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Ponyland Drama

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not again.

You'd think that bunch of grown women on the Internets, like in real life, would be capable of bitching and then letting it go. So is not the case in the Ponyland community, either, where drama reaches an all-time high as PMS-Enraged Monsters are out for the blood of those who have scorned them. Not all drama lasts for years, but when it does it really does.

Most often, the drama that arises from one's emo sob story, stems from the Original Posters fragile state of mind. Posting every personal detail of your life doesn't exactly scream "stable" to begin with, and the fact that they are looking for advice on these topics on a message board for plastic horses. So it's no surprise that they flip out when people point out the flaws in their logic.

In some cases the drama can reach such levels of "who gives a fuck" syndrome that it surpasses all other drama and creates a shit fest for the whiny bastard that started the wanking and the people involved in milking it. Because Ponyland is not short on people willing to milk the lol-cows until they give up the fucktarded behavior they are displaying, it's a never ending cycle.

birds of a feather flock together and a man is known by the company he keeps.



Who are My Little Pony Drama Whores?

My Little Pony Drama whores are people that are not happy with just collecting My Little Ponies, they have to have their nose in everyone's business all the time. They have to share their own business all the time. There are few secrets that the Attention Whore will keep to herself.

They are usually fluent users of Live Journal, DeviantART, and/or MySpace. They typically frequent a number of pony boards in the span of a day and primarily participate in drama-themed topics. Once a scheming, lying, Drama Whore is revealed, she is banned to the outskirts of Ponyland where she becomes a thorn in the side of community members. Usually attacking the ones primarily responsible for calling her out on her stupidity.

Ponyland Drama Whores are special because they don't seem to realize that they are just as pathetic as they claim others to be. Their ego trips get in the way of clear thinking and create a false sense of justice in their attempts to outwit their opponents.

So if I stick a picture of the Mona Lisa on a turd does that make it art? How about if I make it out of skittles?


—Anon Drama Whore

Types of Drama Whores in the MLP Community

The Current Member

The current member drama whore is usually between 19-29 and always has some really juicy gossip to tell you about their latest relationship, new aliments to their physical being, and other random shit most people don't care about but cater to just to make them feel better.

Current member drama may also include:

  • People who sent money for items but never received them.
  • People who got the items they ordered but the items were crap.
  • People who paid and were not immediately teleported the items.
  • People who pay minimal shipping and handling and then bitch about the packing the item arrives in.
  • People who date loser after loser and feel the need to share the details with the Internets.
  • People who are sick of collecting, need to tell everyone, and then sell all their ponies, only to come back and start to buy again.
  • People who are furfags but are in deep, deep denial about it.
  • People who ask for advice on stupid topics but get angry when they don't hear what they want to hear.
  • People who hate their jobs but stay at them anyway for a number of excuses.
  • People who hate their lives, have no friends and think this is a hot topic for an internet forum.
  • People who throw fits that they are being "copied" but lack much originality themselves.

Post Whores

I thought it would be better to share with people I cannot see face to face, and I figured the nicest group of people I know even though I don't know are here.


—Post Whore Mantra

Current members who are usually newer members but rack up a lot of posts really fast with their "real life" drama. The ratio of posts relevant to the boards subject to posts about their shitty life will differ greatly (1:10). This syndrome is Internet-wide.

Actual Examples of Typical Post Whore Drama:

  • "This is someone I loved very, very much, and though we have barely a scrap of a relationship now, I do not want this person to be sick... to die."
  • "I got a call yesterday from my OB, they got my bloodwork back from the lab and they said some of my results were abnormal and I needed to go see an Endocrinoligist as soon as possible."
  • "I have a massive headache from crying so much."
  • "I don't feel much for my husband anymore. I know I love him. But I don't want to be with him sexually or even be around him."
  • "I've tried to make friends here, but it never seems to really work."
  • "I'm thinking about talking to a therapist about the whole ordeal... "
  • "My parents are screaming at me that I am going to get fired because I "call out all the time"."
  • "I wanted to collect Pullip dolls- way too expensive. Even trying to sell the Breyers for money isn't working- no one's fault. It's just got me down, really. It's kinda of like... why bother when it doesn't work anyways?"
  • "i dont really feel comfortable going into all the details so publicly (pm me if you want to know whats going on)..."
  • "Woo hoo! I'm on some lists!" (For more pity-voting, see here:

The Banned Member

The banned member is someone who used to be a part of the community. Usually an attention whore with emotional issues that was just looking for a place to talk about the kind of stupid drama that just has to be shared with the entire Internets, including message boards for small, plastic, colorful horses. They may also be banned for bad trading/selling/buying practices. Banned members may also be nothing more than reincarnations of previously banned members, banned over again.

Banned members may include:

  • People with too much time on their hands.
  • People who spend their time on the Internets making up stories for pity, and then throw a fit when caught.
  • People who think a quick buck is to be made by stealing photos off eBay and selling them to people on pony communities instead of getting real jobs.
  • Anonymous posters on LJ who have nothing better to do than wait for drama to break out over their latest paint shopped MLP whineage.

Moles in the Community

These are the ones that continue to put on a friendly front, all the whiles stabbing the community in the back. They tend to scour the forums for information to use as ammo against the community they hate. Usually they have specific targets, sometimes they just snatch up any targets and use them as pawns in their trolling.

They usually spend about as much time, if not more on this activity. When confronted they will immediately deny such actions and tell you about a "date" or other imaginary thing they will be doing while they are on the Internets elsewhere so you think they actually have a life. Because only people with lives spend time trolling a community for a stupid toy only to bitch about how stupid the people are that waste so much time to collect it.

Moles may include:

  • People who have had their boyfriends stolen by pony whoring girls in their early twenties.
  • Prudish, virginal, People that have never before seen girl/boy bits and make a big deal of it when they do.
  • Misunderstood People who think that people who collect little plastic horses are all nicey nice, shitting rainbows.

yay more name calling. your eballs/elabia feel bigger now? good. omg, yes!


—Anon DW

Notable Ponyland Drama

The war on G2

Possibly one of the most famous of the Ponyland Drama is the war over the G2s. At first glance you think "so?" and rightfully so. But this was one of the biggest fights ever between collector camps. When the ponies were released there was much groaning over them. Many complaints, and a whole lot of drama. It's important to remember that we're talking about 18-22 year olds who had been collecting ponies since they were children (minus those few years some of them had social lives in high school). The war began.

Each side had created a battle field where all the members were forced to pick a side. This eliminated a lot of collectors before the first cannon was fired. Those who didn't get involved were shunned by both sides. This created a third side, we'll call them Switzerland.

Both sides claimed that they were right about the new versions because they had "been collectors since they were young, and only new collectors would feel 'blah blah blah'." Long story short, In the end there were many casualties. There's still fall out.

10 years of wisdom has finally revealed what France knew all along: how completely stupid it wall was, anyhow.

Fandom Secrets Drama

Every couple of months when the drama wears off and the drama whores need some attention they create shitty images in MS Paint and submit them to Fandom Secrets. Then they wait until someone who is a member of Ponyland and FS makes a comment on any secret to flame them. It becomes a love fest of anons and non-anons fighting for victory over who has the best grammar and spelling. Ponyland almost always gets bored first (they say that plastic horses have the attention span of a gnat).

Note-Worthy Anon Quotes

  • "these sickly little cows like to stalk innocent mlp forum members online & irl. -- does that answer your undying question as to why we post anonymously? protecting ourselves from rabid pit-viper stalkers such as yourselves is not being cowardly. seriously. no really."
  • "let's go ahead and call her a bunch of nasty names just in case. Or accuse her of having oral sex with her brother, because that's just so clever."
  • "I don't type anonymously because I'm afraid of you. I type anonymously because I don't want to spend an inordinate amount of time beating off the pack of harpies you fly on your broomstick with."
  • "i think you should go cry moar in the Arena or the CF, your attention whoring will get you further there." -anon-who-isn't-the-previous-Anon-although-ilu-anon-anyway
  • "you haphazardly mix innocent people up in your shit stirring fest."
  • "I also love how anyone who disagrees with any one of you or most is a "whiner" deserving the full fury of your mentally deficient horde at her back."
  • "Who says anonymouses can't hook up? You can write me."
  • "the enemy of my enemy is my friend and I've got no quarrel with you."
  • "You may not like that the Arena is a nice place but it is what it is. If you don't like it, don't use it."
  • "i can manage to get banned from catfight bitchy backstabbing forums. Its amusing, then when I'm gone it gets worse." - kuwaizair
  • "Consider this a taste of your own attitude minus the rancidness. And you're right that I lurk. My real-life friends and I find it like tracking Britney Spears escapades: a train wreck you can't stop watching no matter how gory it gets."
  • "People exist in the world today who hold this much rage in their hearts about goings-on in a forum devoted to My Little Ponies." Anon
  • "oh, they just jellus, they just jellus!" -Anon2

Oh, I would never expect to find that one of you had written an article on ketchup queen at the other site. That would require time away from the cesspool in which you wallow and actually learning to do something (like write/edit a Wikipedia article), not to mention a modicum of wit. I'm sure you have MUCH better things to do with your unemployment that require substantially less mental effort.


—Anon DW

BINd is the new PWNd

One member got the brilliant idea to message sellers on ebay and offer them outrageously low prices on items that could sell for at the least $100. (My Little Ponies might be crap, but some of them are worth at least 100 dollars). Once she had the ponies in her hands, she'd sell them for their actual worth.

She's probably one of the most advanced selling machines in the history of Ponyland. While most of the sellers wait for buyers to approach them, She looked for who bid on what ponies and lost, then contacted them with offers to buy ponies she had for sale. The Ponyland Police went hysterical.

Her excuse was that she was saving for her wedding by buying hundreds of ponies at low-ball prices on eBay every month and reselling them for their actual worth. When it was brought to her attention, she apologized for her error and promised to stop doing it.

  • "I have had a VERY long talk with BM about all of this and would like to apologize if I have hurt anyone asking for BINs. I can see both sides of peoples arguements but have decided to stick with this community rather than having an "every man for themselves" attitude. The items I asked for BIN did not have bids at the time I asked (which is why I asked so-and-so if she would do it for one that did not have bids). As for messaging ebay members, I was offering them ponies lower than what their bid was in hopes of a fast sale with the buyers saving some money. I didn't think people would be opposed to that, and again I apologize if that offended anyone. I have had many wonderful transactions here at the arena and hope to have many more. I hope you can forgive me and offer me another chance." - Tepper420 (11/23/07)

Shortly after apologizing she contacted a Catfights board member and asked if they would do a BIN. She wasn't using her own username, but another one. That same username asked a number of members within days. Eventually one of them accepted as a set up. Her name and address were confirmed and she was banned from the Community.

  • "Would you do a buy it now on the ones that don't have bids?" -(11/23/07)

Also in this segment:

The Catfights forum was responsible for flaming the wedding page of a young innocent couple with the same names as the culprit and her finance. All sorts of drama ensued as some Catfights members scolded those involved because of their drama stirring on one's family website. Soon it would be known that it wasn't even the right registry.

Anytime drama arises, you will hear the echoes of this situation.

If It Has a SLIT, You Must Acquit


A notable moment in recent Ponyland history is the time that Teal Slippers mistakenly put the wrong thing on a My Little Pony. She didn't obey the custom pony code of law and was attacked by SnapDragon, queen prude of the pony internets. SnapDragon immediately went about making Drama for all those involved until the pony was removed from the internets. It was not to be re-seen until recently in the form of a Fandom Secret (A popular place for Ponyland Attention Whores to anonymously post their drivel).

"Feel free to quote me, but only if doing so will cause you to look like an idiot."



Sides were taken and the very question of what art is became the topic of the day. All in all it became an issue of who the fuck cares?

Eventually after being warned not to talk to Teal Slippers, at all, she reverted to creating drama on DevianTART where she got plenty of coddling she so desperately needed. She also took up the art of random passive aggressive remarks aimed at "no one in particular."

Some SnapDragon Quotes:

  • "I've derailed the ever-intelligent CF mongrels to the subject of ME rather than you!"
  • "I just naturally assumed that since we collected a very innocent childhood toy, that more of our members would carry some of that innocence and childlike kindness into our daily lives. This is a fallacy, apparently, and I have been very clearly reminded of it."
  • "I don't have a pony persona. I just couldn't decide on a design I liked! ... yet. >_>"
  • "My Chemical Romance? O noez I r emo"

Known My Little Pony Drama Whores

The stories of Bon_Bons

Once upon a time, there was a member of the Arena called Bon_Bons. Bon_Bons had a habit of being a habitual liar, and those lies came to bite her in the ass Many people thought she just had an unfortunate life, what with her:

  • Her nephew (always called her "sister's son") self-pwned because of a chain letter.
  • Her son lost an arm.
  • She got punched in the stomach for being a pregnant clown.
  • Her mother/stepmother/fairy godmother/a green swamp creature abusing the daughter she may or may not have.

The story ends when a Moderator on the site called her out on her bullshit and issued her the ban from the internets.

Mana and the art of Self Pwnage

Mana Maiden's story, as told by Bubbles:

Basically she was a complete egotistical snot who thought she knew everything about customizing, and threw a tantrum when people told her it might be best not to customize a somewhat htf pony. Then proceeded to go emo and admitted to buying (and using) perfectly mint G1s for customizing. When faced with horror and opposition, Mana started PMing members at the Arena, telling them to STFU and that they weren't allowed to post anything that disagreed with her.

I'm well-known for being a bitch-tard, and I accept that.


— Mana

CFers were tired of her arrogance and were bitching about her attitude and how her customs weren't even that great, and then the DA drama started where she tried to give Anime_Amy "advice". Afterward she sent emails/PMs asking people to delete stuff from their DA comments because she didn't like the backlash she was receiving.

Angelberries sent her a CF linkie, and I'm pretty sure she did a flounce post at the Arena and it got deletered. She also did one at CF, in her first post, saying that nothing was her fault and she was leaving for a while. She was back on the Arena 2 weeks later.

She came back in Dec, when Midnight_Dream was shown to be a scammer (and Mana was in a trade with her). Apparently she though that she would stick around a while, and admitted to some of her asshattery in her "intro post". But that didn't last long, as she had posted in her DA account the night before that intro post about the horridly immoral CF bitches, and how she was so much better and above everyone else. She also proceeded to QQ more about the CF apparently stalking her DA and no one liking her customs, but *seemed* to listen a little bit to some constructive criticism and settle down....

I will not be logging into this site EVER again, nor will I read anyone's responses to this post.


—Mana, June 19, 2008

Then in Feb 2009 Mana goes into full-on troll mode, because Dragonstar insulted her. She got banned because she refused to post anything but retarded ninja-edits and insults. So now she blogs on DA about hating the CFers, and plots her next attempt to sneak in and get "revenge" (i.e. be a cunt and mildly annoying/amusing). She feeds off the negative attention. Pathetic, really.

Mana was banned from the Catfights twice.
I've had some time to reflect on the whole situation, and know that I've done some serious shit to piss off 20 strangers.

I never realized how rude my behavior was coming across to everyone on mlparena, but I think I know why. You see, DeviantArt is a comfortable environment for me; I post my shit there, people like it or hate it,and if they get out of line I tell them to GTFO/block them. I have over 100 watchers there, I have a couple frequent commissioners, and I just generally have LOLtastic good times. With the arena site, I think I was subconsciously weighed down by obligations. I had to make 100 posts to get an album... had to make a minimum amount of commissions in order to advertise in the classifieds...generally, it was just slightly irritating to try to adapt to; which was why my posts came across as rude, although I assure all of you, that was not my intention.


— Mana, June 2008

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You guys should just get used to the fact that there's more than one person out there who doesn't like you.



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