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My Immortal/My Immortal 2

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My Immortal 2: Wake Me Up Inside

This is the infamous sequel to the god-awful My Immortal. It was submitted on Fanfiction in 2008 by xxxmidnitegoffxxx. No one is too sure if this is the actual work of Tara Gilesbie. xxxmidnitegoffxxx confess to be being a fake, but we cannot be to certain. Her more famous account has xxxmidnitegoffxxx on her friend-list, so this might actually be the works of Tara Gilesbie. For now, this is the closes we wil come to a “sekwel”. Enjoy... eh.

Chapter 1.

AN: Srry dat I havnt riten any nu chaps, but sum1 hakd my old akont, & nw I hav 2 use dis 1. If yu dnt lik goffik stuff thn yu a prepz, so fuk of!!11


I lookd at Voldrimort as he flw bck, httn da wall.

“Yu wll pay 4 dis”, he sad sexily.

I tied 2 close my eys nd fink abot Pete Wentz and his sexynis. I cudnt bar da pain anymore. Al I wnatd wuz 2 g 2 my rom and cut my rists.

“Yu r al lik da rst”, I said suacialy. “Al yu wnt 2 du is lrd it ovr us goffz. Yu dicktate wat we cn nd cnt du, yu mtherfukr”.

“Hw dar yu tlk 2 me lik dat”, Woldermort sid as he buort out his wip, nd bgan 2 wip me. I cried sexily. I thried to fink abot Pet Wentz nd hs sexy boby, bt da foght kep goin awy.

“Sum1 help me”, I cried saucialy.

Sudenly cam Samaro, Vampires dad.

“Di”, He siad as he gut hiz gun ut and shot Voldsermort.

“ARRRRRRRRRR” Voldadork yeld as he flw awy on his broom. I trid 2 find Samaro but he wuz gone!!111


AN: Wuz dat good. If yu flme it, dan yu a prep!!1

Chapter 2.

AN: Dis is da nects chptr. Dnt flame yu posers!!1111


Dombledor went up 2 a prap named Britney and sid, “Well done Britney, you hav savd us once agin”

WHAT DA FUK”, I yelded at him. “I Did al tghart hard wrk, yu mthrfukr”.

“Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, yu did noffing as we wre bing turtured by da Dirk lord. Yu wll be snt to yu room”.

Dat nite I creid. That bitch took all da cridit. Tht mthrfukr will pay!!


Da mext day, a new grl strtd at skool. C wuz anther fukn prep. Her name will Paris Hilton. C hd only fond out dat c wuz a qwitch nt dat long ago and c mde sure to b mean to us goffs.

C spilld aflass of wtar on Vampire.

“Y da fuk did yu do that, yu bitch”, I yeld dat hr.

“Watch da mouuth”, c said.

Aftr c wuz gne, I lokd at Draco, noing dat he wanted 2 do it wtih me.


AN: Dont fukn flame, yu psers.

Chapter 3.

Dnt fukn flam me yu bitchs. I bt yu a prep!!1111 Dis capt is 4 Raven, yu wll alwys be in our haerts.


Dat nite, me and Draco went to our rooms. Draco tok hus top off, and I did da smae.

He began to sux on my boobs. I sexily cried out in pian. His mouth tasted tendr. He den stoped, and look at me. He lokd lik Gerald Way. He den went and tok is paints off. I saw his you know wat, and began to sux on it. Draco creied sucidally as I suxed on it.

“Stop it” he yelled sexly.

While I stll had his you know what in his mouth, I siad, “if you wus out know, yu r prep”.

“Don’t fuken tell me wat to do, Draco yelled at me sexily. He then lieftd the room nakd.

I cudnt bare it. So I cut my slf wile listn to the radio.

Another turning point

a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist

directs you where to go

So make the best of this test

and don't ask why

It's not a question

but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable

but in the end it's right

I hope you had the time of your life” da band sang.

“Evn da radio is mocking me now”, I fukn yelld.


AN: I hope dat wuz good. Pleaz no flamez!!111

Chapter 4.

AN: Don’t kukn flame me yu prepz. Yu only jeluz!!111 Catn wayt 4 da new FOB albun!! Pete Wntz loks so hot!!1


Da next day, my bnd strtd 2 ply. Craco dcided 2 qit da bnd cuz of wat we did lst nite. I wuz wrin a blck GC top whch wuz ripd and shrt lethr skrt, whch wuz also ripd. I hd blck liptick on nd wite fondason and blck eylinr. I had a pntagrm ncklce around my nck and I had a ponty hi-heeld bots. My har wuz al mesd up. I wor blck ey contcts. We dcided to rite sum nu songz. 1 of dem wuz cald “Brak 3 of da system”. We plyd it and evry1 luvd it.

To da depf of hell.

Wher Satan ringz hiz Belz

Goffs of da worldz

Slit da rist 2 da beat” I sang.

We den plyed sum oldr songz. Theal luvd it.

We die 4 noffing

Bledn our rist our

Let our lifs be none

4 our pact b cmpete”, I sang da next songz.

Bitney and da nu grl cam up and sad dat we wer lam. Ill shw dat bitch!!111 C puld da plg, wat a bitch!!1

We wre tld to lave cuz da tcherz tld us 2. Fuk them. Dey alwd prepz msc 2 b plyd lik dat fukn bitch Paris hu sonded lik SHIT!!111111

“Y cnt dey ply stuf lik My Chem (If u don’t no dey r den fuk off!!) cuz dat is rel musc”, I fukn yeld at them sexily!!.

“Dat is is a detntion Elbony”, said da tcher. FUKN BITYCH!!

Chapter 5.

AN: Y da fuk r yu al sayn im nt me? Wlll I am!!1111 So fuk of yu preps!!111


Me and Bloody Mary were sitn outsid wen we saw a postr cum up. It sed dat FOB were playn dat nite.

“I so luv FOB”, sad Vloody Mary.

“Yea, but I cnt stand Pete anymor, snce he gos out wth dat bitch Ashlee (Why cunt c fukn die!!1111). But I stll luv der nu song”, I rplid.

So dat nite we got chnged in2 sum nu clth dat I gt frm Hot Topc (if u dont no wat dat is, den fuk off). Wat I wor wuz a blck korset wit wuz ripd and a blud red leather miniskrt. I had blud lipstik on aswll. I had lng blck lethr army bots aswel whch were tite as.

When we gt dar we saw sum of our frendz nd we wtched FOB playd. Dey wre amzng. Pete Wentz lukd as evr.

Patrick sng dar bst I evr herd.

I don't blame you for being you

But you can't blame me for hating it

So say, what are you waiting for?

Kiss her, kiss her

I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late” Patrick sang.

It wuz so amzng dat I had a orge.

Aftr da shw, me nd Bloddy Mary brorte FOB cncrt tees nd gt Pete nd Patrik 2 sgnd dem.

“Dat wuz so fukn kol siad Blodoy Nary.


AN: If yu dunt thnk dat im rely me den fuk off.

Chapter 6.

AN: Y da fuk r u al bng meen 2 me. U gt noider wat its ik bng goff, u fukn prepz!!1 Jst fuk off!!111 Y cnt u tak me sireusly? Im a jok 2 u r u. den fuk off!! Raven, I so fukn mis u, y didu hav2 hng urslf.


Me & Bloody Mayr wnt in2 da tolet gt out of our clths.den we bgan psh agnst ech othr. I flt hr swet on my skn.

“Hu neds guys wen we hv ech othr, c told me.

“I fukn hat Droco”, I ylded sixily, “I bt he is chetn onme by hvng it wif Vampire. Hes dne it bfor”.

We den sat dwn nd listnd 2 sum GC whle sltn our rist. Den aftr dat, we den wnt bck 2 our roms. On our way, we sw Draco wth dat slut, Paris. He wuz wearn prepz clthin.

“U BASTED!!11” I yled sucacidally. “FUK OFF”.

He den wnt 2 da boys tolets, mst likly 2 hav sexs.

Wile we wlkd bck 2 our roms, we gt anothr detenton frm Mr Noris. Dat basted mst fukn di fr wat he put me thru!!11.


AN: Im a goff, cuz u dnt no wat u r tlkin abut.

Chapter 7.

AN: Stp flming me, u prepz!!11 Fuk u als Justin, u tretd me lik sht 4 lung!!1 Thnk 2 my sis 4 da spnsh stff


Da nxt day, I wok up frm my coffn, whch hd blud red covern, iv chnged it cuz I gt bred of my old 1. I gt changd into a blck shrt skrt wth red stps, nd da GC top I gut frm da cncert I wnt 2. I putt on a blc tigt lethr jckit, and sum lng biits dat wnt up 2 my nees. My har wuz al mst up, nd I hd blck mke up on. I hd blud red ey cntacks on.

we hd a nu techr. He wuz relly hot nd he spke rely god spnish. Je lokd alut lik Joel frm GC!!

“Hopla nnos, cmo eta ustd esa nchi. Mi nombre es vandersleld paro ustd pude todo lamida yo Sombra. Apremderemos hay sbre pesidilas”, he tld us. He spke so sexy dat I almst hd a orgnisb. We begn 2 wrk. He wuz der 2 rplace dat pervat Lupun.

“Heso hot”, sad Blody Matry.

“Iso wun2 go out wif him, I sadi. I ddnt cuz Draco hd jsut chetd on me wif dat slut Bitney.

So we wnt awy 2 our rum 2 slt our ristz, wile lisnin to da lng Lif & def by GC (if yu dunt no wat sng dat is, den fuk off!!1).


AN: Dunt fukn flam me!!1 Da reson y my wrtn nt god at dat momnt is dat my profredr is died. I cunt do anifing abut dan!! Raven, Ido dis 4 u. RIP 1992-2008

Chapter 8. The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You

AN: Dnt fukn flame me u prepz!!11 Dis is 4 u Raven RIP 1992-2008.


Da nxt clas, dmbldor calld me up 2 his ofice. He wuz dis tiem wering a MCR top (dat fukn poser).

“Dis is vry importnant stuf Enoby”, he tlled me. “Smap nd Lupim hs escabe. Day wll b tukn 4 u. U r in fanger”.

“Dey bettr nt tri n tak pics of me nakd agan. I dunt wnted 2 be lik da slut pasis. I dunt wnt aex taps of me on da net”, I ylled foffikly.

“Cam dwn, Ebobyu. Al u hve 2 do is kep a klow cober, cuz snaop and lupn can b lukn anywer”, dubldork said 2 me sucidaly.

“Gret”, I yled sixely, “I nw hav pervrts aftr me, grest”.

I ran bak 2 da commnrum nd slopd my rst wil listning 2 Hold On by GC. Al I wnted 2 do wuz kil myslf. I deicded 2 bed. But wen I gt my rum, I saw Smape der. Bloody Mayr wuz der bt c wuz dead. I sw al thes bum wunds on her bdy.

“Di u mothrfukr”, I yled at snpe.


AN: Don’t fukn rport me us posers!!11

Chapter 9.

AN: Y dnt u bliev dat it is relly me? Is it cuz dar so mny poser hu fink dat dey can btend 2 b me? Cuz Im da reel Tara.


Sexly, Sombre cam in nd jickd Smap ut of da windo. Snap yled sucidally as he fel 2 da flor.

“Cum wif me, Sombre tld me saxily.

So I folo hm 2 Dumblidarks ofist. Wen I gt der, I sw Dunblidorf penixs. It wuz red nd hot.

Dumblidor wnt up 2 me. He wuz woryd.

“I is nt saf 4 u 2 b hre. Infct it is nt saf 4 any1 2 b here now. Dis skool must b lose dwn”, he tld every1 in da offise.

Pro Gondagol smild. Dat bitch wnted dis skool dwn 4 ages. Fugde lukd hppy. He did nt hav 2 deel wif da skol anymor, so dat wuz gud 4 him. Hanrid wuz sad. He luvd dis skool so mch.

All I wnted 2 do wuz go 2 my room nd slit my rist. I cudnt bar it. I nu I hd 2 go home…

Chapter 10. I am a big FAT troll

Authors Note: This is not Tara. I have hacked into her account, and I will rather keep my name secret, fearing that a crazy goff/emo kid might murder me. Enjoy.


Suddenly Dumbledore decided to get rid of the evil Enoby once and for all.

“Let us cut our wrist”, he told everyone in the office. “Here is a knife that I have convenently have on me”.

Enoby could not wait to cut herself. So she quickly ran up to Dumbledore and grapped the knife out of his hand. Like in an epic scene in a movie, in which in all the trailers have in them, Enoby cut her wrist. Suddenly, she dropped dead.

Everyone begins to sing, “Yay, the Goff is dead”.


So after this event, it was discovered the all the sex scenes in the first story was all in Enobys head, and that the sex in Chapter 3 was Enoby forcing Draco to have sex.

Snape and Lupin were not sex addicts, but trying to prove that Enoby was illegally cutting herself and being Goff, which was illegal within the wizardry community, for it was to muggle like. This was however was proven when Enoby cut herself, and died.

Bloody Gothic Rose 666 renamed themselves I Love My Life, and they began to sing Preppy songs instead of Goffic songs, which wasn’t a real genre in the first place.

Good Charlotte, My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy never played at Hogwarts, but instead was in Enobys head, which all her so called friends played along to keep her happy. They were afraid that she would killed herself if she found out.

And to end this story, lets have a Britney Spears song be played over the credits:

Oh baby baby

How was I supposed to know

that somethin' wasn't right here

oh baby baby

I shouldn't have let you go

And now you're out of sight, yeah

Show me

how you want it to be

tell me baby

'cause I need to know now

oh, because

My loneliness

Is killing me (and I)

I must confess

I still believe (still believe)

When I'm not with you I lose my mind

give me a sign

hit me baby one more time


Disclamer: I do not own any of this stuff, not even Enoby (pulls a sad faces).

Chapter 11.

AN: Hu da fuk hakd my acont? Its nt fnny!!1


I cudnt believ it. I wuz stndng at da trian as I waitd 2 gt on. Vampire wuz der, wif a dreprezzd luk on his fac.

“Wat is r0ng?” I askd hm.

“My unc nd unt hat goffik peps. Ill hav 2 gt chnge b4 I gt hme”, Vampire tld me.

I bgan 2 cri secily. I cudnt bar hving nt 2 b goffik 4 dat lng tme. I flt so srry 4 Vampire dat I wnted 2 slit my rist.

I wll e u 2 ceek up on u”, I sad 2 hm. All he did wuz fround.

“dunt tll dem dat im hu I am”, he tld her.

Da trantip wuznt dat lng. We rote sum nu Bloody Gothic Rose 666 sngs, whch were gud.

Den I gt 2 da staton nd der watng wuz my lit bro Milo Agenesis Way…


AN: Ive gt a nu bf Gareth Vandersleld nd I fink I wll b abl 2 do it wif hm. Dunt flam me u prepz!!11

Chapter 12. Chaptr 12

AN: Dnt flme me u rpeps!!11 Its nly cuz ya jeluz!!111 Gareth u r my onli reson 4 dis gud 4 nofink lif


I wnt 2 my rum. It wuz all drk, cuz I hatd da lite. 2 da sde, der wuz my cofn, whch wuz covr wif prple slk. Al ovr da walls wuz postrs of GC, MCR, FOB, P!daDisko, nd Evrnescent. In my cubid wuz my goffik clths dat I gt frm Hot Topik.

I gt chnged in2 a shrt skrt dat wuz ripd, a MCR (der goifk) top, nd a lethr jakt. I hd all my ovr my face, lik a emo (Cuz Emo nd Gokik IS DA SAME THINH!!1) os dat no1 cud se my ugly fac. I wor blk liptik, whte pwdr ovr my face, nd blck ilinr. I hd a peer of blck chuks on.

My lit bro Milo wuz werng a GD (C der r gokik too) top, wif tigh jens on. His hiar wuz al spickd up. His skn wuz pale, nd his teef wer drwling 4 blud. His chcks were blud red, nd he hd a hatrd luk on his fase.

I wnt 2 da diner tble nd nd we hd human meet, all covrd in blud, cuz al my famli is vampirs, nd r aalso gofik. Der wuz no lite on cuz we hatd da lite. I dnk diet coke mixd wif blood, cuz Im a vapire.

Aftr dat, we wtchd on tv a persn hav his blud suxd by a vampir. We den slit our rists whle listn 2 GD. Den my mun nd dad wnt 2 der rum. Me nd my lit bro Mili wtchd da nitemare b4 xmas, nd den corsb brde, nd we tok herion, nd slit our rist again.

I decded 2 chek up on my flks. I wnt 2 my rum, nd luk insid nd I saw my mon nd Hugrid nakd on da bed doin it. I sucidaly has a orgnism.

“Wat da fuk”, I yeld at her, “Wat da fuk r u doin”.

My dad wlkd in, shck, cuz had jst done it wif b4 hnd.

“Y”, he yled sixely. “Y did u hav 2 do dis 2 me”.

He wlkd off & so did i. I wlk awy, so da prk, wer I slit my rist. All I wntd 2 do wuz kil mislf. Y did dey hav 2 do dat. Suddnly, I saw a postr get put up, whch said dat Panik da Disko wer playng in my twon. I cudnt beliebv it.


AN: Dunt fukn flme me u prps. U r only jeluz!!111111 Gofik is a wrd!!1 nd im nt a wanabe, I AM A GOFF!!1111 Do u evn no wat a gof rely is!! Dat cuz u a prep!!111 So Fuk oF!!

Chapter 13.

AN: Dunt fukn flam me u prepz!!11 my ritng nd spllng is alrite!!1111

XxXxXxXxX666XxXxXxXxX (C ive chnged dat, r u k wif dat, or do u stll hat me)

Dat day, I wnt & gt tikets. Da day of da concrt, I invted Vampier. His unc nd ant fought he wuz gng 2 a rep shw, so dey ddnt mnd. He pikd me up in hs blck merc, whch had blud red lethr sheets. He wuz werng a Panik! top, nd tite blck jens, whch were ripd. Hs hair wuz nt blck, lik he usely hd, bt munly blu. I kisd him nd I hd an orgnism.

In da car, we smked pot, nd gt al hi. I red a drepresing bok, nd we listnd 2 MCR, and den we listnd 2 P!daDisko. We den slt our rits, whle listning to GC. We den gt 2 da concrt.

We gt 2 da frnt of da crwd nd mshed rite out frnt. I saw Urie, nd I hd a orgnism.

“Dey r so fukn kool!?” I yled.

“Yeh, bt dey r nt as kool as u r”, Vapire said to me saxily. He kisd me agan nd I hd an anther oranism.

Time is never time at all

you can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth

and our lives are forever changed

we will never be the same

the more you change the less you feel

believe, believe in me, believe”, da bnd sung.

“I so luv dis sng. Ths has 2 b der bst one deyve ritn”, I tld vampire sucidaly.

“Sam, bt I luv u bettr!!”, he sexily.

I wnt awy 2 by sum Panik! tops, bt on my way, I sw a goffik kid dat I sen b4:

It wuz Satan……..

Chapter 14.

AN: Dunt fukn flam me u rpz!!1


“Di”, I yled hm as I puuld a smll.

“Stp he sed” Im nt Woldanort. I wuz kdnapd b4 da Marylin Mansn shw”.,

so is wuznt u al da tim”, I sed 2 hm

“Yah, & I ned 2 tll u sumfing”, He sed 2 me. “U hav 2 fnd da bll ofda furchar. It wll tech u hu 2 dfet Voldimort”.

Wer is is it”? I askd hm.

“In da Minisy”, He tld me. “dat hll nct 2 da on dat Vampires Gdfafa gts klld”.

As he sed dat, he wuz movd awy by da crwd. I dcid 2 by da tps, nd wnt bak 2 Vampire. “We gt 2 go fnd dos bllz” I sed 2 hm

“okuy”m, he sed.


AN: im nt a jok, im bng seryus!!111111 dunt flme u rpapz!!111

Chapter 15. I Write Sins Not Tragedies

AN: Dat is a P!daDisko sng, I herd dem ply it liv!!11 U dunt no anyfng prep!!1 Dis chap hs a bg twst 2 da stry!? RIP Raven 192-2008 I Luv U


We dcided 2 mos abt mor. So we moshd rite da frnt, lukng in2 Urie secily Is. He wuz so ht dat I gt an orgy.

”When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch his skin.

I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck

Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me

Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?

No, no, no, you know it will always just be me”, Urie sng. Dey ddnt ply ani of der nu stuuf cuz dat stuuf wuz prep musc!!1111 & if suxd.

Afta dey wnt of stge, we watd 4 da bakup bnd 2 cum on. We dcded 2 tolet & we didit. Vapire pt hs stik fingy in2 my u no wat, & da likwed stuuf bgan 2 enta mi u no wat. I screemd suciadaly as he redrew da stik fingy frm my u no wat. He den wnt & suxd on my b00bz, saxng da mlk frm it. I scremd evn mor.

Afta dat, we slt our rists whle listning 2 da blak perde. We den enjtd heryon in2 our bodys & strted 2 cri in pan.

Afta dat, we wnt out of da tolet 2 listn 2 da bakup bnd. Dey wer waring msk on. Dey wer snging prep musc, lik dat stupd bittney speers sng. Dey toke der msk of.

Dey wer Valfamort & his def esters………….


AN: If u kep flamng me, I wll kil mislef!!1111

Chapter 16. Chapter 16 XXXeditdXXX

AN: I dunt car wat u suy, im gong 2 kep ritng diz stry!!111 U cnt kep rportng me, bt i wll kep gong!! dis chpta is scry bdw.


“U shal cnvert or DI!!1111” Voldsmort yeld in dat old qway. Da Def Delas wnt & kild a fw of dat goffx, cuz da ddnt wnt 2 bcum prepz. 1 of dem hd der heed ct of.

“Dat is wat gong 2 hppnd if u dunt cnvrt” he yelf

Der is nowy dat im gong 2 bcum a prep”, gof kid yeld. It wuz Coln Grevy, but dat wuz nt wat dey cld hm animore. He wuz nw cald Reapa. He dscovd dat hs rul fafer wuz a mss kila. So he bcam goff & jond Slivalin.

“Tho nt dar spek 2 me lik dat”, Voldaermort yeld sucidaly.

“We wll bw 2 u”m, he yled.

Voldabort id a spll dat cud hav klld hm, bt I jmbd & gt hm outof da wey. We kwickly gt awy. I cudnt gt ova wat hd hapn. Me, Repa & Vampir wnt bak 2 da tolet 2 slt our rist cuz of wat hd happnd. I wnted hm 2 di!!111 We dcided nt 2 g bak der. I hopd P!dadisko wer saf cuz der wud b kild if Voldernor fond out dat dey wer goff.


AN: I hop diz wuz bata? 2 dos hu dnt lik da rap bit, i gt rid of it. Nw r u fin??

Chapter 17.

AN: Dis is da nu chap. Iv gt a nu beta cld shadwkng. So der is no reson 2 flam me animor!!111111


We quickly got through the people who had become preps because of what Voldemort had done. We walked down the road as quickly as we could. We tried to find Vampire’s car, which was parked nearby.

When we got there, it had been destroyed!

“Oh My God!” I yelled sadly, “What are we gonna do?!”

“It looks like we are gonna have to walk home,” Reapa said.

“But that’s miles away, how can we do that?” I asked him.

I looked around & there was a demon. It was wearing black cloaks, & it floated in the sky.

It was a dementor. We began to run cause we knew that they sucked the life out of you. But we

were too late. It was beginning to suck on Reapa.

“No!” I yelled, as the dementor was sucking the life out of Reapa. “Do something,


Vamire got out his wand & summoned a stag patronus that killed the dementor. We were safe again.

But Reapa wasn’t. He was dying. The sight of him dying made me want to slit my wrist,

but I didn’t have the time, as the Death Eaters were coming.


AN: I hop dat wuz betta? No flamng plez!!1111

Chapter 18.

Here is the edited version of the next chapter...By the time we got back to

the house, it was burnt down. It was a big shock cause no one expected it at


“So what are we going to do now," Vampire asked Tara. “Where will we go

to now?”

“I bet it's the Death Eaters that did this to me. They know where I live.

OMG, where are all my clothes?!" I screamed suicidally. Vampire tried to calm

me down, but it was no good. I wanted to kill myself.

“We will get back at them, those preps, those bastards!” Vampire said to

me. He was as angry as I was. What were we to do. I had nowhere to go at all.

I was homeless.

Because of this, me and Vampire slit our wrists while listening to MCR's "I

don't love you". I cried because I lost my clothes. Those fucking BASTARDS!

They will fuckin' pay!

I decided to call a friend. I called her up, and she said, “What is it, my


“I've got a prob," I told her, "my house is burnt down! Please pick me


So as we were waiting, Vampire took his pants off, and I took mine off too!

He then jizzed in my mouth. Then, after that, he put his throbbing manhood

into my muff, and we did it. I then grabbed his balls and he screamed sexily

as I did that. But it wasn’t the

same as Draco, with his lips, and how he looked like Joel from GC. He was so

fucking hot. Hot in his jeans, why did he dump me, that fucking bastard, he

must fucking die! I couldn’t keep doing it, cause I kept thinking of Draco

and his sexy eyes!

It was then that Willow, my friend, pulled up in a van. She looked so hot

with what she wore. With the shirt, black mini skirt with red stripes, and her

messy hair, she was fuckin’ hot! She was wearing pink crocs and tight black


“Come in,” she said…….XD is needing editing fangz!

Chapter 19.

AN: Diz is da nxt chapd, fnagz 2 Shado 4 luking thru diz stuff, u fukn rox!!1111 Flame diz den u r rep!!111


Newest chapter: edited and good to go!...On the way to Willow’s house, we

slit our wrists while listening to Teen Spirit by Nirvana (if you don’t know them then fuck off you preps!). We then talked about

depressing things that made me want to slit my wrists again. I then read a

depressing book, which also made me want to slit my wrists. Why the fuck did I

keep having these thoughts? Was it cause of me doing it with Vampire? Fuck, I

wanted to kill myself.

We then got to her house, which was all goffik and stuff. It looked like an

old castle,

which had gargoyles all around it. It looked a lot like that house from

Edward Scissorhands

(if you don’t know what that movie is, then FUCK OFF!) We went into the

house, and there was all these posters of GC, Panic! At the Disco, Ritex of

speing, MCR, FOB, GD, Nirvana, Evanescence, and the other goffik bands. Willow

was so fuckin’ cool. She was a fuckin’ hottie! Man, I wanted to do it with


“So, what is wrong?” she said.

“Voldemort has burned my house down, and burnt all my clothes (he must

fuckin’ pay for

what he has done). Stan has told me to look for some ball that is meant to

see the future.”

“I see,” Willow said. She spoke so sexily that I got an orgasm. “This

ball can

tell us how to defeat the Dark Lord! It will tell us his weakness.”

“Cool, then we must look for it now,” I said to her.

“No, Emoby, you must stay here and rest, for tomorrow we will look!” she

told me.

So we got some food, which was a cow, and some good cat food. It was also

covered with blood, and we had blood mixed with milk as well. Before we ate,

we prayed to the Devil by

humming this:

Stan wonderful,

Curse this dinner,

As youo others.

Let them be tortured,

Beaten upon,

For not accepting you

Be the one that will punish them

And send them to Hell!” we hummed. The Devil was pleased.

Den Vampire sed a peom 2 plez da Devil:

I wait all my life to fade into darkness

Beneath my bed I keep my rope

Which will hang on the day of reckoning

Showing the flag of what my life means

They hurt me no more, never again

They will me sided with me, not against

They will feel the hurt, with the power of guilt

They will feel sorry for me at last

It has been sixteen fucking years

Since I had to not live with suffering

Dead I will be at last, no feelings what so ever

I lie there cold and naked, waiting

She left me there to lie in wast

She will be one of them to feel the guilt

She will end her life, just as I will

She will be forgotten, just like me

They were the ones to fuck things up

To put me in the shit I am in

My one last wish is to see them suffer

Like I have suffered for sixteen years

I know that when I’m gone, I will be forgotten

I know that when I take the last leap

That all will be gone, but that is good

From that day on, I will suffer no more

They will find me naked and cold

I will talk to them nor move

No breath will come from my mouth

And then the waiting game will be over

(Fangz 2 Gareth Vandersleld 4 alowing me 2 us diz peom. U rox!!11 666)

After we had finished our food, we slit our wrists, and praised the Devil. We

then watched Corpse Bride, which made me want to do it with Vampire. So me and

Campfire went to Willow’s can and banged around in it. So I sucked onto

Vampire’s cock and sucked in his creamy load, after which he had an

ejaculation and the sperm came out, which I sucked in as well. Then we began

to kiss each other hard. Then my little bro, Milo, came into the van and

banged around with us as well. Milo and Vampire sucked on each of my boobs at

the same time. Then Milo put his dick into my holy hole. Then Vampire put his

penis into Milo’s ass, which we watched for an hour, but Milo could not take

it anymore, and had to stop it to get out of the car.

“What is wrong?” I asked him. “Don’t get all preppy on me!”

“But it’s my first time, and I could not take it anymore. I’m only

12.” Because I had had

enough, and so had Vampire, we went back indoors. Willow got a cat that she

had and slit

its snout, and gave it up as an offering to Stan.

“Give us better tomorrow and allow us to defeat the preps,” she said. She

was so fuckin’ hot then that I got an orgasm.


AN: Hopdat wuz gud? 666 ROX!!1

Chapter 20.

AN: Dis is wat da lst few chaps ment 2 b lik. Dunt funk rport me!!1111\


Bi da tim we gt bak 2 da hose, it wuz brnt dwn. It wuz a bg shok cuz no1 xpctd it al.

“So swat our we gong 2 du nw”, Vamire tlkd tara. “We wll we go 2 nw?”

“I bt itz da def buildas dat sis diz 2 me. Day no wer I livd. OMG, wer r al mi cholthes”, I scremd suciali. Vampir trid 2 cam me dwn, bt it wuz no gud. I wntd 2 kil mislef.

“We wll gt bak dem, dos prpz, dos bastd!!” Vampre sed 2 me. He wuz as angi as I wuz. Wat wer we 2 du.i hd noher 2 go al. I wwuz humless.

Cuz of diz, me nd Vampire slt our list wile lixtn 2 MCR I dnt luv u lik I lvu u yestaday!! I creid dta I lst my clthz. Dos fukn BASTD. Dey wll fukn paY!!11111

I dcided 2 rung a friedn. I ringd her up, & c sed, “Wat is it, mi bitchz!!”

“Iv gt a probz”, I tlkd her”, mi hose is brnut gown!!11, plez pike me up!?”

So az we wer wiatng, Vamire tuk hiz painteez of, & I tuk my of to!!11, He den pizzd in my moth. Dem afta dat, e put hiz shichi thngy in 2 mi u-no-wat, & we did it. I den grapd hiz balz & he scremd saxily as I did dat. Bt it wuznt da sam az Draco, & his lipz, & hw he lukd lik joul frm GC. He wuz so fukn ht. Ht in hiz jens, whi did he dmb me, dat fuknn Bastd, he mst fukin Die!!111. I cudnt kep dong it, cuz I keep finking of Fraco, & hiz secy Iz!!111

It wuz den dat Willow, mi firend puld up in a serena van. She lukd so hot wif wat she wor. Wif da shrt blck mini scrit, wif red strpz, to sa mezzy haor, c wuz fukn hot!!111 C wuz wering pnk chukz, & blck tght jenz!!1


Cum in”, c sed…….

Wil in willowz haice, we slt our ritz wil lztne 2 Teen spirt, by Nirvana (if u dunt no dem den fuk of u prepz!!11). We den tlkd obut deprzzing fingz, dat mad me wnt 2 lit my tits agan. I den red a dprezing buk, wik alzo wntd 2 mak me slt my wist. I da kuk kept havng diz fougt? Wuz it cuz of me dong it wif Vanpire. Fuk I wntd 2 kil mielfd.

We den gt 2 her hoze, whch wuz al goffik & stuuf. It lukd lik an old casstle, whchhad gargilz al arund it. It luk alt lik dat hoze frm Edwrt szizorz handz (if u dunt wat dat move iz, den FUK OFFF!!1111) we wnt in2 da hoze, & der wuz al diz psterz of GC, P!daDisko, Ritex pf speing, MCR, FOB, GD, Nirvsna, Eveneczent, & da otha foffik ndz. Willo wuz so fukn kool. & zhe wuz a fukn hottee!!1111 Man I wntd 2 do it wif hr.

Zo wat iz wrng, “zhe sed.

“Voldamort haz burnd mi houze dwn, & brnt al my cloth (he muzt fukn pay 4 wat he haz don). Stan haz tld me 2 luk 4 sum bll, dat ment 2 c da futor”

“I c”, willo ded. C spok so zexily dat I gt an organizm. “Diz bll cn tel uz hw 2 defet da fark lord!!111 it wil tel uz hiz weknizz.

“Kool, den we muzt luk 4 it nw”, I sed 2 hr

“No emoby”, u muzt sty her & rezt 4 2moro we wil luk!!11111”, she askd me.

So we gt sum food, whit wuz a kow, & sum gog kat food. It wuz alzo covrd wif blud, & we hd blud mixd wif mlk az well. B4 we eta, we payd 2 da Devil by hyming diz:

Stan wndrful

Curze diz dina

Az u do 2 othas

Lt dem b tortad

Beetn uon

4 nt akkeptng u

b da 1 dat wil punizh dem

& snd dem 2 jell!!1111”, we humd. Da dvul wuz plezd.

Afta we hd finshd our fud, we slt our riztz, 7 prazd da Devl. We den wtchd da corsb brid, we mad me wnt 2 do it wif Vanire. So me & Campire wnt 2 willoz can & bngd arond in it. So I suxd on2 Vampir u-no-wat & suxd in al hiz pizz, denhe hd an ejecton& da smerm cam ut, whit I suxd in as wel. Den we bgan 2 kiz ech otha hard. Den my lit bro milo cm into da van & bng arong wif uz qell. Nilo & bampire suxd on ech of mi b00bz da samtim. Den milo put hiz u-no wat in2 mi holey fing. Den Vampire put hiz u-no-wat in2 miloz holey fingy, whch we pashd 4 a huor, bot milo cud nt tak it animor, & hd 2 stp it 2 get out or da car.

“Wat iz rong”, I azkd him. “unt be a prep onme”.

“Bt itz my fixt tim, & I cud nt tak it anomore. Im onli 12”. Cuz I hd enogh, & so has Vampire, we wnt bak in doorz. Willlo gt a kat dat c hd & slit itz fout, & gav it up az an offaing 2 stan

Giv uz betternss 2morro

& alow uz 2 defet dem orep”, c sed. C wuz so kukn hot den dat I gt a organizm.


AN: I do nt wnt a beta animor as i do nut trst any1 hlping me out wif mi stori otha dan Raven R.I.P


AN: Justn, fukn lev mi akont alon!!11 if u kept hakng in2 dis akont, I fukn rng da polise!!1 dis not jok!!111 Fnagz agin 4 gereth 4 getng mi akont bak, u fukn fox!!1


So ew gt in2 willowz sprtpak van, & we derived 2 da minster of majick. We gt ut of da can & wnt 2 da polis box, dat we gt in2, & we wnt in2 da man rum 4 da plac. Der wuz Wurmtail, gardng da Vampir, willow & Milo snekd pas da def deeler, I surduced him.

“Fany abita acton”, I aksd hm. He sed yez & he den pt hiz stiky fingy in2 mi u no wat &we di it. Id nt lik it al, dat i wntd 2 slt my wist!!111

“Sop!!11”, I cremd sucialily, cuz I wuz in so muck pan. So I sopd & run of, catng up wif Bampire 7 da otha gis. We wlkd pasd da plase wer Vampires dogfafer ded. Vampir cryd vut I camd im dwn. We den gt 2 da plase wer al da orbz wer kept, & we camd acrzz da 1 dat sed Eboby Dementa Darkness Raven Way. I pikd it u, bt sum def buildas wlkd in2 da rum. 1 of dem tuk of der massk.

It wuz…………. Draco!!11111


AN: Dat I nt updatd 4 a lng tim, bt da hakd gt diz akont!!1 So fangz 4 da suprt. 2 da perzon dat is oplning 2 pt da stry on hr akont, do fukn dar,it ix my fukn stry, nt urz. Gt it?!