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deleterius is a LiveJournal community dedicated to protecting the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fandoms from Mary Sues.

Members post Mary Sue fanfics, giving the worst parts of the story with occasional MST inserted. The Sue is then "sporked," which is a retarded way of saying "made fun of" used by people who think sporks are wacky and fun. Other "witty" in-jokes include "eye-bleach" and "Bleeprin," the aspirin for fanfic readers.

Occasionally, one encounters non-fandom posts and Not-Bobs there as well, mainly focusing on the purity of writing. The community's general attitude can be summed up as "My fic is the only good fic," as if being a Grammar Nazi makes fanfiction any less laughable.

The moderator is tviokh, who also makes regular appearances on crazy dog-lady communities.

Their definition

Deleterius is a place full of snarky, bitter, jaded, and somewhat bored canon nazis who will not hesitate to tear you several new orifices should you have the audacity to rape their beloved canon and their beloved canon characters.

We make no attempts to be objective, fair, or even remotely nice here. This is OUR playground after all.

The owner is particularly protective of Professor Snape & Sauron.


—watch out, they're gonna call you names

Deleterius is part of a series on


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