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Kay Fedewa/Arbchat

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<Kay Fedewa

* ThinMint has joined #ed
<Jewbacca> emoskank: do you swallow?
<BURK> jewbacca yes
<emoskank> lololol ThinMint
<BURK> emoskank lol dont worry
<Jewbacca> rofl thinmint
<ThinMint> Hey :P
<ThinMint> Yes.
<BURK> ill be sure to tie you up and bring over some black freinds to finish up
<ThinMint> I bring the Lulz.
* Jewbacca goes to unpack the rapedong
<Dianoga> okay, chlorophyll is supposed to help bad breath and body odor in general, so they
 probably thought it'd help or something
<emoskank> Jewbacca: swallowing is easy cleanup
<internetracecar> i have a giant space rapedong, it's quite impressive
<Jewbacca> lol I'll be sure to nut in your asshole then :D
<ThinMint> Are there any admins not away at the moment?
<BURK> dianoga i think they just took middle school biology and think thats what animals eat
<Jewbacca> IRC: unpack it
<Jewbacca> burk: rite
<internetracecar> hold on, i will
<BURK> jewbacca internal cum is lame, pulling out makes a mess
<BURK> and i like it messy
<Jewbacca> true
<Dianoga> foxes love chlorophyll, tell you wut
<Jewbacca> well
<Jewbacca> if I have her tied up
<Jewbacca> I can do both
* internetracecar undocks the giant space rapedong
<Jewbacca> One for hard cleanup
<internetracecar> ok, in business
<Jewbacca> and one for my christmas cards
* omglazers has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
<BURK> like shoving your cock deeper into a chicks mouth after youve come and she hasnt swallwed
 pushes it out all over her chin 
<BURK> which to me is pretty hot
<Jewbacca> same here
<Jewbacca> it's also hot to gently choke them
<emoskank> ThinMint: aren't you a stupid furry vandal?
<Jewbacca> you can feel them swallow
<ThinMint> Yea
<BURK> oh man cumswap has some amazing vids of hardcore deepthroat action
<ThinMint> I am :)
<ThinMint> Im looking for an admin
<emoskank> okay
<emoskank> I think we need an arbchat
<Jewbacca> ThinMint
<Jewbacca> rofl
<emoskank> for srs bsness
<Ntoast> yes
<ThinMint> That's fine\
<ThinMint> Whatever you guys do
<Jewbacca> nah
<emoskank> ARBCHAT
<Jewbacca> 0day
<Jewbacca> skip the arbchat IMO
<Jewbacca> last one was a bust
<ThinMint> Can we just get on with it? Christ.
<ThinMint> Some of us cant spend all day on IRC
<emoskank> WHAT DO YOU WANT
<BURK> jewbacca no
<BURK> this is lulz
<Jewbacca> oic
<internetracecar> should i change course of the rapedong
<Jewbacca> carry on
<BURK> and we must be judicial when it comes to lulz
<ThinMint> I need to speak with an admin, for the third time.
<Meshuggit> ThinMint: got dogs to mongle?
<ThinMint> Which means, not you.
<Puetiwaa> xD
<ThinMint> Yes I do
<BURK> thinmint no admins in at the moment
<Jewbacca> ThinMint, we are the internet
<BURK> state your case
<ThinMint> but no one is mongling my dogs
<Meshuggit> gb2 beastiality
<ThinMint> until i speak to an admin
<Puetiwaa> the blanking fag arrives!
<BURK> thinmint you cant stop us
<BURK> we will find your dogs
<Jewbacca> oh
<Jewbacca> wait
<Jewbacca> wrong context
<BURK> and we will sick the dog mongler on them
<Starscream> what page did thinmint blank?
<Dianoga> thinmint, you might not be able to spend all day on IRC, but WE CAN
<BURK> and she will suck and rape them
<Puetiwaa> well, you might be able to stop BURK, but not all of us
<ThinMint> Thats cool
<ThinMint> Hey, Im sorry but I dont really give a shit abt whatever you're talking about
<Pokchu> WHAT
<Puetiwaa> Dianoga,
<ThinMint> Find me an admin.
<Puetiwaa> blanked, then removed gallery x about 10
<Pokchu> OKAY
<ThinMint> Please set me up an ARBchat.
<ThinMint> Id appreciate that.
<Puetiwaa> then some other fag came on, and tried pulling the same shit
<BURK> thinmint go to #arbchat
<ThinMint> Less kiddie-banter.
<MrAvatarus> hai guys, whats going on in the channel now?
<ThinMint> More arbchat
<ThinMint> kthx
<Meshuggit>  21:30 (cur; last) . . Chankachankaboo (Talk | Contribs) (ræped "User:ThinMint"
with an expiry time of 6 months: Vandalism is fucking pointless: diaper fetishist)
<Dianoga> Puetiwaa: I know, I saw it. I just wanted to let him know that we can do 
this a lot longer than he can
<internetracecar> lol, less kiddie-banter
<Pokchu> FSDFG
<BURK> jesus christ
<BURK> ok well have an arbchat in here
<Jewbacca> thinmint
<BURK> set plus m
<Jewbacca> why do you need an admin
<Pokchu> God damn.
<HomiZzZide> NeoLobster or Hoveround
* HomiZzZide is now known as Homicide
<Pokchu> ThinMint, why have you been vandalizing ED?
<ThinMint> Because they probably have more sense in their heads.
<ThinMint> Than their little followers do
*Jewbacca* lol
<ThinMint> Thats why
<Puetiwaa> (21:38:19) <Dianoga> Puetiwaa: I know, I saw it. I just wanted to let him know that
we can do this a lot longer than he can <-- it also takes about 3 seconds to revert a change
*Jewbacca* let's just tell them I'm an admin
*Jewbacca* or you
<BURK> fuck
<BURK> op me
* Pokchu sets mode: +o BURK
*Jewbacca* so we can get this uppity dog mongler to stop begging for one
* Pokchu sets mode: +m
* Pokchu sets mode: +v ThinMint
* Pokchu sets mode: +v ajt
<Pokchu> Okay.
<BURK> ok 
<BURK> what is your problem thinmint
<NeoLobster> Homicide: ?
<FBI> ajt doesnt need voice
<Pokchu> ThinMint, from the top, why have you come here to vandalize
<Pokchu> FBI: whoops
<Pokchu> meh
<ThinMint> I didn't particularly mean to vandalize your site, that was pretty stupid. I quickly
 discovered it takes you, yes, 3 seconds to revert :)
<ThinMint> but I couldnt figure out how to contact an admin.
<ThinMint> But ive read up on the process
<ThinMint> so here I am.
<BURK> thinmint that didnt answer the question
<BURK> you did vandalize
<BURK> explain why
* Chahlesh has joined #ed
<FBI> link me to his ed faggotry plz
<ThinMint> Because I would like some photos removed from a seriously unfunny E.D. page
<ThinMint> It's not unfunny because it's me, it's unfunny because it's irrelevant to anyone
<ThinMint> except a small group of internet girls
<Pokchu> Kay Fedewa?
<Pokchu> Hi
<ThinMint> who i pissed off 5 years ago
<ThinMint> yea, thats me
<ThinMint> So, Im sorry for vandalized
<BURK> thinmint
<BURK> we are the deciders
<ThinMint> Thats why im talking to you.
<BURK> we decide what goes and what dosent
<ThinMint> Thats...why I'm here.
<ThinMint> :\
<ThinMint> I understand the process.
* Rossyfox|afk is now known as Rossyfox
<BURK> thinmint explain your vandalizm of ebon lupus
<ThinMint> I was pissed off.
<ThinMint> That has no explaination
<BURK> oh no
<BURK> its not that simple
<BURK> you edited out large tracts
<BURK> instead of just blanking
<ThinMint> They were random
<BURK> we arent retarded
<BURK> we are resmarted
<ThinMint> I randomly clicked people and randomly editted their pages
<ThinMint> Just frustrated.
<BURK> you dont click people retard
<ThinMint> Yea, I did.
<ThinMint> With the mouse.
<ThinMint> :P
<NeoLobster> umm... This doesn't look like #ed stuff. This looks like the beginnings of an #arbchat
<Pokchu> NeoLobster: it is
<Pokchu> but no sysops are present
<ThinMint> Call it what you want guys, I just want to talk to someone who can speak english and
 is sensible.
<NeoLobster> Pokchu: +m is annoying
<Pokchu> Neo: We're trying to keep the chat controlled
<Pokchu> durrrr
<ThinMint> I know
<NeoLobster> yeah
<ThinMint> I appreciate it
<BURK> thinmint you are talking to me pokchu and neolobster
<ThinMint> Alright
<BURK> what exactly do you want
<Pokchu> I see no reason to remove anything for Kay Fedewa
<Pokchu> from
<ThinMint> Exactly what I want is for my ED page gone but I realize that probably won't happen
 because you guys don't seem to do that. I read the history of the ARbchats
* darkmonkey has joined #ed
<ThinMint> none of them really ended that way.
<Pokchu> Correct
<ThinMint> So, the most i can ask is for my images gone.
<Pokchu> Convince us why we should take the images down
-Puetiwaa- aren't there a few that have actually been removed, through arbchat?
<BURK> kay: isnt going to happen
<NeoLobster> Pokchu: why can't we move this into #arbchat anyway?
<NeoLobster> other people want to talk on this channel
<Pokchu> Neo: �no ops
<NeoLobster> and this is faggotry
<Pokchu> christ
* Pokchu sets mode: -o NeoLobster
<ThinMint> you wont empathise with my motivation, but nowadays when people go in for interviews,
 the interviewer googles the interviewee
<Pokchu> god shut up
* ChanServ sets mode: +o NeoLobster
<ThinMint> this has happened to me a few times now
* NeoLobster sets mode: -m
<NeoLobster> fuck off
* weatherman has quit IRC (Quit: �)
<ThinMint> but luckily before the ED thing.
<Meshuggit> LOL
<BURK> mint not our problem
* Pokchu sets mode: +m
<BURK> you shouldnt have done that shit
<ThinMint> Done what shit, exactly?
<BURK> think before acting 
<BURK> acted like a faggot on the internet
* weatherman has joined #ed
<ThinMint> Oh you mean all the drama that little internet fucktards dug up on me from 6 years ago?
<BURK> yes
<ThinMint> You do know all that shit was at leats 6 years ago, right?
<BURK> dosent matter
<BURK> we have lulz from usenet and compuserv
<ThinMint> Well, I feel it does.
<ThinMint> it isnt funny
<BURK> its still lulz
<ThinMint> The page is not funny
<BURK> yes it is
<ThinMint> no one cares about it except 3 kids.
<ThinMint> Why is it funny?
<BURK> also its from 3 years ago
<ThinMint> If my motives need to matter to you, yours need to matter to me.
<ThinMint> What merit does the page have?
<BURK> and its related to portal of evil
<Pokchu> Kay: We don't really expect you to find it funny, since it's about you
<ThinMint> Ok
<Pokchu> get the fuck over it
<ThinMint> Keep that part.
<Pokchu> You've still yet to convince us why the images should be removed
<ThinMint> Actually, I don't find alot of ED funny, but thats because I'm an adult.
<BURK> you know
<BURK> your right
<BURK> it isnt that funny
<Pokchu> Most of us here are adults Kay
<BURK> ill be sure to photo shop penises into everything
<ThinMint> Then act like it.
<ThinMint> Why do you have no sympathy for anyone?
<ThinMint> I havent done anything to merit slander
<BURK> how is it slander?
* fishie has quit IRC (Quit: Kay I want to fuck you full force in your ass, vagina, and mouth.
 In that order.�)
<BURK> how are the screenshots slander
<ThinMint> I only ask people who are in an administrative position for some sympathy and help
<ThinMint> I dont mind the screenshots.
*CptEvilStomper* Pok, why did you set it to +m?
<BURK> then why did you delete them
<BURK> you did that before even blanking the page
<ThinMint> I figured if any of it was going to work, I might as well go for broke and take off
 the whole gallery.
<ThinMint> Didnt though, so, doesn't matter.
<BURK> this is quite lulz
<ThinMint> Im glad you find that really hilarious
<ThinMint> Keep it
<BURK> oh we will we will keep all of it
<ThinMint> It doesnt bother me that kids talk about me on the internet
<BURK> we might rewrite the article to make it funny
<ThinMint> I do mind that when an employer googles my name, it comes up.
<BURK> thinmint you just said it did
<ThinMint> No, I didn't.
<BURK> and why would your employers have problems with it
<BURK> and is your real name kay fedewa?
<ThinMint> Because they don't understand it.
<ThinMint> Yea.
<Pokchu> PROTIP: Don't use your IRL name as a handle
<BURK> ok good well be sure to google it as well
<ThinMint> I don't usually, back in 2003 i used it as my gallery name.
<BURK> and show you why you shouldnt use your real name for anything on the internet
<Pokchu> It's your own fault you were actually stupid enough to post your full name on the internet
<BURK> thinmint all of this stuff is from 2004-now
* Rossyfox is now known as GENERICWOLF
<BURK> its not that old
<BURK> we arent retards
<ThinMint> That's not true :)
* Puetiwaa is now known as ItsNotSlander
<BURK> read the date on that picture
* GENERICWOLF is now known as KILLHAIR
<BURK> and tell me
<ThinMint> Im not talking about the images.
<BURK> what month and year is it from
<BURK> the images complement the drama
<ThinMint> Ok.
* Homicide is now known as I_googled_Kay_Fedewa
<ThinMint> Alright
<ThinMint> well thanks for your time
* Dianoga is now known as PowerWordIRL
<BURK> this page was made 3 days ago
<BURK> so how could it have interfered with job applications
* Jewbacca is now known as POWERWORD_IRL
<ThinMint> It hasnt
<ThinMint> I told you
<ThinMint> Read what I write please.
<ThinMint> Im saying, it has the potential to.
<BURK> oh
<BURK> well excuse me
* KILLHAIR is now known as Stoneclaw_Clan_fo_Lyfe
<ThinMint> k
<BURK> im just an op in the channel whose cock you are supposed to be sucking
* PowerWordIRL is now known as READWHATIWRITEPLS
<ThinMint> Well this whole conversation is pretty stupid
<Pokchu> You're right
<Pokchu> It is
<ThinMint> I gotta get back to IRL :(
<ThinMint> Take care
<Pokchu> Ok
* ThinMint has left #ed