Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/June 7, 2013

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HamletMachine (Powerword Michelle Palumbo, born 1982) is a disgusting 31-year-old faghag and internet cult leader reigning from New York, 'MERICA. She is well known on the internet within the batshit insane yaoi communities on dA and y!gallery, as well as the gross fatass cunts over at /y/ for her ovary punching web-comic, Starfighter.

She is completely unashamed of her nauseating fetishes, which consist primarily of men full-on raping the shit out of each other and sparkling faggots ass-fucking. She hasn't the faintest knowledge of male anatomy, despite primarily drawing men. lolwut. Michelle has also on more than one occasion referred to a man's unlubed ass as a "boy pussy", again demonstrating her vast knowledge of the male body.


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