Jar Jar Binks

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Jar Jar Binks is an annoying comic relief side character from Star Wars. Due to his nature as a joke character the star wars community has decided to use him as a sort of retarded, obvious in-joke - an example being the fucks behind Game Theory starting a trend where people speculate about him being a sith lord for the lulz. Truth be told, he is just a small corner of George Lucas's idiotic imagination brought to screen. Realize this is one of the first characters to enter the Star Wars franchise once Lucas found himself above the advice of much better filmmakers. Seeing Jar Jar and watching Willow is enough to see that had Lucas had today's technology he would have made even shittier films. Somehow Lucas, nearly 130 years after slavery was abolished in the United States, managed to make Jar jar a sci-i version of an Uncle Tom slave. Pretty sure he was trying to get into Anikin's pants the whole time.

What makes him a comic relief character

Weird looking alien funny!

Besides the obviously goofy (not by star wars standards mind you) appearance jar jar also speaks in a high pitched retard voice and is clumsy. This leads to many tom and jerry-like scenes which causes most Star Wars fans to erupt in gurgling, downy laughter.

Nerd rage

Some star wars fans have actually come to the same realisation as we here did, but instead of brushing it off as another annoying character in an already shitty series of movies they decided to A-Log the shit out of both the actor and the character. Merely mentioning jar jar around some forums is bound to cause nerd rage and lulz, so we encourage you to try.

Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard.