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From Encyclopedia Dramatica
Jump to navigation Jump to search is the latest place for the leftovers of Endless Online to hang out. Born on 13th July 2009 by Administrators Zenpher and Alex

It doesn't quite compare to the lulz that the members once endured on the older forums but is a perfectly fine substitute for now that still consists of Internet Tough Guys, Camwhores and Trolls

Fiery Pits of Hell

The difference between these and the older forums are that these are moderated, have multiple forum sections and constantly updated with new software and ideas.

The Staff

  • Zenpher - Professional Broseph and the brains behind the entire operation. A smiley happy Bald guy
  • Alex - Second hand but just as important, has a problem with overcompensating his intelligent posts giving him a smug vibe lately his name has been changing alot due to the comical findings of Zenpher
  • Console - Our 2M0X1 specialist who overlooks the forums from Base, keeping us safe and secure. Banning Deviants since 2010 FROCK FORCE!

  • Snowball - Retired Moderator, still actively browses the forum under the handle Soliloquy -
  • Prodigy - The Scottish play toy, always fun to poke jokes at or write into hysterical scenarios
  • Stricklandxx - Our quiet mod who rarely lifts a finger. Friendly fella that needs to stop dying his hair black
  • Lycoris - Completely Inactive
  • Sparra - Forum clown, fun loving guy who comes out with the most random crap who can do no wrong
  • Titan - Completely Inactive
  • Spud - Undercover Mudafuda

Kathryn Lockley-Brown aka Logseux aka Blousie aka Additional Pylons

Kathryn Lockley-Brown's online exposure began in 2004 when she joined an online community with her then boyfriend Pgstyle aka Peter Grose.

A young Kathryn "OH POKEMANZ, SO COLL!

This community was Endless Online. Together the two kept us all entertained with their witty retorts but as Kathryn aged on the internet and the more she was exposed to it, she began to change. She became an attention whore. Sucking Pgstyle into her then love for drama she became an evil, manipulative soul who managed to turn the whole community onto poor Pgstyle with the hint of domestic abuse. This of course was a lie, created by her mangled mind. She claims that whilst during an argument, he pushed her into an oven whilst the reality of it all was that she had been overcome with jealousy when Pgstyle received a harmless Private Message from another forum user. Not letting it go even with an explanation, Kathryn decided to stand there and whine and moan at Pgstyle to the point where he just stood up in a rush and walked away. Whilst doing so he accidentally bumped her which in her mind led to being Almost raped and is how she portrayed it on the forum. Being a a fairly attractive young lass in the eyes of many online male virgins, they all flocked to her side. Surprisingly enough though, Pgstyle still confessed his love for her as their relationship started to part like the Red Waves

During this time, even though her relationship with Pgstyle was still confirmed as legitimate she had decided to take it upon herself to flirt with another forum member. One who at the time had quite some influence over the other members. His name was Cazz aka Callan Keating. They began emailing each other back and forth expressing their love for one another while at the same time she would be emailing Pgstyle with her declaration of love for him also

This annoyed another forum member, she goes by the name of Midori aka Jennifer Lundy. A self-proclaimed Lesbian, she had the hots for Cazz and had always had the center of his attention via messenger and so forth. She noticed the relationship brewing between the two and decided to cleverly intervene. She became Kathryn's buddy, showering her with compliments and flirting with her continuously. Kathryn is stricken with a terrible case of Body dysmorphic disorder and lavished in all this attention. Until one Legendary ruin status day, she handed over naked photo's of herself to Midori. By this time Midori already had naked photo's of Cazz too due to the previous attachment to him.

She was correct

Her mission was complete. In a green eyed tirade, Midori posted both of their photo's on the forums and called them out for what they were


Kathryn and Cazz's retaliation to this was to disappear completely from the internet. Cazz's penis was mocked due to it's size or rather lack of and Kathryn was called out to be a whore

Distressed at what had happened, Pgstyle contacted Snowball who had been an awkward on and off friend to the pair of them due to Kathryn's instability. He indulged Snowball with what had occurred and Snowball took it upon herself to hack one of Kathryn's email accounts. During which much personal information was exposed about Kathryn

- It told us of the cheating on Pgstyle with Cazz - It told us that she was a measly sales adviser at a phone store - It exposed that she apparently has Body dysmorphic disorder - That her parents live off benefits and were committing fraud - That even though she had decided to date Cazz, she tried with every attempt to ignore him - That she was still contacting Pgstyle complaining about how lousy Cazz was - It showed us that she stole art

And much more. Pgstyle also claims that she had lied about being pregnant to her close friends and told them that he did not want to keep the baby even though he was completely unaware of the whole situation, this is just hearsay and has not been proven. Oddly enough when Snowball signed onto the messenger account linked to Kathryn's email, everyone was blocked except an admin she had been crushing on as well. She unblocked a friend of hers, Elephant Man K aka Max Kemp. Snowball asked him several questions about Kathryn and her mental state of mind to which he replied he had not seen her in quiet some time as she was in hiding due to the recent exposure of all her lies which also included her IRL friends, stories of the fake pregnancy, apparently she said she had Cancer and other musings. Snowball asked him did he know that he and everyone else was blocked on her messenger to which he replied "That doesn't surprise me, she can be a vindictive bitch"

After finding out her email was hacked, Kathryn locked sights on her now ex boyfriend Pgstyle. She blamed the whole charade on him and claimed he had child pornography stored on his computer depicting her. Of course he did, they were a young couple at the time who dated for 3 years. Who wouldn't have a few naked pictures of their girlfriend on their computer? She used this to her aid and sent the police round to Pgstyle's house who then began to rip out all the phones, wires and computers including his mother's in the house. He was found guilty due to having pictures of his ex who had seductively posed for him (being the whore she is) and was also dumped with the charge of having hacked her even though there was no proof. Later on Kathryn claims that she had also had police sent to Snowball's place of residence in the UK too but being retarded she didn't realize that Snowball actually performed the act in the US and Snowball's mother is claimed to having denied any visitors from Police. Pgstyle is now a sheltered, withered shadow of a man after having dated Kathryn and hides away from any publicity related to Endless Online and Rakuhana. He fails to respond to any emails and on the odd chance he does he is asked to be left alone. She is a maneater. Even her current boyfriend has publicly displayed his true feelings toward her on a forum he regularly visits

In turn she then decides to date Pgstyle's best friend Logsi aka Joshua Brown-Martin and flee's the country to Spain for 3-4 years due to the internet having their way with her nude photo's and sending them to her placement of work, toward her family and other humorous acts

When Rakuhana emerged, she re-emerged. She perceives herself as an edgy Girl Gamer with a No girls on the internet persona and a grace of Unwarranted Self-Importance. She's totally cool, awesome and original. She decided to stir up some Girl Drama between herself and Snowball, in a ridiculously childish manner. Claiming that Snowball "loves her" and "wants her", that Snowball has spent her life stalking her


She is a Powerplayer and a Stirrer who has got a bad case of Asking for it, she tried at all points of time to bait Snowball to no avail until one day on /soc/ a thread about her appears, most likely started by herself. It becomes a huge image dump of her, including photo's of herself she had posted on the forums. Someone then drops the bomb and posts a link to her Facebook, which to anyone with any internet skill, is easily attainable. An anon posts a screencap of him messaging her on Facebook asking about the photo's, she says "Half of them aren't even of me". As soon as this hits the boards another member of Rakuhana known as Regina, Tineye's a few of her posted photo's and therefore exposes them to be fake. Obviously this was another attempt to bait Snowball that just didn't work. It backfired on her completely until Snowball commented on how disappointed and pathetic she was for having done so. Through the power of tits Kathryn somehow turned it all on it's head and claimed that it was Snowball who a) Started the thread b) Did detective work on the fakes and c) Exposed her and that she still "loves her"

Kathryn is extremely delusional and unstable. She has claimed that she has been depressed and taken medication for it, that she still suffers from Body dysmorphic disorder, thinks that vomiting every evening is completely normal, that everyday life is too stressful for her and that she is loved by all on the Internet and that anyone who claims not to be must be Snowball

She has spent her entire online career being jealous, editing acne infested photo's of herself, posting nudes, stirring up drama, trying to be original when whatever she posts is stolen from 4Chan. She has no personality of her own, so through the power of her manipulative lies has created her own little wonderland and claims that she is amazing. The reality of it all is she is still with her lanky, unattractive stick of a boyfriend (that happens to look uncannily like Yoda),

"i loves her i do"

they now live back in Cornwall in a shitty council house while it seems she works some part time job sitting on her ass all day behind a desk doing little of anything and he attends college, she somehow managed to scrape back together a few of her friends, including Max Kemp but by all means not many and now devotes her time to ironically stalking another girl on the Internet. This makes her extremely contradictive towards her claims of having being stalked by Snowball when her herself actually is ruining another girls life. She has now become a Lol-cow

It seems she has an obsession with the well-known Pixyteri and has done nothing but hound her DeviantArt page, make harassing comments and devote hours of her day drawing horrible fanart of her. She recently BAWWWWW'd when her deviations of Pixyteri were taken down and couldn't understand why? Being a person who has supposedly suffered from being stalked by another person online, you would think she would have a clue? But no she doesn't, because she has never been stalked. All material related to her has been publicly offered up by her or her boyfriend online. None of it apart from the information gained through the one email account by Snowball, was ever something private and hidden away. We believe the reasoning behind her harassing PT is because she just wasn't receiving the attention she so desperately needed from Snowball and the rest of the Rakuhana community so looked elsewhere

It was uncanny that when Snowball left the Rakuhana community in an attempt to leave behind the mentally unstable Kathryn and joined DeviantArt, all of a sudden so did Kathryn and actually started making use of her account too. For days, at the beginning she would visit Snowballs profile religiously, bumping up pageviews until Snowball pointed this out and Kathryn realised that she was only aiding Snowball and she would never want to do that. That is when she moved onto Pixyteri

Today you can find her drifting amongst the popular image boards such as /soc/, /cgl/, and /an/.

I'm here all day errr'day

Mindlessly causing drama and whoring out pictures of herself. She also has accounts on a few other sites where she offers up some vocaroo clips, thinking that she is simply amazing and unique because she has a British accent and a stupidly annoying giggle at the end of every sentence. She claims to be 'engaged' to her boyfriend Josh but we all know that it is just pure bullshit and no ring has been seen on her finger (if she did own one, she'd probably take it off for photo's, I'M SINGLE YO!) but realistically on his student budget, he couldn't afford one. Creepily enough she adopted or bought a cat much like one of Snowballs after having owned shorthaired cats before then seeing photo's of Snowballs long haired cat

She doesn't seem close to her family (for obvious reasons) as her other 3 sisters constantly collaborate together and are always chatty toward each other, there is never any sign of Kathryn. She is too busy spending her time masturbating to pictures of Snowball and maliciously scribbling pictures of Pixyteri

Kathryn suffers with gotis and should be avoided at all costs if you do not wish to be sucked into her ridiculous drama and life

Logseux a Thief? 12/08/12

After speculation of Kathryn forming an addiction to Codeine, as expressed via her boyfriends photography portfolio. It turns out the crazy bitch lived up to the idea.

A SHOPLIFTER was caught by staff as they watched CCTV in Marks & Spencer and New Look in Truro.

Kathryn Lockley-Brown, 23, of Cliff Road, Perranporth, pleaded guilty at Truro Magistrates' Court to taking food from Marks & Spencer and clothing from New Look.

Mark Charnley, for the defence, said that she had argued with her mum, left home and slept rough. She now had a job. She was given a 12-month conditional discharge for a year and must pay £85 costs and £20.93 compensation.


Arguing with her mother at 23? Seems like an unlikely story especially as she is supposed to be living with her boyfriend. Perhaps not if the things she writes about her addiction being true? Either way it seems like the real motive here was to steal to sell, to buy

Update 05/08/12

Things have been quiet concerning Logseux. One hopes she has disappeared off the Internet for good. No more visits to dA or Tumblr. There have been many speculations as to why she has including Bulimia, the death of her Dad and stealing money from unknown people during an act of sympathy. It seems her boyfriend, soon to be husband has taken on a new screen name Cloverne due to all the crap linked with his and Kathryn's other accounts

One of the last posts she was seen making on Rakuhana was the one in regards to stealing money in attempts to save her cats life. No one actually knows the outcome of this story, whether the cat is alive or dead. All we do know is her boyfriend continues to spend ridiculous amounts of money on Camera's and accessories as well as on his shitty White Ford Fiesta. Maybe one day she'll come forth and explain what happened to the cat "Widdle Boy" or maybe even perhaps post new pictures of her and him on her Tumblr, even with his probable deformity


Her health has always been an ongoing problem with her BDD and since the unearthing of her older, less appealing childhood photo's and it's seems that has she has been hell bent on losing weight. Once she even made an anon post on /cgl/, until she name dropped herself, talking about how her body has changed drastically aesthetically and that she vomits every night but then eats again to replace the meal she just lost. Doesn't sound very healthy. Pictures of her were always of her clad in XL clothing, draping over her skeletal frame, baggy sweaters and kigurumi's. She is definitely Pro-Ana

It seems last year, after the announcement of her engagement, she decided to go on one more nostalgic trip down camwhore lane and provided some topless photo's for /soc/

Recent Nudes

MCM London Comic Expo, Oct 2011

It has been rumored on /cgl/ that Logseux and her boyfriend Logsi attended this convention in cosplay gettup as GLaDOS and Wheatley. Many on /cgl/ waited with baited breath to see the complete catastrophe that she had created due to her always knocking on other cosplayers but the wait still continues. According to the British /cgl/ con-goers she was timid and shy and had made numerous hiccups on her costume design. She had apparently begged one of the group photographers not to share her photo's with the board due to her own embarrassment and inability to photoshop pictures that were not in her own hands. When mentioned, she claims she doesn't want the photo's to be posted to protect her boyfriends privacy even though he has many of his own photo's plastered across the Internet. Then again, looking like Yoda, I wouldn't want to be placed in the hands of /cgl/'s panel of critiques. So no one has seen any legitimate proof that they even attended, it is still hearsay and in all honesty coming from this girl, could very well be a complete lie altogether. Any photo's are found are welcome in her attention whore desu gallery below


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

External Links

Deviants aka AzureMaiden

Otherwise known as Crystal Jackson, appeared on the forums May 12, 2010 and from then on grown herself the largest group of haters anyone has seen due to her consistent ramblings of Christianity, Spam and nonsensical paragraphs of crap. She has a current ongoing feud with moderator Snowball who is not tolerant of her stupidity and took it upon herself to find out all the intimate details of Crystal's personal life

The 'special one'

.It became apparent that Crystal had attended a school for those who suffer from Autism in Arizona which suddenly explained her retarded ways on the forums. It was also later found out that she is in fact 25 years old and not somewhere around the teens as one would think when reading her posts

Crystal seems to spend her time making shit pixel clothing based off the old game, involving herself in online money making schemes such as pyramid programs (as she is unable to find a proper job due to her intelligence level), writing pointless blogs expressing information she has no actual understanding of and saving pictures of Moderator Snowball due to her obsessive crush on her.

Example of her crap Pixel skills

She was recently banned for a month from the forum due to posting porn and it is expected many are eagerly awaiting her reappearance after laughing at the results Snowball put forth. For example Crystal's mother Deanna Jackson who works at Walmart cleaning toilets and has the grammatical skills that of a 2 year old

Favorites amongst her Mother's spelling mistakes were:

  • Think = Thank
  • Stupped = Stupid
  • Aman = Amen
  • Christen = Christian (She can't even spell her own faith)

Her mother is basically an uneducated Hick that has moved her daughter around the country on multiple occasions possibly due to family fall outs or just general hatred from local neighbors. They now currently reside in Missouri in their little plastic bag windowed house

Nice plastic bag windows
Nice plastic bag windows

She is still hanging around Rakuhana, attempting to become part of the community once again but Valor bans her whenever given the chance. She makes no effort to change her typing style nor nonsensical rubbish so is easily caught out


External Links

Most of the above links are dead after exposure and she can mainly be found on the forum still under multiple alts. The following links are her most recent visited accounts:

Polish Invasion

As of recent, it was brought to the attention of Rakuhana members that someone hacked the old, dying Endless Online forum and subsequently the game. They completely got rid of the forums altogether and messed around with who was listed as a Admin. It was first believed that member Fundrei who had ownership of old admin Sakurakur's forum account had sold it to forum member Plasmastar for a sum of money. This turned out to be a lie, totally declined by Fundrei who claims that having access to that account wouldn't grant them access to the entire forum in any way shape or form even if he had. Plasmastar is now way involved with what is taking place except for taking sides and joining in with the drama with a feeling of self importance

It turns out to be the work of Polish script kiddie Jimmyee aka Karol Woszczek. He has been flooding the server with scripts in an attempt to gain notice from original owner Vult-R who he then fantasizes about conversing him into updating the game and perhaps expecting a reward in the form of some special item or suit for finding a bug. This is found to be quite a controversial subject as whilst he is blocking the game for everyone including himself from being able to play it, all he wants is an updated version? Complete idiocy at it's best Another problem is that Jimmyee is desperately seeking the return of a particular character named Mcpot. Apparently it is the main account related to all his hacks and scripts, backdoors and so forth to the game. He will also gain access to thousands of accounts single handily. Until he receives this character back, the game will be unplayable for all

Polish Hate Copypasta

"Ok, listen up Polarks. I'm not Polish. I'm British, and I have every right to be mad at you scum sucking lowlives. I don't play EO, so this is completely down to your personality and conduct as human beings, nothing to do with not being able to play the game. I couldn't give a shit. I haven't had the EO client on my laptop now for nearly 2 years.

1. Whats the fucking deal with your bastard names? hskjhkaPL. khaksfPL. ajhkjdcakPL. Nobody from outside of Poland likes you. Nobody. The showing of where you're from by your usernames is fucking pathetic. It has no relevance in the slightest to your gameplay. It is no good for RP, its no good for identification because you'll know the Polish people by the arrogance and insane nature of the typing. I very rarely see any people out there who follow this trend. I only knew ONE guy who did it from the UK called Jake, and he was a dick. So see the trend. I don't see "Johnus, Killingmachinefr" etc.

2. Why are you on an English server and why do you refuse to speak English in most cases to ENGLISH players? Surely you should be keeping your language off public chat and on private. Its rude. I would never go to another country where English isn't the native language, barge into the middle of a crowd of natives and start speaking loudly in English to my friends about the other people in an arrogant manner. I'd speak to them on one side. That might just be me, but you're all dickheads for doing it.

3. Why do you chase people down in EO and shout "Polak? PL?" What does that accomplish? Are you so desperate for a fellow countryman you have to weedle out every potential candidate? When you do on occasion find someone who IS from Poland, what the fuck do you talk about? "Hi, yes I'm a Polark" "Oh, good" Is that it? Cos I sure as hell don't automatically get on with people from my own country. Infact if I remember correctly, most people from the UK were penis holders. I wouldn't want to talk to them on the pretense that they're British.

4. Why are you all wannabe hackers? Every single polish person who's posted on these forums is a fucking amateur. I've never seen such a poor attempt at being a hacker. What are you accomplishing by doing it? Scripts that other people wrote and you've modified is shit. its utter shit and you'll get no respect from anyone worthwhile by doing it. You're plagiarising more intelligent peoples work and you're doing a shitty job of it. You're on EO. ENDLESS ONLINE. Unless you're playing the game and having fun, setting up a script to steal accounts? Autoing or whatever, whats the fucking point? Making a couple of hundred dollars every month or so? If you faggots got a real fucking job, you'd soon find you can earn a fuckload more than that by doing an HONEST HARD DAYS WORK. You might meet new people and feel good for your endeavors. Fucking try it someday. Scroungers.

5. Your English is utter shit. I've never seen anything like it. I never ever try to communicate with anyone in a language I'm unfamiliar with. I learnt French in school. I could hold a conversation with someone who took their time with me, I could also probably survive a weekend. But I'd inform them I wasn't a native and apologise for my language. What I would not do is protest intelligence, use probably the worst colloquialisms I've ever seen and basically butcher their language and then piss them off more for it. I point to Abus or whatever that fucking shithead is called. When he says anything in broken english, I feel the need to fly over to Poland and strangle everyone in the hope I catch Abus. He's a shitstain. Someone I've only ever heard of because of his own fucking trumpet being blown. I was a name in EO when it was in its Golden Period. When you had to sometimes queue to get online. Yes I sped, but I only did it for a bit of extra fun in PK. I never used it to gain an advantage over any other players where it would matter for EXP or items etc. It was rare for me to go anywhere without someone saying "Hey Shin" or me going onto a map and not seeing an online friend. Thats because I was a nice guy, and that was that. Abus is known for scripts, and Jimmyee is known for being a little shit with no life. Thats bad publicity. You have no friends. IRL or on EO. I had both.

6. This game. Why are you playing it? I understand why some people do. Its basic. Its a good social workout in some senses. Its pretty and you can dress up your character. Unless you ADMIT to me that this is the best game your crummy little 1998 tower PC can handle because you're too fucking poor to afford anything with whats called a GRAPHICS card, then you have to have a reason. And I know its none of the above. If its to scam people - you can get a job which will pay more and you'll feel better for it. If its to hack, if you're any good then fuck off EO and go hack something where there is profit. Go hack a WoW server. Set up your own Goldselling business there. Target a market rather than a dead game ran by a vegetable of an admin.

7. Your morals. Why the fuck do you think we care if you're friends with x or if you're trying to get x done by the admins on this DEAD game? Abus, you're a fucking leech - you've still not explained in PLAIN ENGLISH WITH A SPELL CHECK (I swear write the word "sth" instead of "something and I will find all your personal info and wage war) what the fuck you're trying to get from doing whatever it is you're doing (I don't know because I'm not involved in EO anymore) but anyway you need to think "Would anyone non-polish think this is a good idea?" if the answer is NO then fuck off and kill yourself.

8. Your language is fucking retarded. No language in the history of the earth should have the letters w,j,z,v,y and l in a 6 letter word. Thing is, only polish people can pronounce the words. I'm sure at birth, someone opens your mouth, rips out your tongue and replaces it with a dog shit so you can speak your fucking shitty unpronounceable language.

Urgh. You all need gassing like in the holocaust. I'd love to oblige one day if I had the resources. If you're the identity of Poland on EO then you're ruining it for everyone else. You're hated because you're shitbags. Nobody who's worth anything gives a shit. Now get the fuck off the forums.

If you even dare say anything, on any other topic about anything EO related, I'm linking the entirety of this post again and again and varying racist towards polish pictures. I'm sick of you all. I've not even begun to say about how much the rest of Europe hates you, how you drain the EU of its resources, how your lazy workshy thieving parents are ruining a formerly strong economy, how your morals are like dogs and how I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

Fuck off."



Jimmyee Public Dox

  • +Carl (Karol) Woszczek (interesting fact - Woszczek translated to English = Earwax)
  • DOB: 1992-10-03
  • Occupation: Student
  • School: PCEZ Swidnik
  • Location: Swidnik, Lubelskie, Poland
  • E-mail:
  • GG Messenger ID: 5564276
  • Family Members

Grandma Willywonka

  • IP: 666.666.666.666
  • Hostname:
  • ISP: Play Mobile
  • ISP Node Location:
  • Country: Poland
  • Latitude - 52 Longitude - 20
  • Jimmyee
  • Jimmyee92
  • Podszywacza
  • Mcpot

Apparently has out of body experiences: ... rmd%3Divns