Harry Gindi

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Harry Gindi looks like it was written by pseudo-intellectual 13-year-old boys.
Look out for unfunny Uncyclopedia bullshit, boring in-jokes, and angsty teen-ery.
You could also add in actual humor.
Add pixplzkthnx to Harry Gindi
Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.

The math hero himself

Harry Gindi, age 23, is a fourth-year undergraduate student at the University of Michigan and pretentious douchebag who fancies himself as a troll while bring brought to tears himself at the first sign of criticism. Through his years on the internet he's been the center of a great deal of hidden drama within several plains of the internet, including a community of sweet math nerds who try to be gentle with each other, hence nobody reporting on his exploits. That is, until now.

The saga

Humble beginnings

It all began on 12/09/09 (that's 09/12/09 for you britfags) when a question that crossed math with philosophy was asked. Harry was new to the community and saw this as his golden chance to shine. Being the philosophy expert he is, Gindi pulled from all of his best resources and regurgitated an answer that was not just unproductive and entirely incorrect, but also passively wrote the asker off as a complete idiot. Needless to say, his response was downvoted into oblivion and he went under the radar for a period of time.

Development of lulz

On 12/21/11 a question was posted on Math Overflow for a simple high-school-level explanation of an already simple mathematical question that any idiot could figure out. It wasn't until several replies in when Harry Gindi stumbled upon the thread and designated it to be his next target.

Fresh meat.


—From the mind of the twisted Indian

He wasted no time and promptly conjured up the most obscure, overly-complicated answer the likes of which would make Jimbo proud. What followed was a barrage of down-votes sending him into the negatives; a level of disapproval that was uncommon to the community. But uncommon wasn't good enough for Harry. No, our tan-skinned hero is an overachiever. He was determined to cause enough controversy to warrant himself this article.

In another instance, he attempted to answer a question on advanced statistical theory. Everyone instantly knew his answer was bullshit and naturally called him out on it. Rather than take the constructive criticism in stride, he instead had an autismal meltdown and began frantically grasping for any weapon he could possibly retaliate with, inevitably citing IRC logs in a pathetic attempt at diminishing everyone's credibility.

Moderator Election

Some call this is his 8th symphony -- his golden egg, if you will. On June 15 2013 there was an election for a new moderator on Math Overflow. Upon finding the thread, he hastily donned his battle raja and took to his command center. He knew what he needed to do. He nominated himself to be a moderator.

His personal nomination was immediately met with a downvoting session that shattered Math Overflow records. New website rules were written due to this event alone, and the moderators rigged it so Gindi couldn't receive a vote count lower than 1. Members flooded the comments fighting each other over the ethics of meeting Gindi's stupidity with such negative reaction. According to many of the users, expressing your opinion using the downvote (a feature implemented for exactly this reason) qualifies as contempt.

After the dust had cleared and the shitstorm had ended, a great calm came over the forum. The war was over. A moderator found it wise to delete the thread to spare Harry Gindi from further embarrassment; but not before an administrator created a backup of the page.

Just to ensure the content isn't forever lost in the event that the admin has second thoughts, I've taken the liberty to create a backup of the backup.

Community reception

+1. MathOverflow needs moar lulz.


—An orignial member too old to give a shit

Seriously people, be nice, nothing good is accomplished by continuing to vote down someone below zero.


Moralfag response

I don't think anybody's trying to hurt anybody's feelings.



Dear Harry: Your link says that your age is 20, but the kinds of interactions I see connected with you here remind me of discussions I haven't seen since I was 14.


—One very cheeky member

I think that you're either naïve or in denial.


—Harry Gindi's response to anyone attempting to cool the situation down


The story doesn't quite end yet. Recently, Harry managed to find his way into #RH and subsequently onto a smaller branch titled #animu under the alias of Negi-Sensei. He attempted to terrorize the fans of Japanese culture but was brought to a screeching hault when puddles detected the potential for a good hardchat. Little did Gindi know, chatting with a chantard is different from chatting with a normal internet user. After hours of puddles typing at the speed of light and Gindi attempting to justify his failure to respond by complaining about his keyboard being broken, the both of them were banned from the channel, along with several random innocents caught in the crossfire.

Rather than sticking to his repeated claims on how he doesn't care about the chats going on between the two, he had to private message puddles to inform him how much he doesn't care before literally ragequitting.

Session Start: Fri Jun 07 01:14:21 2013
Session Ident: Negi-Sensei
[01:14] Session Ident: Negi-Sensei (synIRC, puddles) ([email protected])
[01:14] <Negi-Sensei> k i won
[01:14] <Negi-Sensei> I didn't give up
[01:14] <Negi-Sensei> even to pee
[01:14] <puddles> Thats fine, I expected you to say you won
[01:14] <Negi-Sensei> now i have to pee
[01:14] <Negi-Sensei> cool
[01:14] <puddles> Because you always win in your fantasy world
[01:14] <puddles> enjoy
[01:14] <Negi-Sensei> I don't care what you say in pm
[01:15] <puddles> Cool, are you glad you just cleared that up with me?
[01:15] <puddles> Now you can get my much-desired validation
[01:15] <puddles> My points all still satand
[01:15] <puddles> stand*
[01:15] <Negi-Sensei> uh
[01:15] <Negi-Sensei> your points were vacuous
[01:15] <Negi-Sensei> 'points'
[01:15] <Negi-Sensei> it's fine
[01:15] <Negi-Sensei> don't worry
[01:15] <Negi-Sensei> I'm putting you on ignore now so I get the last word
[01:16] <puddles> 01:14 <Negi-Sensei> I don't care what you say in pm
[01:16] <puddles> that changed
[01:16] <puddles> FAST
Session Close: Fri Jun 07 01:49:24 2013

See Also

External Links

Harry Gindi is part of a series on


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