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metting is an AIM chat comprised of various people from different backgrounds/forums/chats/places/black person that often don't know each other. Join by entering the "metting" chat on AIM and preparing to state your credentials in Beatmania IIDX.

The chat was really made by Krystal (cocoyinny/Schala/ffffffffffffffff/etc.), though Nic (Cod Feesh/KingNautilus/Andy Milonakis/etc.) did some of the earlier ones before quitting the internet life in exchange for the black person. However, some other homosexual named Erich (boss matsumoto/premium contennt/Reverse Michael Jackson/etc.) claims he coined the term metting, which he did not. That faggot is gone now. Good. Little did he know, metting had been around for a couple years before he first joined, just like the girls he rapes. In other news, boss would like to coin ryan2dx's butt.

At one point in history, AOL blocked people from entering metting, so it went under different names such as macetting. This was all part of an elaborate Jewish conspiracy. Thankfully, metting works fine again and macetting exists only in our memories.

There's a Temporary Metting Portal that will never be developed into a full site out of laziness from its owner and operator, DM Ashura.

Here's a list of most of the awesome people/morons/scum of the internet that join this chat:




— Rafiell

Rafiell passed on march 11, 2017

A troll that forms the triumvirate of Metting with Krystal and Audity but his name does NOT begin with K so he is definitely the weaker of them I mean if this was a Zelda game he'd probably get the Triforce with Wisdom, but none of that matters since he is the center of everything and without him we are out of the butt, and into the fuck

He basically makes fun of pretty much everyone and everything, though he is particularly fond of setzer, using the same jokes over and over that he stole from someone clearly brimming with wit and intellect (see below), before randomly turning into MGS2 levels of philosophical nonsense (inspired by The Motherplant for sure). A driving force of the metting, and for the most part a funny character.

Has been deemed clinically incapable of making an original joke by a faggot named boss matsumoto (see below again). This is merely boss' way of dealing with unresolved sexual tension; the other being to beat little girls into submission until they scream (this is the only way he can sustain an erection).
Has an annoying as hell voice if the CHKNPA videos are any indication.
Is more than likely to have a mild to strong level case of antisocial personality disorder, though this just makes him more enjoyable on the whole.

Some hilarious works of onipa:
Metting Comic #1
Metting Comic #2
Metting Comic #3
Metting Comic #3.5
Metting Comic #4
Metting Comic #5

IIDX Raid Progress: AA mei another, Setzer held the towel for him though

Known Aliases: Oni+, Onipa, Rafiell, Rafael, Dalton\Rafiell Zeal Guy, atmaweaponpastorxxx or some fuck, ketchupmofucka, lemonparty (a name pwned by some faggot with a tuba), Rafz, Rafzpa
Current Alias: waxing n wanding (AIM) too bad he quit the internet rofl j\k
Coolness Factor: numbers mean everything/10

Metting Regular: Great! I'll grab my stuff!
Some Inside Jokes Coined: somebody's creaaaaam, all the other ones suck sorry
Trivia: Rafiell is in touch with the Motherplant of the Earth.


Coin Slot of Wonders...? or Cave of Regret (hint: rapex)
Utter Kawaiiness

yasuhiro abe

3131. The second Angel (in order of identification) is Krystal. Krystal is the mother of mankind (which is why Kaworu refers to mankind as "Krystal's minions"), just like OH WAIT no Xenogears spoilers. Cruel, vindictive bitch? She is the best member of metting or something, and basically is metting in the same way that Rei is everyone. AAA'd Checking You Out and supplies a lot of violent pictures and drugs, therefore setzer would approve. Right side pride and stuff.

Would stab most people in the stomach and find it arousing. Blood is great !!
Has been described as basically the exact same thing as Audity or Kah, but is obviously way funnier and less insane.(editors note you are way fucking crazier than audity) Never gets tired of jokes, like oni.
Krystal is very very likely to have a case of borderline personality disorder as she is a fucking crazy bitch who would torture most people to death/kill them with swords as soon as look at them. She has also claimed to be heavy OCD when it comes to music games, sometimes playing songs more than 600 times in order to get a score she is happy with. Claims to like girls (thereby making herself a dyke), but due to her severe appearance defecits she would probably fall under the category of ugly dykes. Antares. Likes Battle Royale way too much. Maybe planning rape party. Or 3131!


IIDX Raid Progress: washed up old vet

Known Aliases: cocoyinny/Schalaberries (AIMs), Krys(tal), season of milk, season of fireworks, Yinny, Schala, SchalaZealz, I dun like you K, dances with zeal, cheLLy popsicLe, Miang, Miang Hawwa, The Boss (Figuratively. Also Ocelot and Gray Fox's mom MGS4 SPOILERS LOL also Raiden is cloned from Gray Fox), Agrias(_)Oaks, eggmuffinz, Poyozo, Popsicles, keke (Legacy), Milkshake (Legacy), Rei (Legacy), Kristallnacht, cacayucky, coyoteyiffy, stuff relating to rain or snow, Grapes, i kick my pillow, Megumi (Legacy), Ayumi (Variants apply), Kixies (STOLEN like keke), seazonz, omgz its krys, Ganymede Another (Terrible song), 16,766,205,120 more here, including some metting pinky swear ones and a plethora of impersonation ones.
Current Alias: Konami knows as much as they know TRANOID [a] and Sense 2007 [H]'s difficulty.
Coolness Factor:

Metting Regular: In most of them, although AFK a lot concocting some abomination or general eesoteric stuff.
Some Inside Jokes Coined: KT KT (FIRE FIRE) & prolly waxing's, GYLT (Girl-you-like-thing), waits the tsuru.., Rafiell, (Credit: _____) most stuff to do with spoilers, S-Random Jara. Most jokes actually, but all these biters claim credit. :[


It's strikes fear into hearts of victims does.


(feels good euhehe)



(Left) Cute as hell :9



Chkn is the mastermind behind and Left & Right, among many hilarious image edits and song mashups. It has been reported that everyone in the world wants to pinch his cheeks as they are red and bumbling with SNACK. He is actually an Akita Inu and probably visits this site all the time.

IIDX Raid Progress: No Nagecky [a] clear. AAA Spica [a] and OML [a] dayum

Known Aliases: Burge R Tiem (AIM), dj chkn, Chickensnack, CHICKENSNA, BURGE, Brian Lee(t)
Current Alias: Burge R Tiem (AIM)
Coolness Factor: 10/10

Metting Regular: This guy talks (posts lol?) in metting even when everyone else is idling.
Some Inside Jokes Coined: grose, DOG PANIC, slafto, intermittent CAPITALIZATION, :9, coyoteyiffy (joint effort EXCEPT NOT so quit saying this)


The King
piccolohl getting down with one of his hoes

f. piccolo is the King of All Mettings. He knows all spoilers for all types of media. Has a higher power level than Eric/VGTA and also gets AAAAa's on beatmania IIDX despite never having played it before. Often has non-inert ball fights with VGTA/Vegeta/VaGinaToAss. It's not gay if the balls don't touch! It's not over 'til the fish jumps. q:D! He is a sort of guardian spirit to watch over the metting 24/7. He is, allegedly, extremely awesome and has much vitality in bed. This is a completely accurate recollection of fact, proving that they are not inert and do in fact fit in both his pants pockets (Moonie has no pants pockets). His wife is Kristallnacht or something, but the name she was using for the wedding is unknown to this day. It would take approximately 391 days to count every screen name at the rate of 496.3 per second.

piccoiohl, the golden evil twin of piccolohl (pictured here) always joins metting in an attempt to thwart His Majesty and take the title. As one would assume, piccoiohl has been unsuccessful in this attempt and is always beat down and AAAAAAa'd by piccolohl, The King of All Mettings.

piccolohl's family picture.
Left to right: The King (piccolohl), Dad, Grandpa, piccoiohl (Evil Twin), Niece (has a "Rapex" Anti-boss matsumoto mouthpiece), Gay Uncle Steve.

Gramps lost his mouthpiece in WW2. Meanwhile, nowhere near as heroic, his gay uncle Steve (seen on the far right) has several other forms, including Satan and a shoddy controller manufacturer.

piccolohl's wedding night. Krys was off making a new screen name or something while piccy suited up to look extremely handsome, as impossible as it sounds that he could look more handsome than he already is.

IIDX Raid Progress: AAAAa'd entire game with just his mind. 2000 JGs on Mei [a].

Known Aliases: piccolohl, King of All Mettings
Current Alias: piccolohl, King of All Mettings
Coolness Factor: 9.f/10

Metting Regular: He is always watching over us.
Some Inside Jokes Coined: f, AAAAa (100%), hidden notes (coincides with "hidden chords")
Trivia: Edward Elric dies in episode 50 of Fullmetal Alchemist. Spike dies in episode 26 of Cowboy Bebop.


The bible by r l stein

Audity's outspoken topics


A need for them to be silenced


Equating his topics to have been derived from autism or aspergers


Silencing successful!

Believes everything in Zeitgeist, but can't help it due to his inferential logic and confirmation bias. Sodium fluoride was added into all water supplies by 1945 as a plot by Nazis. Obama is a liar and a puppet and runs a pimp game. Money and scarcity are the absolute root of all evil; for... we are... wild beasts. Bad science controls just like religion. Social stratification automatically increases susceptibility to diseases. Moderately primitive, old world philosophers will zoom in and single out absolute concepts like 'scarcity' and 'differential advantage' and project their own value systems and psychological processes of those misdirected concepts onto the true reality of Zeitgeist. Hording materials as property isn't necessary if they are made available wherever people there will be worldwide viewings of Fight Club every day. We need two new language systems: one based on romanticism and the other on science. Peter Joseph is just some random dude (and Alex Jones is an f lunatic). He will pillage sovereign nations' resources for his own personal gain, and won't even realize what he's doing despite the civil manipulation; then a battle will break out between Ron Paul while people on the Internet break out in an epic wank fest eventually turning into a big nut bust leading into worldwide depression and euphoria at the same time. No one will know how to reproduce, either, and they don't deserve a fucking answer.

"Audity is only good at IIDX because of the randoms he gets." -- Daispic-Niwa/One Phrase Blues. SFDSDFGSDGF. Keith likes talking about his headphones at the most inopportune times. (The wire was run over by his computer chair many times, possibly causing the bass during one particular song to never resonate with brilliance any longer.) No matter how many Japanese cartoon shows you've seen, if you haven't seen One Piece, then Kowaru (some demon from pokemon or something) or whoever the fuck is never going to compliment you on anything. In fact, he will make fun of your ADHD tendencies.

At the most random times, he will shout CHECK OUT MY PROJECTS, even if no one is offending him, which is actually about 2.6/98 of the time. He is actually a very sensitive person and likes to spend quality time with his shirt. Oftentimes, nothing will be going on during metting, and he will inquire what's going on. He creates music that's better than DM Ashura's, while still using a classical piano as the lead instrument in some cases. You can check out this superiority by finding very obscure titles, hoping they are the work of Audity, but most likely not, in the link below.

Everything you ever need is right here


IIDX Raid Progress: No Nagecky [a] clear. AAA just about all 12s including Spica/OML. When I say most, I don't mean Sakkera, Blue Mirage, or Xepher (as it is harder than the aforementioned).

Known Aliases: pineapls37 (AIM)/penispal37/Audity/Audity31/Oddity/ODD/Keith Bonedyouraunt/Keef Bon Giraffe/Gisk/meat/ocremix/Audigggay/Luffy-swaaan
Current Alias: Rubbing da bristles all ova
Coolness Factor: 8.14548421982/10

Metting Regular: gastro-genesis
Some Inside Jokes Coined: nsane, mef, sleepga, pry, intermittent wordsmashed togetherlike this, HUEHHUEHHUEHGAHHh
Trivia: Most eccentric OCD thing, need I say more?


most attractive member of metting
yara's favorite artist

Kicks Secksii Kaozen's ass at IIDX. Has been said to be Raiden except female and I bet Volgin would mistake her for Ivan and grab her COIN......or SLOT and be like "ewwwwwwwww" then if I were the boss I'd fuck him up with CQC and touch "femIvan"


why is new content on here anyway this is supposed to be old as FUC stuff

hey let's add toff

IIDX Raid Progress: Clear some 6s. AA 5.1.1. L7.

Known Aliases: SyaoranMiko, icandeh, Yara, Ciel`, Shaohuan
Current Alias: SyaoranMiko
Coolness Factor: 10/10

Metting Regular: Ya but doesn't talk ):


Extreme shishkabobs in Momo's Kitchen CS
Jadin's final form at the end of VJ Army RPG

Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting Coolest member of metting

jk he doesn't like brawl


The only member of metting who is currently married, and probably the only one who ever will be. He AAAs his wife whenever he gets a raging clue against usual. rage useal. also he's sorta good at IIDX but hasn't AAAd Sakkurra [A] probably because he's not a spic like Vegeta

IIDX Raid Progress: No Nagecky [a] clear (citation needed). AAA'd Antares [a] JEEZ. Basically a dark warhorse that came out of nowhere according to Croc Hunter DARQs.

Known Aliases: Daniel Hood, DJ Hood, Jadin, Hadeen, Resident Lumberjack, Bald Eagle, Lex Luthor
Current Alias: clockmaster
Coolness Factor: 10/10

Toff (Toph)

What a cutie e_e;
This is, quite possibly, what Toff is

Pronounced toff

Maybe he's a lion? It's a possibility.

IIDX Raid Progress: all these are out of date anyway rofl

Known Aliases: Toff, Toph, Taff, Toef, Lion, A Lion, MGS, CQC, MGS and CQC, One who fights for his friends
Current Alias: xAznx__oppressed_melee_fanboi__xAznx
Coolness Factor: 10/10


The mandymoo in her natural dumpster habitat


Known Aliases: fat thighs
Current Alias: prolly some IIDX song she fails on L7
Coolness Factor: 0/10

Metting Regular: lol


if you say anything about furries you will get punched

The Bemani Community's #2 furry, second only to his gay lover, DM Ashura. Hell, he probably supplied some of the more NWS pics on this page. Much of his life remains a mystery, thanks to dissociating with a reindeer-guy and DEATH DISCO - TEXTURE - SLAKE. Setzer is known for his several hidden addictions and habits involving cowboys and his general disregard for almost anyone else in the community. Aubrey has a severe case of antisocial personality disorder, Which he calls "Kool Kids Disorder." and has many times noted all the cool bemani people have some form of cluster B personality disorder. Is the founding member of the communities kool kids klub and is all around a very fucking important guy. Has been confirmed to be the definition of royalty. While setzer is comepletely full of himself, he also helps the community a great deal by getting TGA in contact with Kors K and never gets thanked for anything he does.

His favorite IIDX songs are Believe....? and Zenius ~II~ Mother

Known Aliases: aubrey, closemyeyesforme, photosetzer024, setzer824, setzerh264-encoded movie file in virtual dub mpeg 2
Current Alias: setzer024, The best person you have ever met. The worst person you will ever know.
Metting regular: rare records, exploitation

Erin Michelle Peterson-Piechowski (VJGyo)

You might not be able to tell by her ugly appearance, but the thing on the left is actually a girl named Erin Michelle Peterson-Piechowski
butthurt after eighteenspikes subtly distributed some of her "private" photos

basically everything vjgyo wrote below is a lie

some facts:
1. cried when she learned setzer was just using her, probably the only cool thing setzer has ever done
2. tries to get people to suck sperm out of her snatch, but sadly learns no one would go near that thing (especially since setzer and spork's DICKS.....orrrrrr COCKS have been inside it)
3. actually steals things from her exes and makes up stories turning it the other way around (as you see below)
4. uses "him/her" a lot for some reason because she's uncomfortable with her sex? her ultimate goal is to be cstarflare: male, gay, and preoccupied with video games and anime
5. is butthurt about her real name, "erin", because her dad trolled her by naming her after one of his exes or something like that
6. really ugly
7. tried to get krystal to like her for a while but gave up and went for setzer, and is rumored to be trying to get moondabor now???

vjgyo collects too much Bemani stuff. These things range from Limited Edition sets, arcade machines, Bemani AC posters, top ranker prizes, archbanners, marquees, and an assortment of knick-knacks. Clearly someone has too much time and/or money on their hands or you are a jealous fuck. Keeps most of the Bemani items in a black footlocker, containing roughly $3,000 worth of Bemani goods. Due to extreme paranoia, he/she does not sell said Bemani stuff and keeps the box locked at all times. Only a certain few are allowed even to look inside the footlocker.

Enjoys Yuz, playing Bemani games (specifically Beatmania IIDX), chatting, Yuz, wondering what scores to improve, creating awkward situations, pudding, and Yuz.

Dates only those involved in the Bemani community who are knowledgeable of the games. The first jerkoff ex-significant other (see also:eighteenspics) refused to return his/her Beatmania Complete Mix 2 machine, Pop'n and IIDX LE sets after the breakup. The second ex, Spork, ran off with half of vjgyo's AC posters, marquees, and clothing. Both exes cheated on vjgyo for underaged sluts. Currently considering lowering standards and looking on to find the next ~special somebody~ and planning a killing spree.

Known Aliases: Erin, erinpp, Erin Michelle Peterson-Piechowski, vjgyo, vajiggio, veejaygheyoh, veggieguyoh, vajayjay, v-gigolo, vjgyomachine_plays_jazz, vjgoli01, Boring Jew, YuzIsMahBoo252

Coolness Factor: bahahaha


Posing with uber guitar

...X... Put This
...E... On Your
...P... Channel
...H... To Keep
...E... BBH
...R... From Being
...!... Called A
...!... Retard!
...!... It Shows That You Care

Known Aliases: DJ FX, QUADRA
Current Alias: Shock Troopers
Coolness Factor: beginning of life/10

Metting Regular: schala stop trolling me this is totally not funny ok


Too good for a fucking picture.jpg

Hates all races equally. Greatest dancer in all of IIDX and metting. Better than the Garden of Love guy.

IIDX Raid Progress: Not enough R&B.
Known Aliases: kay0ss, kkkay0ss, Olde_English
Current Alias: kay0ss|Oriental_Cartoon_Name_with_racist_remark_here
Coolness Factor: 40 oz/10

Metting Regular: Melting?


hype the snore rofl jk, gigantic ball of orange, description here, CSTA IS SO FAT HE IS INTRUDING ON CIEL'S SPACE BELOW! HIS IIDX SKILLS ARE NO MATCH FOR I MEAN CIEL'S ARE NO MATCH

IIDX Raid Progress: No Nagecky [a] clear as of yet. AAA'd Sakkera somehow, but privated all his scores as he is not consistent at it. Dude, he only did it once... Doesn't even count... :\

Known Aliases: NagekiNoKi, lilheeroyuy
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: 8/10

Metting Regular: he has a q-tip in his schlong


his head looks like spaghetti

self-proclaimed baddest mofucka in this place called cali or something

IIDX Raid Progress: Clear some 5s with C's and B's. Gave up to play some games that take more skill and get down with the chronic.

Known Aliases: famouseannn/hi its sunday/sean ok thx/cs fuzzy cs/cocksuck fucker cocksuck
Current Alias: famouseannn
Coolness Factor: 8/10

Metting Regular: used to be, always gets high now and parties

boss matsumoto

Get the full, uncensored version of this picture for only 20 USD. AIM: premiumcontennt. Accepts paypal and money orders, concealed cash at your own risk.

Fucking faggot and rapist that sent a nude picture to The Archer Ian and some other IIDX faggots like Spiralzer0 and Trip Machina (faggot black person)

Despite all this, he is unanimously regarded as the sexiest member of metting, competition only coming from the likes of Audity. Possibly the first metting user to ever have entered a sexual relationship with anyone irl, boy or girl.

IIDX Raid Progress: Can't clear ANYTHING yet still fails them with an AA usually (unless they have a semblance of difficulty as seen in Blue Mirage and Xepher. Quit in January due to having buttsex too much with The Archer Ian. Will hopefully die of AIDS soon.

Known Aliases: (he cannot right click), premium contennt, kitty matsumoto, boss sortagay, erichtextformat, Erich, Michael Jackson: Chiyo-chan Edition
Current Alias: premium contennt
Coolness Factor: 6/10

Metting Regular: used to attend many mettings but now he is gay
Some Inside Jokes Coined: dicks in your mouth, beating the crap out of myself.


pic here... description here

IIDX Raid Progress: What's an IDDX? Has no skill with pressing buttons, therefore plays World of Warcraft.

Known Aliases: Mike-O
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


description here

IIDX Raid Progress: Appreciates watching people who have the skill to "tap dat shit" but instead plays World of Warcraft.

Known Aliases: koolplay, machao, nacho, aginor
Current Alias: koolplay
Coolness Factor: 9/10

Metting Regular: Yes, never says anything though, too busy with e-girls and world of warcraft and warcraft 3

The Archer Ian

a homosexual regular, very stupid, furry, gay

IIDX Raid Progress: Best score was a D fail on 5.1.1. L7, played on BMUS. Obviously quit since his only skill in gaming is fighting Special ED kids in Street Fighter 2.

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

Axem Ikari

Too bad these two broke up; I was looking forward to kickin' this emo fucker's ass once he figured out I've been raping Amii-chan after school, every second tuesday of the month. Shit happens, I guess.

Whiny emo shit who asks for advice on the most basic of angsty struggles, but still states that his problems caused by breaking up with Amii-chan are too much for his fragile soul to handle. Essentially, he's like Shinji Fucking Ikari and makes Rafiell look mentally stable and well-adjusted.

IIDX Raid Progress: Sucks pretty fucking bad at IIDX, therefore plays GitaDora & PoMu (in which timing ranges from being as loose as Dog1nabox to djSANA) since IIDX is only elitists anyway that make him feel bad about his lack of skill... *sigh*

Known Aliases: Axem Rangers, SciNsBoy, Fucking Shinji Ikari
Current Alias: Eternally Separated from my Sweet Amii-chan, Drifting through the River of Tears I have Cried Unto the Universe
Coolness Factor: 2/10 (because he brings the lulz, albeit unintentionally)

Metting Regular: He's too busy listening to experimental grindcore and depressing music. Anyone who attends metting is shady and immature, in his opinion.

DM Ashura

Actual Appearance

A homosexual furry or something, makes music for DDR. As expected, it all sucks, and proves that when all else fails, any nerd can get on a computer and make bad techno and dance music with generic synths and little variety. His only songs worth noting are neosilviadrive and neoquasar, check out my sugoi amvs for them.

IIDX Raid Progress: Most likely cannot clear 5.1.1. L7, but he could make a bastardization techno remix called Neo5.1.1. and attempt to put it in DDR. ^_^ But Konami would deny it as it would sound as good as Green Day, and he would proceed to cry onto dieKatze88's shoulder and ask for buttsecks. Murr. :3

Known Aliases: Bill Shillito, Bill Shittilo, Antares Shittilo, Sasoribi Shittilo, PIANO KYOUSOKU thing here!!
Current Alias: KlungKung2004
Coolness Factor: 1/10 (This guy is a fucking tool.)
Metting Regular: He enjoys metting for some reason, likely due to gays being masochists.


Did I take that one a bit too far? Apparently I did, because this section is like screwed up now. w/e

harassed him (a lot back on sak) ytmnd about him ALLLLLLL OF YOU INCOMPETENT..........ANSWER ME!!!!!!
faggot, description here

IIDX Raid Progress: Too busy having sex with Brooks to learn what IIDX is.

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

Anya the Dreamer

uglier than Dog1nabox, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: 0/10

Metting Regular: ?


huge faggot, HE CAN AAA QUASAR 1.5 INDEXES, more importantly his ex-GIRLFRIEND leaked a video of himself jerking off. The bitch actually thinks he's good at rating simfiles and stuff.

Known Aliases: Arch0wl, Alfred Joshua Henry Mac Donald IV, jp007
Current Alias: pwned
Coolness Factor: 0/10

Metting Regular: FOR CARLY'S EYES ONLY coined OniTTRay


fag who is not good at IIDX, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


not good at IIDX, pretty good at SM, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: 8/10

Metting Regular: ?


sperm dumpster

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


gigantic tub of lard that plays World of Warcraft with a 60 shaman that got scammed by his ex internet-amiichan, current girlfriend is Dog1nabox the ugly cunt, however he cannot find his own penis so they have never had sex yet. Even if he did, it would not fit in Dog1nabox's giganticly gaping vagina. Rumor has it 3 xbox controllers can be shoved in there

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: 0/10

Metting Regular: ?

Additional Notes: Leave him out of this article, or he will hack the site with his 00ber-1337 h4x0ring skillz given to him by his virginity.

La Princessa D

nic freeen sorta, description here, animu guy

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ZERO/10

Metting Regular: ?

Fag Factor 100/10

Dreams : Would like to get operated to become full female.


fucking faggot, check, check, check, hacked on Ragnarok Online by Krystal, tortured mentally by Nicolas. description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


description here >:|

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

deep blue vibes

"Drummania is the only technical Bemani, IIDX is for elitist fags and The least 100 seconds is harder than Mei [A] Double Battle. Hawaii is not part of America." All these asinine statements are ones that only a fucker with one testicle can make.

Known Aliases: deep blue vibes, deep anal vibes, cockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscockscocks
Current Alias: deep blue vibes
Coolness Factor: 1/10

Metting Regular: anal sex

Deviruchi(numbers here, I forgot)

lil vamp, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


description here, his GYLT (girl-you-like-thing) dumped him

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

Dices543 (?)

stupid dominican, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

Ditesco Mori

Russian transvestite. Really fat, 3rd only to Daish and Eggman. Likes Black Metal, although not as much as he likes crisco. More commonly known as DietCrisco Moron.

See also: rmvsser

Known Aliases: Ditesco Mori, Ditesco Moron, DietCrisco Moron, Doug,
Current Alias: DietCrisco Moron
Coolness Factor: 0/10

Metting Regular: ?


stupid ugly slut, wannabe raver, sent pics of her loose snatch to the guy from A Clockwork Orange or something, wishes she was lynndieengland so Rafiell would fuck her but seeing as his cock is so small he would have to do her in the ass to come anywhere near orgasming

Known Aliases: djsana, djsanatryptamine, rottel-da-sana, shinjitsu2dx, lion sana, Strawbery Tension, too goddamn many others. She's a camwhore and a 16-year-old girl what the fuck did you expect
Current Alias: Shampootwat
Coolness Factor: Coolness varies inversely with elasticity of her vagina
Metting Regular: No, why?


one of the biggest idiots .. description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

Colonel Disagreement

It doesn't matter what description you give him, he'll disagree on it. Also, he's fat.

Known Aliases: Eggman, EggmaniMN and SP and DS and kfhsd
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


omg it's lee`, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: 255/10

Metting Regular: ?


that's a girl

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


very big faggot. traded GTB card for +8 GTB buckler lolol

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


arguably the coolest guy alive

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: 65536/10

Metting Regular: ?


ugly gf, I spoiled FMA for him, big gay named Banana on iRO iris

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


hacked on RO, some homosexual guy

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


one of the dumbest fuckers, also his head looks like a smashed...thing

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


Lesson5 has a terrible life and he takes it out on beatmania IIDX. He is the worst thing about every IIDX player on the internet wrapped up in one big shitty package. Enjoy the 8 meg file. It's over five minutes long. Hardcore music doesn't use synths. CLOUDY MUSIC, like Airflow, is Jazz. Garden is totally hardcore for swing waltz. People that get better at a music game suck...I fucking hate them...the game is too hard and isn't fun at all. That's okay cuz IIDX is gay though :>

Known Aliases: JonIIDX, Saiyajin71, Lesson5, winking and dripping
Current Alias: Lesson5 except fuckers on IRC steal it :>
Coolness Factor: cooter/10 He has a vagina in each hand.
Metting Regular: Please stop inviting me to this guys, please.


description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


one of the dumbest people

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


Pardon me, but what kind of starbursts did you just say? Beat, yes, beat, and what else?
THIS AIN'T NO DJ HOOD TATSUJIN! FUCK DAMMIT. BOOM THE NIGGAZ WHAT? hmmmmmm looks like we got ourselves a little problem with this shiet. WHO PUT THIS DJ HOOD BURGER HERE!?
I'll eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.
DRUM BEAST on that one ROCK BAND game that's not BEATMANIA or SOMETHING UMMMM :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
She took a gasp and said "OH BAYBEE DO YA LUV ME NOW" and I'm like "BIIIIIIIIITCH, what is you smokin... MY DICK THAT WHAT..
Needs more bemani chix nekkid, now that'd be the shiiit niggaaaaaa.
They needs to be some fine asian/hispanic dime on this hea boiyeeeeeeee mmmmmmmmmmm makes a nigga wanna fffffffffff

Known Aliases: Maota, Momo, Drum Beast, MooMoo, Beast, My sweet darling, idaho potato
Current Alias: Momo
Coolness Factor: 100/10
Metting Regular: Whats metting? Oh yeah that one place


slut, posted breasts, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


That's is so F**********!!!! FUCK

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


nigga smash bro playa

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


solioquial wannabe

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


the main man

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


Decent at IIDX. Shitty name and sometimes funny, but mostly forgettable.

Known Aliases: MilkChan, Milk Chan, MilkChan816, MAXANOiA, Snares, Lobster Jesus, Takhomasak
Current Alias: MilkChan
Coolness Factor: you are face/10

Metting Regular: Paula Terry



Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?



Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


incomprehensibly imbecilic, STILL PLAYS RO LEGITLY LOL AND ON A SNIPER TOO THE WORST CLASS (just like hunters in World of Warcraft, the worst class)

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?



Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


the most gullible person I've ever met.. description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


has been spoiled about FMA, harry potter, FF, most anime/games, etc....very stupid... description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

Insane Chao/Terra Swifthand

sex with melons nuff said

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


stupid, description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?

brace the mexican

description here

Known Aliases: ?
Current Alias: ?
Coolness Factor: ?/10

Metting Regular: ?


bottom of the barrel


Ugly whore that plays World of Warcraft. Sucks more cock than Tara Reid. Most people question whether it's a girl or not.

Known Aliases: Nut-gobbler, Dog1nabox, Legit Lv60 Night Elf
Current Alias: Dog1nabox
Coolness Factor: 0/10

Metting Regular: When she's not busy on the street corner, she's defensive of her whore status on metting.