Dash; her place was in the sky. She tore freely through the air, speeding one way and the next, buzzing the tree tops and racing the wind. The blue pegasus swooped over a schoolyard, much to the delight of the children, then climbed several hundred feet and dove, streaking downward as fast as she could. Seconds before hitting the ground, her wings flew open and she pulled up back into the clear blue. Rainbow felt alive.

Suddenly, Dash remembered that she had somewhere to be; she was supposed to meet with Pinkie Pie in five minutes. Dash had gotten so caught up in her exercises that she’d nearly forgotten that Pinkie had asked to meet her at Sugercube Corner at three. Pinkie hadn’t said why or what they’d be doing, but Dash knew that with Pinkie, it could be anything. Dash wasn’t sure if she really wanted to go, though. She was so engaged with her stunts that she thought about blowing Pinkie off to continue flying. But, Dash’s conscience got the better of her. She knew that it would hurt Pinkie’s feelings; after all, Pinkie had said it was going to be something special just for the two of them. Dash considered it and thought “why not?” What did she have to lose? Heck, it might be more pranking. Pinkie might have found a bunch more fun stuff to pull on folks, and they’d had so much fun the last time. Dash kicked into overdrive to make up for lost time, and sped to her appointment.

When Dash walked into the store, she was immediately greeted by her host, who was bouncing in excitement. “Yay, you’re here! I’ve been waiting aaall day,” said the jumping pony.

“Sorry if I’m a little late, Pinkie. I was doing my afternoon exercises and lost track of time,” Dash apologized.

Pinkie giggled and responded in a gleefully reassuring tone, “Oh that’s ok, you’re here now. What‘s a few more minutes? I’ve been sooo excited thinking about all fun stuff we’re gonna do, I haven’t stopped bouncing since I woke up. I mean, I almost forgot to breathe I’ve been so happy.”

Dash gave a slightly uncomfortable laugh. She had always appreciated Pinkie Pie’s friendly, outgoing way of life, but Pinkie’s overabundant enthusiasm almost creeped her out. Dash maintained a polite expression, however. If Pinkie was this worked up, whatever she had planned must be good.

“So, you ready to get started, Rainbow Dash? I’ve got everything all ready,” the pink pony said.

Dash psyched herself up. “You betcha, Pinkie. So what do ya got planed? We gonna prank somebody? I got a couple of good ones I’ve been thinking about. Or maybe you’ve got some stunts you think I should try? Or perhaps…”

“MAKING CUPCAKES!” Pinkie happily announced.

“Baking?” Dash was disappointed. “Pinkie, you know I’m not good at baking. Remember last time?”

“Oh that’s not a problem at all. I only need your help making them. I’ll be doing most of the work,” Pinkie explained.

Dash thought for about it for a second. “Well, alright, I guess that’s ok. What exactly do you need me to do?”

“That’s the spirit. Here you go.” Pinkie handed Dash a cupcake.

Dash was puzzled “I thought I was helping you bake.”

“You will be. I made this one just for you before you got here.

“So, is this like taste testing or something?”

“Sorta,” Pinkie said.

Dash shrugged and popped the pastry in her mouth. She chewed a bit and swallowed. Not bad. “Ok, now what?” Dash asked.

“Now,” Pinkie informed her, “You take a nap.”

Puzzled, Dash opened her mouth but felt instantly lightheaded. A wave of dizziness washed over her, the world spun, and seconds later she collapsed to the floor.

When Dash regained consciousness, she found herself in a dark room. She tried to shake her head but found that a taut leather strap held it firmly in place. She struggled to move, but braces around her chest and limbs glued her to a rack formed from a series of sturdy planks, which spread her legs wide apart. Dash’s wings were the only part of her not tied down, and they fluttered frantically while she struggled to escape. As she writhed, Pinkie jumped suddenly into her line of sight.

“Goodie, you’re awake. Now we can get started,” Pinkie stated gleefully. She bounded into the darkness, and quickly reappeared pushing a small cart covered with a cloth.

“Pinkie, what’s going on? I can’t move!” Dash said urgently.

“Well duh, that’s because you’re tied down,” chided Pinkie. “That’s why you can’t move. I didn’t think you’d need to be told that.”

“But why? What’s happening? I thought you said I was going to help make cupcakes.”

“You are helping. You see, I ran out of the special ingredient and I need you to get more.”

“Special ingredient?” Dash was now breathing heavily and starting to panic. “What special ingredient?”

Pinkie giggled and responded “You, silly!”

Dash’s eyes widened, and her face contorted in fear. Then she started to laugh and said, in a voice bordering on hysteria, “Woo, you really got me there, Pinkie pie. I mean, tricking me in to thinking I’m gonna get made into a cupcake? I gotta tell you, this the best prank yet. You win, you’re the best.”

Pinkie only giggled even more. “Aw, thanks Dash. But I haven’t done any pranks today, so I can’t accept your praise.”

Dash was struggling again. “Pinkie, come on, this isn’t funny.”

“Then why were you laughing?” Before Dash could answer, Pinkie grabbed the cloth and whipped it off the cart. On the cart was a tray containing various sharp medical tools and knives, carefully organized and wickedly sharp, as well as a large medical bag.

Dash was now in full panic mode. She was starting to hyperventilate. Her mind raced as she tried to reason with the pink pony. “You can’t do this Pinkie! I’m your friend!”

“I know you are and that’s why I’m so happy that I’ve got you here. We get to share your last moments together, just you and me.” Pinkie was skipping again.

“But, the other ponies will wonder where I am. When the clouds pile up, they’ll come looking for me and then you’ll get found out,” Dash cried in desperation.

“Oh, Dash,” said Pinkie. “Don‘t worry, there are plenty of pegasus ponies to take care of a few clouds. And besides, no one will find out. I mean, how long do you think I’ve been doing this?” And with that ominous statement, the lights suddenly came to life and revealed the rest the room.

“Oh no.” Dash reeled in horror at the image presented to her. The room was decorated with a typical but twisted Pinkie Pie flair. Colorful streamers of dried entrails fluttered around on the ceiling, brightly painted skulls of all sizes were attached to the walls, and organs done up in pastels filled with helium were tied to the backs of chairs. The tables and chairs were made of bones and the preserved flesh of past ponies. Dash cringed upon seeing the center piece of the table nearest to her. The heads of four foals, their eyes closed as if they were sleeping, were wearing party hats made from their own skin. With a thrill of terror, Dash recognized one of them as Apple Bloom’s classmate Twist. Dash’s eyes darted back and forth and then fell upon a patchwork banner hanging from the rafters. Made from several tanned pony hides, the words “Life is a party” were scrawled on it in blood red.

Dash’s attention was brought back by a party horn unfurling and tickling her nose. She gaped at Pinkie Pie, who was standing right in front of her. The party pony was wearing a dress quilted from dried skin, emblazoned with cutie marks. On her back fluttered six pegasus wings, all of different colors. As the earth pony skipped in excitement, her necklace of severed unicorn horns clacked together loudly.

“Like it?” Pinkie asked. “I made it myself.”

Desperately, Dash pleaded with the smiling pony before her. “Pinkie please, I’m sorry if I did anything to you. I didn’t mean it. Please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anybody.”

“Oh Dash, you didn’t do anything. It’s just that your number came up and, well, I don’t make rules. We can’t turn back now.”

Dash was tearing up. How could this be happening?

“Aww, don’t be sad Dash,” said Pinkie. “Look, this’ll cheer you up. I brought you a friend.”

Seemingly out of nowhere, Pinkie produced a brightly painted blue and yellow skull. It was about pony sized, but it had a very defining feature: a beak.

Dash gaped in shock. “Is…is that….is…that?”

“Hey, Dash lets hang together. These ponies are lame-os. Dweebs dweebs dweebs,” Pinkie mimicked. “I caught her right before she left town. Remember when I left the party for about twenty minutes? That wasn’t enough time to play with her of course; I had to wait till after the party to do that. But boy am I glad I did. It was worth it for the flavor alone. Griffons taste like two animals at once, it’s amazing. I know she didn’t have a number like everyone else in Ponyville, but when was I gonna get another chance to try griffon? I probably should have asked where she came from so I could have gotten more, but I forgot. I’ll tell you what though, she was quite the fighter. She lasted a long time, which was a lot of fun for me. I got the chance to play with somebody other than a pony and try new things. It’s too bad she had such a meanie mouth. She said so much bad stuff I just had to take her tongue out. You know, bad language makes for bad feelings, Rainbow Dash.”

Dash didn’t have anything to say. She just sobbed and writhed in her tight bonds.

“Well” said Pinkie with an air of finality, “that’s enough reminiscing. It’s time to begin.”

Putting down Gilda’s skull, the pink pony gripped a scalpel in the cleft of her hoof and walked over to Dash’s right flank. Without any flair, Pinkie placed the blade an inch above Dash’s cutie mark and began a circular cut around it. Dash shouted in pain and tried desperately to pull away, but the braces held her still. Finishing the incision, Pinkie grabbed a curved skinning knife from the tray. Screwing up her face in concentration, she worked it under Dash’s skin and sliced the hide away from the muscle. Dash ground her teeth as she tearfully watched her flesh peel off. Pinkie then moved to the other side and repeated the process on Dash’s left flank. Once she had finished, Pinkie held up both cutie marks in front of her friend and started waving them like pompoms. Dash just whimpered. Her thighs burned like nothing she had felt before.

Placing the ragged patches of skin down, Pinkie selected a large butcher knife and walked behind the blue pegasus. “Hope you don’t mind, I think I’m gonna wing it now,” Pinkie laughed. She grabbed Dash’s left wing in her mouth and played with it for a few seconds, yanking it back so the sharp pain reignited the fire in Dash’s flanks. Then, stretching the wing out, Pinkie brought the blade down hard at the base. Instantly, Dash screamed and thrashed her appendage. The movement threw off Pinkie’s aim. She tried to hit the mark again but missed, and carved a huge slice into Dash’s back.

“Dash, you gotta stay still or I’ll keep missing,” scolded Pinkie as her friend howled.

Pinkie took another whack and hit her target. She swung again and again. Blood sprayed into the air, but Pinkie realized she wasn’t getting anywhere. The blade just wasn’t going through the bone.

“Hmm, I guess I forgot to sharpen it. I’ll try something else,” stated Pinkie matter-of-factly as she tossed the knife over her shoulder, embedding the blade in the table. Through the haze of pain and tears, Dash heard the sound of a metal box opening and closing.

“Got it! Say Dash, why do they call it a hack saw? It doesn’t hack; hacking is what I was doing with the knife. This is a saw. I don’t get it.”

Pinkie placed the tool over the mangled flesh of the last attempt. Standing on her hind legs, she worked the saw back and forth with her front hooves. It sliced effortlessly through the bone and skin. The feeling of the jagged teeth grinding into her made Dash want to vomit. She watched numbly as her wing flew over her head and landed with a fluff on the table. Pinkie moved to the next wing and started sawing. Dash didn’t struggle this time; she’d given up trying to fight and focused on choking back screams of agony. Abruptly, the sawing paused. Pinkie was only half way done, the wing hanging off by a sliver.

“Hey Dash,” Pinkie piped up. “Think fast!”

Suddenly, Pinkie yanked the wing as hard as she could. The bone snapped but the blue pony’s skin held, then tore away. The pull ripped away a long strip of flesh all the way down Dash’s back to her rump. Her body seized at the unexpected trauma. As her pelvis tensed up, Dash felt a warm release between her legs, and her loud, unending melody of pain filled the room. Unable to catch her breath, she blacked out.

Dash awoke with a gasp. The stench of her urine filled her mucus caked nostrils. As her vision swam into focus, she saw a very pouty Pinkie Pie removing a large adrenaline needle from her chest. Stomping her hooves, the frustrated Pinkie lashed out at her helpless victim.

“Didn’t anybody teach you any manners? It’s very rude to fall asleep when somebody invites you over to spend time with them. How would you like it if I came over to your house and went to sleep? ‘Oh I’m sorry Dash, you’re so boring I think I’ll take a nap.’ You think I like always doing this by myself? I told you how excited I got when I found you were next. I was excited to have a friend be here with me while I worked. But NOOOOO! You’ve got to be inconsiderate. You know, I thought you were tough. I thought you could handle anything. I’ve had foals stand up better than you! Do I have to baby you? Huh? Is that how you want me to remember you, as a baby?”

As Pinkie stopped to catch her breath, Dash blinked and sobbed softly. Her back was in agony, her sides were on fire, and there was an intense pain in one of her legs. As she blinked again, she saw Pinkie pop something red into her mouth and began to chew. Noticing Dash’s stare, Pinkie quickly gulped the morsel down.

“What?” Pinkie asked. “Oh, this?” She held up another piece. “Well, while YOU were asleep, I got a little impatient and helped myself to a small sample. I got it from your leg; you’re not bad. Wanna try some?”

Without waiting for a response, Pinkie shoved the strip of meat into the revolted pegasus pony’s mouth. Dash gagged, and immediately spit it out. Pinkie frowned, and picked up the chunk of flesh. “If you didn’t want it, you could have said no.” She contemplated the discarded snotty morsel, then gulped it up. “It’s not like you haven’t had my cupcakes before.”

Swallowing, Pinkie turned her attention to a small can on the tray. She removed the lid, revealing that it was filled with red-hot coals. Lying on top of the coals were several large nails. As the adrenalin filled her veins, Dash began to panic again. Picking up the can, Pinkie walked over to Dash’s left. Holding some tongs with her mouth, Pinkie carefully picked up a nail and positioned it at the seam between her victim’s front left leg and hoof. She then grabbed a hammer and took careful aim.

“No Pinkie!” Dash screamed. “NO! NO!”

The hammer came down and the nail punctured Dash’s skin. The white hot burning was too much. Dash screamed as she pulled and thrashed at the braces, causing her raw skin to rub and tear. Pinkie tried to line up another nail, but couldn’t find her aim, and let out a frustrated grunt. When Pinkie brought the hammer back to take a wild swing, Dash burst out crying and begging.


Pinkie rolled her eyes. Putting down the hammer and tongs, she walked back in front of her friend and stared pensively at the broken pegasus. Gilda didn’t even cry this much when she had a live parasprite stuffed down her throat. Pinkie thought for a minute about what to do next, then had a sudden spark of inspiration.

Rotating a wheel on the rack, Pinkie laid Dash on her back, then moved to Dash’s hind legs, bringing the can with her. Picking up her tools, Pinkie drove a searing hot spike of metal directly into the bottom of Dash’s hoof. As Dash yelled in pain, Pinkie moved around and drove a second nail into the other hoof. Next, Pinkie went back to her cart and located an enormous battery and controller, which she dragged over to where she was working. She tied copper wires between the terminals and the nails driven into Dash’s hooves, then gave Dash a wink and flipped the switch.

Electricity rocketed through Dash’s body. The blue pony reacted immediately; her body seized, and her muscles snapped taut. Dash’s hips thrust skyward, her eyes rolled back, and she let out a deep, throat shredding cry. Pinkie giggled and danced in place, then reached down and turned up the juice. Dash convulsed uncontrollably, and her bladder emptied once more.

After about five minutes, Pinkie shut off the power. Wisps of steam rose from the singed fur around Dash’s hooves, and the area reeked of cooked flesh and burnt enamel. Pinkie rotated Dash upright again and tried snap the drooling, delirious pony back to attention.

“Dash? Dash! Rainbow Dash, wake up!” Dash moaned and managed to give a modicum of weak acknowledgment. Pinkie studied her handiwork, then reached into the medicine bag and produced a large syringe. “Alright, time for the last round.”

Dash focused blearily on the needle, which Pinkie took as a question as to what it was.

“This is a little something to take the pain away,” Pinkie informed Dash as she walked around to her victim’s ruined back. Dash flinched as Pinkie jabbed the needle into the lower part of the blue pony’s spine. Moving in front of her friend again, Pinkie leaned down and elaborated.

“In a few minutes, you won’t be able to feel anything below your ribcage. Then you’ll be able to stay awake to watch the harvest.”

Dash started to cry again. “Pinkie?” she choked out.


“I want to go home,” Dash sobbed.

“Yeah, I can see wanting to do that,” replied the party pony. “Sometimes, I just wanna give up, just say ‘I’m done with this mess’ and go to bed. But you know what? You can’t shrug off your responsibilities. You got to pull yourself up and meet the challenges head on. That’s the only way you’re gonna get ahead in life.”

Dash hung her head and cried.

Minutes passed as the drug took effect. Eventually, Dash was completely numb from her chest to her flanks. At this point, Pinkie approached with a scalpel. Glancing at Dash and smiling, Pinkie made a long horizontal cut across the pegasus pony’s pelvis, just above her crotch. Moving up Dash’s body, Pinkie made a similar incision under her ribs. Finally, Pinkie made a long vertical cut down Dash’s stomach, connecting the first two.

“Looks like I got my ‘I’ on you, Dash,” Pinkie giggled.

With a moist, gooey sound, the flaps of skin opened. The sight of her own organs and the lack of feeling caused Dash’s breathing to intensify. Pinkie carefully sliced open Dash’s abdominal sac and grabbed her large intestines. As she separated the organ from the rest of the digestive tract and pulled it out of the new cavity, Pinkie grew jovial. Laughing as she gutted her friend, Pinkie began to make jokes. Dash, growing weaker from this new source of blood loss, tried desperately to shut out the macabre comedy act.

“Look at me, I’m Rarity!” Pinkie laughed, slinging the intestinal tube around her neck and spraying blood in all directions. “Isn’t my new scarf soooo pretty?”

Reaching back inside, she sliced the smaller intestine off from the bowls. Squeezing out the excess excrement, Pinkie filed the slimy organ through her teeth and dragged it back and forth. “Dentists say you gotta floss every day, Dash.”

Dash was barely aware of what was going on anymore. The shock was causing her to fade. Disappointed, Pinkie dived back into the blue pony’s guts, ramping up her routine.

“Aw, don’t go yet Dash.” Pinkie started pulling out the rest of Dash’s organs, pausing with each removal. “I know I can be a real pancreas, but you know I’m just kidney with you. You really got to learn to liver it up. Boy, these jokes are getting bladder. Guess ya gotta develop a stomach for them.”

Pinkie placed the discarded body parts into a bucket, keeping the last one for bit longer. “Ooo, bagpipes.” she said, placing the end of Dash’s esophagus in her mouth and the stomach in her armpit. She squeezed, and a spurt of acid hit her tongue. “Eww! Oh hey look, there’s your cupcake, Dash!”

Dash didn’t hear her tormentor. She had slipped from conciseness minutes ago. Pinkie, not yet satisfied, hit Dash with another adrenaline shot. Dash woke up for the last time, her heart pounding. Warm blood flowed out from the wound in her chest in great spurts. It wouldn’t be long now.

Pinkie brought Dash around onto her back again and straddled the blue pony’s chest, scalpel at the ready.

“Ya know, Rainbow Dash, I’m disappointed. I thought you would have lasted longer. I really wanted to spend more time with you before we got here. But I guess it’s my fault; I should have taken it a little slower. Oh well. It was really was nice knowing you, Dash!”

The blade sunk into the blue throat and worked its way up to Dash’s chin. Coming back down, Pinkie’s scalpel then circled Dash’s neck. The last thing Rainbow Dash felt was her skin being cut away from her skull, and the metal of the blade scraping her teeth.

Then she was gone.

Pinkie Pie stared into the mirror. She had done a really good job, even keeping the eyelids. She winked, and Dash winked back. Pinkie smiled.

But still, she was sad that her friend was now gone. Dash had only lasted fifty minutes, not nearly as long as Pinkie had wanted. She looked back at the cadaver hanging in the center of the room, the last of her friend’s fluids draining into a pan. Yup, no more Rainbow Dash.

As she looked, Pinkie cocked her head. She began to take notice of the fact that there really wasn’t much damage to the corpse. “It fact,” the pink pony mused, “I think….” An idea exploded in her head. She was good at sewing and she had all the pieces, all she had to do was put them back together. Yeah, she just had to get some stuffing and bingo, she’d have Rainbow Dash forever. In fact, thought Pinkie, that’s what she’d do for all her best friends when their numbers came up. She was so excited, she skipped right over to the body with her skinner to get started. The cupcakes could wait; Pinkie Pie had a friend to make.



Wasnt that funny?

Its from the ponyfaggot nexus:

So should we post it or not? --Shifty 01:40, 3 May 2012 (EDT)

Put the fic in a scrollbox so it's a bit cleaner looking. BakaRed 02:01, 3 May 2012 (EDT)
lol you edit conflicted me putting it in a scrollbox. Also That shit is frankly just way too long to have anywhere. It's like pretty well summed up in the video. You're welcome to put it in My Little Pony/Cupcakes and link to it say with the video, but it would clusterfuck the article which is one of our most popular. Mike the Great (talk) 02:03, 3 May 2012 (EDT)
why not just pick out some excerpts, or make an external link to it at -hipcrime   03:29, 3 May 2012 (EDT)
I was literally Laughing as i read this. Perhaps a link in the external links section.  — Preceding comment added by Shifty (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

I don't see why bronies find it funny. Lord Tony 10:53, 3 May 2012 (EDT)

That's the thing, it's not funny to bronies at all. In fact the mere mention of it to them starts some twisted fight to see who was the most disgusted by it. It's a legend among them simply because of the shit storm it caused in their fanfiction community. If anything they do their damndest to forget it exists so that it doesn't damage their delicate sensibilities. Go take a look at it's page on EqDaily, they've got like 9 different endings written for it and all of them deal with the crazy one getting her comeuppance. They just couldn't bear to let it end on the dark note that it does. BakaRed 13:58, 3 May 2012 (EDT)
oh then hell yes. make it into a subpage if you're inclined. -hipcrime   15
  • 34, 3 May 2012 (EDT)

Old old old old old old news. Approximately 0% of Bronies are still shocked or offended by this fic, so placing it in the article would do nothing but bring us closer to a KnowYourMeme-style documentation of their fandom, something which, unless the general attitude has changed since I last visited, we are trying to avoid here. – NuclearDuckie 09:50, 6 May 2012 (EDT)

^ I can confirm this ladchap here. Cupcakes was "fresh" and shocking maybe some time around february or april 2011. It's a darng old fic fo sure. --Buttseks 17:20, 6 May 2012 (EDT)

Gateway to juicier brony lulz?

I think we need to find the guy who they banned in this picture. He'd be a good inside source for some of the infighting in their community. Plus it would stand to reason he holds a grudge and would be more than happy to sling some shit in the direction of the mods there.


Failing that, do we think it might be worth it to do some further digging into the specific user? BakaRed 01:32, 14 May 2012 (EDT)

Swapping out an image.

I'm requesting a swap out of this image. (See right)

Pasty white skin with acne, a mother's haircut, creepy eyes, cheesy peach-fuzz stache and braces! What a sexy brony!

It was posted by a user:Lord Tony as a personal revenge against another forum member.

Now on par though I'm technically only posting this because I dislike Tony so in that case I'm the same as him thus I am requesting rather then doing it myself.
Decide for yourself though I'm only here to tell you guys what he is doing. Katnipz 08:48, 20 May 2012 (EDT)

There's nothing wrong with the image I put up there over the image that replaced it. The image someone used to replace mine looked as if the brony hated seeing the pony ass while my image makes it look like the brony loves seeing the pony ass. You wouldn't want to make it seem like bronies hate pony butts do you? That would be untruthful. Lord Tony 18:46, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
    This image looks like he hates seeing pony ass, we all know you bronies can't get enough of that ass. Also that picture makes bronies look handsome (which we all know is a lie). Lord Tony 18:50, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
No fgt. Keep the ugly one. --Shifty 20:22, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
I'm not saying the old one was good I think the new one is far better but I was asking for a swap simply because Tony shouldn't get his way. Katnipz 21:45, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
The ugly one is far better and it perfectly represents the brony community. The image you are trying to swap with is a very untruthful vision of the bronies as you make them appear more sexually appealing and seem to be disgusted when they see pony porn. ED is about facts, sir. Lord Tony 23:08, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
I'm asking for a swap to a equineal quality image not to the old shitty image. Katnipz 10:58, 21 May 2012 (EDT)
No fgt. Keep the ugly one. Lord Tony 15:01, 21 May 2012 (EDT)
Agreed, we're not trying to paint the basement dwellers in a positive light. It works with the article, so no one really gives a shit if it's part of a personal flame war against some aspie fuck on the blockland forums. BakaRed 22:59, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

I may have sparked a lollercoster.

Any reverts on that image is now going to may be counted as vandalism. Lord Tony 23:33, 20 May 2012 (EDT)

lol'd   23:56, 20 May 2012 (EDT)
I lol'd at the people shocked of what he looks like. Lord Tony
Should we put a screenshot of this in the article's gallery? --Shifty 03:58, 21 May 2012 (EDT)
I think it's pretty irrelevant to bronies. An entire forum thread is just way to TL;DR. Mike the Great (talk) 15:05, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

God Help Us --RTD 23:01, 29 May 2012 (EDT)

Follow the link to their kick-starter page, there's a couple of people who've already donated $5,000 and $10,000 to the project. Sadly I don't think we'll get much out of it till it's complete, though I expect it to be nothing but lulz fodder. BakaRed 02:44, 30 May 2012 (EDT)
haha. i got banned from funnyjunk for posting pony gore. On to somewhere else! --Shifty 08:07, 31 May 2012 (EDT)
Pledge $3,000 or more

12 Backers • Limited Reward (13 of 25 remaining)

All the above, PLUS: LAUREN FAUST will create an ORIGINAL WORK OF ART based on your Pony OC (Original Character). You can select a 14" x 17" color-pencil piece or a 10 1/2" x 12 1/2" graphite piece.


What the actual fuck. I'm positive my jaw fell open as I read that. Do they even realise what kind of obsessive degenerates they're pandering to here? The whole premise reads as if they've never come across any internet-based fandom before; certainly never had enough experience to make rational judgements regarding the sanity of people who let themselves sink to the level of inventing characters with which to impose themselves into the plastic world they fawn over. I'm sure even most "Bronies" are above that point.

NuclearDuckie 11:11, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

ponyfag "Art"

Hey. I found some pictures of idiots applying decals to their cars and shit, And even to military planes. Should i post them?  — Preceding comment added by shifty (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

stick them here? Mike the Great (talk) 05:46, 5 June 2012 (EDT)
Please don't tell me they ruined a WW2 plane like they did with the WW2 nazi rifle. Lord Tony 14:06, 5 June 2012 (EDT)
It's on Ferraris and Military jets. God damn ponyfaggots are ruining things IRL now. --Shifty 05:07, 8 June 2012 (EDT)

More Videos?

Would it be possible to add another set of videos to the Video section? Only the first ten on the current list show up. Gallipolli 20:52, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

{{fv}} only allows up to 10, nevertheless, we really don't need any more   20:55, 14 June 2012 (EDT)
That's what I thought. Mike the Great asked why I removed the 11th on the list and I wanted to be sure of how the video embed worked. Thanks for the prompt reply. Gallipolli 21:04, 14 June 2012 (EDT)




wow ~Oblique 19:26, 23 June 2012 (EDT)
I was lucky to find this picture on 4chan before it went 404. Those horsefuckers from /mlp/ are just disgusting. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 21:35, 23 June 2012 (EDT)
This killed my boner. WTF. Did you add this to the gallery? --Shifty 03:35, 24 June 2012 (EDT)


Old news is old. Actually, this is "prime real estate" as far as fetish exploitation at this point.

Here's an excerpt from what I wrote about it on the TJC:

Oh I am gonna make some gawd damn money on this! Check it out:

16 inch Pinky Pie plushie from Toys R Us (for $25 bucks).

A quick hour or two of sewing.

Strategically placed hole!

An eBay account.



I'mma GENIUS! :D

Uh...just make sure you have a "no return policy"...*shudder*... --Onideus   20:46, 23 June 2012 (EDT)

Check this fucking shit out! Very expensive fuck toys! Lord Tony 21:31, 23 June 2012 (EDT)

Should i add this video?

--Shifty 03:47, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

Sounds entirely bullshit to me. An autistic manchild who loves My Little Pony isn't going to answer a survey saying they are 40 years old because they believe they are fucking 15 years old. Lord Tony 13:58, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
No, because of the text at the very end; 'OBVIOUSLY THIS IS A PARODY YOU CHUCKLEFAGS'. --RapeMan  16:03, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Okay then, won't, But lol at some facts here. 17%. That means almost one fifth of all bronies clop, plus the ones in the closet, plus the ones that were too embarrassed to answer yes.
91% of bronies dont have girlfriends. Thats lulz in itself.
Most of them are atheists because they worship ponies. Or, they use mlp to fill some hole left by railigen.
lol --Shifty 05:29, 25 June 2012 (EDT)
I laughed, just a little bit. At how it was done, not because of any of the "facts", which were obviously and deliberately made to accommodate every possible demographic.


Autism is Magic --RTD 15:49, 1 July 2012 (EDT)

Wow, now bronies are giving their children pony names? Lord Tony 18:50, 1 July 2012 (EDT)
I would say that i'm stricken with disbelief, but i think we all kind of expected this. It's probably going to get on the news. Poor kid. Everyone will soon know...
Unless shes trolling. But i don't think autists have the mental capacity for that. Fucking ponyfags are infecting newborns now. --Shifty 03:42, 3 July 2012 (EDT)
Oh, and add it to the article. --Shifty 03:43, 3 July 2012 (EDT)
I added it but somehow I broke something, how do I fix it? Lord Tony 10:48, 3 July 2012 (EDT)

The face of a serial killer



Lord Tony 14:59, 3 July 2012 (EDT)

If he's going around killing people then I'd say 'watching My Little Pony' is quite normal by comparison. - Mr Jonzz   15:37, 3 July 2012 (EDT)

What if he is killing people in the name of My Little Pony? Such as turning humans into cupcakes that don't like My Little Pony? Lord Tony 13:33, 4 July 2012 (EDT)

No fucking action figures for you!

A brony of a father forced buying My Little Pony toys for his 5 year old son. When the kid asked for boy toys like power rangers the father grounded him and kept playing the My Little Pony intro loudly. The father also never let his son watch any other show but My Little Pony.

End child abuse, kill a brony before it lays eggs. Lord Tony 15:40, 7 July 2012 (EDT)

[sauce plz!?!1!] BakaRed 19:49, 7 July 2012 (EDT)

The video got taken down, I'll see what I can do. Lord Tony 22:25, 7 July 2012 (EDT)
Please save it, if you do find a mirror you can use firefox's youtube downloader extension. Mike the Great (talk) 02:29, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

Clop article

So everyone, i thought that since the furfags have a yiff article, the ponyfags should have a clop article. What do you think? --Shifty 08:13, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

  • - Mr Jonzz   08:32, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
I think maybe we've given the Brony subculture enough articles, and enough attention. Elvis 21:33, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
besides, the ones who are jerking off to the fapfiction and porn that comes out of that fandom are furries anyway, thus the same term should still apply. Either way, it seems to piss them off when you associate them with furries.  — Preceding comment added by BakaRed (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!
IMO it would just degrade into a porn holder. Mike the Great (talk) 21:34, 9 July 2012 (EDT)

Hmmm. So it sounds like clop and yiff should be the same article. --Shifty 00:00, 10 July 2012 (EDT)
or rather we should just redirect the searching of "clop" to the yiff article BakaRed 21:51, 10 July 2012 (EDT)
Yeah. Thats even better. --Shifty 03:36, 11 July 2012 (EDT)
Makes sense. --RTD 23:02, 11 July 2012 (EDT)
Come on, ponyfags are much worse than furfags. You'd just make bronies look better when you say they yiff instead of clop. Lord Tony 01:24, 12 July 2012 (EDT)
yiffing involves two people. isnt clop more akin to masturbation? -hipcrime   02:23, 12 July 2012 (EDT)
yiffing is basically anything sexual and furry i guess. clopping = masturbating to pony porn. def does not need its own page, just redirect to brony   02:53, 12 July 2012 (EDT)
Not offensive enough. We need to think about the message we are sending. If we redirect to brony, we're saying that bronies clop. Yeah big deal, everone knows that. If we redirect to yiff, were saying that clopping is pretty much the same as yiffing, and insinuating that bronies are the same as furries. Better. But if we make a clop article, we're saying that bronies are so cancerous, they not only need a separate article for themselves but a separate article for their deviant sexual activities. Thats the most troll -esque path, and that's the path one would expect ED to take. In our articles, we should point out that bronies are like furries, but worse. And a clop article is a perfect way to underscore that point. --Shifty 07:18, 12 July 2012 (EDT)
Have clopping redirect to brony, simple, done, offensive, let's do it. Lord Tony 17:59, 12 July 2012 (EDT)
  • Or have clopping redirect to pony rule34 gallery. Lord Tony 18:02, 12 July 2012 (EDT)

Eugh fine. Redirect to brony. I however, have no fucking idea how to do that, so its up to you if you want it to happen. --Shifty 21:45, 13 July 2012 (EDT)

I redirected it to yiff when it was first suggested. Clop should, regardless of what people want to do to it, at least show you what it points at now. Mike the Great (talk) 02:58, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
Also I was wrong when I said there shouldn't be an article. An article on it would be fine, so long as people understood via a <!--comment--> that our purposes isn't to house MLP porn and anything that wasn't directly funny and related to the article (No way in hell would we want an article about mlp rule 34) would be removed with prejudice. Mike the Great (talk) 03:01, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
Perhaps if the porn was so disgusting that even the ponyfags would find it hard to masturbate to. But then again, nobody would want to read it. If we made one, does anyone know what we could fill it with? --Shifty 14:11, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
this seems implausible. some of the shit that is there now is pretty vile, and dollars to donuts, some brony has ejaculated onto a printout and framed it. -hipcrime   18:29, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
What if there was a gallery, but only the first 4 images were pony porn, and when you enlarged it, it would be just gore, goatse, and some comments about what a sick fuck you are? --Shifty 17:03, 15 July 2012 (EDT)
  1. It's sad that this is the most active talk page
  2. If the clop article has brony porn, I had better see some naked bronies.

Mike the Great (talk) 04:01, 16 July 2012 (EDT)

Okay, what about pics of ponyfags fucking horses and plushies? --Shifty 22:23, 19 July 2012 (EDT)

This is fucking gold.

Alright fellow EDiots, check it out. These ponyfags are on indiegogo raising money to buy an island somewhere out there in the ocean. They want 600,000 dollars so that they can buy it, and even have different ranks for everyone who contributes. Some basement dwelling faggots have already pledged $130 total. This deserves special mention. Here's a link to this faggotry. What do you wanna do? --Shifty 18:18, 14 July 2012 (EDT)

  • What do I want to do? Laugh when it turns out to be a scam... either that or start a counter-fund to purchase a submarine then go launch cruise missiles at them and sink visiting ships. - Mr Jonzz   18:34, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
Lets add it to the article --Shifty 19:16, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
Are you fucking kidding me, this fandom is now a fucking cult. They are going to buy a fucking island for all bronies to enjoy? Lord Tony 19:37, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
I'll donate to the counter-fund for that nuclear submarine. Lord Tony 19:47, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
I'm conflicted. Part of me wants them only make enough to afford a small pinch of sand that's only big enough to hold a rock with the word Equestria chiseled on it, and part of me wants to actually see this succeed only for it to be attacked by Somali pirates.--HyperPeanut 22:45, 14 July 2012 (EDT)

Look on the bright side, guys. They're just trying to contain the outbreak. - Cleveland Bay II - Return Of Cleveland Bay 10:09, 16 July 2012 (EDT)

Some Robot Chicken Vids

SUNNY MUFFINS! SAY IT! --Onideus   21:29, 14 July 2012 (EDT)

I dunno, both depict kids. Bronies aren't kids. Maybe the apocalypse one, but not the first one. --Shifty 17:07, 15 July 2012 (EDT)
Note these were made before this ponyfaggotry fandom. Lord Tony 07:48, 16 July 2012 (EDT)

Other New Vids

This was really well done! --Onideus   21:33, 14 July 2012 (EDT)

Didn't we have this one once? Or did some stealthy horsefucker delete it? --Shifty 17:08, 15 July 2012 (EDT)
It's already in the My Little Pony article. Lord Tony 19:00, 15 July 2012 (EDT)

Plushie Fucker Guy

His DA page:

Apparently not just an opportunist looking to cash in on the community, he gets pretty defensive about his plushie fucking and will defend its Interwebs honor with GREAT JUSTICE!

Might be fun to poke at him a bit, see if he'll spaz out for some lulz. --Onideus   19:27, 15 July 2012 (EDT)

He's got competition now too!
Plus *LOTS* more where that came from, this community is *RIPE* for fetish exploitation! Time to make some money!
--Onideus   19:35, 15 July 2012 (EDT)

  • I made this awhile ago, it's my artistic concept of what he may look like. Lord Tony 20:02, 15 July 2012 (EDT)

Howard Stern Discovers Bronies

Here's a video of Howard Stern discovering bronies. It's pretty funny. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 19:51, 16 July 2012 (EDT)

Got one without ZTEiffel65's faggoty picture there? --Shifty 00:37, 17 July 2012 (EDT)
The faggot who uploaded this video did it to "make fun" of stern. Lord Tony 20:07, 24 July 2012 (EDT)

Oversensitivity among bronies.

Well you call a brony's happyland as "ponyland" they get into a fit of rage because they call it Equestria and the name "ponyland" overly upsets them. Write that down. Lord Tony 18:51, 17 July 2012 (EDT)

  • It's "Bronnies" with two n's you silly-billy... <3 - Mr Jonzz   22:42, 19 July 2012 (EDT)

Howard stern on bronies

There is thousands of bronies butthurt after Howard Stern's rant about bronies. We need to write about this. Lord Tony 13:19, 24 July 2012 (EDT)

okay. Right under pppproject --Shifty 19:56, 24 July 2012 (EDT)
There is a shitload of ponyfag butthurt now. Lord Tony 20:07, 24 July 2012 (EDT)
Done. --Shifty 21:02, 24 July 2012 (EDT)

Too much of a newfag

Im too much of a newfag to upload pics. Does anyone know how to do that? --Shifty 05:45, 25 July 2012 (EDT)


- Douche McCowfucker   05:51, 25 July 2012 (EDT)

no, im just too fucking retarded to get it to work. --Shifty 06:27, 25 July 2012 (EDT)
Alright, i got it. Turns out you need that .png tag at the end. --Shifty 06:40, 25 July 2012 (EDT)

Fallout: Equestria

So, bronies have apparently written a 400,000 word Fallout New Vegas/MLP fanfic. Not satisfied with this, they've also printed it out into four hardcover volumes and begun selling them.

I'm not handy with prose like a lot of the denizens of ED are, but I do htink it should be mentioned in the article. . . the fag nigger 20:15, 28 July 2012 (EDT)

What the fuck? I like new vegas! God damn ponyfags bastardizing everything. Also, Hardcover. What do the rest of you fags think? --Shifty 20:32, 28 July 2012 (EDT)
Pretty sure this is deserving of its own article, I should actually read some of it fist. F:E is allegedally "good", but so were My Little Dashy and Cupcakes and upon reading both sucked.   20:40, 28 July 2012 (EDT)
Wait, wouldn't using the Fallout property for commercial gain violate the "free use" clause of the DMCA? Oh who am I kidding, if these retards are dumb enough to pay for a fanfic that can be read for free on Google Docs, there's no point trying to rationalize this.--RTD 22:38, 30 July 2012 (EDT)
I hope these ponyfaggots get fucked in the ass for copyright infringing bethesda and hasbro. Interplay (The original makers of fallout) can't even fucking make Fallout: Online without Bethesda on their ass. There is no way in hell bethesda is going to let ponyfags do this, lol. Lord Tony 20:54, 31 July 2012 (EDT)

My Little Ponyfag Bedroom

Check out this fucking creepy shit. Lord Tony 02:02, 11 August 2012 (EDT)

Well damn...

This article is killing my self conscious sense of humor, then again, I shouldn't be here should I? Anyways, yeah, perhaps there should be a section in this article on Fallout:Equestria, I liked the story but I know what this article is here for, and it being the best fanfiction on the internet doesn't make it all that great. It's ridiculously over rated, by me and over 9000 other people... I should stop reading this article before I decide to become an hero to us all or worse, blank it. Please excuse my retarded rambling. InsaneBronyGuy 00:13, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Fuck off ponyfag. Lord Tony 03:41, 14 August 2012 (EDT)
Fuck off ponyfag. Shifty 08:29, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Well, sorry that you two won't get your wish, but I'm not going to leave. InsaneBronyGuy 21:00, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

As long as you don't do something retarded like vandalize the article, we shouldn't have a problem with you being a cancerous faggot. Just be funny. Shifty 01:30, 16 August 2012 (EDT)
Being a ponyfag is funny enough! Or is it sad? Lord Tony 03:55, 16 August 2012 (EDT)
It's okay to like stuff, it's okay to have interests, hobbies, etc...but for the love of baby Jesus don't be a gawd damn stupid spaz about it! As an example, wearing ICP makeup ~at~ an ICP concert...acceptable (mostly). But wearing ICP makeup to go shopping down at the fuckin grocery'fawk NO! If you feel the need to run around "showing off" your interests and inflicting them on random strangers at the gawd damn grocery store...yeah, you best check yerself there!
Mostly people hate it when you try and turn your random pop-media interests into a "lifestyle choice". It's like you're so pathetically bland, banal and nondescript that you need to define your entire waking life by a fucking cartoon, or a shitty band or whatever. If you're really ~that~ uncreative and completely devoid of a real personality then you really should just An Hero as a gift to humanity...better that than to be a carbon copy, cookie cutter, spaz addict.
Just as a general rule...if you can't openly poke fun at and make light of your own interests...that's a sure gawd damn sign you've become too attached and it's fine time to wean yerself off the brony bitch tits! --Onideus   02:32, 17 August 2012 (EDT)

Well, thanks Onideus, the advice helped and Mr. No name up there, sign your fucking post you retard and then I'll thank you too. Methinks the reason bronies spread so fucking fast is because the average person has extreme difficulty seeing any light in this crapsack world of ours (Because they won't leave their house/basement)and would even prefer the living in the Warhammer universe because there would be something exciting to do. So they go off seeking another better place with things to do. However, some perverted autistic man threw ponies into this volatile mixture of cynical personalities with nothing to do, and this bastard created the large group of people which I now affiliate myself with.InsaneBronyGuy 18:26, 20 August 2012 (EDT)

How serious bronies take the show seriously.

  Lord Tony 22:53, 16 August 2012 (EDT)

what is that, a leg, an ass cheek, maybe a fat roll? BakaRed 23:52, 16 August 2012 (EDT)
Tha'fawk am I looking at?! What the shit is WRONG with these mother fuckers!? I've studied psychology for YEARS and I can't even ~begin~ to try and come up with an explanation for the level of full retard that this group is managing to churn out on a near hourly basis! I swear, it's like that movie Idiocracy, that's where we're all headed! ಠ_ಠ
--Onideus   02:06, 17 August 2012 (EDT)
This was taken off facebook. A brony who loves the show so much made his own "cutie-mark" on his ass cheek by cutting himself Lord Tony 06:54, 17 August 2012 (EDT)
Why does my soul hurt? --RTD 21:19, 17 August 2012 (EDT)

It's not a whole lot different than tattooing a picture of mudkipz on oneself, though it is different, for one, he cut himself with a knife, two, it's for a show about pastel horses, and 3, he's showing his asscheek to the entire world on Fagbook. Sooo... Yeah it's different, yet it's almost as strange as some of you people's dedication to /b/ or Anonymous. InsaneBronyGuy Btw, Incoming shit storm!!!

We aren't dedicated to /b/ or anonymous. And even if someone was stupid enough to physically carve some 4chan shit into their body we would ridicule them just as much as we will this mentally disturbed individual. Elvis 21:45, 20 August 2012 (EDT)
I don't think anyone here is "dedicated" to Anonymous, 4 Chan or any particular meme or Internet fad in general. You can be a stupid spaz about any interest though, whether it's candy colored pony piss or Guy Fawkes fags, really makes no difference. I've never seen anyone other than die hard, inbred, supremacist skinheads though carving fucking symbols and shit into their skin...that's just on an entirely new level of completely fucked in the head. Pretty well requires an overly inbred family STUMP to produce that level of retardation. --Onideus   22:45, 21 August 2012 (EDT)
By the by, this is actually FAKE: case that wasn't obvious to anyone who might think we're a bunch of hypocrites...which, of course we are, but that's beside the point!
...floating above it somewhere I think actually...possibly wearing a sombrero. *nods*
--Onideus   04:25, 22 August 2012 (EDT)

clopper forum

So much lol teh8j 13:22, 24 August 2012 (EDT)

DDoS it. Lord Tony 22:34, 24 August 2012 (EDT)