4th Space was supposed to be a role playing game with the advanced features of being a furry and pissing yourself. It would feature patterned Onideus Style Graphics™. It would also contain a lot of realism, presumably based around the life of Matthew Moulton so it would feature a wetting system, where you constantly wet your diapers. The game was supposed to be made in RPG Maker XP, by expert programmer Matthew Moulton using the most primitive engine on the fucking planet, because he was unable to create his own.
The game would also be completely original by stealing material from Zelda, Maniac Mansion and Mega Man. Except now the character had the option to absolutely piss themselves in their diapers. Not only that, but it would also contain stolen sprites from other people. Mainly one guy who Onideus claims once used his sprites without crediting him so now he's going to recolor his sprite and steal them without crediting him to get back at him in some sort of petty revenge (as if this person cares).
Onideus spent two years talking about his game that no one cares about (when he wasn't talking about being trolled by other furfags) and posting updates on his LiveJournal. Obviously, said LiveJournal soon had to have anonymous comments locked when the few people who give a fuck about Onideus found it and came over to laugh at him. Eventually production slowed down to a halt in 2010 when Matthew became homeless for a few months and when his site "Backwater Productions", from which the occasional 20$ commissions was his only source of income, went down and all the content in it. It is likely Matthew kept copies, but be it due to embarrassment, loss of interest or the dawning realization of what a stupid and pointless idea this is, the content was never reposted and the topic was rarely mentioned again, ending his brief attempt to make something worse than "Bob's Game", in spite of once criticizing him.
If you pay close attention you might have noticed that demos and other materials for this game were hosted on Matthew's personal "business" site. Yes, on the site he tried to get people to hire him for programming gigs he also proudly hosted his half-made game about the joys of incontinence. Bet that really helped him get more jobs.
The game was thankfully never released outside of a shitty demo.
A whole fucking icon set dedicated to diapers.
The game is an adventure where you are one of a group of children and furries trapped inside a nightmarish, militant day-care center where all children are required to wear nothing but diapers and regularly shit and piss themselves, regardless of them needing a diaper or not. To a normal person this sound like torture, child abuse or, in the best case scenario, the plot of some sort of awful horror game. But to Matthew this all sounds like a pleasant experience that everyone can enjoy.
This is probably the most telling quote about the nature of the game:
As you can also see the underclassmen uniform is basically a dress with a pair of white tights, which the boys have to wear as well as the girls, this is done to assist in the ease of diaper changing, since all underclassmen are all diapered, mostly just as a means of general convenience, routine and scheduling, as well as the best means to curb any potential personal attacks and bad attitudes, since some students have more wetting problems than others. The dorm mothers and teachers and such will let them use the bathroom if they need to go number two though, if they ask.
They basically go with the student to the bathroom, untape and take off their diapers (as a rule students aren't allowed to touch or take off their own diapers) and then after they finish they'll either retape the old diaper back on or put them into a fresh one.
Further, if a student breaks the rule, for whatever possible reason, then the student is punished with having to wear "mitties" for a variable time period, which basically prevents them from being able to fuss with their diapers. The "mitties" look like this:
I may wind up tinting them a bit bluish though, like I did with the booties. Basically the "mitties" are kind of a first warning. If you keep trying to fuss with your diaper then you'll get longer periods of time having to wear the "mitties" and then if even that doesn't curb the problem then there are other possible punishments, such as corner time and, rarely, a spanking. Some kids that are "special needs" and really can't help from trying to fuss with their diapers are usually just kept in "mitties" most of the time, except at meals and in class.
It would feature the following interesting and worthwhile gameplay:
Have "IQ points" and the higher you go the more easily they can figure
out various puzzle solutions, maybe even have some that are impossible
until you reach a certain IQ level. If you don't have the innate
intelligence to solve a puzzle directly you'll have to rely on old
fashion information gathering as well as trial and error to come up
with solutions. Essentially if you get smart enough you can basically
bypass entire puzzles altogether.
You can't separate your group until you get the walkie talkies. You
can only separate as far as the range of the walkie talkies and if its
an area with interference then you can't split up. Basically you
always have to be in contact with one another. Maybe later if you
build up enough "confidence points" then you can. That way some areas
can be inaccessible until you build up your "confidence points". The
more walkie talkies you have the more your group can split up.
Courtney, or a younger NPC has been talking with a stuffed bear, which
is actually an evil creature from the 4th space in disguise.
Meters for likeness on each person, up to three stars, some characters
you need to get them to hate you to do certain things and others you
need to get them to like you a lot to do certain things.
Deflated soccer ball, need to find pump and inflate, gets a
character(s) to like you more.
Find missing puzzle pieces for an NPC's puzzle, gets that character to
like you more.
Male character finds a skull or something gross, or maybe an insect,
show it to timid characters to get them to freak and wet themselves as
well as like you less.
Compass and map, needed to navigate using coordinates or something,
possibly use GPS instead.
A character is missing her paint set, find it and she'll like you
A character had something of theirs confiscated and its in a teacher's
desk, retrieve it and they'll like you more. Scenario will involve
steps to get the teacher out of the class using one character while
another character sneaks in and retrieves the item. Similar in style
to Maniac Mansion.
School work of sorts, increases your IQ.
Maybe have spell books and then spell gems, combining each in
different ways for different effects.
Write messages to people, like on chalk board, will change their
When you approach something where there's something there a question
mark will pop up and then you can press the action key again to
activate the menu options.
Once a match is lit you have a limited time to use it on something.
Tools - screwdriver - needed to get into something or maybe take
something apart.
One student refuses to talk to you, but you look up something personal
about them in their school records and then you're able to talk to
them about it and gain their trust.
Steal one of the older characters dentures to keep them out of a
certain room, because they're looking for them.
Use sewing needle to fix clothing, but first must learn how from one
of the dorm mothers. Also increases IQ points.
Money - quarters and dollars to start then later fives, tens and
Use squeegee to clean a window so you can see inside.
Use dust buster to suck up something you can't normally pick up, maybe
like a contact lens in conjunction with a pair of pantyhose, or maybe
just to clean up a mess.
Maybe have fighting system based on static forms, like your weapon has
a base attack level and then depending on your stamina, luck,
intelligence it could be increased, with stamina being the primary
variable factor. So if you attack really quickly your stamina will
run down and so will the number of effective attacks, where as if you
wait for your stamina to build back up your hits will be more
effective...the downside being that waiting leaves you open to attack.
Nun is missing her rosary/cross necklace, you must find it.
Need to get broom and sweep, make a mini game out of it, hard at
first, then gets easier and easier and you get some kind of reward for
the three highest scores (like the TV Studio games in Megaman
Legends.) Maybe do another one with mowing the lawn.
Maybe have the 4th space portal start off in a town and they won't let
you leave until you can find some weapons and/or participate in some
kind of battle test. The chores in the real world will be how you
initially "level up". The main factor being stamina, the more stamina
the more attacks you can make and the more power they have.
Garbage can will get fuller by the day, if you come across it when
it's full you can pick it up. If you take it out to the garbage for
say seven days in a row you'll get some kind of an item or access to
something. Maybe an increase in your allowance and an increase in
your stamina points.
When you're first in the Fourth Space everything seems normal (a
forest like area) but things start getting weirder and weirder the
further you venture in.
Use magnet to get something metal out of hay - maybe a lost wedding
band from one of the dorm mothers.
Kite string and magnet for...getting a key maybe? Maybe have it
locked in a drawer that you can only open about a quarter inch, or
maybe have it fallen behind something big and heavy.
Get binoculars from pervy Carrote
Have a list of simple things to do, but maybe have the list
incomplete, like something gets spilled on it and you have to figure
out what the remaining tasks are.
One of the toilets is backed up, in say the forest area outside of the
orphanage, meaning it's impossible to wander that far without having
an accident in your pants/diaper, so you need the plunger to get it
The List Quest
Your dorm mother has admired the responsibility you've shown so far
and rewards you with WORK! It sounds troublesome, but it will win her
over in thinking that you're "grown up" and you may just be able to
get back into Pull-ups!
There is however one problem, the list of chores she gives you gets
splashed with water and many of the tasks get washed out, some so bad
you can only make out a few letters. Will you be able to figure out
all the chores that need to be done, get them done AND keep your
diapers dry in time...or will you disappoint your dorm mother and wet
your diapers like the big baby you know you are? (you are able to go
to your dorm mother and have her remove your diapers so you can go
like a big kid, but if you leak too much in your diapers you'll stay
stuck in them, even if you do complete the list). Having to wear
diapers will decrease your stamina, making the game harder.
Wash dishes in the cafeteria
Clean windows in the school house
Sweep the floor in the church
Take out the garbage
Feed the cat
Items Needed
Dish Soap
Drain Plug
Dish Scrubbie
Paper Towels
Dust Pan
Cat Food
Crossing The River Quest (skill level 5)
Find cinder blocks to use as a bridge to cross a river stream
(4ft deep, 8ft wide). Cinder blocks are 8x8x16, use two wide,
six high and six across, 72 total.
Items And Skills Needed
Rope (found in barn)
Cinder Blocks (found in various locations)
Skill - knot tying (learn from Colby)
Situational Plan - genius kid, when you find his teddy bear and
promise to keep it secret.
1. Find genius kid's teddy bear.
2. Talk to Colby about how to tie knots.
3. Paint fence for Colby, earn stamina points and knot tying
4. Locate each individual cinder block, take one at a time to
river. Makes you move slower while carrying them, increasing
your chance of wetting.. Earn stamina points.
5. Lower each cinder block into the water using the rope (maybe
include a sub/mini game thing for dropping/centering the
Pretty In Pink Quest (skill level 2)
A kid's white shirts got put in with a red sock and they turned
pink! Turn the shirts white again by putting them in the wash
with a little bleach (1 cup)
Items And Skills Needed
Measuring Cup
Situational Plan - one of the dorm mothers maybe, when you find
something for them or help them in some way.
1. Talk to kid with pink shirts.
2. Talk to dorm mother, ask how to fix, complete another quest
for the answer.
3. Locate the measuring cup.
4. Locate the bleach.
5. Locate the quarters.
6. Wash the clothes.
7. Return white shirts, get something for it.
Have like two status related item slots that'll have different
effects, like increasing HP, luck, etc. Similar to FF3.
Look up allergy info about teacher on medical computer, then find a
feather or something to trigger their allergies to get the teacher out
of room or distracted for a period of time..
Need to find the gloves so that you can get something that you
wouldn't be able to pick up otherwise.
Science/Ag project to grow a plant, need to water everyday and add
plant food, if you do it right and your plant grows then you get an A
on the assignment, maybe B for missing a day of feeding/watering, C
for missing two days, etc. Increases your IQ points.
Need to find and take a pet carrier into the fourth space, catch an
animal using some involved means and bring it back to the real world
to let loose in order to scare a mean dog or something off. Have a
comedy moment about whether it's wise to let a new species into the
world. One character can be like, "Meh, what harm could one little **
possibly do?".
Maybe have a dig site/mine close to the orphanage with...stuff.
Need to get wrench to shut off or turn on some water main, maybe to
get to something in a fountain without getting all wet, which would
saturate your pullups/diapers/panties and get you stuck in diapers.
Need to go around in the forest and collect sticks in order to make a
fire for camp each night. The more you can find the warmer you'll be
at night, maybe get sick if not warm enough or stamina stats go down.
Or maybe increase your likelihood of wetting yourself at night.
Grades could be used to increase intelligent stat or maybe get items
from it, maybe candy stuff that could then be used in the fourth space
for something. Maybe a troll or something that demands food won't
like anything you give it except for say Skittles (what you get for
getting an A). Allude to it by having him say something like, "Oh how
I long to "taste the rainbow", if only I could..."
Go to bed with like a nightmare/dream stone and enter a dream world
sequence thing or scenario.
Dorm Mother is afraid of mice, capture a mouse, set it loose in her
room, causes her to faint.
In order to get into the garage you need to get the remote from the
head master's desk.
Maybe have limited item capacity, following a form like this.
In your room you have a chest that can store 50 items.
You have a diaper bag that can carry 25 diaper items.
You have a duffle bag that can carry 25 regular items.
Maybe have a first aid kit for healing things.
Maybe a tool box for various tools.
You need to bake a cake - as some kind of side quest or something.
USB Thumb Drive - You can access computers and save files from them
and programs that let you do certain things. Have it setup so you
have limited space and maybe you can buy or find an upgrade at some
Tupperware - Used to store things, like maybe a bug to scare someone
or distract them.
Lighter/Matches - Matches have limited use, say 10 lights. Lighter is
also limited to say 50 lights.
Boxes - Can't open without a pocket knife or cutter.
Timer - Use to wake yourself up in the night, otherwise you'll just
sleep straight through. Only way to be awake at night when starting
Before you can go off adventuring you need to acquire certain items.
First a clip board and pencil just to make the list of needed items.
Then a watch, for timing the portal dilations, have it so the portals
are time based and only working for a certain amount of time in
certain places. Sleeping bags, tent, backpack, diaper changing pad,
binoculars, maybe life vests for crossing water, rope, toolbox,
radios, etc.
Not everything you'll be able to get right away. You can check the
list in a menu style system, as you go through the game new items will
be added to the list and then checked off when you find them.
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