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FAE Inc.

FAE Inc. (The Foundation for Awakening and Enlightenment) was run by a group of otherkin who are too ashamed to be called otherkin so they go by some F.A.E. acronym. It's the otherkin version of a closet furry.
This site along with elenari.net are best known for spreading the elven holocaust meme and informing everyone of the fact that there will soon be an Otherkin-Human war that will leave this planet in a post-apocalyptic state.
It is run by people from Houston whose goal is to prove that only steers and queers do come from Texas.
- Jerimiah DuBois (Aiaquel)
- He believes he came from the planet Til'Quintas in a spaceship. Til'Quintas is a type of food served in Mexican restaurants by the way as Aiaquel obviously played Dungeons & Dragons one day where the parent species of elves is called "Tel-quessir" and somehow his mind mixed up the spelling and now he thinks something from a game was his real past life memory. He also has stated that he thinks human women are physically unattractive and he only likes his alien species (you've got to feel sorry for his human wife, Patricia) -- most people think he's actually gay. On his personal website, he advertises how he makes his living as a web designer, but he designs websites in 100% flash and never any backup text version, a big no-no in web design and the sign of a rank amateur. This explains all the shitty websites you've seen.
- Tracey Lynndale Clark (Syleniel)
- Crazy + fugly. Thinks she is Elenari, a race of elves who fought Xenu 75 million years ago.
- Dan O'Dea
- Aiaquel's homosexual lover; wears a dog collar most of the time.
- Jarin Dreamsinger
- Looks like rootbrian but is highly into yiff of elf-dragon porn. His most famous story is called "Dragon Rutt".
Typical thread on this site
Subject: Elven Concentration Camps. Archive.org link. Oh and yes, most threads on this site concern this elven holocaust meme.
Now this, I'm sure, will be a touchy, unhappy subject for those who remember these autrocities, but I have found myself to be getting quite curious about the subject when I realized that using pens, I wrote out something disturbing on my left fore arm, I don't believe that it was numbers or anything, it just started the thinking pattern. When I looked at the weird marks that I refuse to wash off my arm.... it's not pleasant, but I feel like I cannot get rid of them... that they wouldn't wash off if I tried, that I shouldn't try to even attempt. I think that they are there to remind me to start this topic.
So, I write this topic... The general information that I have got from a few others, is that they remember these 'pen' type places, lets call them Elven Concentration Camps, that held numbers of elves in squalid conditions. I have heard that there were three major times of these, during the Corruption, elves that had been tainted were put in these holding tanks. I also feel personally that during one of the Wars... elvish prisoners of war that were yet untouched by the Corruption, were held in these camps... for what, I do not know... but, I feel very strongly that the latter were used for Experiments from their captors.
I have also heard of a time when the Elenari went to the realm of Fae, the Fae were not too happy, and tried to round them up into a certain place, though I know very little of that.
I do not feel as if these camps were like the ones that held the Jewish in the Haulocost, but feel as if they were somehow worse.... Not physically.... I'm sure physically it was horrible, but it feels like it would be worse on the spiritual level... degrading, horrifying, entrapment... starvation, just...dirty, awful places. I feel like many went insane in these camps.
What I'm looking for is for people that feel strongly on this, that can Remember, or Feel it... and would like to voice their opinions. To find strength in this, to help understand this, and to help eachother over-come the scars left by this. Please, if you have information you wish to share, do so, but please do not go off topic... Thank you.
Thoughts be to you,
I have one memory that may or not be this. I am in a place,cant get out,feel my very being is assaulted by the confinement. I am holding a dying child in my arms. And thats it.
What does not kill us makes us stronger.
While i cannot speak fo the Elenari being captive, i do recall something akin to what you describe taking place in Til'Quintas during the millenia of the banishment war.
The human armies were known to capture elves during their raids. These captured elves were placed in holding in camps. There they were placed in small cages of abut 4'x4'. Now one must imagine a being that ranges between 6 1/2' to 7' in height being placed in such a small cage, how tight that would be. These cages were then stacked one upon the other untill a wall was formed. Hundreds of caged elves would be stacked in this manner, forming row after row of captives.
The pain felt by these elves was immense, and it sucked the will to live from them. One not of the people cannot imagine what it is to be held captive in this manner, to be robbed of the freedom of feeling the wind upon one's face as they stand tall; it was horrible for them.
Also in such camps, the humans would routinely torture the leves, both mentally and physically. It was not unheard of for an elf to be dragged out and happily beaten by 5 or more men at a time, nor was it uncommon for a female (or even male) to be raped by wave after wave of laughing human. The elves were not fed, merely given water on occassion. They were not allowed to stretch or roam free. They were left in the cages to wither and die.
As they faded away, and their will and life force drained from them, human sorcerers devised a technique to gather and siphon the lifeforce from the elves. They collected this energy and used it for their own ends. If an elf continued to fight for their life, hold on and refuse to die, they were horribly tortured and subjected to such horrors as watching children be mounted live upon large polearms, where their screams would haunt the others untill they died.
These camps were few and far between. But the very fact they existed spoke of the horrors commited by the armies of Nal'Tarius. Often when a camp was overrun and the elves were set free, they would beg only to die for the horrors they had witnessed.
While not what you refer to specifically, this is a form of such a camp which i recall. A horrible memory which lives on to the present in the minds of all Katur'Ali. It is good to note though that the captors suffered equally at the cruel hands of the Katur'Seolm; who happily visited tortures upon the humans which they had never dreamed. I suppose the humans never expected to face the wrath and anger of the Katur'Seolm for what they did..... but their screams brought some satisfaction for the tortures they imposed upon the people. Sweet screams of justice which some will always remember.
For those who wish to view my rant about Aiaquel's human-bashing, vis a vis "Elven concentration camps", I have moved it to the rant section as ordered.
[Edited on 10/4/2002 by Tirendil]
All we hear is Radio Ga-Ga
this really belongs in the rants section, it has little to nothing to do with the current topic. I suggest you move it there and remember this in the future.
Please stick to the topics at hand when posting, your views on me and my memories have nothing to do with what Figment has asked.
Nimue- Thank you for sharing, I'm sure that is not easy to speak of, you have much courage.
Aiaquel- I would like to thank you also for sharing, and sharing so much. I was not asking for anything in specific, just what people remember of such places, and you did a wonderful job of saying what you remember. Reading your post was near terrifying, yet I am glad you posted. Such horrible memories that we all carry around, good and bad, it is us, and our history.
I feel anger and fear, and I feel happy non the less, although these types of places were horrors beyond belief, the tragedies of them... they have their places in our lives, and have helped shape us to who we are today. I know a few kin who have a bad claustrophobia (including myself), and I wonder if somewhere within them, where they are not ready to look yet, that this is in part due to these camps? If I may ask, were you part of this horror, to remember it so well? If so, has it left scars on you even to now? Does it still wake you in the night?
[Edited on 13/4/2002 by Figment]
I did not live a life in which i was a prisoner, no. My knowledge of these camps comes from those that were captive, and those that set them free. I did live as one of the dark elves which led an attack against one of these camps. I do remember well the terror those elves faced, the fear and crushed will which they had as we pulled out their badly deformed and tortured bodies.
I do not often think on those times, however your post made me do so. As i type the memories float in my mind. The vision of the children upon the wicked poles, their lifeless eyes still crusted with tears of pain. The vision of the torn and abused woman that had suffered so at the hands of her captors. The vision of the rows upon rows of cages, some with long dead bodies within, and the looks of those still alive so filled with terror. Yes, these memories are there for me; and they do bring me rage and saddness.
But i also hold the memories of the justice my bretheren and i dealt out to the captors. I can easily hear their terrible screams of pain as they were punished for their actions, and those screams are sweet to me. Those memories bring a smile to my face, for the tortured were given justice during those moments.
I also remember, and know, how such horrible acts brought a split people together; even if only for a few millenia. I remember the good which came of it, the fight it instilled in a passive people which allowed them to triumph over the chaotic one. I hold a strange POV, and i look to the strength such terrible things gave the people, even when the horrors of it crippled many with pain and sadness.
Yes, i remember it well..... and sometimes that is the problem. Othertimes, it brings me strength and pride to remember those that suffered, and how well they survived.
Aye, Aye Captain. I'll move the comment there. I promise not to be a bad elf again. One question. You seem to revel at the memory of torturing the torturers. Since when does two wrongs make a right? And what would then distinguish you from them? This I believe, is ON topic.
no one ever said that the Katur'Seolm were peaceful or kind. In fact they are masters of torture. The difference is, the camps were an assault against The People.
And punishing those that brought pain to the people..... oh yes, that does make a right. The screams of the humans made it all right, and put a smile back on the lips of the dark ones that brought that pain.
You might hold the ideal that doing such a thing to those responsible for the camps made nothing better. The dark ones did not, In fact the lust for vengeance spurred them on to more feirce battle. Vengance is not wrong, not in the least.
The general information that I have got from a few others, is that they remember these 'pen' type places, lets call them Elven Concentration Camps, that held numbers of elves in squalid conditions. I have heard that there were three major times of these, during the Corruption, elves that had been tainted were put in these holding tanks. I also feel personally that during one of the Wars... elvish prisoners of war that were yet untouched by the Corruption, were held in these camps... for what, I do not know... but, I feel very strongly that the latter were used for Experiments from their captors.
I have also heard of a time when the Elenari went to the realm of Fae, the Fae were not too happy, and tried to round them up into a certain place, though I know very little of that.
afaik, I was not around during the time that the Elenari retreated into Faerie, so I can't address that.
I don't recall any putting of elves into 'holding tanks' during the Tulari-Draestari war on Sel'ar, nor during the Shadow war on Sel'ar. Putting The People in bondage was not our way. Those who were Tainted were either cleansed, or killed, although some died when cleansing left too little to live.
Sel'ar is not the only place where elves have faced the UnLife, though.
Dan {the errant philosopher}
Time will tell of stars that fell a million years ago
Two wrongs don't make a right. However you must stop an enemy so that they can never do their wrong again...if you can get a little piece of retribution in the process then so be it. The point is however you stop the enemy from committing attrocities in the future, and that is the important thing.
So there I was trapped between a rock and a hard place when I stopped to ask myself, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
Mod note:
Discussing history is not bashing. There is a big difference between discussing incidents which happened, and how they affect the now, and simply hurling insults at something. If we discuss the atrocities of the Inquisition, that is discussing past fact and not trashing Christians. This will be the only explanation I will give of this, if you need further clarification, I refer you to the book "The New Thought Police" by Tammy Bruce.
Simply put, no freedom of speech will be impeded in the Elven Board (within the limitations of the TOS). We are free to discuss our history, the good the bad and the ugly. If you are offended by things that have happened in history, this board is not for you. Not everything we have done or have had happen to us is Disneyfied.
Additionally, whether or not two wrongs make a right is really a separate thread. I'm OK with the discussion, but it warrants a thread all it's own. I would not want to see this particular line of discussion get drowned out in that one, which is sure to be heated in some corners. And remember, it's OK to disagree, it's OK to passionately argue. Just please keep decorum and respect the bottom line
End mod note.
With that clarified, I will post as a subscriber.
Global Site Moderator
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it.
- Tom Lehrer
Linux Counter #264789
I do not recall such camps on Sel'ar, but I didn't see everything and everyone on the planet I have been told about a different kind of camp, with experiments. Certain Tainted mages were holding other elves and experimenting on them, trying to embue them with qualites that would make them better warriors against the vor'jen (read: able to reliably survive combat for more than 30 seconds against them). I get the feeling that this is not what you're talking about tho.
I was one of the elves of that world to migrate to Faery after fleeing that world. There were tensions between the Fae and our people, there were many differences of culture and sometimes that led to difficulties. I don't recall hearing about any Fae-controlled or Elenari-controlled camps in Faery. I do have a Feeling, a hint of a memory of freeing elves from some sort of captivity, which *might* have been at the hands of humans, but I don't think it was in camps. Prolly more like a handful of elves in a stockade or such. There were fanatical Christians who were trying to establish their religion's dominion over everyone who had classified elves & fae as "demons", which eventually led to bloodshed, they may have captured their "demons" at some point(s).
Global Site Moderator
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it.
- Tom Lehrer
Linux Counter #264789
Mod note:
Simply put, no freedom of speech will be impeded in the Elven Board (within the limitations of the TOS). We are free to discuss our history, the good the bad and the ugly. If you are offended by things that have happened in history, this board is not for you. Not everything we have done or have had happen to us is Disneyfied.
Where do you get the idea that I wish free speech to be impeded? Where do you get the idea that you shouldn't be free to discuss your history? Where do you get the idea that I'm "offended by things that have happened in history"? Where do you get the idea that I wish everything to be "Disneyfied"?
I've never said anything remotely close to any of the above. This is just another example of how you guys twist things in here and put words in people's mouths. All I said was that I disliked Aiaquel's - and others - thinly veiled racism against humanity. I'm attacking a small-minded attitude, not the history itself. Please stop misquoting me.
All we hear is Radio Ga-Ga
Mod hat on:
Tierndil, whatever you want to believe is being said, the simple bottom line is that PCeelie rants about "bashing" when we are discussing history are not warranted nor will they be tolerated. This tangent ends now. If you wish to debate it further, take it to the rants or /dev/null.
Mod hat off.
So, are there any others who remember concentration camps or detention camps? Does anyone else remember how interactions went between the Fae and those elves who migrated to Fae from elenari worlds or elsewhere?
Global Site Moderator
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it.
- Tom Lehrer
Linux Counter #264789
For the humans that did evil things to elves. Were they biologically about the same as the homosapiens on earth? Or did they say have two hearts, or only one kidney... that sort of thing?
I do not recall such camps on Sel'ar, but I didn't see everything and everyone on the planet I have been told about a different kind of camp, with experiments. Certain Tainted mages were holding other elves and experimenting on them, trying to embue them with qualites that would make them better warriors against the vor'jen (read: able to reliably survive combat for more than 30 seconds against them).
I read somewhere about the experiments getting loose and running amuck and everyone fleeing, but were any of the experiment-warriors ever successful at fighting what they were supposed to fight?
I'm not sure, AngryAmish. I don't have first hand memories of the experimental warriors you're referring to. I talked to someone who had memories of being one, and he was in berserker mode whenever he went out, so the memories weren't really linear or in a form that is readily analyzed. I know he came back from fighting more than once, so with some things that he fought he was at least successful at surviving the battle.
If he (and others) were created specifically to fight something, I'm not 100% certain what that was. It was probably the vor'jen that they were created to fight (vor'jen = any being very tainted by Unlife). Since I don't recall any battles with the vor'jen vs. the experiments, I don't know if they happened. If they happened, I don't know if they were successful or not. I'm sorry I don't know more
Global Site Moderator
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it.
- Tom Lehrer
Linux Counter #264789
Syl, I'm suprised whoever it is (is he on this forum?) is still around. I read this text somewhere about the experiments made the experimental warriors tainted and tainted beings have trouble incarnating. They usually end up on earth if they're lucky and sometimes their body gets all sick.
Perhaps the elven scientists contained it somehow.
I have been banned for innappropriate behavior and refusal to stay on topic as the TOS require.
Syleniel, who was he by the way?
I have been banned for innappropriate behavior and refusal to stay on topic as the TOS require.
The person I speak of is a guy I knew in the Boston, Massachusetts area that I used to LARP with. I don't know that he was Tainted. He certainly had some personal issues (that are his so I won't go into) that re-manifested in this life. I think he chose a sitch where they could manifest so he could learn / work on them. He was not all happy and balance when I last saw him, but I don't know if he got Tainted. If he had been, it might have been something that he worked out previous to my meeting him, possibly previous to this life.
Global Site Moderator
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it.
- Tom Lehrer
Linux Counter #264789
I have been banned for innappropriate behavior and refusal to stay on topic as the TOS require.
L ive
A ction
R ole
P laying
Follow your moral compass and you will never be lost.
November 2007, the site announced it was shutting down. Archived on POE. Like so many web entities before them, shifting from a free site to a paid site has been fatal for FAE. Behold, the final announcement by Syleniel (red-haired space-elf girlfriend of aging wizard Dan O Dea):
It is with regret that I must announce that F.A.E. organization will be shutting its doors soon. I've been trying to get together with Jer, Trish and Dan so we can write up the official announcement, but it keeps not happening. I had wanted to wait for the official announcement to break the news, but people are asking questions and I didn't want to you all left wondering what's happening.
New memberships and upgrades have been suspended. If you had set up a Paypal subscription to F.A.E., please cancel it through the PayPal site. This site will remain open for some time to allow members to save copies of material they may wish to keep. The site will be shut down in the next few months. More details will be forthcoming in the official announcement.
If you're looking for other boards, sites and whatnot, I recommend Otherkin Dot Net as a starting place. The gather Dancing the Endless Dream will continue to be held annually over Memorial Day weekend. The Dancing website will have information about that, as usual. There are other gathers held in other states as well, listed on Otherkin Dot Net.
It's been a pleasure talking and working with you guys. I've been proud of the level of intelligence and maturity I've generally seen on this site. It was also very encouraging to see everyone at the gathers and to watch people grow. If another board pops up somewhere with intelligent, mature, thoughtful discussion amongst the faeborn, I may turn up there. Anyone who is local to the Houston area, feel free to ping me for coffee or a chat or whatnot. I'll be checking my personal messages here until the site is officially retired. Blessings on your personal path, and Dream well.
External links
Whoa, they're incorporated now, look out-- site now gone- Archive.org archive of the site
- Another archive.org link
- Aiaquel's personal website
- Portal of evil thread about the site
- Syleniel & Dan O'Dea's website
- Website of Aiaquel's wife
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