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DarksydePhil/DSP the "Average Gamer" or "The hateful dissection of DSP's mentality"

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Chris-Chan's long lost brother!

While Phil represents everything wrong with the gaming community today, his widespread hate and declining fanbase in contrast to other gaming personalities that share similar issues could be attributed to his insistence that he represents the views of the "average gamer" and occasionally the gaming community as a whole. In 2015, he's gone so far as to mock up a catchphrase: "Crusader for the Common Gamer". Both fans and haters alike have criticized these claims for various reasons, in order to detach themselves from such actions as:

  • Entitlement to profit ranging from blocking Adblock users to accusing his hater-made videos of "stealing" his "work", and even ranting repeatedly against competing Youtuber, Toby "Tobuscus" Turner for his ads appearing on DSP's videos. DSP also has a clear bias against Nintendo, likely based on the idea that videos featuring Nintendo games wouldn't be as profitable, due to copyright regulations on Youtube. He has shown on camera the amount of collectible figurines he purchases and luxury hotel rooms he's booked. He's been shown regularly complaining about a lack of money, while also engaging in piracy such as downloading the Resident Evil 6 Demo and playing Earthbound with emulated software. Going further, DSP has always felt deserving of receiving things such as beta keys or other early access promotions, while simultaneously choosing to defame other recipients of such privilege.
  • Money. There's not much to say about this. As soon as he saw money in leeching off YouTube, he lost ANY passion for anything ever, except maybe for throwing out dosh for pussy. DSP also likes to excessively throw away money for things he doesn't need. If that wasn't enough, Phil did several giveaways. What amazing prizes did he offer? Empty game boxes from his "reasonable" collector's edition purchases to games he traded-in immediately after finishing them. They would be signed with DSP's autograph, valued at roughly -$3.25 USD. If anyone tells you Phil wasn't doing this for the money, just remember that his fans were not worth the twenty dollars of store credit for a Day 6 trade-in to actually include a game with his giveaways. By the way, his paid subscribers had priority when a winner was chosen. He later went on to start potentially the most damning piece of evidence of our species' failure, his Patreon account. In his first month, he (alledgedly) received over $1300, overshadowing internet rival, DasBoSchitt.
  • Not so subtle racial insensitivity, running the gamut from mocking foreign accents and ethnicity of people, both characters and real live human beings, to the Dead Space 2 Demo where he roleplayed as the last living Nazi to exterminate the Necromorph Jews. Attempts to defend it as humor have been a losing battle, since it likely offended more people than it entertained.
  • Elitism that has been amateur-diagnosed as the Dunning-Kruger effect, namely "illusory superiority". His overconfidence in his skills in the face of such overwhelming evidence to the contrary is baffling without resorting to medical diagnosis. His belief in his competence has been speculated to be the largest barrier to his ability to learn from his mistakes or improve what barely existent skill he has.
Driving without prescibed glasses, great job Phil.
  • Gaming ineptitude combined with denial of fault so adamant, that Phil once confessed that he believes himself to be "one of the best overall gamers in the country". This comes in complete contrast of his refusal to adapt to or experiment with new control schemes between games. His MGS playthroughs specifically revealed his dependence on auto-aiming and run-and-gun tactics, all of which were useless during Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 4, leading him to constantly blame bad controls and the game not explaining things. This has given him a reputation of being the exact kind of gamer supposedly pandered to with modern tutorials.
We have no feels left for this bastard.
  • Anti-conformist attitude to the insulting degree of panning most popular games and systems (namely capture cards) solely based on his inability to play or use them, and demeaning the fans that use or enjoy them far enough to lend rise to the Kojima World Order. He regularly calls game mechanics that he can't adapt to "bullshit", and forms inflammatory opinions based on little to no knowledge of the subject he talks about. Most notably, his refusal to use capture cards for his gameplay videos was largely because of a (mostly incorrect) mindset that LP-ers on Youtube did nothing but wear headsets while hunched over their computer monitors to record video and audio, and the amount of effort, namely video editing, that would be required.

On a more recent note, DSP's hipster tendencies reached a new low, where he refused his nomination in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that spread across Youtube, both in doing the actual Ice Bucket pouring and as well as refusing to donate for his non-participation. DSP made claims of refusing to do it just because it's popular, completely missing the point of charity entirely.

  • Profanity that has been known to cause even his most loyal fans to cringe. Whether it's swearing at the game, at opponent players, or his commenters, good or bad, Phil seems to base a lot of his "wit" on how harshly he swears at any given moment.
  • Leaving behind / destroying things that actually made him popular. When DSP moved out of Conneticut, he basically left the couch he was gaming on for all these years, which became an "icon" of him, behind. This may sound like nothing to the average person, but all these brainless drones actually seemed to have enjoyed the familiarity with this piece of furniture. It's a subtle psychological trick. For example: Are you a fan of Ashens, that elitist britbong prick that reviews shit directly on his couch? If Ashens threw away/replaced that couch his views would tank and a major shitstorm would start. DSP is basically giving all his old fans the finger, because he refused to take with him his most visible thing that was on camera all these years, showing that he does not give a fuck about anything but money and materialism or maybe DSP was just too fucking stupid to see it. Replace the couch with his fanbase and you understand the whole point. It also doesn't help that he burned all his bridges. Phil also left behind his entire posse of real life friends he met before becoming the gaming disease he is today, including notable fuckwad, John Rambo. It's unlikely that Phil will make any new friends in Washington, given he has the charisma of a poisonous viper, and internet infamy to make associating with him a social death sentence.
  • Excessive amounts of unwarranted blocking. Phil has a blacklist ten miles long containing such "atrocious" offenders as: Constructive criticism, actual tryhard fans, logical questioning of Phil's many poor choices, people who requested a game Phil didn't want to play, actual trolls, people Phil believes to be trolling, people who weren't trolling only to begin trolling because of Phil being a twat, tweens 'stupid' enough to point out what Phil did wrong in his terrible playthroughs, the occasional spambot, people Phil lost an argument to and can't bear the shame, fellow Machinima partners, Pewdiepie, thieves who admitted to using Adblock, people who admitted to being fans of people DSP dislikes, fake fictional character accounts, anyone who disagrees with his girlfriend, the Kojima World Order, Kojima himself, people who criticize, his alternate personality accounts, people who actually attempted to warn him about his derogatory anti-channels, and a random account he blocked because he thought the avatar was looking at him funny.
  • Cowardice and Paranoia Despite the poor management of his valuable personal info, resulting in dropped dox in both old and new residences, DSP remains a paranoid wreck about his info being leaked. While initially holding a "come at me bro" mentality when filming boxes addressed to his Connecticut condo, it quickly spiraled into frightened manbaby when seeds of doubt were sown amongst DSP's dumbfuck ranks. Demonstrating unfounded fears that TIHYDP pioneer, EvilAJ, would attack him at home and believing AJ was present and ready to strike at SGC, despite not even entering the same state, things quickly took a turn after he moved. Due to an intentional twisting of written word about Twitter user AlucarD_Dracul's intent on someday sending DSP a random pizza, DSP promptly shat his trousers and set off every alarm, believing he was going to be the victim of "Swatting". DSP promptly cried to his fanbase on the soonest pre-stream he could, warned his local law enforcement, plunged into denial that his address is unlisted, and began playing e-detective to call out A_D, despite being incorrect as usual. DSP has also been noted as backing out from meet-up matches arranged amongst FGC members while playing "internet tough guy". DSP will use every means at his disposal to avoid confrontation, especially the overuse of the block button mentioned above (ironic, given his shit ability to block in actual fighting games).
  • A case of: "Fame kills the soul". DSP may have been a fucking idiot all his life and a shitty gamer, but when he spent his first days in the condo in 2009, take a closer look at how he speaks. He was calmer, he did not (constantly) snort, burp, fart or do his other fucked noises and he was way more collected and polite. Just watch any video from today and you'll see what years of being shut-in in a dirty condo with no life outside and lots of american fast-food can do to you.

DSP's endless retardation could have not only killed him, but even more people in the nearby complex. Remember what happened to Chris-Chan, everybody?

  • Sexual overdependence and fear of rejection are two of the things that a person with any self-respect would have never revealed to a public of tens of thounds of people. The very day DSP revealed his previously jailbait girlfriend Pandalee on his channel on Valentine's day, even the most hardcore fans saw the "downfall" of DSP. Pandalee is an almost exact female copy of DSP. She's a gold-digging, autistic camwhore with the passion of a low class prostitute and no empathy. We cover her in another part. Basically, DSP presented her on the cam like some kind of toy he wants to show everyone. From that day on he could not shut up about his "girlfriend" and personal life anymore and kept mentioning "Leanna" several thousand times. DSP's whole motivation behind this is to show that he actually can get laid and therefor likes to show her off. DSP will throw as much money at her as possible, even if he goes bankrupt.
  • Risking everything with no Plan B (that survives a reality check). Since DSP needs the pussy so bad, he listened to his gold-digging prostitute and bought(!) a HOUSE(!!) in a CLOSED GATE COMMUNITY(!!!) ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CONTINENT(!!!1!1). The house is near Seattle, in Washington state, on the west coast. He paid approximately 300.000 US DOLLARS for a house that he ONLY LOOKED AT FOR 10 MINUTES. He has to pay both the mortgage for the house in two years and the mortgage of his condo. Then he actually fucks up with signing the papers too late, then he doesn't pack up his shit in condo until the VERY LAST WEEK. When he arrived at his new home, the very first thing he does, is buying completely new furniture, a new BMW, ugly and expensive paintings, a new gaming PC, 2 hamsters and complained about everything in the house. His gold-digging whore even said: "Why did we buy this house again?" - in a monotonous, non-joking way. I want to explain this to you 12 year olds out there who do not understand why we bring this up. His only, ONLY money income is THE INTERNET. He has lost subscribers for years now and is getting more hatred from all parts of the world. He even started to openly BEG for money so he could pay off the debts (mortages) he has. YouTube money is UNSTABLE and could be shut down by Google at any moment (they have proven to do this several times for no reason other than saving money), just three copyright strikes and the channel is gone. (DSP already has one copyright strike, so only two for him). Since DSP did not work in a real job for years, his resumee is screwed up. Nobody but the absolute lowest paying companies would ever hire someone who not only has such a bad reputation in his career, but also his personal life. Hiring DSP would equal a death sentence to the reputation of your company. On top of that, DSP unflinchingly uses every opportunity to complain about his back injury, making him certifiably unqualified to perform any type of physical labor, and has endless online video evidence of his technical ineptitude, ruling out anything involving the use of a computer (he has been filmed striking his keyboard in frustration). If his ability to perform the work wasn't enough, Phil's attitude, unfiltered off-color humor, and belief that he is infallible would burn away the patience of even the most civilized manager, and negate any opportunities in customer service. Food service is also out of the question, thanks to his Cooking with the King series that shows several health code violations such as not washing his hands after handling raw bacon. Most people estimate that DSP won't last more than three months, at best a year.
  • Denial and Censorship. These are like two sides of the same coin when talking about Phil. DO NOT lend any credence to the idea that Phil will ever improve. Phil's improvement on the dwindling end of his career was to spend ridiculous amounts of money on graphical improvements to his video, with no further editing required on his part, a new couch, a new home, and the purchase and installation of a green screen. All of these improvements were merely cosmetic adjustments, instead of more rational choices such as his attitude, his commentary, or his approach to gameplay. Phil would regularly respond with hostility towards any criticisms made with these choices, censoring comments on videos and in his streams as he's always done, but even going so far as to angrily address these comments in his vlogs. These reactions combined with Phil's tendency to dismiss criticisms as "jealousy", even from people equally or MORE successful than himself, or to discount those comments as "trolling" speaks to a new possibility for Phil's ridiculously placed aggression: Denial. Phil frequently attributes his problems or criticisms to circumstances that he cannot control, or rather "improve". His deluded belief that his problems are caused by outside variables instead of his own faults, and aggressive defense to ever increasing hostility are lies he tells himself to prevent himself from ever needing to improve. By shutting out and ignoring criticisms, no matter how valid, and dismissing them via ad hominem, he internally refutes the idea that anything he's doing is wrong.
  • Having a contagious negative attitude. Everything listed above would normally be excusable, even laughable, were it not for one variable: Phil has a fanbase. Given that Phil is already a joke to most of the internet, it's reasonable to assume someone would make jokes at Phil's expense. However, due to the popularity he once had, and having most of the more sensible viewers desert him for greener pastures, he's left with only the most adamantly defensively fans remaining. Phil's fanbase, much like Phil himself, refuse to see the error in Phil's actions and choose to condone them through repeating them. Phil's fans are commonly seen becoming outright clones, mimicking his mannerisms and using the same fallacious arguments as their leader. Those with Twitter pages and Youtube uploads have been caught with excessive unwarranted blocking and censoring comments. It extends far beyond anything as trivial as Phil's unflinching refusal to change. Defenses to the way DSP has chosen to live his life, such as his extravagance, the most distasteful of his insensitive jokes, and destructive approach to logical argument, echo from his fanbase with no reasonable grounding. His fans act this way, because they believe it to be the attitude that gave Phil his former success, or if they're deluded enough, "current success". These fans are being taught to believe that the way Phil acts is acceptable in society, be it online or not. This alone has even the most thick-skinned people against DSP, because the leaking out of misinformed opinions and fallacy-ridden arguments can only be withstood for so long until it begins to try someone's patience. No one is jealous of DSP. If anything, people pity his inevitable downfall, and the debt hole he's digging himself into try to pretend that he's more successful than he really is. If nothing else, people pray for DSP to fail as quickly as possible, if only to end the internet's collective suffering of this monetization leech.

Overall, Phil has been seen by the community to have lost his privilege to refer to himself as a functioning human being that is part of a normal society. This person is so far from reality that the "average" and "professional gamer" garbage he spews out every other day are nothing compared to his amount of fuck-ups and other problems he's causing to himself. Since he's been so well below average at everything, including life, comments on social media are abound with people who wish to disassociate themselves from someone who tries so desperately to speak for the people who most likely hate him.

It's not an act. Stop defending DSP, you stupid tweens.

Phil's flaws boil down to immaturity that may never be grown out of. His insistence that he is right and the world around him is wrong is akin to a child covering his ears, closing his eyes, and pretending problems don't exist for him. In fact he has rarely, if ever, been seen offering genuine sympathy for anyone while demanding it for everything from his supposed back injury to losing subscribers (and all except getting down on his knees to beg them to return, since that would require humility). He can never take an adult approach to anything from online debating to real world composure. He compulsively blocks everyone that may disillusion his deluded perfection, including other Machinima or Youtube partners, or his own fans. He has supposedly been denied panels at popular conventions such as MAGFest and SGC, based on how distant the gaming community itself wants to be from his undesirable attitude. If Phil ever attended one of these conventions, he would likely return dead or with injury, whether real or feigned to elicit more e-begging donations or to spout more one-sided rage in his vlogs for his cult following to accept without question.

His existence should be openly ridiculed and parodied, but never supported. Only with the use of the magical Adblock plugin should you DARE to watch any of his videos or streaming channels he profits from. Dislikes should be handed to him frequently and it is most important that people should learn from the mistakes that DSP will not learn from himself, so that the gaming community and future generations of daydreamers can be purged of any derivative filth born from his toxicity.

It's been suggested that DarkSydePhil is secretly an act, put on by Burnell to create attention and controversy to draw in more viewers. Anyone who suggests this is in dire need of a reality check, because attention whoring beneficially requires active discussion to be carried out. Phil on the other hand takes every opportunity to silence discussion about himself that isn't 100% positive for the sake of his self image. A successful troll would allow his fans and haters to engage in bitter verbal combat so they inadvertently pad his videos with views and comments. With Phil silencing not only the haters who give him negative attention, but also his fanboys who try to help him, he's just digging his own grave.