'Rinster or 'Rinster17 or (Erin McManus) is a YouTube whore who faked cancer and mental illnesses. She is also ranked as the 40th best female US pool player, which sounds great until you realize there are only 15 female pool players in the country.
In just under a year she managed to lure in more than 800 subscribers, which was a lot back in 2007
Since the videos are long gone, and nobody really cares, all we have are the video titles.
i dont get it
i just sit in my room in my bra every night....i dont get it
rinster17 no friends boobs bra depressed
Added: 3 months ago in Category: News & Blogs
From: Rinster17
Views: 21,339
50 things...and yes i'm naked
50 things i've done in my life...still naked
sexual tips for you gentlemen out there...
lonelygirl is fake...so what?
Mission: Get Laid
(part 1) ok...i lied...school hasn't been the problem
i'm out of my fucking mind
What People Thought At The Time
What do they do now?
Upload shitty concert material that nobody watches. And awful pool gameplay.
Vlog Channel
Being an self-entitled YouTube Vlog whore she of course had a dedicated vlog channel, which she later forgot the password to
I'm trying to gain access to my old Youtube account that I created as a secondary channel to post one video for my family members to see. I want to take it down or make it private, but now I'm trying to access it, and there's no way to access it. It's only saying that I have one account and that's my main channel. My main channel is Rinster17 and my secondary channel is Rinster17Vlogs. I'm trying to access Rinster17Vlogs. People are posting very mean things on the page and taking it out of context and that's not what happened at all. Anyway, I want to take the video down or make it private just for my family. I only could have created the account with one of my 2 e-mails, but it's not even giving me the option to switch to the other account. It's only saying that I have one account and that's Rinster17, so I have no way to access Rinster17Vlogs AT ALL. I've tried absolutely everything and searched the forums up and down. I've tried removing my accounts on Google and reuploading them and that didn't work. I don't know what to do and I'm so frustrated. Nothing posted from what I've seen on the forums has to do with my issue at all. It's not about recovering an unknown e-mail or password in my case. In my case, it's saying that the account doesn't exist at all, yet my channel is still up, so I have no way to access it. I can't figure out what to do and it's driving me nuts. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!