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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 19, 2023

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If all furries were firm-bodied women in bunny suits, with nice chesticles and a preference for the better race, there'd be no need for an ED article and we'd be too busy to write one. Unfortunately, furries are just the opposite, and what's worse is they want to convert you.

Furries are the scum of the earth, and the surest candidates for dying alone. The furry fandom will accept ANYONE, including dog-fucking zoophiles, and hence attracts the worst and most pathetic people in the world. They are near the bottom of the Internet food chain, even ranking below Otherkin and bronies (both lesser kin to furries), Chris-chan, and definitely above you. Furries are so ugly that they make Brian Peppers look attractive, so stupid that they make autistics look smart, and are overall pathetic beyond compare. FAIL doesn't even begin to encompass how bad furries do in life. Dying alone is the best they can do, preferably in the style of Mr. Hands.

To put furfaggotry in perspective, furries are to animals what larpers are to medieval faggotry, and the differences are sometimes very subtle. Larpers are at least willing to admit what they do is all in pretense,and generally try to keep it as separate as possible from their real lives (jobs, families, friends). But here's the difference: furries dont have lives to keep separate from their fandom, so they cling to their fandom as it's all they have. It can overtake their lives to a point where some furs actually believe that they are their fursonas, when really they should just get a fucking life become an hero instead of fapping to bestiality porn on the webs all day long. Furfags have gone as far as raising children as furs, although instinctively the children realize their parents are different and ultimately reject it, thus proving that there is some hope for the human race which the furries have sought to destroy with their faggotry.

These faggots also got the 100m AND 200m GET, which proves that furries truly are the cancer that is killing /b/.

(( Words Can Not Describe What Can Only Be Refered To As A Biblical Blight ))

What have I missed?
Jew Hat
2 days ago
4 days ago
6 days ago