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If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.Personal space
Personal Space comes in 2 forms, and like most things, those are IRL and OL.
IRL Personal Space
IRL Personal space is the area around me that your fat ass occupies when I'm trying to catch a fucking train to work. It is also how close you can get to a woman before she either:
- Screams
- Uses Mace
- Claims shes being Almost Raped
- Passes out from your nigger odour.
IRL Personal Space is srs bsns. Intruding into another's personal space can make them feel uncomfortable and agitated. Therefore, for the savvy IRL troll, intruding into someones personal space is a fantastic technique. Entering into someones personal space will usually get them to look at you, which in your case, is quite enough to troll someone into insanity.
OL Personal Space
A Personal Space on the Internet could include a profile on social networking sites such as twitter, Facebook, tumblr, Snapchat and more. However, owing to the fact that people are always more hardcore, than the porno hidden in your Dad's underwear drawer, on the Tubes, defense of OL Personal Space can lead to some hilarious results.
One way of intruding someone OL personal space is to simply add them as a friend and then proceed to flame the shit out of them. Another, more savvy way, is to phish their account information and passwords. A method made famous by the [email protected] incident.
Chris-Chan is one example of someone stupid enough to have both their OL and IRL personal space intruded, and for some reason, keep coming back for more.