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Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio
Disclaimer: This biography, while mostly based in fact, is a satirical parody biography of a Great American who is loved, feared, and loathed by those who know him and know of him. We hope that the Sheriff takes it as a compliment and as evidence of his Great Power that he has an article on Encyclopedia Dramatica, the Internet's premier satire and humor Wiki.
Sheriff Joseph M ."Joe" Arpaio or "America's Toughest Sheriff," as he likes to be known, was the Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Destroyer of Spics, and lover of the color pink and Trumps Dick. He was born, as all Great Americans are, at the right place and the right time on Flag Day, June 14, 1932 during the Great Depression in Springfield, Massachusetts, the home of big-motherfucking-hand-cannon manufacturer Smith and Wesson. His parents were Italian immigrants. His Great Power was apparent at his birth, during which he killed his mother. He was raised in poverty by his father, a stereotypical Italian grocer, and his extended family. In 1958, he married his wife, Ava, and had two children, the ultra-masculine Rocko and Shelly, the girl who meant it when she said, "If my dad finds you here when he comes home, he'll kill you!" He has four grandchildren.
"So, Grandpa, what did you do during the war?"

His military record is completely unimpressive. Arpaio in his own words from his own website: "In 1950, America became engulfed in the Korean War; and I had just enlisted in the Army. I wanted a piece of the action. But as luck would have it, instead of heading off to combat, the Army saw an unusual talent in the young Joe Arpaio, something other men my age knew nothing about – typing! So instead of issuing me off to Korea, the Army put me in the military’s Medical Detachment Division where report writing skills and interviewing techniques were critical. The Army never got me over to Korea but it did get me abroad for a while. That’s where I was bitten by wanderlust. Little did I know then that France would be the first of many foreign countries where I would be sent to fight crime. After getting a taste of what being a cop would be like in the military , I was discharged from the army and immediately signed up to be a street cop in one of the toughest cities in America – Washington D.C." So, instead of getting a chance to kill gooks in Korea, he did secretarial work in the land of fine wines and loose women.
Young Joe Becomes a Cop
Following Arpaio's honorable discharge from the Army, he moved to Washington, D.C. and got his first non-military cop job, patrolling the negro-infested streets of the District. D.C. in the Fifties must have been a heady time for Joe in a city filled with niggers during the age of Segregation. This being an age of few civil rights, with the law on Joe's side, the only crime he could possibly have committed is that of having Too Much Fun. In 1957, Arpaio moved to Las Vegas, where he served as a police officer for just six months before being tapped to become a Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, which later became the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Arpaio worked for the DEA for 25 years, during which time he worked in both Turkey and Mexico, which no doubt fueled his urge to incarcerate brown people. Turkish prisons may even have inspired his own incarceration techniques. He was later promoted to head of the DEA's Arizona branch. In 1992, Arpaio ran for the office of Sheriff of Maricopa County, and won, and was re-elected every four years after that, in 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008.
Actions as Maricopa County Sheriff

During his tenure as Maricopa County Sheriff, Arpaio has created some useful, if not so lulzy programs such as the following:
- Registration of bicycles to prevent theft, so there should be fewer cries of "nigger stole my bike!"
- Block watch/neighborhood watch, so that nosy neighbors can report people for acting "real suspicious" when they're walking, because normal people drive trucks to get around. PROTIP: This is most likely to happen in Paradise Valley.
- Child identification records and fingerprinting, not so much to find missing children, but to catch these children as juvenile offenders or later in life. If Sheriff Joe had his way, everybody's prints would be on file.
- Operation Identification to mark valuable property so that it can be returned to the person that owns it.
- Operation Notification so that business owners can get their baseball bats and riot shotguns ready for the illegal alien hordes.
- Project Lifeline which provides free mobile phones to domestic abuse victims, so that they may be tracked via GPS by Sheriff's deputies who can stalk them and get extra-friendly to get consensual sex or surprise sex.
- S.T.A.R.S. Sheriffs Teaching Abuse Resistance to Students, probably similar to D.A.R.E., Drug Abuse Resistance Education, which has been proven to have no results except to produce T-shirts for college students who want to be ironic.
- An annual summer camp for kids near Payson, Arizona.
Joe Arpaio's Changes to the Administration of the Maricopa County Jail
As Sheriff, Joe Arpaio is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Maricopa County Jail. Arpaio began to serve inmates "surplus food," i.e. garbage and limited meals to twice daily. He brags that it costs about a quarter a day to feed his inmates his famous green baloney and moldy bread. He just can't get enough of the fact that the dogs are better fed than the inmates, and makes this known at every opportunity because he is, at heart, a pathological attention whore. It took a Federal Appeals Court order to compel him to feed his inmates something other than starvation rations, because Sheriff Joe believes that food should be used as punishment.

Tent City:
Arpaio set up a "Tent City" as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail which constantly has a neon motel-style Vacancy sign burning. Tent City is located in a yard next to a more permanent structure containing toilets, showers, an area for meals, and a day room. It has become notable particularly because of Phoenix's extreme temperatures. During the summer of 2003, when outside temperatures exceeded 110 degrees Fahrenheit, Arpaio gave this half-assed non sequitur as a reason that inmates shouldn't complain: "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents, have to wear full body armor, and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths." In reality, everyone knows that Joe Arpaio is just acting on his natural sadistic impulses.
Volunteer chain gangs:

In 1995, Arpaio reinstituted the venerable Southern slavery-inspired practice of chain gangs. In 1996, Arpaio expanded the chain gang concept by instituting female volunteer chain gangs so that he wouldn't be troubled by civil rights lawsuits from men, and because Joe hates women too. Female inmates work seven hours a day (7 a.m. to 2 p.m.), six days a week. He has also instituted the world's first all-juvenile volunteer chain gang; volunteers earn high school credit toward a diploma at being a nigger.
Pink underwear:

One of Arpaio's most visible public relations actions was the introduction of pink underwear, which the Maricopa County Sheriff's website cites as being "world famous." Sheriff Joe has said that he made the change to pink underwear because inmates were stealing underwear from the jail for their own use. In reality, he made the change to pink underwear for purely sadistic reasons. He has an unappealing habit of making up halfway rational reasons for decisions made purely for spite and to gratify his own sadistic drives. It is possible that the issuing of pink underwear may backfire on him for some inmates, who are just glad to get a clean pair of boxer shorts that come in one recognizable color. In most jails, new underwear is rare, and since it is washed along with everything else, towels, orange outfits, and socks, it ends up a dingy pinkish-orange. Also, most jails use tighty-whities rather than boxers, because they are cheaper and more durable. So, thanx fo' the drawa's Joe! Arpaio's success in gaining press coverage with the pink underwear resulted in him extending the use of the color to a disturbing degree. He introduced pink handcuffs and painted the cells pink because pink is a soothing color.
Selective Service Registration and Organ Donation:
In 2001, Arpaio became the first sheriff to require all male inmates 18 years and older to register for the Selective Service System, which used to be called "registering for the draft" when there was involuntary military service in the U.S. Registration is required by federal law for all U.S. males between 18 and 26 years of age, as well as for resident aliens of the same age regardless of their immigration status. Since 2001, a total of 28,000 inmates, including 9,000 aliens, have registered for Selective Service. The Sheriff also started the "Have a Heart" program in which inmates may volunteer to be organ donors, so that they may be used for their meat as well as their labor, although most jail inmates' organs would be unusable due to disease, drug use, or other hard-living. If diseases weren't an issue, Sheriff Arpaio would probably rent out his female inmates as wet-nurses to middle to upper-class women who can't or won't breastfeed.
Gay 4 Trump
Last Thursday Arpaio told a Finnish Borat that he would go the "extra" mile in giving people handjobs. He also said he was willing to give Donald Trump a blowjob
Golden Showers and Blow Jobs.

In 2005, the Arizona State Legislature passed a state law making it a felony, punishable by up to two years in jail, to smuggle illegal aliens across the border. While this is already a Federal crime, Arizona’s law, also known as the "Coyote law," made it legal for local police to enforce immigration law and also classified persons being smuggled as co-conspirators subject to penalties as laid out in the law. Arpaio has instructed his deputies and members of his civilian posse to arrest illegal aliens. Arpaio told the conservative D.C. newspaper The Washington Times, "My message is clear: if you come here and I catch you, you're going straight to jail.... I'm not going to turn these people over to federal authorities so they can have a free ride back to Mexico. I'll give them a free ride to my jail." In October 2009, the Department of Homeland Security removed the authority of Arpaio's 160 federally trained deputies to make immigration arrests in the field. Despite the actions of the Department of Homeland Security, a butthurt Arpaio has maintained that he will still pursue illegal aliens under Arizona state law. All he has to do is charge them with something else like "resisting arrest" or "obstructing" and he can "legally" arrest them and laugh at the Feds.
Federal Investigations
- In March 2009, the United States Department of Justice notified Arpaio that they were investigating him for civil rights violations, in unfairly targeting "Hispanics" and Spanish-speaking people. Well, of course! The dirty wetbacks should learn English.
- In October 2009, it was reported that the FBI was investigating Arpaio for using his position to settle political vendettas. If you can't use your political power to hurt those you despise, what's the point of having it?
- In January 2010, it was reported that the United States Department of Justice has impaneled a grand jury to investigate allegations of abuse of power by Arpaio.
- In March 2010, it was reported that an investigation into Arpaio is "serious and ongoing," according to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
Loss of Jail Accreditation
Under Arpaio, the Maricopa County Jails have lost accreditation multiple times. In September 2008, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care terminated the health care accreditation of all Maricopa County Sheriff's Office jails for failure to maintain compliance with national standards and providing false information about such compliance. In October, 2008, a U.S. District Court Judge ruled that the grossly inadequate conditions at the Maricopa County Jail, overseen by Arpaio, are unconstitutional and jeopardize the health and safety of prisoners.
Quotes from a Man Who Was Incarcerated at Maricopa County Jail
—Shaun Attwood, British stockbroker |
Previous Quote | Next Quote
The funny thing about all this is that Attwood didn't have to spend two years in pretrial confinement in the Maricopa County Jail. All he had to do was either enter a plea of "guilty" or file a speedy trial motion and get a trial within days. The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a speedy trial and was designed to prevent extensive, punitive pretrial incarceration, something the British liked to inflict upon American colonists.
Inmates who have been killed or injured by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

Family members of inmates who have died or been injured in jail custody have filed lawsuits against the sheriff’s office, and Maricopa County has paid more than $43 million in settlement claims during Arpaio's tenure. All of them have been retards, drug addicts, or gimps, which explains why they were treated so inhumanely. Besides, $43 million is only about 20% of Sheriff Joe's annual operating budget, so it's no big deal. Even if Arpaio could have built an air-conditioned jail facility for the money, we all know he wouldn't have done it. For Sheriff Joe, $43 million is just the price of doing business the way he wants to do it, ftw. The following cripples were victims:

In 1998, Arpaio commissioned a study by Arizona State University criminal justice professor Marie L. Griffin to examine recidivism rates based on conditions of confinement. Comparing recidivism rates under Arpaio to those under his predecessor, the study found that there was no significant difference in recidivism observed between those offenders released in 1989-1990 and those released in 1994-1995. Obviously, for all his bluster and tough-talk and sadistic treatment of prisoners, Joe Arpaio can't keep them from re-offending. He knows this, yet he continues his practices proving that he is a psychopathic sadist who is just doing it for the lulz.
A Real Man of INAction

Last Thursday, it was revealed that the Maricopa County Sheriff's office had mishandled a number of sex crime cases, many of which involved children. Arpaio gave a firm and sensible explaination for his incompetency: They were asking for it. A majority of the cases that were ignored involved illegal immigrants. It's understandable that Arpaio wouldn't want to help these beaner scumbags, but Arpaio's logic has a major flaw: rape = Mexican marriage. Rape is a traditional marriage custom in Mexico, and by allowing these spics to marry and potentially procreate in our country, the immigration problem will only worsen. Also, Arpaio is missing a perfect opportunity to greatly reduce the Mexican population. Consider that nearly 105% of married Mexican women were sexually abused by their husbands as children. This means many if not all male Mexicans could be given the death penalty for raping children.
Contact Information
- Google Plus
- Office Phone Number: (602) 876-1801
- Office Fax Number: (602) 258-2081
External links
- Joe's book about Obama's 'fake birth certificate'
- Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
- Official Bio
- Official Election Website
- Local News Coverage of Arpaio from KPHO.com and CBS 5 News (KPHO-TV)
- Local News Coverage of Arpaio from azfamily.com and KTVK-3TV
- Hell on earth
- Jon's jail journal earliest entries. Read it from oldest to newest. -- Arpaio tortured prisoners who had not even been to trial yet for years. Prisoners suffered in 120F heat and the air conditioning only was turned on during inspections. Prisoners ate rotten food, cellmates were organized for the maximum spread of hepatitus, and the jails held a larger volume of roaches than people. Holding cells were as crowded as Japanese subway cars during rush hour.
See also
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Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio is part of a series on Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage. |
Featured article August 28 & 29, 2017 | ||
Preceded by Squirrelking |
Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio | Succeeded by Howard Dean |