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Nobody has heard of this person, but whoever they are, vandalizing this article only makes us want to learn more...

Garry Kasparov when he was fat. Really.

Tryfon Costas Gavriel aka Peter Coghlan aka Mamma Trish aka Kingscrusher is a talented British Internet celebrity and chess-player. The highlight of his career was his first (and hopefully last) public appearance in the awesome show called "Britain's Got Talent" in 2009. His chess titles include FIDE Candidate Master (CM) & British Regional Master, which are genuine titles actually recognized by FIDE and not totally made up by Mamma Trish to impress her devoted fanboys. When he is not busy sticking fingers in various parts of her body, Kingscrusher maintains a popular Youtube channel on which he posts child pornography cleverly disguised as mediocre chess videos in order to avoid Youtube's TOS. Tryfon Gavriel's Youtube channel has had over 10 million views and she is widely considered the best online chess commentator due to his constant moaning, ranting and excessive use of British slang such as "Blimey!" and "Oh dear, oh dear!". Gavriel's knowledge and passion for the gayme of chess has helped educate and inspire chess players from all over the world. His other hobbies are watching the latest films, Computing, going out, seeing friends and watching TV.


Kingscrusher is of greek descent. His parents emigrated from Cyprus to England 40+ years ago because the Greek Orthodox Church wasn't allowing same sex marriage at the time. Upon arriving in the England they gave birth to Tryfon and his sister. Tryfon went on to study and become a successful computer scientist while his sister took a more practical approach to life and became a model. He went to Friern Barnet Grammar School which is a school for just boys which explains his inability to talk to girls and his gayness.

The beginning

Tryfon got interested in chess through watching his sister play his father. The openings typically went: e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 (The Giuoco Piano!) -- a simple opening to start playing chess with, although boringly symmetrical. He thinks this explains why he is into the Indian systems, and not the classical systems! Being an arrogant prick, he compares himself with Garry Kasparov on his personal website.

Coming Out

Coming out was very rough for Couchcrusher, as he faced ridicule and hardships. Of course, nearly everyone knew this due to the fact he is a kissless virgin who flirts with straights and fails to seduce them. He is a whiny little faggot and laughs like a little girl every 1 minute in his low quality videos. He had male guests over and he tried impressing them of his nerd chess skills. He never broadcasts women, except for his mother who on one occasion called from upstairs to inform him that supper was ready.

Primary openings

Kingscrusher is experienced in the Kings Indian defence, Svenshnikov sicillian, and plays both d4 and e4 with the white pieces. He has his favourite systems with the white pieces because he is a nazifag.

How The Trolling Began

Kingscrusher opened up his jewcafe on chesscube, to earn more pennies so he can move out of his mothers basement, which will never happen. He made some moderators, and one of them was Elvistheking(ETK), ETK was a huge ass kisser at first, but he was then banned from chesscube because of kingscrusher because he was jealous ETK was becoming more likeable than him(which isn't hard). ETK made friends along the way, kenvelo and haarpbeam(who turned out to be a backstabbing jew faggot ass kisser, but then everyone started hating him.), telos and erichansen(popular Canadian IM's who raped jewcrushers fat ass and made him cry to his mommy). Now kingscrusher is trolled widely by most people on chesscube, except his little wall of ass kissers who enjoy his shitty chess videos of him playing weak players. If I wanted to watch a good player play good chess with good quality of videos, I would watch chessnetwork.

Chess career highlight

December 1997: Beat first International Master - IM Danny Kopec (USA) in December London Internationals. The following is the game score:

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Bg5 Bg7 4. Nbd2 d5 5. e3 Nbd7 6. Bd3 b6 7. O-O Bb7 8. c4 O-O 9. cxd5 Nxd5 10. e4 N5f6 11. Qe2 h6 12. Bf4 c5 {(Draw offer)} 13. d5 Nh5 14. Be3 Qc7 15. g3 Ndf6 16. Nh4 Bc8 17. f4 Bh3 18. Ng2 Rad8 19. Bc4 Kh8 20. a4 Rg8 21. Rae1 Bg4 22. Qf2 Bh3 23. Be2 Ng4 24. Bxg4 Bxg4 25. Nc4 Bh3 26. Qf3 Bc8 27. g4 Nf6 28. Ne5 Rgf8 29. Nh4 Kg8 30. h3 Bb7 31. Nhxg6 fxg6 32. Nxg6 Rf7 33. Ne5 Rff8 34. Ng6 Rf7 35. f5 Nxd5 36. exd5 Bxd5 37. Qf4 e5 38. Qg3 Bc4 39. Rf3 e4 40. Rf4 Bf6 41. Qf2 Bd3 42. h4 Bg5 43. hxg5 hxg5 44. f6 gxf4 45. Bxf4 Qd7 46. Qh4 Qd4+ 47. Be3 Qxf6 48. Ne7+ Qxe7 49. Bg5 Qe5 50. Bxd8 Qd4+ 0-1

November 2011: His other career highlight was talking to a girl for the first time. Tryfon asked her on a date on, and upon being ridiculed he started to cry on Youtube and posted several videos of him attempting to be an hero. Sadly, he failed at that as well and removed the videos the day after.

Ways of Winning

Kingscrusher plays on Chesscube. His gaymes are usually won on time in a lost position (because he sucks cock at chess) or by running chess engines like Rybka 4 and Houdini to suggest best moves when he is too tired to think for himself.

Jewtube Channel

Kingscrusher is on the computer 18 hours a day. 3 are of him arguing on chesscube, 3 are him uploading videos on youtube (and recently, and 12 are of him playing on the ICC doing recordings. Let's say his average game on the ICC was 7 minutes.(he plays 5 minute chess.) He plays about 8.5 games an hour. 8.5 x 12 is 102. He uploads about 0-5 blitz videos per day. This means he chooses his best games in which he won(or 1 if he loses if he's desperate and needs the 0.005 dollars he makes per video to save up for his gay porn collection.) He barely posts any of his losses. He has lots of games to pick at to make the unfortunate, clueless viewers think he is the best chess player on Youtube. Kingscrusher is a fail at chess and should resort to checkers.

Reddit Drama

Hi there I feel I should let you know that I will post maybe once a week now at maximum if that. I feel quite offended by some of the posters in the recent thread. Chungle who appeared interested in discussing a topic I raised first started on how I make a living from Chess videos, and then proceeded to attack me on the basis of spamming the chess subreddit. I have really enjoyed the chess subreddit, and I wanted to let you know why from now on I will try and post far less frequently than I have been. Sorry I haven't got such a thick skin, to handle some of the people that seem to be self-appointed moderators, and who seem to support personal attacks. Best wishes K


—The mod message that got Kingscrusher banned due to excessive USI.

Flagrant Ad-hominum attack - this sort of post in my view has no place anywhere in


—Kingscrusher, being butthurt about his reddick ban.

Last thursday Kingscrusher got banned from reddit due to excessively spamming his lame youtube vids. The act of banning him generated lots of lulz and butthurt among his retarded fanboys all over chesscube, and all other gay sites that he frequents. As if anybody gave a shit about his opinion, kingscrusher made a sock puppet account and came back to submit a butthurt form after having cried about it on the shoulders of understanding fans. Note the misspelling of the latin "ad hominem" in an attempt to look semi-literate: [1]
More drama here: [2]

9/11 Attacks Views

Kingscrusher has widely supported the 9/11 attacks(or 11/9 in his fucked up country). He has stated in his facebook "So today is September 11th, my favourite day of the year. RIP people on the planes who intended to crash into the evil towers of America. You have weakened them. Thank you." The post was deleted soon after he realized it was wrong and that he was a fat terrorist paki.

How to troll him

  1. Link him to this page.
  2. Tell him that he will nevar be as good as Kasparov and remind him that his ELO rating is obviously exaggerated by the online chess sites that he frequents.
  3. Tell him that he is too fat to ever win a serious competition, even if it's a chess event.
  4. Spam this page on his youtube videos (use spaces in the url to bypass filters), he seems to be extremely annoyed by it and will block you within a few minutes as he is online almost 24/7.
  5. Say people are still in the cafe because they want to be a moderator on chesscube.

Moar trolling

  1. Get to where he has his own public chat room (called KingsCrusher Cafe).
  2. Play some weaklings till you reach level 20 and raise some cubits.
  3. Lurk moar until you spot him around, usually spamming his live streaming link.
  4. Enter the same tournament as he did.
  5. Resign to everyone else but him (after having enabled the doubling cube to ensure maximum damage).
  6. When playing him, if he's about to win, stop moving till you run out of time (if he doesn't win every tourney first place he will be butthurt because of his extreme USI, like this: [3]).
  7. ????
  8. Profit!

The 12/14 incident

Wednesday, dec. 14th 2011 at around 2 AM GMT an actual IM (International Master) with the help of /b/ won 7-0 at chess against Mamma Trish which caused shitstorm and riots in the chat room moderated by him (called KingsCrusher Cafe) after which they proceeded to troll him with the aforementioned techniques causing him to start weilding the banhammer which resulted in lots of lulz and butthurt. See the picture to the right for the chat log (sorry for the poor paint skillz -- chesscube's gay system doesn't allow copypasta). Disregard that, here's a link to the chat log: KingcrusherIrc01.png

Animal Abuse

Kingscrusher is well known for abusing animals sexually and torturing them. He generates fun from doing so and is a huge faggot beastality lover. He killed his cat named Scruffy, by smashing it's legs with a hammer while grinding pieces of his smashed glass dildo into it's vagina. The faggot then left it outside to rot and freeze to death. He did this because he couldn't pay the $30 shot to put the cat down or was too lazy to drop the thing off at an animal shelter.

Kingscrusher on Britain's got talent

Tryfon Gavriel a.k.a Mamma Trish performs


External links