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Also a magic dragon.

DALnet is an IRC network started by homos that couldn't cut it on EFnet. It's named after its founder who is in turn named after a fantasy dragon. This should have given the network instant cred amongst the furry community. Instead it became wildly popular with pedophiles, Christians, 16 year old cutter girls, their stalkers, and the profession of invasive animal husbandry; not a far cry, really.

It owed a large part of its appeal to its implementation of Spanish, without which channel takeovers and nick thefts would have been impossible. It also made it far more easier for fat people to get slurpees.

DALnet was the largest of all IRC networks until the year after 9/11, when it made the mistake of G-lining Mexico. DALnet was then treated to a hot helping of beaner surprise when all 365,001,024 AOL chatterz rose up with their infected clients and /kicked DAL from #internet. Untold numbers of trolls were forced from their basements and into the light of day, where the merciless rays of the sun transformed them into Utah goths.

DAL has collapsed in on itself. It now shares the fate of black holes, neutron stars, and Usenet: utterly fucking useless.