L.A. Beast

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Drink Pepsi - Get Famous

L.A. Beast aka skippy62able is a challenge YouTuber who whores off of people's unavoidable urge to enjoy watching people suffer for the lulz. L.A. Beast gained his amazing skills in an early by swallowing loads of cum and eat a lot of dicks. Beast often enters his videos shouting "L.A BEAST HERE!" as if anyone could not tell they just witnessed a 700lbs man just crashing through a door. If this guy lives past the age of 40, everyone will be surprised.

Early Life

L.A. Beast's cum face.
Cry me a river.

L.A. Beast (Kevin Strahle) used to be employed by Pepsi as a delivery fag, but after repeatedly missing the deliveries he was fired. So fatass Kevin went to the only place he knew he could find comfort, the fridge. And so a fresh competitive eater was born. But it didn't take long for his parents to get tired of the then 28-year old black hole living at home constantly raiding the fridge so they decided to send him to Bel Air, where he could start a lucrative career of being a retard on the internet. And since the internet is comprised of 12-year-olds who want to see a grown man suffer as he eats the most disgusting shit, Kevin soon became quite popular.

YouTube Days

In August of 2010, Kevin ate the most meat of his life, an XXXXXL burger made by every animal on the face of the earth. Due to being a star dick sucker, if Kevin's stomach could handle many liters of cum, it definitely can handle a XXXXXL burger. Kevin took that challenge to the curb, raped it, came on it's meaty face, then licked up the mess.

Kevin's YouTube fame took off, and he even earned himself a slogan "Licking Asshole like a Beast", which shortened out to L.A. Beast after Westboro Baptist Church got to his page and harassed his faggot ass.

L.A. Beast's most popular video includes the Beast taking on the challenge of eating a Ghost Chili Pepper. All that came out of that video was seeing L.A. Beast cry like a bitch, and Eeyore performing the one act everyone want to do to L.A. Beast for the lulz.

Features on Television

If you ever get featured on T.V. (which you wont), what would you be seen doing? Running a marathon? Giving a speech? How about slipping on butter, breaking your toe, while you deliver packages of dildos to your mother who will ram them in her asshole? Well, L.A. Beast did just that.

Featured on Tosh.Oh shit I can't believe I watch this faggot, L.A. Beast's video of him delivering packages of sex toys to his mother across a buttered floor, demonstrated Beast's true stupidity to the world.

L.A. Beast was also featured multiple times on Untru.Tv, on shows that highlight the stupidity of mankind. Such as L.A. Beast's videos.

"I need to go to the Hospital"

Who's the guy that wasted the doctor's valuable time that could have been used to save little Timmy? L.A. Beast.

One thing that makes a faggy whiny bitch, a faggy whiny bitch, is when he cries like a baby and tells his friends that he needs to go to the hospital after failing a task that a four year old can accomplish.

In numerous videos, L.A. Beast has whined that he needs to go to the hospital, so much in fact, it is his slogan. Yet even though he demands it, 99% of the time, there is nothing wrong with him.

So every time he wastes a doctor's time, a person dies. Good job asswipe.

I need to go to the hospital


—Kevin lying for attention


Eating a Ghost Chili Pepper (Naga/Bhut Jolokia) with severe
L.A. Beast teaches his pops a lesson..
Vomit anyone?


List of Reasons LA Beast Won't Live to See 40 About missing Pics
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See also

External links


L.A. Beast is part of a series on YouTube.

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