Gail Dines

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Fugly bitch.
Fail Dines - crying about porn since birth.
"Boooo hoooooo booo hooooooooo boo hooooooo!" - Gail Dines

Gail Dines, also known as Fail Dines, is a fugly dyke and moralfag that doesn't like Pr0n. She spends all her time crying her eyes out about how bad internet pornography is.

She doesn't fucking stop talking about how degrading porn is. When really she is just jealous that she could never in her wildest dreams be in porn or even be sexually desirable to the lowest of the low of the human species.

She cries that porn is not about making love but:

gagging with a penis; pounding anal sex; spitting into the mouth of a woman; ATM (ass-to-mouth) transitions, in which the penis goes from the anus to the mouth without washing [boo hoo]; ejaculation onto the body and sometimes into the eye


The problem with this analysis is that all this is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

Early life

Dines was born born in the 1950s above this chippy in the north of England to Bygum Dines, a chimney sweep and Eeeup Dines (née Jameson) a chip shop worker.

Dines' birthplace

Due to her mother's work in the chip shop downstairs, Dines became obese at an early age. This has been cited as a reason for her whale-like appearance in later years as well as a contributing factor to her bitterness with images in the media of beautiful young women (whom she despises).

When she was 16 she fell in love with a boy named Tutmill who worked in a local wheelbarrow factory. She became infatuated with him and spent every waking moment thinking of him. Unfortunately one day, as she was walking home to her chip shop, she noticed Tutmill and a group of local boys hanging around on the other side of the road. Her face lit up and shouted "Tutmill!" Tutmill's only reply was "Fuck off you fat cunt!". She ran into the chip shop, eyes welling. Up the stairs and launched herself on to her bed (shattering it) and collapsed into a wailing heap. At that moment she vowed never to love a man again and dedicate her life to persecuting them, striving to take away all forms of happiness from them (which would later lead to her crusade against porn).

Being working class scum, it was unusual at that time for her to go to university. At the age of 19 she was training to follow her mother's footsteps into the chip shop profession. Luckily (for her) she got her big break when the government of the day took pity on her kind and setup Oxford Brookes University, which everyones knows is a shit university that only capitalises on the good name of the University of Oxford. She applied to study Chemistry but her IQ was too low so she decided to study feminism instead.

Pornographers = Illuminati

The pornographers did a kind of stealth attack on our culture, hijacking our sexuality and then selling it back to us, often in forms that look very little like sex but a lot like cruelty.


That's right, pornographers control every facet of modern society. They're like jews in a bank; they're fucking everywhere and have their fingers in every pie... ever ready to convert secret whores into genuine whores. They flock like locusts to every facet of media to reinforce the notion that ugly bitches are, in fact, ugly. It doesn't stop at the commercial level, oh no. Men subjected to the horrors of viewing porn often have the gall to ask their wives or girlfriends to perform such inhuman acts as fellatio and anal sex. Conversely, women have no choice but to comply, as "they don’t want to do it, but they don’t have the vocabulary to express why they don’t want to do it." Those poor, stupid sluts. So sayeth the fat cunt.

Yahoo fail

In May 2013, she finally went full retard and did an epic gail. She flipped and now she herself has become a sexist. She was quoted by Yahoo News saying that men cannot be victims of sexism just (and I [quote]) "like a black person can’t be racist". There was a huge backlash on her Facebook page and now even women hate her.

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