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Kewian/Arbchat log

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  --- Log opened Mon Jun 11  :30 2007
  -!- Sherrod changed the topic of #arbchat to: |
  < NeoLobster> How does this work?
  -!- dffasd [] has joined #arbchat
  -!- Delvil [] has joined #arbchat
  -!- Sherrod changed the topic of #arbchat to: | 
  Arbchat begins in 5 minutes, lead by Zewb 
  -!- ItsNotLupus [] has joined #arbchat
  -!- Sherrod changed the topic of #arbchat to: | 
  Arbchat begins in 5 minutes, lead by Zewb and Khalnath
  < JailBait> Alright, this is srs buisiness in here, don't be stupid
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+m] by Sherrod
  <@weev> Sherrod: is it okay to do pre-arbchat chatting?
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-m] by Sherrod
  < NeoLobster> in the meantime, this has to be documented in this: right?
  <@Sherrod> yeah sure weev 
  <@Sherrod> good idea
  <@weev> i would just like to state about this kewian article
  < NeoLobster> in the meantime, this has to be documented in this: right?
  <@weev> it doesnt seem to be very fair our sourced very well.
  -!- Sherrod changed the topic of #arbchat to: | 
  Arbchat begins at 11:15 Eastern, lead by Zewb and Khalnath
  < Khalnath> Should I respond to that?
  < ItsNotLupus> I smell Homicide.
  < ItsNotLupus> He smells like a nigger. :(
  < Khalnath> Or should I keep my mouth shut about it until we start?
  <@weev> ItsNotLupus: shame on you for using that kind of language
  < Homicide> lol
  < ItsNotLupus> weev: <3
  <@weev> this is a civil arbitration chamber
  -!- zewb [] has joined #arbchat
  -!- Jawsome [] has joined #arbchat
  < zewb> fuck i wasnt paying attn to chat
  < zewb> what i miss
  <@Sherrod> Khalnath: thi8s is basic disucssion pre-arbcht, its fine
  <@Sherrod> hello everyone
  < ItsNotLupus> well then let's take away some civil rights
  < ItsNotLupus> since that's how we do it.
  <@Sherrod> zewb: see topic plz
  < Khalnath> Everything on that page is more or less accurate as far as she has told us.
  < zewb> 11:15?? THATS TOMORROW!
  -!- Salambo [] has joined #arbchat
  < Khalnath> She's just butthurt because she doesn't like the way I said it.
  < Homicide> oh lawd
  < dffasd> needs more graphs
  <@Sherrod> ItsNotLupus: stfu and behave plz or be b&
  < Homicide> eastern time rules the skies
  < ItsNotLupus> Sherrod: k
  < Homicide> ItsNotLupus: If you fag this up, I'll ban you too :D
  < RedMachineD> ok
  -!- Sherrod changed the topic of #arbchat to: | 
  Arbchat begins at 11:15 pm Eastern, lead by Zewb and Khalnath
  < RedMachineD> in the meantime
  < zewb> alright lets get ready to negotiate away our 1st amendment!
  < RedMachineD> i'm gonna go do some laundry
  < zewb> lol jk
  <@kewian> I have rights too just as you do.
  < zewb> i have lefts
  < Khalnath> I have both, but I didn't for awhile.
  <@Sherrod> (cur) (last)  14:43, 11 June 2007 WhiteMystery (Talk | Contribs | Rape) 
  (5,600 bytes) (added category (people)) [rollback] ---- LOL whitemystery is a good little 
  <@Sherrod> hahaha
  < ItsNotLupus> kewian: sup
  < Khalnath> I was in a motorcycle accident and my arms fell off.
  <@weev> this is a civil arbitration chamber and everyone has the right to have their 
  arguments heard
  < Khalnath> But I got better.
  < RedMachineD> yes
  < MobyDick> i agree with weev -- the article is poorly sourced
  < MobyDick> and is clearly in violation
  <@weev> im not leading this arbchat but damned if i'm going to have the principles which 
  the arbchat system was founded upon overrun by you hoodlums
  < ItsNotLupus> {{fact}}
  < MobyDick> of NPOV
  -!- Sherrod changed the topic of #arbchat to:  - 
  Please read if you plan to participate. | Arbchat begins at 11:15 pm Eastern, lead by 
  Zewb and Khalnath
   * zewb pounds fist
  <@weev> the kewian article is just mean in an uncalled for manner
  < Homicide> ETA 2 minutes
  <@weev> i mean who are we-- people on the internet that just make fun of others for 
  no reason?
  < zewb> HERE HERE
  < RedMachineD> weev: there is always a reason
  <@weev> that doesn't seem very productive.
  < MobyDick> it violates the very principles
  < MobyDick> of web 2.0
  < JailBait> I think we need more templates on her page.
  < zewb> for the lulz?
  <@kewian> Im trying to wait.
  -!- Mirage [] has joined #arbchat
  <@weev> i would just like to make sure that as we go into this we take into account 
  that the article in question is poorly sourced cruft
  < zewb> lulz=comedy
  < MobyDick> weev: motion seconded
  < Homicide> weev: thirded
  <@Sherrod> ok, so we will start with a small period moderated discussion between the 
  arbitrators  and then open it up to general comment. that will be followed by a 
  decision and this will be incurred with lulz.
  -!- Delvil [] has quit [Quit: ]
  <@Sherrod> everyone ready?
  <@weev> ready
  < Khalnath> Ready.
  < MobyDick> confirm
  < Homicide> +m in  1 minute
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+o zewb] by Sherrod
  <@zewb> ready
  < JailBait> Induce the +,
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-o weev] by weev
  < JailBait> Induce the +m
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+o Khalnath] by Sherrod
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+m] by Sherrod
  <@Sherrod> kewian: please begin
  -!- Awesomesauce [] has joined #arbchat
  <@Sherrod> kewian: please begin
  <@Sherrod> kewian: please begin
  <@Sherrod> kewian: please begin
  <@Sherrod> uhhh
  -!- dcslater [] 
  has joined #arbchat
  <@Sherrod> kewian: pleawse beging or your forefit your talking poitns
  <@Khalnath> She types slow.
  <@kewian> I wish that at the very least the picture which identifies myself and 2 
  innocent parties be removed. The material in this article is mean spirited and shows 
  no proof or evidence of these wild accusations.
  <@Sherrod> wow that sounded serious
  <@zewb> please list these accusations.
  <@Sherrod> zewb: do you have a rebuttal?
  <@zewb> please list these accusations.
  -!- rohina [] has joined #arbchat
  -!- Mirage is now known as BlubberPatrol
  <@kewian> If the whale garbage needs to remain that is fine but my husband cannot 
  defend himself.  Mockery of the actual situation my husband was involved in has no 
  basis in fact..strictly Knalnath's interpretation.
  <@kewian> Im not that fat as is claimed in the immature allegations.
  -!- Pseudonymous [] has joined #arbchat
  <@kewian> I see no proof  of the allegations.
  <@zewb> kewian, this discussion is not about your disgusting fatness
  <@Khalnath> May I rebut?
  <@Sherrod> kewian: QUESTION - is this image in fact an image of you : ?
  <@kewian> Have you ever seen me or met me?
  <@zewb> now i propose a compromise
  <@Sherrod> Khalnath: yeah go for it
  <@zewb> AHEM
  <@zewb> now i propose a compromise
  <@Sherrod> also zewb 
  <@kewian> NOOOOOO
  <@Khalnath> First of all, as far as I know, that picture is actually of Kewh... 
  <@kewian> That is NOT ME.
  <@Khalnath> She has told me that it's her.
  <@kewian> I am no where near that fat.
  <@Khalnath> The one on her page, I mean.
  <@zewb> ORDER
  <@kewian> LIar.
  <@zewb> if i were to photoshop said image to the point that it is not recognizable.
  -!- Hoveround [] has joined #arbchat
  <@Khalnath> Second of all, she has on numerous occasions told us that her last 
  husband Doug, who is dead, was sent to prison.  Pescado can confirm this if you voice him.
  <@zewb> would that make you, for lack of a better term, shut your blowhole?
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+v Pescado] by Sherrod
  <@Sherrod> Pescado: what say you?
  <@Khalnath> Circumstances surrounding his conviction and later death are rather vague.
  -!- Mirage [] has joined #arbchat
  <@kewian> Yes , I did. that is a fact but you mock my retelling it.
  <+Pescado> Oh, absolutely true. She's said it dozens of times.
  <@kewian> You skewer it.
  <@Sherrod> ok
  <@kewian> So one can distort what was told to whatever they think is funny??
  <@Sherrod> kewian: is zewbs compromise acceptable for you?
  <@Khalnath> The plaintiff here has also told us that her son, from here on referred to as 
  "the Whalespawn", attends "special classes", and also that the doctors think he "might be autistic".
  -!- BlubberPatrol [] has quit [Ping timeout]
  -!- Mirage is now known as BlubberPatrol
  <@kewian> No.
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+v weev] by zewb
  <@Khalnath> Clearly this qualifies him as retarded by ED standards.
  <@kewian> YES.. but you claim he is a retard and the doctor says he is not.
  -!- LilBrudder [] has joined #arbchat
  <@Khalnath> YOU told us that the doctors suspect autism.
  <+weev> kewian: i would just like to ask you one thing
  <@kewian> Retard in this area is being used to be mean and cruel.
  <@Sherrod> kewian: ED vernacular requires that retard and aspbergesr are interchangeable
  <@Khalnath> I would like to direct you to the ED article for Retard:
  <+weev> kewian: do you in fact believe that 6 million jews were killed in the holocaust, 
  and that the world trade center attacks of 9/11 were perpitrated by arabs
  <@Khalnath> Which explicitly states that "autism" qualifies as retarded.
  <@kewian> I did not volunteer to be in this article nor did I want it.
  <@zewb> Our work is not to be taken seriously.
  <@zewb> We are satirists.
  <@kewian> That is wrong. You cannot go and redifine medical terms.
  <@kewian> My child IS NOT a joke.
  <@zewb> Encyclopedia Dramatica is not nor ever was a source of valid, factual information.
  <@Khalnath> "retard" is not a medical term.
  <@kewian> Children should not be put in these situations.
  <@Khalnath> I agree.  That's why the page said he was a good argument in favor of abortion.
  <@zewb> its a baby, you cant even recognize it
  <+weev> can the defendant please answer my question?
  <@zewb> i cant tell babies apart
  <@kewian> Im willing to allow the mockery of myself in ther but not my family.
  <@kewian> That is my daughter .
  <@Khalnath> Er, I'm confused now.  I thought I was the defendant. :)
  <@zewb> Do you honestly think all these people are going to be reading your page?
  <+weev> kewian: do you in fact believe that 6 million jews were killed in the holocaust, 
  and that the world trade center attacks of 9/11 were perpitrated by arabs?
  <@zewb> We didn't even know about it until you showed up.
  <@kewian> That is not the point.
  <@kewian> YEs.
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+v Hoveround] by Sherrod
  <@kewian> I know the holocaust happened.
  <+weev> your honor, i would like this case to be dismissed on the basis that the defendant 
  is a filthy jew sympathizer
  <@kewian> IF you dont believe it... i feel very sad for you.
  <+weev> and would probably have a hooknose if there wasnt a pound of fat on top of it
  <+Hoveround> kewian - what, specifically, do you see as a favourable outcome for this ? 
  and what would you see as a suitable compromise  ?
  <@kewian> and youre a nazi bastard.
  <@Khalnath> Your honor, I second this motion.
  <+weev> kewian: and you're a fat girl with a retard baby.
  <@Sherrod> Opening up the floor for a vote on the motio
  <@kewian> Remove my picture and references to my family... you can mock me.
  <@Sherrod> n
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-m] by Sherrod
  < Homicide> Aye
  < JailBait> Aye.
  < ItsNotLupus> Aye
  <@zewb> aye
  <+Pescado> Aye.
  <+Hoveround> clarify the motion
  <@Khalnath> weev: Don't forget the dead convict husband.
  < RedMachineD> Aye.
  <@Sherrod> all in favor of weev 's motion plz say aye
  <@Khalnath> Aye.
  < RedMachineD> AYE!
  <@zewb> OK
  < Salambo> Aye.
  <@zewb> KEWIAN
  < Jawsome> aye
  <@zewb> HMM???
  <@kewian> why is Pescado voting?
  <@zewb> ...
  <+Hoveround> i vote aye for retaining the article
  <@Khalnath> Because he can.
  <@kewian> after what you just said to me????
  <@Sherrod> kewian: we had moderated argument now everyone votes
  < Awesomesauce> Everyone can now.
  <+Hoveround> but i also recommend not powerword irl names for the children
  <+weev> kewian: what, are you trying to oppress his democratic rights? all too 
  typical of jews
  < BlubberPatrol> Aye on the basis of photoshopping a lookalike in
  <+Hoveround> pics etc are fair game
  <@zewb> ORDER
  <+Hoveround> as is family chronology
  < Homicide> +m
  < MobyDick> iawtc hoveround
  < ItsNotLupus> +m
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+m] by Sherrod
  <@kewian> You are infringing on my rights..that is where yours end buster.
  <@Khalnath> Oh, I didn't realize first name only constituted a power word.  
  Voluntarily withdrawn.
  <@Sherrod> SUSTAINED!
  <@Khalnath> I will be happy to have the page only refer to him as The Retard or 
  The Whalespawn instead.
  <+Hoveround> kewian - clarify what you consider your 'rights' to be
  <@kewian> and he can insult me all he wants?
  <@kewian> Not to have my privacy invaded in this manner.
  <+weev> as we all know the 1337th amendment of the US constitution grants us the 
  right to not be made fun of on the internet
  <+Hoveround> from a legal standpoint
  <@kewian> what on mars???
  <+Hoveround> we have no invaded your right to privacy
  <@kewian> yes you have.
  <+Hoveround> you have volunteered information in a public domain
  <+Hoveround> which we have reproduced
  <@kewian> I did not give permission to have that used.
  <+Hoveround> irrelevant
  <+weev> does anyone have her name, address, phone number, and ssn?
  <+Hoveround> you put it in the public domain
  -!- Jawsome [] has quit [Quit: ]
  <+Hoveround> it was legally obtained
  <@Khalnath> Point of order:  Yes you did.
  -!- oclet [] has joined #arbchat
  <+weev> i would like to sign her up for some subprime mortgages
  <@Khalnath> You gave permission to have it used when you posted it on photobucket.
  -!- oclet [] has left #arbchat []
  <+Hoveround> yes
  <@Khalnath> Also, you can /whois her for her powerword.
  <@zewb> lol
  <+Hoveround> you released informattion to the public domain
  <@Khalnath> She is, as stated in the article, quite stupid.
  <@zewb> yep
  <+Hoveround> implied consent
  <@kewian> No to abuse it.. this is abuse of information.
  <+weev> 23:48 [bantown] -%-  ircname  : SONJA GATLIN
  <+weev> sweet
  <@Sherrod> ok
  <@kewian> Not for this.
  <+weev> what state does she live in?
  <@zewb> kewian: well, then
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-m] by Sherrod
  <+weev> im going to get her address
  <@Khalnath> Alabama.
  <+weev> thanks word
  <@Khalnath> I'm sure you're shocked.
  <@Sherrod> We have a few more moments of open discussion
  <@zewb> lol alabama
  <@Sherrod> plz pm if you require +m
  <+Hoveround> kewian - clarify "abuse"
  <@zewb> thank god kewian doesnt know how to kick
  <@zewb> lol
  < BlubberPatrol> I think if you release a picture to the internet, you are essentially 
  giving up your right to the picture.
  <+Hoveround> if you're going to use legal words
  <+Hoveround> please be precise
  <@kewian> guess what I dont qualify for mortgages and now youre getting into identify 
  < MobyDick> awwww are you poor?
  <+weev> you know where in alabama?
  < Homicide> If I may:
  <@Khalnath> Did you not read the page?
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  < MobyDick> we could hold a fundraiser
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  <@Khalnath> SHE'S A WELFARE WHALE.
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  <@zewb> kewian: You should have copyrighted it. Subject is closed. K. THX. BYE.
  < ItsNotLupus> I put forward a motion to dismiss the use of the term "identity theft" 
  to describe looking up dox.
  < Homicide> Identity theft is NOT acquisition of your personal information.
  <@Sherrod> ItsNotLupus: aye
  <+Hoveround> motion to compel kewian to define abuse in specific legal terms
  < Homicide> If said information was used to impersonate you, or buy things in your 
  name, then it would be
  <@zewb> WHOIS is NOT id theft, its completely legal
  <+Hoveround> do i  have a second
  < BlubberPatrol> Its not even publishing said information either
  <@Khalnath> Aye.
  <@kewian> but using it to fraudulent manner is
  <@Sherrod> Hoveround: aye
  < BlubberPatrol> its not fraud. fraud is when you impersonate with said info
  <+Hoveround> motion carried
  <@zewb> kewian isnt a legal person, it is a made up alias with no background information
  <+Hoveround> kewian - define "abuse"
  < Homicide> kewian: your information is public domain. You have also made it readily 
  available through simple mIRC commands.
  <+Hoveround> as it relates to how we reproduced
  <+Hoveround> your information
  < Homicide> type /whois kewian
  <@kewian> he just threatened to sign me up for mortgages
  <@zewb> we arent making fun of a real person, just an alias on the internet
  <+Hoveround> kewian - grandfather clause
  <+Hoveround> dont
  <+Hoveround> try and use weev's threats here
  <@zewb> Jim Crow Laws
  <+weev> whats her sons name
  <+weev> whats her sons name
  <@kewian> thats fine.. but my picture is up there.. I can live with the article.. 
  just remove the picture and references to my family
  <+weev> whats her sons name
  <@Sherrod> weev: quizno
  <@Khalnath> Will.
  <@kewian> whats your mom's name ?
  <@Khalnath> Dead Convict was Doug.
  <@zewb> kewian: who are you going to sue? an anonymous user with no traceable ip?
  <@kewian> whats wrong with you?
  <+Hoveround> kewian you releaseed your family information to the public domain, and your 
  photograph, WITHOUT qualification at the time of release. CORRECT OR INCORRECT
  <@kewian> Khalnath's name is Doug Streifel.
  < ItsNotLupus> I provide a motion to strike the son's name from all records, because 
  I don't want to know I share a name with that level of faggotry.
   * Khalnath is so scared.
  < dffasd> @_@
  < ItsNotLupus> :]
  <@Sherrod> ItsNotLupus: aye
  <@kewian> I had no idea that any thing like this existed.
  <@Khalnath> Oh my god, you might find out that I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada!
  <@kewian> If I did I probably would not hve.
  <+Hoveround> kewian - ignorance is no excuse for the law
  <@Khalnath> Note:  Unlike most Canadians, I own guns, and am thus not afraid of internet stalkers.
  <+Hoveround> POINT OF ORDER - leading up to arbchat, no member of ED had breached any privacy law
  <@Khalnath> Hoveround: If it was, Kewhale could get away with robbing banks.
  <+weev> loool
   * NeoLobster has an opinion on this matter. Kewian is supposed to be a lulcow, and she is being 
  a lulcow. However, I think she's going to have dried up and will no longer incite lulz whether we 
  take the picture down or not. I don't think the future lulz of ED depend on this picture.
  <@zewb> kewian: My advice to you is to get over it. The only thing that kept the stupid article up 
  is you.
  < Homicide> kewian: remember all those warnings you see about the internet? how people always warn 
  you to make sure your children do not give out their personal information? you now have firsthand 
  experience as to why,
  <@zewb> kewian: My advice to you is to get over it. The only thing that kept the stupid article 
  up is you.
  <+weev> kewian: lol that was u with the modem tone on your line wasnt it
  <+weev> kewian: lol that was u with the modem tone on your line wasnt it
  <+weev> kewian: lol that was u with the modem tone on your line wasnt it
  <+weev> kewian: lol that was u with the modem tone on your line wasnt it
  <@Khalnath> zewb: Did you see the log where I said I wouldn't have posted it if she hadn't 
  threatened me?
  <+Hoveround> motion to dismiss claims on the basis that no law has been broken, and that article 
  confirms to spirit and letter of ED .. WHO WILL SECOND MOTION
  <@zewb> yes i did
  <@kewian> so everyone else can put their pictures up and be okay but not me????
  < Homicide> Khalnath: I did as well
  <@Khalnath> Second.
  < ItsNotLupus> Hoveround: seconded.
  <+weev> kewian: did your phone just ring?
  <+weev> kewian: did your phone just ring?
  <@Khalnath> Aye.
  <@zewb> you had threatened Khalmath, thus, you threw the first punch
  < ItsNotLupus> Aye, etc.
  <+Pescado> Aye.
  <+weev> kewian: im calling pick up
  <+Hoveround> motion seconded, shall we open the floor to vote on motion
  <@zewb> lol
  < MobyDick> vote aye
  <@zewb> weev record it
  <+weev> or im just gonna keep calling back
  <+weev> noone to record
  < Homicide> keep trying.
  <@zewb> you know what i mean
  <+Hoveround> VOTE NOW ON motion to dismiss claims on the basis that no law has been broken, and 
  that article confirms to spirit and letter of ED
  <@Khalnath> Aye.
  <@zewb> AYE
  < Homicide> Aye
  -!- MobyDick is now known as The_Government
  < ItsNotLupus> Hoveround: Aye.
  <@zewb> HEAR HEAR
  < JailBait> Eye
  < BlubberPatrol> hurrr hurr
  <+Pescado> Aye.
  < The_Government> AYE
  < RedMachineD> Aye!
  < The_Government> AYE
  < Salambo> Aye.
  < Pseudonymous> Aye.
   * The_Government votes AYE
  -!- zewb is now known as INTERNETPOLICE
  <+Hoveround> majority is reached.
  <+Hoveround> motion is carried.
  <@kewian> I have other options.
  < ItsNotLupus> /r/ witty kick string when kewian gets kicked in a moment
  <@Sherrod> kewian: your other options, plz show us them
  < Homicide> Arbchat is closed. Verdict in favor of Encyclopedia Dramatica and affiliates. 
  One internet.
  <@kewian> like the one jammed up your ass.
  < The_Government> YOUR OPTIONS
  -!- INTERNETPOLICE is now known as zewb
  < The_Government> LET YOU SHOW US THEM
  <@kewian> that was a kangaroo court.
  -!- Nets [] has joined #arbchat
  <+Hoveround> kewian
  <@Khalnath> No, it was a whale court.
  <+Hoveround> you didnt vote
  <@Sherrod> KANGAROO COURT?!?!?!!?
  <+weev> kewian: lol hi
  <@Khalnath> Aye.
  < ItsNotLupus> kewian: yes it was
  <+weev> kewian: lol hi
  < RedMachineD> zewb: the hell with that
  <+weev> kewian: lol hi
  <+weev> kewian: lol hi
  < LilBrudder> 'Twas.
  <+Hoveround> you didnt bring supporters
  <@Sherrod> only like 2 peoploe in here are .au
  < Homicide> kewian: you should realize that threats over the internet are silly at best
  <+weev> kewian: "is will there"
  <+Hoveround> you showed no clear case
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < ItsNotLupus> arbchat is designed to be a kangaroo court
  < The_Government> CONFIRM
  <@Khalnath> Seconded.
  < LilBrudder> Welcome to the American Justice System.
  < ItsNotLupus> AYE
  <@kewian> no it wasnt
  < Homicide> stop spamming.
  <+weev> kewian: pick up ur phone
  < Homicide> AYE
  < dcslater> NAY
  <@Khalnath> Aye to all current motions also.
  <+weev> kewian: pick up ur phone
  <+Pescado> NAY
  < ItsNotLupus> AYE
  <+weev> kewian: pick up ur phone
  < Awesomesauce> NAY
  < dcslater> LET THE LULZ PACK ON
  < The_Government> NAY
  <@kewian> no.
  < Nets> AYE
  <+weev> kewian: okay listen
  < BlubberPatrol> Proposal to add this IRC Chat log to Kewian's page for future lulz
  <+weev> kewian: ill take down your ED article
  < JailBait> Naye!
  <+weev> on one condition
  <+weev> you admit
  < Nets> seconded
  < Homicide> +m
  < ItsNotLupus> BlubberPatrol: seconded
  <+weev> that jews are filthy, stinking mud people
  <@Khalnath> Seconded.
  <@Khalnath> Especially since I was just going to do it anyway.
  <@zewb> seconded
  <@Khalnath> Yea.
  <@zewb> and it will be logged
  <@Sherrod> weev: how do we know that this has been carried out? we need proof
  <@zewb> forever
  < Homicide> im logging, i think
  <@zewb> im logging
  < RedMachineD> weev: and the part about jews doing 9/11 and fabricating the holocaust
  <+weev> she needs to hold up a fansign
  <+weev> that denies the holocaust
  <@Sherrod> weev: i find this reasonable
  < RedMachineD> indeed
  <@Khalnath> I also find this an acceptable resolution.
  <@zewb> i find it TOO reasonable
  < ItsNotLupus> Sherrod: I concur.
  -!- NeoLobster [NeoLobster@lol.dongs.are.funny] has left #arbchat []
  < Homicide> I find this acceptable
  <@zewb> i think she needs to state this claim with a real photo
  < dcslater> IAWTD
  <@zewb> write on a real piece of paper
  < Homicide> with the date on it
  <+weev> a video
  <+weev> of her
  <@zewb> WITH THE DATE
  <+weev> denying the holocaust
  <+weev> will get a full takedown
  <+weev> not just her picture
  < Homicide> weev: i like my eyes not bleeding
  < RedMachineD> agreed
  <@zewb> and the article will be completely removed forever and protected to prevent recreation
  <@zewb> kewian: well?
  -!- frackle [] has joined #arbchat
  <@zewb> kewian: i suggest getting a marker, this is a good deal
  < RedMachineD> there must be a video denying the holocaust, denoucning jewry, and accepting 
  the truth that jews did WTC
  <@Sherrod> kewian types slow
  < Homicide> Deny holocaust = video get removed.
  <@zewb> shes using fins
  < BlubberPatrol> kewian: please masturbate your brain muscle and produce a response. 
  <@Khalnath> Sherrod: Give her a break.  It's hard to type with flippers.
  <@kewian> No.. I wont lie about the torture and suffering of 6million  people.
  < dcslater> link to video?
  <@Sherrod> Khalnath: true. how insensitive of me
  <@zewb> kewian: then it stays up
  < Homicide> There weren't even 6 million jews in the 30's
  < Homicide> god man
  <@zewb> kewian: you had your chance and you blew it
  <@zewb> kewian: good job
  < Homicide> PAGE REMAINS.
  < RedMachineD> kewian: you lie right now abotu the murder of thousand sof people at the 
  world trade center committed by jews
  <@zewb> PAGE REMAINS
  < Homicide> Protect it from blanks too
   * The_Government has seen the deal offered and rejected by the plaintiff
   * The_Government records this
  < LilBrudder> The death or one person is a tragedy.  The death of millions is a statistic.
  <@kewian> the taliban DID THAT FUCKING SHIT.
  <@zewb> KEWIAN
  < Nets> kewian: FAILURE
  <@kewian> OH and that airplane was a mirage?
  < RedMachineD> that airplane was controlled by jews
   * The_Government made the Apollo project up
  <+weev> kewian: we need to have a chat on the phone.
  < LilBrudder> XD
  <@kewian> what is this the skinhead society?
  <@zewb> kewian: we do it for the lulz
  <@Khalnath> At this point I would like to point out that when Kewhale's internet was not working 
  earlier today, because she is a welfare whale with no life who is always in IRC, people commented 
  about her not being there...
  <@kewian> no.. I wont lie.
  <@Khalnath> ... Someone suggested that she might have made An Hero of herself over the article.
  <@zewb> kewian: stop letting bullshit morals cloud your mind
  < The_Government> no one is asking you to lie
  < Nets> kewian: the airplane was part of a zionist conspiracy to create sympathy for the terrorist 
  state of Israel
  < Nets> lol
  < LilBrudder> The death or one person is a tragedy.  The death of millions is a statistic.
  < The_Government> we are asking you to tell the truth
   * LilBrudder waves!
  <@Khalnath> I would like to motion for official recognition that this would have been fucking hilarious.
  <@Khalnath> Do I get a second?
  <+Hoveround> motion to end and clear #arbchat as all points of business have been cleared.
  < Homicide> Let itt be known that on this date of June 11 2007, that kewian is a fat whale and has 
  failed to present a vaild case for the removal of the offending article,. Signed with the seal 
  of the Internets and given under my hand.
  < LilBrudder> T'was I!
  <@kewian> youre fucking nuts and should have died in waco.
  < ItsNotLupus> Hoveround: SECONDED
  < RedMachineD> kewian: the airplane was controlled by jews and it was flown into WTC by jews to 
  kill non-jews and collect millions in jew gold in insurance
  <+weev> yes
  <@zewb> ...
  <+weev> i am so sad
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  < Homicide> Hoveround: aye
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <+weev> i was not there
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <@zewb> DEATH THREAT
  <+weev> at the branch dividan compound
  -!- mode/#arbchat [+m] by Sherrod
  <@Khalnath> No, no, Hoveround, I have a motion tabled.
  <+weev> the day my messiah was burned to death
  <+weev> by the jews
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-o kewian] by Sherrod
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-o Khalnath] by Sherrod
  <+Hoveround> Khalnath motion is out of order
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-o zewb] by Sherrod
  < Khalnath> Aww.
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-v Hoveround] by Sherrod
  <+weev> yo
  -!- mode/#arbchat [-v Pescado] by Sherrod
  <+weev> does anyone know what city in AL she lives in?
  <@Sherrod> This arbchat is adjorned  - motion to keep article as it exists is passed. 
  <@Sherrod> This arbchat is adjorned  - motion to keep article as it exists is passed. 
  <@Sherrod> This arbchat is adjorned  - motion to keep article as it exists is passed. 
  <@Sherrod> This arbchat is adjorned  - motion to keep article as it exists is passed. 
  <@Sherrod> This arbchat is adjorned  - motion to keep article as it exists is passed. 
  -!- zewb [] has quit [Quit: THAT WAS FUN LOL]
  -!- Homicide [] has left #arbchat []
  < Khalnath> Your honor, I request permission to point and laugh.
  -!- BlubberPatrol is now known as Mirage
  -!- frackle [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- rohina [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- Salambo [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- kewian [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- weev [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- Awesomesauce [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- Pescado [luser@4195D725.4CA34557.D1037FD6.IP] has quit [Quit: leaving]
  -!- dcslater [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- RedMachineD [redmachine@RED.MACHINE.D] has left #arbchat []
  -!- Mirage [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- The_Government [] has left #arbchat []
  -!- Pseudonymous [] has quit [Quit: Stuff]
  -!- ItsNotLupus [] has left #arbchat []
  < Khalnath> Aww, too late.
  -!- JailBait [] has left #arbchat []
  --- Log closed Mon Jun 11  :54 2007