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Sue Scheff
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WARNING: This article contains SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS. You can help by minimizing the life-ruining effects. |

—Sue Scheff. |
Sue Scheff claims to be a Concerned Mother and so-called advocate for them and teenagers, but in reality is a greedy Jew who sends them to some programs while bashing other programs, even though she herself sent her own child (when she wasn't beating the shit out of her), and other children, to such programs herself! Then, of course, after she decided she could make more money going into business for herself, she started saying WWASPS was bad to gain credibility to people too stupid to use google.
Being a victim of Internet terrorists, she has the need to use at least 100 sockpuppets to get her point across, whine about having her privacy invaded, and get more parents to send her their children and their money.
Sue Scheff makes her living being an "educational consultant", or more accurately an "ed-con". This consists of making no less than 70 fucking blogs and talking about herself in the third person, even though everyone knows that nobody cares, except for a few failed parents who want their children taken away, and can afford her services.
She needs this money, of course, given that she has a crappy nose job (You can't fix a Jew nose) and obviously fake breasts, and still has payments left on her Mercedes-Benz and poolboy (who she later sued (and lost) for slapping the bitch around).
Programs defined
"Programs" as used in this article refer to the many-named institutions called officially 'residential treatment facilities', 'behavior modification schools', 'emotional growth schools', 'concentration camps', 'wilderness therapy', or a full litany of pseudonyms used instead of bluntly stating they're more or less stepford-esque lockdowns to make kids into good little teens, using methods nearly identical to those that the CIA have identified as used by the North Koreans during the Korean War and refined for use in contemporary terrorist detainment camps, except for water boarding.
One well-known and infamous program would be Tranquility Bay, though that article is very much unfunny. A new movie about places such as this is out, known as "Over the GW", not because of the G.W. Bridge, but because everything wrong in this country can be traced to George W Bush
The backstory so the rest of this shit makes sense
Sue Scheff sent her daughter to Carolina Springs Academy, a WWASPS owned program, and her son to some unknown boarding school. Not sufficient being a solitary failure of a parent, she started referring other families to WWASPS, getting free months of tuition, then money outright for her actions. While this satisfied her for a while, she felt the need to spread the love for other failed parents and get into business for her own, which was coincidentally after she pulled her child from CSA, claiming it to be 'abusive'.
—Sue Scheff, an email to wwasps cited in the WWASPS vs Sue court transcripts |
When she initially removed her child, she said she LOVED the program (page 15) and that it saved her child's life, but since she built a referral network, she'd like to continue to refer children to WWASPS to help 'save lives'. This only ended after Bob Lichfield (WWASPS exec) ran out of money to give Sue her $1000 share of the referral fee for the child's placement. So, like a good Jew, she saw where the money was - her own business!
PURE Bullshit
With the creation of PURE, Sue was well on her way to fooling everyone pretty fucking hard in regards to what she was up to, at least for a while.

Unfortunately for her, her attempts of saying there is such a thing as a "good program" rang about as hollow and tinny as the theorized "good furry", and sharper advocates were critical with her from the start.
She had a listing of things to watch out for (brainwashing, abuse, isolation, lack of oversight, lack of unfettered, uncensored, uncontrolled communication with family and advocates/authorities/lawyers, adequate nutrition, and at least a half-assed attempt to stop rape) though everyone smelled the Gefilte fish wafting up from her nonsense. However, nobody really knew the depth of this woman's nonsense until her old buddy WWASPS sent her a nice letter!
The Empire strikes back
WWASPS strikes back at someone stealing their business and defaming them, and nearly gets some ironic justice. Having had her comments online about the bad things they do making parents turn to her and her hand-picked network of programs she refers to (for a few grand a pop, per referral), WWASPS was pretty ticked that it was losing business to someone they helped make. Like all good Corporate Giants, they brought about a lawsuit, for "Slander".
However, it backfired. The jury, after it was done recovering from the testimony of WWASPS victims as if they had just visited /b/ for the first time, found Sue's statements about the way WWASPS treats people under their care were not slander, becuase they were true. Whoops. But, in typical fashion, no charges were filed against WWASPS for what a Jury had just said they have and were still, in fact, doing.
Another thing that most advocates had not noticed yet is WWASPS dug up her financial bullshit, such as her referrals to them (linked to above) and how much money this bitch made per kid, roughly $5-7K USD a pop. Holy shit!
Drama, red panties, a swinger, Cruella De Ville, a Mormon pedophile, and Sue-Sue fucks up
Sue's business was never running better than it was now, fresh off the heels of a victory against her former employer and business partner, making roughly $200K USD a year with her referral business. But she made at least one mistake when she referred to a program called Whitmore, and it got traced back to her.
"Whitmore", a program ran by a Mormon pedophile named Cheryl Sudweeks, ended up being sued class action by several parents for abuse of their children there, and for not providing the care stated. Some of them even posted on Fornits about the issue, hurting Sue's image online and chances of suckering in more people into her little scam.
—Sue Scheff, The leaked email |

Sue, being a net savvy Jew, had been lurking the boards for some time trying to find out what people really knew about her, and protecting her image. Not knowing how to handle the mistake of sending kids under confidence to Cheryl's little house of horrors, she did the only thing she knew how to do: Lie, blame the victims, and generally be a fucktard.

Some of the parents tried to tell Sue about what happened, believing all of the bullshit on her website, and were yelled at by Sue, and Sue then publicly stated she would support Cheryl Sudweeks and her program, and did so, even up to when a Lawsuit was brought upon Cheryl by parents of children put in her care, and after a settlement was reached with a (Mormon) DA in Nephi, Utah, for "attempted hazing" and a promise to not run another program for a year.
But the drama doesn't stop there! One of her critics had been facing some issues at home, and had signed up for a swinger website, which Sue apparently found after using Google to look up her enemies when she was done Googling for porn one night. Posting anonymously on Fornits, hilarity then ensued.
Someone posted a picture of Sue in a red dress, and another anon poster began making statements about Sue's red panties. As always, anonymous is legion, and never stops baking fresh lulz out of any situation, no matter how fucked up beyond belief. This apparently pissed off Sue and Cheryl enough that she began to call one of their critics "Cruella De Ville". This REAL blog is the result of this. Yes, that is fucking real.
Montel Williams fiasco

It would seem to get nearly anything done, it requires one very pissed off black man, and Montel Williams got pretty fucking angry on his show regarding programs in general. Lamenting his own placement of his own child in such a program, he had guests on his show who were abused in WWASPS programs, and Samantha Monroe, who got pretty fucked up by "Straight INC" (see Over the GW) to talk a little about what was going on. To summarize:
Archived Sauce of fox news covering Samantha Monroe if people think this is copypasta.
Samantha Monroe had an experience worthy of guro manga. After an escape and recapture, she was left in a closet for sixweeks and not let out to relieve herself, only allowed to shower once a week, and even had to menstruate on herself. Her soiled pants were called "humble pants" and there were no mudkipz to make her feel better or clean the mess allowed. She also got raped by a staffer and then given an abortion by the state of Florida.
The girl from Tranquility Bay went through the usual BS (mindfuck seminars, restraint on a piss stained floor, isolation for months from the outside world, and writing essays about how sorry she is, etc) and for her troubles got her jaw broken when slammed on her face by some black person staff members to be "restrained". She wasn't allowed to seek medical treatment and looked disfigured on the show, but most likely later on has had her jaw fixed.
And, last but not least, Montel was fooled by WWASPS BEFORE all of this shit happened, and admitted his mistake in trusting them, before reading a legal disclaimer sent by the President of WWASPS and nearly flipping the fuck out like Samuel L Jackson on stage. He could not be reached for comment, but was seen polishing a big shiney afro-pick and growing out a spectacular 'fro.
Did I mention he used to be a Marine?
Carey Bock, WWASPS, Sue, a dark-match Pollak, and a partridge in a pear tree
Having had a lot of problems with free speech, Sue needed some way to raise morale (or her sagging tits) and try to repair her image, or at least stop the damage from continuing unabated. One of her more vocal critics, Carey Bock, part of the "Trekkers" (some faggots who like to go hiking) noticed Sue posting in their mailing list trying to sucker in more people and make more money.
Knowing full and well Sue was full of shit c/o Fornits, specifically after the Fiasco with Whitmore, Carey did the right thing and stopped the bitch in her tracks, and posted all over the fucking internet what the bitch was up to.

The image problem created by this naturally killed her business, but then again the industry at large has claimed to have had a 50% loss because of the actions of Fornits, its anonymous posters, and a mysterious Blonde Hippy who reboots the server between tokes. Doing the only thing she knew how to do, she hired a private army to fix the problem and her loser Lawyer to sue Carey Bock.
Being in a FEMA trailer after Katrina, she wasn't even able to make it to court, and supposedly won a default decision for 11.3 Million USD, but is unable to ever collect it. Being the first success her lawyer ever had, he brags about it on his shitty web page before chasing more ambulances in GTA and sucking Jack Thompson's cock.
Curiously, at time of writing, all attempts to find actual proof that such a legal decision was ever made, or any proof that the case happened at all, was not forthcoming - this might completely be made up, making Sue just as batshit crazy as Prokofy Neva. And, even if it did happen, during a retrial with Bock given a chance to defend herself, she'd probably not only own Sue and her Polish Lawyer, but get sanctions filed.
From posting IP addresses of people who visit her website and saying they stalk her, to using her sockpuppets and her personal bitch, Isabelle Zehnder, (who conspicously rips off George Zimmer!) to whine about Fornits, INTERNET TERRORISTS, and people who speak the truth, Sue Scheff gets butthurt and whines, BAWWWWW's and blogs about it more than the average furry or Snapesnogger. Going so far as to say 'lies' cost her 50% of her business she has had to resort to desperate measures to try to get back her image with no more patsy's to sue.
Reputation.com (aka Reputation Defender), a private army of anti-trolls for hire, will (for a price) spamdex the fuck out of google search to white-wash your reputation and push down in the order of search results anything said that you do not want anyone to see. Just ask big-tittied Heide Iravani, who sued people for pointing out the truths about her big tits (and her felon for a father).
However, hiring a private army and trying to call Anonymous a bunch of INTERNET TERRORISTS would unwittingly prove to be her downfall, as she's about to get owned on 20/20 for whining about "lies on the Internet" by the very people who were supposedly lying.
Ain't having proof to prove your shit a bitch?
Due to all of the lies and slander, Scheff has bought curtains, a dog, and an electronic security system, She could not be reached for comment, but has been very suspicious of yellow vans parked on her street.
A leaked email full of lulz
Donated by Webdiva
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Internet Terrorism - Death threats and more - my 2nd account From: "-removed-" Date: Sun, July 29, 2007 6:49 pm To: abuse@godaddy.com <mailto:abuse@godaddy.com> To: GoDaddy Abuse Dept. From: -name removed- ** Re: Abuse on the forum at www.fornits.com <blocked::http://www.fornits.com/> (*Death threats*, defamation, invasion of privacy and more) My name is -name removed-. If you go to the above listed website and do a search on my name or my business - PURE (Parent's Universal Resource Experts, Inc) - you will be apalled at the* threats*, defamation, and more. Last fall, I won in a *jury trial* a judgment of _$11.3M - $5M of it was for punitive damages_ for *Internet Defamation and Invasion of Privacy*. The defendants, Ginger Warbis (Fornits) and Carey Bock were working in conjunction to literally destroy and ruin me and my business - as well as my children. At one point, someone had posted my daughter was *dead*. Since the law is gray on the responsibility of the Host - (Warbis-Fornits), I decided to dismiss her from the lawsuit early on and only sue Bock. It was due to financial reasons, the legal cost me over $150K with just the one defendant. I had to second mortgage my home and go through my savings to protect my children. At the end - I was fully vindicated - however it only escalated the abuse as they now post as anonymous - and want to prove my verdict means nothing to them. I retained Reputation Defender to help me keep their horrors off the top of Google - however I have now learned there are *death threats* on the website fornits.com (in the forums). Emotionally, I can't go on that website, it nearly destroyed to the point I closed my office and never left my house. If you go to the website on the forum and do a search on my name (-removed-) and PURE (they actually have PURE Bullshit as a forum) - I am confident you will have no problem seeing this horrific abuse. They are also attacking my colleague, Isabelle Zehnder. She has also contacted GoDaddy - and actually removed her websites since she recently read her death threats and harm to her family. *This is serious *- and I do hope GoDaddy takes this seriously. I have filed a police report with Broward Sherriff's office (File#W505031987) in Florida, I have filed a report with Internet Crimes Bureau as well as my local FBI office. I am hoping criminal charges will be brought against these people. My lawyer is David Pollack, Miami, FL - 305-372-5900 if you need to substantiate anything I have written or need more legal information. You should also know they created a YouTube video with a threat to hurt me bad - which YouTube removed swiftly after receiving notice from me. Again, this is serious. If you need to learn who I am, you can visit my websites - I also have other URL's under another account number - Reputation Defender have been buying them for me - all kinds of ugly ones to protect me if others attempt to purchase them. This is truly one of the worst forms of *Internet Terrorism* I have experienced. I will be on 20/20 i-Caught in August - talking about this incident - I would love to be able to share with people that GoDaddy doesn't tolerate this type of terrorism on the Internet. I look forward to your response and swift attention. I only hope you will remove this site from your Host Server. If you have any further questions or comments, please call me or email me. *Please keep my name and email confidential.* Thank you in advance for time and prompt attention. -name removed-
MOAR FUCKING LULZ (And the email explained, shot to shreds, debunked, called a whore and paid $5)
Not satisfied to simply send kids to be tortured for money, make life hell for hippies and potheads, and desperately try to fix her fucking Jew, she had to fucking lie in the above email: Quoted straight from fornits, @ http://www.fornits.com/wwf/viewtopic.php?t=22535:

which came with several attachments http://www.fornits.com/docs/attachments.zip
Interestingly enough. After contacting the Broward County sherrifs dept, it was discovered she never filed anything. The case number didn't even fit the format they use! Furthermore, upon the first mention of “internet death threats” I was transferred to the civil division (which did not answer). Clearly, they didn’t take the matter very seriously.
When 20/20 was contacted, they didn't seem to know anything about Sue Sheff either.
Also. Her name, which she claims to be trademarked... Isn't. She lied about that too:
Just in case you might want to contact her for whatever reason - hearing her side of the story, putting your kid into one of her programs to teach the little brat a lesson, you're a fucking idiot, or just for the lulz, here you go.
Call Toll Free: 1-800-730-7260 Local and International Callers: 954-349-7260
And, her 70+ fucking blogs
(It sounds like she wants some moar)
69 Separate blogspot blogs in her name (not entries / posts... 69 BLOGS)
- http://suescheff-teengangs.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffcareybock.blogspot.com/
- http://carey-bock.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-teeninternet.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffpuresatisfaction.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-pure.blogspot.com/
- http://admittingmistakesasaparent.blogspot.com/
- http://atwitsendbook.blogspot.com/ <-- Shameless plug for her new book "A Twits End"
- http://freedomofspeechdoesnotsupportdefam.blogspot.com/
- http://freespeechhasitslimits.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffinfoteenagepregnancy.blogspot.com/
- http://winsjuryverdict.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffcomments.blogspot.com/
- http://parentempowerment.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-atwitsend.blogspot.com/
- http://parentstruestory.blogspot.com/
- http://careybock.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffinfoteendepression.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-wwasps.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffdefeatswwasps.blogspot.com/
- http://sue-scheff.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffinfo.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-teenrunaways.blogspot.com/
- http://thewhitmoreacademy.blogspot.com/
- http://admittingmistakesasa.blogspot.com/
- http://educatingparentstoday.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-toughlove.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-purerebuttal.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-teendepression.blogspot.com/
- http://areyouatyourwitsend.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-careybock.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffvictory.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-teenpeerpressure.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-myedge.blogspot.com/
- http://financingoptionsschools.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-connectwithkids.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff3.blogspot.com/
- http://witsendbook.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffandmyedge.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffandpure.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffpure.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffobsession.blogspot.com/
- http://susanscheff.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff10.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-reputationdefender.blogspot.com/
- http://allaboutsuescheff.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffwhitmoreacademy.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffsue.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffbook.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffornits.blogspot.com/
- http://reputationdefenderandsuescheff.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff9.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff2.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-suescheff.blogspot.com/
- http://truesuescheff.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff2020.blogspot.com/
- http://sscheff.blogspot.com/
- http://scheffbock.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff7.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff-truth.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffstory.blogspot.com/
- http://greenvsscheff.blogspot.com/
- http://sueschefftruestory.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheffandthewhitmoreacademy.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff.blogspot.com/
- http://sueschefftruth.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff6.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff1.blogspot.com/
- http://suescheff8.blogspot.com/
And she has now started on other blogs services...
- http://resourcesnowblog.us/news/2007/08/parent-advocate.html
- http://suesuescheff.bloghi.com/ - Internet Addiction blog duplicate
- http://community.connectwithkids.com/post/sscheff/blog/educating_parents_with_todays_teens.html
- http://sueschefftruth.wordpress.com/
- http://aboutsuescheff.wordpress.com/ - links to all the following:
Her "domains"
- http://www.suescheff.com - Main Personal Site <-- Browses best with wget !
- http://www.helpyourteens.com - Main "busness" site <-- Curl works too !
- http://www.suescheff.net - Book plug blog duplicate
- http://www.sue-scheff.net - Internet Addiction blog duplicate
- http://www.suescheff.org - Teenage Depression blog duplicate
- http://www.sue-scheff.org - Teenage Pregnancy blog duplicate
- http://www.sue-scheff.info - Teenage Runaways blog duplicate
- http://www.suescheff.info - Gang blog duplicate
(I think you get the point)
See Also
External Links
- Carey Bock refutes Sue Scheff's claims
- What Sue Scheff Wants Reputation Defender to Help Censor
- Sue Scheff FRAUD on Ripoff Report
- Sue Scheff enables FRAUD, CHILD ABUSE
- Creepy Sue Scheff (Reputation.com Client for hiding ugly facts)
- Sue Scheff EXPOSED @ Reason.com
- Tough Love and Free Speech
- Sue Scheff's bullshit discussed at Fornits
- lol at reputation defender bitch sue scheff...lawpwned
- Who else is suing Sue Scheff
- How Reputation.com covered up fraud/abuse in Sue Scheff case
- Were you defrauded by Sue Scheff? Write here!