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The graphics

Besides being an absolute disgrace of a shitty game, Bloodbourne can also proudly claim the honor of having the worst graphics known to man.

File:Bloodbourne Graphics Are Shit.jpg
No, that is not the gameboy version
File:Bloodbourne Real Cover.jpg
A book on the people that play this game
File:Bloodbourne Starting Classes.jpg
File:Bloodbourne Weapons.jpg
File:Bloodbourne Difficulty.png
File:Bloodbourne Before After.jpg

Is this necessary

It is almost a copy pasta of Dark Souls. Why not just link to that instead? CobaltCat 10:47, 8 June 2015 (EDT)

  • That's the entire point, because it's the same exact fucking game (artificial difficulty and all) just with a re-skin. The INSUFFERABLE Tim 11:16, 8 June 2015 (EDT)
Well someone did a shit job. So it is time for me to fix it. Being a janitor sucks. CobaltCat 11:25, 8 June 2015 (EDT)