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Moar info: BitingBeaver.

This is an excerpt from the comments to a somewhat misguided editorial about the BitingBeaver clusterfuck of feminazi idiocy. Webpages of those posters who provided them have been carefully collected for further trolling and lulz purposes.

BitingBeaver said that because her son was looking at porn she wished she had aborted him. Mostly 
this discussion has been about trading insults, and disputing that she wrote the statement. It's 
been well established that she never recanted the abortion remark, so I think we can conclude that 
that part of the discussion, whether she said it, is over. She did.

Now let's move on: can you defend what she said? Even if you accept the idea that porn is evil and 
turns people into rapists, aren't there better alternatives to wishing her son was dead?

RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 7:48 pm | #


 Well, clearly, no one of us on the left can possibly argue against the brilliant rhetoric 
of N-----. We should just pack it in now.
maurinsky | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 7:49 pm | #


 Oh, thanks Misty, you rock, woman.
maurinsky | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 7:50 pm | #


 "I don't know if I would abort my children if I did it over again, but I would certainly 
put my male children up for adoption, it is hard to make enough money to support 5 children, 
especially as a black woman, it breaks my heart to think i am working to support young men who will 
soon be tools of the patriarchy."

Maurine : You actually would adopt out your son if you caught him with porn?
What do you love more, your children or your ideology?
RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 7:51 pm | #


 Rape is NOT a joke you guys! I once was walking down the street to get the latest edition 
of Curve magazine, when I saw a man looking in my general direction from across the street!
The only reason I did not get raped that day was because I turned around and ran away as hard as I 
could like they taught in self defence class! I was ALMOST RAPED that day and you people have the 
nerve to make fun of stuff like this? You people make me SICK.
AlmostRaped | 08.09.07 - 7:52 pm | #


 Let's all stick our heads in the sand and all those bad, evil naughty potential-rapist men 
will all go away.
Blargh | 08.09.07 - 7:52 pm | #


 I decided Maurine is a troll. If I was mistaken, that sucks and I'm sorry. But I doubt it.
However, deleting the post was accidental, so that's why it's gone if anyone was curious.
Misty | 08.09.07 - 7:53 pm | #


 A question: are gay men part of the evil oppressive patriarchy? Because, you know, they 
only rape men, right?
Blargh | 08.09.07 - 7:53 pm | #


 Or is rape of men okay?
Blargh | 08.09.07 - 7:54 pm | #


 How about gay porn? If BB's son was looking at gay porn, would that be ok?
RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 7:54 pm | #


 Lol, they are stumped
Blargh | 08.09.07 - 8:03 pm | #


 Men are nothing but bad news
Oh shit. Should I go tell my mom?
She's kind of fond of me.
Blanket statements suck.
Graham | 08.09.07 - 8:03 pm | #


 First off, I see there are almost 400 replies to this, so pardon me if I don't feel like 
spending the amount of time to read all of them. If I say or bring up something that has already 
been discusses, that's why.

I am one of the many editors of the ED article in question, as well as the one about Cheryl Lindsey 
Seelhoff. (And since everyone here seems to be an expert on IP logging, go ahead and reference it 
against the IPs of the editors there).

The forum post of BitingBeaver where she wishes she aborted her son is real. Yes, it came from a 
forum and not a blog. And no, that forum wasn't password protected. I looked at the forum myself 
before it got attacked, and I based the article off of the information given freely there. If you 
don't believe me still, someone copy-pasted the entire page here: i.html

While simply stating that you wish you had aborted your son may not be legally or even 
philisophical abuse, it does tend to relay the message of abusive thoughts or tendancies. The 
whole, "Where there's smoke, there's fire" sort of mentality. BitingBeaver also stated in her blog 
that she and her sons were having a discussion about war. In this discussion, the question came up 
of who was the bigger victim in war - men or women. When one of her sons said that men were, she 
stated in her blog that she "took care" of those thoughts. I wonder what she meant by that?

Not really here for debate, just wanted to clear some things like that up. I am sorry if you guys 
do not want to acknowledge that BitingBeaver did, infact, say the things she did. She is a sick, 
twisted human being, and she is mentally scarring innocent children - her own children - by raising 
them to believe that all men are evil.

Keep reading the ED articles as we are adding a lot of information as it gets brought to us. 

ED Editor | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 8:05 pm | #


 Ok, I think it's all trolls but I had something to say. The interesting thing about the 
whole attempt to find feminists or radical femininst, or whatever saying terrible things about men 
is very telling. Feminists have lives, lives that they live in the way they want. They may fight 
the patriarchy and they may not get everything they want, but they're busy leading their lives.
The women who often have the most anger at men aren't women who identify as feminists, it's women 
who are obstenibly a part of the patriarchy. Wives and mothers who bought in and gave up on the 
idea of doing what they wanted, of having the right to make choices about what mattered to them and 
how they wanted to lead their lives. These are the women who often have the least respect or 
fondness for men. They've spent far to much time cleaning up after men, both literally and 

I think deep down the trolls who frequent feminist sights know this and it's why they're really 
afraid that the women in their live really do despise them.
Justin | 08.09.07 - 8:08 pm | #


 "The content is over-the-top vitriolic misogynist crap"
Anonymous | 08.09.07 - 8:10 pm | #


 So gay porn is ok? As long as it isn't women, it's ok?

Isn't that a little bit narrow minded? I'm reminded of the poem "First they came..." a bit.

Anyone have some perspective on this?
RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 8:11 pm | #


 BitiingBeaver has put a comment on her blog stating that she did NOT post the comments on 
the forum WomensSpace, that her account was hacked. Her email was attempted to be hacked, and she 
has received threatening emails before the posts appeared. she believes these are related to her 
previous posts on abortion. The comments about her sons on her blog, which were of a different 
nature altogether, were posted by her.
The blog is invitation only at the moment.
grrlkatie | | 08.09.07 - 8:20 pm | #


 Why put radical feminist in scare quotes in the edit of the post? Both heart at 
womensspaces and Biting Beaver are ardent self proclaimed radfems. Also, a minimum of research will 
show that this whole post is bogus: Yes, BB did write that she forced her son to recite Dworkin and 
wishes she had had an abortion. (Be sure that the son knows, whether she told him or not!) Yes, she 
only recieved back patting and support for that in subsequent comments. Some agreed that they 
themselves should have aborted their sons - hence the comment "hate myself for not pouring him down 
the sink at Planned Parenthood or grabbing a rusty coathanger and doing the job myself even if it 
killed me.", which correctly was not Biting Beaver. No, the forum was not private; the comment 
spurred outrage and Denial of Service attacks that forced Heart to close the forums and BB to put a 
password on her blog.

It is easy to verify: Enter " brandon" into google and click on cache - you'll 
easily see which ones. When that stops working, you can still use the Wayback Machine 

It would speak to your integrity, Kathy, if you were to edit your post to reflect this - and 
apologize. It will not make you a smaller person, and the evidence overwhelming and easy to verify. 
As it stands, your post is just dishonest.
James | 08.09.07 - 8:23 pm | #


Violence toward another is a learned trait. One may learn it from a parent or from the 
military or from a peer group (gang). Rape is violence by men toward (generally) women. But rape 
isn’t about sex. So is porn about women as abused sex objects. Is the argument or discussion about 
whether a young teen aged boy will turn into a woman abuser if he is exposed to porn at that point 
in his life.

I don’t have any studies to refer to, but I would suggest that in this sexually repressed society 
in which we live, young men are extremely curious and are just looking for explanations, looking 
for an understanding of how things work. Porn is one small component of the learning process.
Chief | 08.09.07 - 8:26 pm | #


BitiingBeaver has put a comment on her blog stating that she did NOT post the comments on 
the forum WomensSpace, that her account was hacked.

Funny you say that, because I remember hearing about her statements as early as July 25th, and the 
raids on the WomensSpace forums didn't start until around the 3rd or so.

Secondly, she admits in her Blog that she recently became a moderator at the forum. As a moderator, 
you don't think she would atleast make weekly, if not daily visits to the forum? As such, you would 
think she would notice a hot thread such as the one her "hacked" account posted.

I don't buy that her account was hacked. Having been a forum moderator myself, you would tend to be 
aware if such a thing happened.
ED Editor | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 8:29 pm | #


Please remove the link in grrlkatie's comment.
JackGoff | | 08.09.07 - 8:38 pm | #

EDITOR'S NOTE : JackGoff probably just got nimped!


You know, I went back to what was on BB's site from the link above (the one Riehl uses to 
"prove" what a terrible person BB is) and here is what it said, in context:
My son knows that I have been raped, I told him last night that there were times, many, many times, 
that I had silently wished to myself that my attacker had just killed me. The endless nightmares, 
the total recall that I would experience when I smelled a certain smell or saw a certain type of 
man, and how I wished, so fervently, that he would have just killed me, that he would have saved me 
the torment of the nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety and loss of self. I explained to him how some 
women commit suicide after they've been raped.

And yet, even with all that, her son (14 at the time of the posting, not a young child by any 
means) was arguing with her that rape wasn't so bad and that if she thought it was, she was 

Last night we were having a discussion about war and, more specifically, women being the biggest 
victims of war. My son took offense at this, citing that men were, in fact, the biggest victims. 
Afterall, men had to fight and women, well, sure, rape is bad, torture is bad, but really Mom it's 
definitely not worse than what the men have to go through, you know, the real victims..
If she ever did make a statement like, "I wish he'd never been born" elsewhere (not on her blog) 
after an encounter like that, and subsequently seeing him surf porn sites, can we have a little bit 
of perspective about the context? It's never something a parent is proud to admit feeling, but 
after a particularly ugly encounter with a teenager or even a younger kid, you can bet your ass a 
lot of parents feel that way, parents who otherwise don't have a vicious let alone violent bone in 
their bodies. �And I'll bet most of them don't even know who Andrea Dworkin was.
Meowser | | 08.09.07 - 8:40 pm | #


Also, a) A hacker wouldn't write like that, and b) BB was not the only one making these 

(cache of, may take some time to load)

It is very sad that Biting Beaver was abused by her husband. However, it does not justify her in 
turn psychologically abusing her son.
James | 08.09.07 - 8:41 pm | #


Why are we still talking about whether she said her son should have been aborted for 
looking at porn? We've established she said that.

What I want to know is why it's acceptable for her to think that looking at porn = death penalty. 
And I don't really buy the whole porn = rape thing, could someone try to explain that?

And nobody said anything about my gay porn question. Interesting.
RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 8:43 pm | #


i fucking love cake.
Renzo | 08.09.07 - 8:52 pm | #



No, it isn't and you aren't, and that's why no one's answering you.
Lizard | 08.09.07 - 8:55 pm | #


What I want to know is why it's acceptable for her to think that looking at porn = death 
penalty. And I don't really buy the whole porn = rape thing, could someone try to explain that?
It's not acceptable, it is an extremeist point of view. He shouldn't have been looking at it since 
he was underage (and I don't think anyone is saying that underage boys should look at porn since 
that stuff is for adults), but I know that when I was caught looking at porn when I was a teenager 
I never got told anywhere close that I was a rapist, that I was evil, etc.

I also can't provide an explination of why pornography = rape, but perhaps BitingBeaver herself 

http://www.encyclopediadramatica...r/ RapeChecklist

Interesting read, I think I have committed about 7 or so of those.
ED Editor | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 8:57 pm | #


 "No, it isn't and you aren't, and that's why no one's answering you."

RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 9:04 pm | #


Lizard | 08.09.07 - 9:08 pm | #



No, see that's continuing to troll me.

You're a good troll. Maybe you should keep trolling me. Since you can't respond to my questions I 
guess it's all you can do. Right?

RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 9:10 pm | #


No, see that's continuing to troll me.

No, that's giving you the respect you deserve. In fact, it's giving you more respect than you 
Incertus (Brian) | | 08.09.07 - 9:13 pm | #


Right, see, if I were the troll and you were the non-troll, you would have gotten the 
joke, and.....oh, jesus, why bother.
Lizard | 08.09.07 - 9:13 pm | #


"No, that's giving you the respect you deserve. In fact, it's giving you more respect than 
you deserve."

" Right, see, if I were the troll and you were the non-troll, you would have gotten the 
joke, and.....oh, jesus, why bother."

Point out one thing I said that was trolling. I asked questions. You couldn't answer. I guess to 
your opinion, a troll is someone who doesn't agree with you.

Your above comments also constitute trolling by the way. Keep trolling me. I'm laughing at your 
pathetic attempts to insult me.

RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 9:16 pm | #


ED Editor,

That list has to do with actual rape, not pornography. Do you dispute that those actions she 
describes are acts of rape?
Sundown | 08.09.07 - 9:20 pm | #


Some of the quotes in Riehl's post aren't from Biting Beaver (at least not from her blog), 
that's true enough. However, I used to occasionally read her blog before this whole thing, and I 
recognize some of the quotes as being genuine. Frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if they all 
were; they're not particularly out of character.
Vine | 08.09.07 - 9:21 pm | #


I applied to be a member of Heart's forums just so that I could lurk and read the stuff 
they write there (they are more trainwrecky than the mommyblogs). I am a woman. I read that post by 
biting beaver when it was posted and the responses, too, and nothing has been altered. I remember 
reading that shit and thinking how completely insane those women are, how delusional they are. It's 
like a cult of some sort. They scare me.
Jen | 08.09.07 - 9:23 pm | #


Because this, after all, is the woman who got angry when commenters dared suggest that 
rape was not literally the same as death.
Vine | 08.09.07 - 9:24 pm | #


I'm disappointed that nobody answered my questions, aside from trolling me, so I guess I 
have to conclude that this is an example of massive fail.

By ignoring the rights of men, and caring only for the rights of women, some who call themselves 
feminists clearly have become female chauvinists instead, no better than the male chauvinists they 

And that's not trolling. It's reality.
RLJ | Homepage | 08.09.07 - 9:24 pm | # 

The saddest thing about this whole BitingBeaver drama is that her son is going to grow up sexually 
repressed and hating his own gender. He has been taught that he will never amount to anything other 
than a rapist and a misogynist, and that he is responsible for all the bad things in the world. He 
has been taught that he is nothing more than a "parasite", and that he should have been aborted 
when his mother had the chance.

This is what happens when a feminist raises a child: they fill their son's heads with anti-male 
propaganda and turn them into self-hating castrated men with low self-esteem. Feminists everywhere, 
I thank you for emotionally abusing your own children. It only shows how morally bankrupt your 
ideology is.
Blargh | 08.10.07 - 6:20 pm | # 


 This is what happens when a feminist raises a child

No, this is what happens when a person mentally unfit to parent raises a child.
Brian G | 08.10.07 - 6:23 pm | # 

 Oh Brian G, now you're being redundant.
Blargh | 08.10.07 - 6:24 pm | # 
 I think the reason why bb's comments captured people's attention is that they epitomize the worst 
of feminist thought, female supremacy and male inferiority, and that's why there's been so much 
anger and frustration on this issue: you would feel the same way if a man wished his daughter had 
not been born because he caught her looking at porn, or whatever.

Look at the logo for Biting Beaver's blog for example:

It is a beaver biting the head off of a wooden penis. Tell me, if a man made a blog, and the symbol 
of the blog was a vagina cut in half, would you ignore that, or would you be in his comments, 
expressing how you felt?

That's what we're doing.

Respond to this by calling me names. That really works.
RLJ | Homepage | 08.10.07 - 10:43 pm | #



 Female Anon, I can almost guarantee you he won't last long enough to satisfy you, and doesn't have 
the courtesy to help you along any other way. Don't bother with him. Asking for respect as a human 
being from someone I have sex with is hardly prudish, dear, it's simply the baseline for human 
behavior. It's not that difficult.

And Daniel, you lose.
MO | 08.10.07 - 10:44 pm | #


 Anon, because femanazis are fucked in the head. I have a GREAT idea to solve the problem, but I'm 
not sure how it would be recieved by the world at large. It goes like this:

1. Lobotomize femanazis
2. Place femanazis in "centers for the undersexxed"
4. profit!
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 10:45 pm | #

 Why, because you say so? It is a fact that a man can't lose to a woman. So if you are a woman, you 
need not even reply. If you are a man, please back up your argument.
Daniel | 08.10.07 - 10:46 pm | #



dont listen, their jealous that men look at you lawls
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 10:48 pm | #

 Mo, I can work with ANYTHING. I cum really easily. If you're having problems, try fingering 
yourself more often (also, if you put a little hot wax on your clit once a month, things get WAY 
more sensitive)

besides, his job is to get his, my job is to get mine. (It is SO much easier to cum with a cock up 
my twat)
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 10:49 pm | #


 Anon, just for that I'm SO posting a spread on erm...ebaums. :p should be random.
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 10:49 pm | #


 lol ill be looking forward to seeing it on...ebaums...

you see feminazis ??!?! this girls isnt afraid of her sexuality !

way to repress you libido-less retards
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 10:53 pm | #


 Satire is not necessary.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 10:56 pm | #


 Everything can be solved by femnazi double standards. Men doing something that offends women? 
Can't let that happen!

Women doing something that would offend men if we thought with emotions instead of logic? Sure, why 

so i herd u liek mudkipz?
Anonymous | Homepage | 08.10.07 - 10:58 pm | #


 i lurve mudkips
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 10:58 pm | #



Satire is very necessary. So is moar desu.
Anonymous | Homepage | 08.10.07 - 11:00 pm | #


 satire sure never got stephen colbert broadcasting to millions of homes and mind each night

Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:01 pm | #


Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:02 pm | #


 Oh, satire is necessary in the real world. The trolls here, however, are serious, and are a lot 
more funny than satire.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:02 pm | #


 Or don't respond at all. That works too.

RLJ | Homepage | 08.10.07 - 11:02 pm | #



 what ? trolls ? in my internets ?
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:04 pm | #



desu desu desu

Satire is necessary everywhere, even in your pooper.

desu desu desu
Anonymous | Homepage | 08.10.07 - 11:04 pm | #


 It's more likely than you think!
Anonymous | Homepage | 08.10.07 - 11:04 pm | #


 desu desu desu
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:05 pm | #


 k, fap/shlick and enjoy!
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:05 pm | #



desu desu desu


desu desu desu


This is relevant to my interests!

Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:07 pm | #


 /r/ Rule 34 on this entire thread.

Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:10 pm | #


Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:10 pm | #


Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:11 pm | #


 hahaha i concur

someone rule 34 this thread
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:12 pm | #


 Screw this, I need my yellow van. It is covered with rust and enjoys exploding. It also likes 
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:14 pm | #



they blew up a yellow van

four times
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:15 pm | #



They blew up the party van!
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:17 pm | #


 Disregard everything we say, we suck cocks and are not in the kitchen.
Feminazi | 08.10.07 - 11:20 pm | #


 hello, im with the fbi

please take a seat
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:20 pm | #


 Where's my iPod guys?!
Mitchell Henderson | 08.10.07 - 11:21 pm | #


 i think you should become an hero
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:23 pm | #


 I just killed two cops. Goodbye.
Tyler Dumstorf | 08.10.07 - 11:23 pm | #


Chris Benoit | 08.10.07 - 11:24 pm | #


 Oh shit, I just crashed my mom's truck! WTF DO I DO?!

Oh, I'll kill myself.
Broady Paul Ledet | 08.10.07 - 11:27 pm | #


for those not on ebaums...
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:27 pm | #


 for those not on ebaums
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:28 pm | #


 Female-Anon, I fucking love you. Are you gonna do a "Free Brandon" pic?
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:29 pm | #


 for those not on ebaums
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:29 pm | #


 Anon, Depends if I can talk my bf into it.
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:30 pm | #


 I believe you're going to offend the dykes on here by showing that you are in fact attractive.
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:31 pm | #


 oh...and sorry it took me so long to upload it here...being a woman I often have trouble with 
complex things like computers
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:31 pm | #


 Just read about this on

So, if _MY MOTHER_ would say sometime, that she'd liked me aborted I wouldn't know how to react. 
How shocked can one be?

If her son ever finds out (and he should), I hope it will be when she tells him personally. And 
that the family doesn't break to pieces.
kxg | | 08.10.07 - 11:33 pm | #


 Well, if I do, oh well. It is my fondest hope and wish that al the penis hating lesbians on this 
site will see how AWESOME the dick is and come to embrace men as the gods that they are. well, 
except the ones with micro-penises, they can just go fuck themselves.
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:33 pm | #


 before anyone asks, here's how my size range boils down.
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:37 pm | #


 Your boyfriend is very lucky Female-Anon.
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:38 pm | #


 :O I gots cut off!
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:38 pm | #


 Wow, well, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a large amount of the recent links should be 
deleted. This isn't a porn site, people, so please, work on not posting such.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:38 pm | #


 Anon. My cousin would be to, if he showed some damned courage...
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:39 pm | #


 JackGoff--spoilsport :p
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:41 pm | #


 You're complaining an attractive female is posting pictures of herself. What kind of man are you?
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:42 pm | #


 AHAHAHA, we have taken over your comments.
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:43 pm | #


 Thread needs moar mudkips.
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:43 pm | #


 JackGoff: Since you looked at the porn, does that make you a rapist?
Blargh | 08.10.07 - 11:44 pm | #



 If you are not going to be serious, you might as well get out of here. This is directed at the 
people doing nothing but posting memes. It does not add to the discussion!

Daniel | 08.10.07 - 11:44 pm | #


 /r/ image macro to celebrate.
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:44 pm | #


 Look, posting porn on a porn site is your own prerogative. THIS IS NOT A PORN SITE. Figured that 
out yet, numb nuts?
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:44 pm | #


 What kind of man are you?

So, gay men are not men, I take it.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:45 pm | #


 According to BitingBeaver having a penis means you're a rapist.

Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:46 pm | #


 and WHY should a PROUD WOMAN doing something she ENJOYS be considered porn anyway? There'd be alot 
less war in the world if more women would just suck a fucking dick every now and then.
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:47 pm | #


 So, gay men are not men, I take it.

You are correct, homosexuals are evil demons.
Daniel | 08.10.07 - 11:48 pm | #


 and WHY should a PROUD WOMAN doing something she ENJOYS be considered porn anyway?

Do what you will, BUT NOT HERE, YOU ASS.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:49 pm | #


 You are correct, homosexuals are evil demons.

I shouldn't have expected anything more.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:49 pm | #


 Honestly, the continuation of this argument is redundant. All SAP and Jack are doing now is saying 
telling a child he is a rapist for looking at pornography
deeply hating their child
wishing their child was dead
posting about it on an easily accessible website
blaming the man for rape because his condom broke and choosing to raise her child for 18 years as 
opposed to begging for money/asking relatives & friends
is perfectly acceptable for a female, obviously they wouldn't if it was a male and you can tell 
that by their posts, and that anyway that that would be posted on a female's blog would be through 
a magic DDOS.
Its obvious that SAP and Jack can't post anything that has anything to attribute to their claim 
that only males commit abusive crimes and have no way to support their claim that BB didnt post 
that. Honestly, give it up SAP and Jack haver their heads to far up their own asses
Troll and a sockpuppet | 08.10.07 - 11:50 pm | #


 Gay men are simply men who have never fucked anyone attractive...(and no, *I* personally, am not 
all that attractive)
Female-Anon | | 08.10.07 - 11:50 pm | #


 Gay men are simply men who have never fucked anyone attractive

Ignorance is not your friend. Back away from the stupid.
JackGoff | | 08.10.07 - 11:52 pm | #


 "and no, *I* personally, am not all that attractive"

Yes you are. And BTW, you get +76,983 internets.
Anonymous | 08.10.07 - 11:54 pm | #


 Hey Jack Off

Did it hurt when they castrated you?
Jack Off | Homepage | 08.11.07 - 12:03 am | #


 WTF? Did the party end?
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 12:03 am | #


 Seeing as nobody's moderating, I'm going to share my copypasta with everyone. It's tasty.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:06 am | #


 Don't worry Jack,

Anonymous has your back. is a target too.
FGSFDS | 08.11.07 - 1:10 am | #


 Alright, Anonymous, it's time to get something off my chest in the one place I won't be held 
accountable in any way, shape or form. half the people reading won't believe it, and the other half 
couldn't do anything about it if they wanted to (which they don't), so I'm safe here in the legions.

When I was in junior high, I had a reputation for being a serious goody-goody. I didn't have many 
friends, except for the other goody-goodies, and even though I wasn't religious I spent most of my 
time with the religious clubs just because they didn't care that I wasn't interested in drinking 
and doing drugs and related shit. Anyone who was even remotely 'cool' generally hated my guts, and 
I spent most of my time reading or playing games at home, alone (my mom worked evenings, and dad 
lived in a different state). Because I had a reputation for being such a good quiet kid, our 
neighbor asked if I would start babysitting her daughter after school. She didn't get home until 
late, and didn't like 'becky' being alone. I didn't want to, because it would cut into my emo loser 
time, but my mom didn't really give me a choice, and at least it was a little extra cash ($3 a 
day). Before I go any further, I'm not setting up a trap here, I'll say it straight. This is about 
sex and yes I'm a horrible person.

The girl was only 7 years old. She wasn't retarded, but she was very, very, very dim. As in "just 
smart enough not to be in special ed but is still eating her notebook one page at a time" kind of 
dim. From what I knew, she didn't really have any friends outside of school, and with good reason. 
All kids are kind of air-headed and bizarre, but it was hard to put up with her stupidity. She 
couldn't succeed at anything, I can't remember her ever doing anything right. She tripped and 
fumbled and couldn't play the simplest fucking games and could barely add two numbers let alone 
subtract, etc, etc.

Anyway, after two months of putting up with that shit, I pretty much ignored her. I was obligated 
to make sure she ate something and didn't hurt herself, and that's all I did. When she was busy 
with something, I'd head to the bathroom or my bedroom to explore that new fangled 'masturbation' 
thing I'd discovered. I liked it better when she wasn't there, because I could masturbate at the 
computer (lawl 28 k dialup porn), but when you first figure out how to bust one, you're pretty much 
orgasming from undoing your zipper, you don't need porn. Well one day, seems like out of the blue, 
Becky starts to cry. And I mean real, child-like, sobbing, 'can't breath' cry. Despite being sick 
of putting up with her crap, I didn't hate the little ditz, I just didn't want to spend my 
afternoons making sure she puts her left shoe on her left foot. So I tried to comfort her, asked 
her what's wrong. She asks me, broken through her crying, why no one likes her and why she can't do 
anything right. My heart's breaking, because, well, shit, what can I say to the little moron? She 
CAN'T do anything right :-. I'm hugging her and rocking her and all that, but I'm at a loss for 
what to say. She goes on, choke, sob, sob, she's never going to get married because no one will 
ever like her enough. I finally manage to say what seemed like the intelligent reply. "Boys don't 
like girls because they're smart, they like girls because of kissing and stuff like that". She did 
start crying a little less at that, but she said something about not knowing how to kiss.

And here's why I'm a horrible person. I'm holding this crying loli, afraid she'll never get anyone 
to ever love her, convinced she's utterly worthless. And my dick gets rock hard. And the only 
thought going through my brain, over and over, is "I can get away with this". I know, I suck, 
believe me I know. I've got a rock in my stomach from remembering it, and I know there's a special 
place in hell for guys like me. But my dick is rock hard just remembering it, and it's in charge 
most of the time. Sucks to be me I guess.

I'm not going to get into explicit details, because you can find those on any spank-story site 
around. But from that point on, my relationship with 'becky' was about sex, completely and utterly. 
I convinced her that I could show her how to do the stuff she needs to be good at to make a boy 
marry her someday, and convinced her that it was a huge huge secret only between me and her, and 
that she could never tell anyone, ever. I started with as much restraint as I could possibly 
muster, basically playing doctor. Touching each other, kissing, making out. She seemed to like 
everything we did, not so much because it was good, but because it was attention (and friendly 
attention). I progressed to fingering her, and fingering her pooper, oral sex (eating her... I 
tried to do a good job from what I learned online) and having her blow me. Tragically, she actually 
wound up really good at what we did. You don't have to be a mastermind to suck cock, and because 
she was so eager to please/lonely/generally dimwitted, she did absolutely anything I suggested. She 
always swallowed, unless I wanted to cum on her (and I usually fed her the cum anyway if I did), 
and she never told anyone.

With the horrible horrible knowledge available online, and the sheer perversity of a teenager with 
a sentient sex toy, things got more and more kinky. Interestingly, she never once put up a fuss or 
objected or resisted in any way. I was showing her how to make a husband happy, spending time with 
her, and she just went along with it with a smile and a general air-headed friendliness. She sucked 
on my feet, eventually I moved on to having her rim me and rimming her back. I did fuck her from 
time to time, even though that hurt her a little she still went along with it, and I always used 
lube and was gentle. Yeah, I stuck it in her pooper too, don't worry Anonymous. Basically, I spent 
all that time raising her to be an utter whore. Things followed a fairly consistent pattern for a 
solid 5 years. I watched her when there was no one else to, made a little cash, and used the hell 
out of her in any way I wanted to, constantly. Even when I wasn't doing something specific, she was 
usually in various stages of dress or undress, or doing something 'arousing' or sexual, playing 
with herself because I wanted her too, wearing phallic shaped objects inside of her.

This came to a sudden, and screeching halt when she turned 12 (and I was 17). She'd never told a 
single soul about what we did together, but when she started going through puberty, learning more 
about sex, and specifically about sexual predators, something in her brain clicked and she realized 
I was the bad guy. From then on, she absolutely hated my guts, with a passion. Amazingly, she never 
told anyone, or at least never told anyone of consequence, or never told anyone in a way that 
affected me. She just avoided me and told me she wished I would die, etc. It sucked, I lost my sex 
toy and made an enemy, but it could have been a lot worse for everything I did. But that's not the 
end of the story, not by a long shot.

I didn't see her for 4 years, except in passing (which always included a dirty look and hateful 
glare). In that time, she tried to kill herself twice, went 'goth', and started hanging around with 
the faggy vampire kids who aren't interesting enough to be choosy about their friends. black 
clothes = you're okay. The four years were basically uneventful for me. I was in a pretty intense 
state of paranoia at the start, living every day as if I were going to end it in a prison cell when 
she decided to bring the hammer down, but the paranoia died the longer time went by. I graduated 
highschool, didn't go to college out of apathy, got a somewhat decent but not fufilling job, and 
was just another person out there with all the other people. By that time I had a few friends, and 
would occasionally go out drinking with them, finally loosened up and started acting generally 
normal. Well, when I was 21, I was at a halloween party, doing the whole 'being drunk automatically 
means a good time' thing. And I see her. The party was fairly big, so I shouldn't have been 
surprised to find out that some of the people there were underaged. I had a somewhat akward night, 
my paranoia renewed by the close proximity. I mean really. If she'd pointed at me and said "THAT 
GUY MOLESTED ME WHEN I WAS 7", it would have turned into an ugly fucking night for me. Thankfully, 
she avoided me just like I avoided her, and around 2 am, with the party petering out a little, I 
started to head out.

Annnnd there she was Anonymous. On the curb, tiny little vampire girl, crying her eyes out. Her 
ride had ditched her, pretty consistent behavior, as her group of friends were really only 
'friends' because she kept following them the best she could (I found this out talking to her 
later). It was just like that day when she was 7, and I was trying to console her while she was 
crying. I wanted to be somewhere else, but I didn't want to see her suffer. So i approached, really 
really timidly, and offered to help if she needed anything. She almost flipped out, but she wound 
up just sinking back into her crying. She said she needed a ride home, I offered one, she said 
she'd rather slit her wrists and bleed to death in the gutter. I didn't saying anything. I just 
went and sat in my car. After a few minutes, she got up and got in the passenger side, still crying.

She was the first one to break the silence, telling me that she didn't hate me. She kept repeating 
"I just don't know what to do". I didn't ask, I just tried to make comforting noises and generally 
tried to soothe whatever she was going through. She went on about how no one liked her, everyone 
treated her like crap, she was useless, she couldn't do anything right, she gave sex to everyone 
but no one liked her for it, they just told her she was a slut and treat
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:13 am | #


 Feminism is the assertion that women have exactly the same innate biological potential to be and 
do anything they want to be and do as men do.

That idea is fail. Men are naturally stronger than women. You lose.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:18 am | #


 She was the first one to break the silence, telling me that she didn't hate me. She kept repeating 
"I just don't know what to do". I didn't ask, I just tried to make comforting noises and generally 
tried to soothe whatever she was going through. She went on about how no one liked her, everyone 
treated her like crap, she was useless, she couldn't do anything right, she gave sex to everyone 
but no one liked her for it, they just told her she was a slut and treated her like one. I wish I 
could say that listening to her didn't make my dick hard. I wish I could say that listening to this 
poor girl suffer through a lifetime of emotional, sexual, and social abuse made me empathize and 
feel pity for her, but I'd be lying. Her pain turned me on. It always had. I don't know why 
Anonymous , I've never been like that with anyone or anything else. I don't like the really 
mean-spirited porn, I don't fantasize about abusing other girls, I'm otherwise normal. but this 
girl being treated bad made my prick start leaking like a faucet. I really don't know why, and yes 
I know how awful that is :-.

After driving for a while, we pulled up in the alley behind her house. I had moved out and gotten 
an apartment, but obviously I knew where she lived. We sat there in the quiet dark for a while, and 
I turned to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She was still crying a little. Then she reached 
down, unzipped my pants, and started blowing me. Just like that. Because she WAS a slut.

Because I'd raised her to be one.

We never officially talked about it, and I never asked her out or anything, but from that point on, 
she's been my girlfriend. She dropped out of highschool and moved in with me the next year, when 
she was 17. We have an extremly emotionally unhealthy relationship. She isn't going to get any 
education, and I don't want her to. Deep down, I want her to stay useless. She works as a checker 
at a grocery store, and spends the rest of her time as my fucktoy. The sick part is, she's happier 
and more content than she ever has been, simply because she has a place to be and someone who wants 
her for something. We don't have a very normal sex life. Most of what we do would be considered 
abusive, even though she goes along with it. I share her with my friends a lot, she spends most of 
her time with something sexual going on. Even when she goes to work I usually put something in her 
pussy, just because I feel like it. And it's getting worse. I keep wanting to find more degrading 
and abusive things to do to her. After a while, I started putting her in the bathtub and pissing on 
her. A while after that, I made her start drinking it. I've been leaving beastiality porn easy to 
find on our computer. We haven't talked about it, but I know she's seen it. Even still, she says 
she'll do anything I want her to.

Anonymous, I don't even LIKE beatiality. It doesn't turn me on. I just want her to fuck a dog 
because I want her to feel worthless and used. That's how deep this runs in me. No one, in either 
of our families, knows how depraved and horrible our relationship is. They assume we're normal, and 
around them, we act normal.

Here's the real kicker though Anonymous. When I lay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, unable 
to sleep while she's curled up against my chest and snoozing gently, I feel horrible for it all. I 
don't want to be like this. I want to scoop her up and wash away every bad thing that's ever 
happened to her, and treat her like a good sweet girl, and make her know that I love her. I want to 
stop all of this. i want to be good.

But even when I'm laying there, quietly crying so I don't wake her up, wishing I could love her 
like everyone else doesn't, I think about doing bad things to her, think about her crying and 
feeling horrible, and my dick still stands at attention. her suffering turns me on. It has from the 
first day, and it always will.

I'm really at a loss for what to do Anonymous. I don't expect the legions of anonymous to have any 
help or answers, or even to care. I'm just at a loss for what to do.

I have a diamond necklace I'm giving her for christmas. I keep telling myself that I'm going to 
sweep her off her feet and stop all of this, and treat her like a princess. I don't beleive it 
though. because all i have to do is picture her with a handprint across her cheek and a dick in 
between her lips, and I'm solid as a rock again.

I am going to hold her. Tell her how much I love her. Tell her that I'll always take care of her. 
And it's going to be true.

Then I'm going to twist her nipples until she can't breath and fuck her in the ass. She'll be 
crying on the outside, but I'll be crying on the inside.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:19 am | #

 Becky came home from work. I hugged her. (I'm crying forgive me if this comes across as a little 
disjointed). I showed her my story when i copied it from /b/ because I knew there was no way in 
hell I would be able to put the words out of my mouth. She was crying by the end, but I think it's 
the first time I've ever seen her smiling while crying. She kept saying she loves me, and I kept 
saying it back. God I don't know how to feel right now. We've been holding each other for a while 
and talking, she just went to grab some dinner (leftover pizza). She knows I love her, and she 
knows that everything we do doesn't mean that I don't care about her. I said there was something 
wrong with me, but her only reply was that there wasn't. I don't think we can ever be normal people 
/b/. But maybe someday we can be at least be good fucked up people. The necklace tommorrow. That's 
all I can think about right now. She said she doesn't want to stop how we live /b/.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:21 am | #

 Humiliating is kind of subjective. What one person thinks is humiliating another might consider 
relatively normal.

If you think about it, it was all fairly humiliating when we first did something new, but then it 
becomes a normal part of your sex life. The first time I told her I wanted her to lick me clean 
after anal sex, it was probably extremly degrading feeling for her, but after doing it enough it 
becomes a normal part of your sex life.

I've cum on food/in beverages while she watched and then ate or drank it. I've stored up cum in the 
freezer to make her drink more than one load at a time. She's eaten cum out of her own asshole, 
drank piss (mine and hers), I've spat in her mouth and she swallowed.

It stops being humiliating if you keep doing it. That's why perversion tends to get more extreme as 
time passes.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:21 am | #


 hmm... these fukken "anonymous" nubs think they can post on haloscan like there's no rules??? i'll 
teach those fukken nubs

*writes scathing replies, one liners, makes up words like "fucktarded", talks with other blog 

heh... that'll teach those nubs

*reclines back in chair, strokes neckbeard*
Caricature | 08.11.07 - 1:23 am | #


 Rules are for pansies
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:28 am | #


 Ok, I have a story to tell. Enough time has passed that I think it's safe to tell now. My name is 
Jack and I am 34 years old. This past June, i began using Stickam. I happened upon the profile of a 
hot 13 year old girl. I started chatting with her but of course I lied about my age. I told her I 
was only 23. I lied about having a cam, too, for obvious reasons. One night, some guy came in her 
room and I tried to play "good cop" and I messaged her that he was over 30. She informed me that 
she thought guys over 30 were hot! Well, you can imagine my shock and relief!

A few days later, I confessed to her my real age and that I did have a cam. She was excited to 
learn this as she kinda was starting to like me. Thus began a relationship that made my fantasies 
come true!

We started having cam sessions on a regular basis. This kids body was just...omigod! Small, perfect 
tits. Hairless pussy. Heaven on Earth. She would shlick for me and when she came, the sounds she 
made were AMAZING! If she happened to be alone at home, she would just let it all out and get off 
hard. She would watch me fapping and just drool. Even though she was a virgin, she was ready for 

Anyway, our relationship grew to where we were talking to each other on the phone late at night and 
making plans to meet somehow. She lives in Vegas so it would be easy for me to go there for a 
vacation and hook up with her. And that's just what happened.

I flew in on a Friday morning and got settled into my hotel room. Then I sent her an IM on AIM 
letting her know where I was staying and told her I would make arrangements for her to come see me. 
The plan was simple: I would hire a taxi to pick her up a few blocks from her house and drive her 
to the hotel. She had told her folks that she was spending the weekend camping with friends and I 
guess they believed her. That afternoon, the taxi picked her up and brought her to the hotel. She 
phoned me to tell me she was almost there. I asked her if the cab's license plate said FRESH and it 
had dice on the mirror.

She laughed and said that it didn't. Anyway, earlier that day, i had gone out shopping to prepare 
for the weekend. A teddy bear, some sexy clothes, roses and candles were all set up in the bedroom 
of the hotel suite. Champagne was chilling in the ice bucket. A few minutes after her call from the 
cab, a soft knock came on my door. For a few seconds, I had visions of Chris Hansen and several 
members of the Party Van on the other side of that door.

However, one peek thru the peephole was enough to assuage my fears. My dearest /b/, seeing her 
standing in the corridor thru that fish-eye lens was amazing, because I knew that with the turn of 
a knob, my dream of having child sex would come true. I opened the door and 98 pounds of lust 
filled teenager thrust itself into my embrace. We hugged for what seemed like days then moved into 
the living room. We sat on the sofa and just looked into each others eyes for several seconds. 
Finally, I snapped to and poured some bubbly for us.

This kid was no stranger to booze, but she had never experienced champagne before. She actually 
giggled at the way the bubbles tickled her nose, which i thought was cute as hell. I drew her to me 
and started to make out with her. How I kept from nutting in my pants is beyond me! Her fuckin tits's the only word I can think of. She put her hand on my throbbing crotch bulge 
and squeezed. I shit you not /b/, the girl MOANED as she did it. I think she might have had an 
orgasm, but she didn't admit to it when I asked her later

After some more groping and fondling, I stood and took her hand and led her to the bedroom. "Oh 
Jack," she said, "I have wanted this for so long." I laughed because she had wanted it for about 6 
weeks, but to a 13 year old, that is an eternity. She took in the flickering glow of the candles, 
the roses, and the teddy bear in the middle of the bed. She climbed up to get it and I joined her. 
We began to kiss and grope one another. I lay her back and slowly undressed her, peeling her 
clothing away and kissing each inch of tender teen flesh I uncovered. As I licked and sucked on her 
nipples, small moans escaped her lips. I kissed my way down her belly and undid her jeans. When I 
saw that tiny twat come into view, my cock lurched in my pants.

Even though I had seen her naked hundreds of times on that webcam, the reality of it was enough to 
almost me shock me. The folds of her pussy glistened in the warm glow of the candles. Her clit was 
engorged and actually sticking out a little. Now I have seen pussy up close, I mean, I wasn't a 
virgin going into this thing after all, but this one was different. It hadn't finished developing. 
Of course, that was the whole idea, you know? But I digress, I needed to know what nearly pre-teen 
pussy TASTED like! (BTW, it smelled AWESOME!)

Wait...what? OP here, btw. This happened, as I alluded to, in August. She spent the entire weekend 
with me! We never left the suite the whole time. I was utterly fucked out by Sunday night, and the 
poor girl could hardly walk, but she couldn't stop smiling... anyway, story continues in a minute...

I spread her thighs and started licking her stiff clit, sucking her juices. Feeling a little 
playful, I reached over to the bedside table and grabbed one of the flickering tapers from the 
holder. I held it over her chest and grinned. She said, "Won't it burn?" Meaning the hot wax I was 
about to drip on her tits. I assured her that it wiould actually feel really good and showed her. 
MY GOD the reaction was incredible! That kids hips bucked so hard as a hueg orgasm tore thru her. 
She nearly knocked me off the bed! I dripped some more wax on her clit and she screamed, but not in 
pain. I couldn't believe the effect this was having on her! Gutturally, like some kind of animal, 
she commanded me to do something that shocked me. She said, "Fuck me with it! Fuck me with that 
candle, Jack!" Who was I to refuse such an order? I blew it out and slid in to her soaking wet pu-
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:28 am | #


 Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness 
of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and 
forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That 
is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have 
found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically 
inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense 
theatre of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the 
rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy 
extra strength In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.

When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would 
make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to:

M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc. Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A.

along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. 
I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of 
hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:31 am | #


 Okay, I just had to get this told, and I need to know if I really should have...

Anyway, I was raised in a Japanese household along with my sister, who's 8 years younger than me. 
We both were raised by our grandmother because our parents had passed away in a car accident when I 
was 12 and my sister 4. It was a hard hit on two kids but we endured because of each other. For 
quite a few years, we were raised strictly but kindly by our grandma. We went through school just 
like any normal boy and girl would have and at home we played and fought just like any normal 
brother and sister would have.

That all changed though when I was over at a friends house. He had decided to show me his secret 
stash of porn on his computer that he copied and pasted from his older brothers. I was 15 at the 
time and of course, such a thing greatly aroused my teen hormones and hardon. What caught my 
interest the most was that he also had a bunch of hentai pics of loli. Now this was something I 
definitely hadn't seen prior nor would've imagined about it but the pics greatly aroused me further 
than any of the other anime hentai or normal porn. When I came home, the pictures were a constant 
image in my head. I couldn't get them out. What's worse is that my little sister, whom I've had a 
hand in raising, started to become a source of my sexual interest. I would find myself everyday 
masturbating to thoughts of not only loli hentai but mostly of my sister. One night, I even came 
into her room and jacked myself off right next to her bed and came in her hair. I didn't bother 
cleaning it off either. The thought gave me a great rush as I went back to my room.

These bad thoughts of my little sister for a full year. Everyday, I would take every advantage of 
being an innocent older brother and when I'm with her, I'd sneak in feels. Everytime I gave her a 
hug, I'd purposely grab a hand full of her soft little butt. We were taught that bathing was an 
important part of everyday life by our grandmother so we would always help each other scrub our 
backs during bath time. During her bath times, I'd wash in between her legs and scrub her little 
pussy for a longer period of time and in lighter strokes. I didn't really know if she noticed this 
but she didn't pull away at any time. During my turn, while she washed my back, I'd stand up 
abruptly and go to the tub while "accidentally" brushing my hardon against her chest, arms, and 
back. That was definitely a thrill.

It got to be not enough one day though. I don't know what it was that day, but I had to have her 
skin pressed on my cock and make me cum. One mid-spring day, I decided to make a choice that'd wind 
up effecting us for quite a few years to come. I made sure that grandmother was asleep for her 
afternoon nap and went into the living room where my little sis was busy with her homework. I sat 
down on our two-seater couch and for the very last time, rethought about what I was about to do. 
After a good moment, I reached into my boxers and pulled out my dick which had already hardened 
fully from my contemplation. Without any delay, I started to audibly masturbate just feet away from 
my little sister, sprawled with her stomach on the ground facing away from me. I deliberately made 
my fist pounding loud and after a good minute, she noticed the noise behind her.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:36 am | #


 After turning around to see the source, she grew slightly wide-eyed and stared. She simply just 
stared at her big brother pumping his hand up and down his big hard cock. After a brief moment 
which to me seemed like hours, she spoke up and in the little cute voice that I've grown to love 
said, "Nii-chan... isn't it bad to do that?". To this, I tried my best to smile and maintain 
composure. Hearing her voice nearly made me lose my load. "N-no! No way... It's not bad... you used 
to do this to me when we were little." She looked at me with a tilted head but her eyes never left 
my hand on my cock. "Yeah," I continued, "we'd take baths together and you'd pull on it wondering 
what it was... and why you don't have one..." This greatly interested her, what I told her just 
then wasn't true of course. She sat up and turned herself to face me cross legged. Her tight little 
shorts were short enough that when she settled back down, some of her shorts' crotch was open 
enough for me to see. This got me to go a little faster. With a rough breath, I asked her "Hey... 
wanna do this for me?" No turning back now. I thanked all that is true with the world when she got 
up to her knees and made her way to the couch. Right in front of me, and inches away from my 
pulsing dick. She didn't say a thing but I had to keep going. "Put your hand here ok?" I told her 
as I removed my hand from my cock and pointed. And to this day, I still remember the next moment. 
She did as I asked her. My little sister reached over with one hand and grabbed hold of my hard, 
throbbing cock. I was but one throb from shooting but I held on.

Still not saying a thing and remaining fixed on my meat, she held onto it with a nice grip. "Move 
your hand up and down like I was doing..." I edged her on. She visibly swallowed in nervousness as 
her little hands began moving up and down. It didn't have the feel of an experienced woman nor did 
it have the speed of a young girl but the feel of a grade schooler's soft and tiny hands was 
exquisite. I don't know how long I lasted. It might've been minutes, it probably was seconds, but 
not soon after she started moving her hands up and down and stroking my cock, I lost it. I blew my 
load with my sister jacking me off. It was a rather large one too. I remember the first big glob 
shooting up, arching, and landing right above her right eye. The second, just as big, landed to the 
right of her nose. The third, getting a little smaller in glob size, landed on the left side of her 
chin. The rest from what I remember just shot up and landed on her hand and around my crotch. What 
got me the most though, and what I didn't notice until all my cum had been spent, was that she 
didn't once stop jacking me off and actually picked up speed. "That was nice..."

She looked at the semen that had covered her hands. "Wha... what IS this? Did you pee on me?" she 
asked with a small voice. "N-no!" I exclaimed, I had to make sure she didn't get the wrong idea. 
"Guys shoot that stuff instead of pee when they feel really good with their thingie." She didn't 
answer with a word but simply formed her mouth as if she said, "Oh!" I suddenly had an idea popped 
into my head. I've gone this far, might as well go for it. "Hey, Minamo(my girlfriend at the time) 
always licked it up and drank it. I think it's sweet, why don't you try it?" Yeah, there's no way 
she'd believe that, I thought. But then she lifted her hand to her face and proceeded to dip her 
tongue into the small pool of cum on the back of her hand. Pausing for a second, she then slurped 
up the rest of it. When she saw that there was nothing more, she felt her face and wiped the 
dripping cum into her hands and into her mouth. Oh god... my sister... my little sister liked the 
taste of my semen.

So, at the age of 16, I got my very first sexual experience with a little girl and at age 8, my 
little sister found out what a cock felt like and what semen smelled and tasted like. But then 
there's the first time we had actual intercourse together...
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:37 am | #


 Our little playtime continued for about a year. We'd both wait for our grandmother to go take her 
afternoon nap and then we'd both go into one of our rooms. Yes, both of us. She gradually became 
more and more excited at the fact that she's making her big brother feel so good and can compete 
with his girlfriend for his attention. By this time, I've been spending more and more time at home 
with my little sister because of all the sex-play we've been having. I decided to up it one step 
though. I'll admit, up to that time, I've never eated out a girl's pussy before. My girlfriends 
always thought it was gross and only preferred petting. But my sister... something told me that she 
won't be the same as them.

On a not-so-usual afternoon, she and I were busily fondeling each other as it had become normal. 
She had a hand wrapped around my dick and I had a hand cupped on her soft little pussy with a 
finger sliding up and down her slit. We were in my room at the time and she was on my lap. After a 
minute, I decided to make my move and gently pushed her off me and onto the bed. Letting go of my 
cock and looking at me with a greatly dissappointed face, considering I'd stopped petting her, she 
spoke up. "Hey...! What's the matter?", she asked. I moved off my bed and knelt on the floor, right 
in front of her and answered without looking at her eyes, "Just watch."

Remaining silent, I could feel her staring at what I was about to do. I slid myself forward and 
parted her legs. I was still amazed her pretty little cunt. Smooth and rounded, it was totally 
hairless at the time, but her slit was very much so slimey and sticky from her arousal. I didn't 
waste another moment. This is what I was aiming to for after all. Leaning my head forward, I 
pressed my lips onto her bald pussy. Her folds hadn't even developed yet, but damn... for being the 
first cunt I've ever tasted, it was amazing. It aroused me like nothing else. I opened my lips in 
seconds and began to lick up and down her slimey, wet slit, darting my tongue in and around. I then 
remembered the clit on girls and proceeded to use my tongue to part her soft flesh and rub onto her 
tiny clit with my slithering tongue. In that entire moment, from when I leaned my head in up to 
when I tickled her clit with my tongue, she gave one long squeal. I swore my grandma would've waken 
if she weren't such a heavy sleeper. The squeal was one I was familiar with. Coming from my little 
sister, I knew she was cumming.

With her legs tightening and gripping my head, I kept on licking that soft and lovely little smooth 
cunt. The fact I was making her do this in such a way that I have never done to any woman before, 
let alone a little girl, let alone my little sister made me horny beyond almost all reason. I stood 
up and with my cock sticking straight forward, I raised my little sister from the bed. Even before 
she had the chance to recover from the high of her very first oral orgasm, I grabbed her by the 
shoulders and sat her up. Grabbing her by the side of her head and gripping her hair, I shoved my 
aching cock into her mouth as she gasped. I was so out of mind at the time that I didn't realize 
how far I shoved it in, nor did I realize that I began pumping myself in and out of her mouth. She 
gagged and choked heavily but her arms just raised up enough to support herself onto my legs. My 
little sister was choking on the full length of my cock and she wasn't resisting. When I couldn't 
hold back anymore, I thrust myself forward while gripping her hair in my hands, pushing her head 
onto my dick. I couldn't remember how many globs of semen I ejaculated into her soft, wet mouth, 
but I spent a good minute or two throbbing my semen into her. Because I had fully thrust my cock 
into her mouth, it had actually gotten into her throat. My cum was going directly into her stomach 
in her very first blowjob. When I withdrew, completely spent, all I could say was, "Sorry..." The 
only thing from her? "Mmm..."
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:37 am | #


 So for a good three years, since that fateful afternoon with my little sister, she and I have 
become more and more like lovers. I knew it was very wrong, but I didn't care. As a teenager, 
nothing was better than a girl that was willing to pleasure you endlessly. That's how we were. 
Petting, jerking, licking, sucking. Before my 18th birthday, and right when I was deciding which 
college to go to as I was graduating from high school, our grandmother passed away. This was a huge 
blow on us because she really was our only parental figure (granted didn't keep a close enough eye 
on us). This forced me to go to a local university rather than one away from the city. I wanted to 
make sure that my little sis was going to be ok. This lead to the eventual question. One evening, 
when I had returned from my after-school activities, my sis approached me asked bluntly, "Yuu... 
when are you going to have sex with me?" The fact that she stopped calling me brother and referred 
to me by my first name for the first time ever struck me just as much as the question.

I was struck for words. "Sex? We've been going at it for a few years now, what're you talkin' 
about???" I answered. She proceeded to shove me, and pout, "No! When are you going to put your 
thingie in my thingie???" At that moment, I had remembered sharing with her some hentai vids and 
pics of full on intercourse. Cock to pussy action. "If you really loved me, you'd do it to me!" she 
yelled with arms crossed. Apparently, she knew more than I had thought. Or maybe it was her own 
hormones. To this day, I wouldn't be able to tell. I hesitated for a moment. There was a chance I'd 
actually father a baby in her. She saw this hesitation and followed up by grabbing my left hand 
with both hers, and innocently... just as any girl would ask, "You do, right? Please...?" Something 
clicked. All my worries went away and my hormones once again smashed in. I grabbed her by the 
shoulder and turned her so her back was to me. Pulling her into my arms, I let my hand wander into 
the shorts she had been wearing. She wasn't wearing underwear. I felt the slit of her pussy. She 
was already sticky and wet. My little sister thought this through, and wanted her first time with 
her brother.(Poster most likely got inspiration from "Super Taboo," Yuu was the older brother's 

At that moment, I was on autopilot. I picked her up into my arms and carried her into her own room 
just as a brother would carry his little sis to her room to tuck her in. This was very different. I 
threw her down onto her little bed, covered in the sheets I'd bought for her just a month ago. That 
much I remember but at that moment, I didn't give a damn. Stripping my pants down and halfway to 
pulling down my boxers, I looked at my sister. She'd already pulled off her shirt and pants and was 
in the process of taking off her little plain white panties. Seeing her hairless pussy slick and 
wet from what I knew was anticipation urged my to kick away my boxers and completely made me forget 
to take off my shirt. In a semi-trance, I walked to her and climbed onto the bed. On my knees, I 
scooted myself closer to her. I took that time to eye her up and down from head to toe. This was my 
sister. This was the little girl I've been taking care of since she was born. This was the little 
girl that I introduced to sex. And this was the little girl that wanted her virginity taken by her 
own flesh and blood older brother. I hadn't even gotten that close to her when she spread her legs 

It made me so fucking hard that I felt like I was going to cum without her even touching me. Then I 
got a devious idea. I stoped licking on her perfect bald little pussy and scaned around the room 
looking for the right thing. my sister looked confused and said "Jack, what are you doing?" (Name 
has been changed) I smirked at her and said "You'll see". Just then I spotted just was I was 
looking for it was a long thin candle my sister had sitting beside her bed. It was smaller than my 
cock so I wanted to try it before I fucked her. I grabbed the candle and slowly started rubbing her 
smooth little pussy with it. She said "What are you doing with that candle Jack?" I said I'm going 
to fu-
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:38 am | #


 ** I move away from the mic to observe the (super intense) ownage.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:45 am | #


 This thread went from a troll-riddled discussion of a real the script from bad hentai. 

Stay classy, guys.
Brian G | 08.11.07 - 1:47 am | #


 Sorry Brian, but that's copypasta, not a script for hentai. Hentai doesn't have candlejack, y-
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 1:48 am | #


 Jackgoff seems like a troll.

Of all his posts I've read he's just been flaming someone.
Anonymous | Homepage | 08.11.07 - 2:29 am | #


 Damnit, he took another one. We need to tell people to stop saying candlejack. It's re-
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:12 am | #


Why did you have to bring that Candlejack shit on th-
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:19 am | #


 Anonymous will win. Because Legion will defeat BB and all of her femeanazi allies. One by one, 
we'll take them down. Their voices will be taken away from the Internet and reduced to other 
simpler forms of communication. Hopefully, We hope that she doesn't become more batshit insane. We 
shall commence.

Some of us do it because we want to.

Some of us do it because we have to.

Some of us sit here and endlessly mull.

We at the end though have all the lulz.

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Your vans are not safe.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:20 am | #


 How do I shot web?
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:31 am | #


 Start by deleting System32.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:35 am | #


 /r/ that this be new secondary HQ apart from Ebaums.
Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:41 am | #


Anonymous | 08.11.07 - 3:52 am | #


 What a read, but worth the lulz.

Having beliefs and making your children aware of your beliefs is one thing. Ramming your beliefs 
down your children's throat is another.

The way I see this, BB is teaching her kids to hate themselves for being male.

Its kind of like being born a pig in a Jewish home.
Anonomite | 08.11.07 - 6:25 am | #


 Look where debating with psychopaths and criminals gets you: incest porn and ongoing attacks 
against the woman who they are stalking.

You could always stand up for women next time instead of allowing psychoscum to spread their 
propaganda across your blog.
ED Editor | 08.11.07 - 7:04 am | #


 Earlier, someone asked for proof that frequent usage of porn, especially specifically degrading 
porn, leads to rape. This thread has provided ample evidence, in the Anonymous' own words, that 
there is a definite correlation between viewing pornography and treating people as objects.

Over and over again, people (objects) are humiliated by Anonymous for no other reason but mild 
amusement. The feelings, the motives, the humanity of the person at the other end of the computer 
means nothing to Anonymous, and they actually take pride in their complete lack of humanity.

Anonymous is a perfect case study in mob mentality combined with the feeling of nearly perfect 
anonymity, where natural human urges to connect with and care for other human beings have been 
largely erased by repeated pictoral and written accounts of other human beings as objects of scorn, 
derision, degradation, rape, and murder.

Not all porn is sexual. Not all depiction of naked people is porn. The distinction is that porn 
(vs. erotica) makes no attempt to humanize the person (object) in any way, while erotica works to 
humanize all players in the action.

ED, Feminists of all stripes, from liberal to radical, have all recognized for decades, if not 
centuries, that what we do or don't do doesn't matter in terms of what is done to us. We call it 
"blaming the victim" when a perpetrator of an attack seeks to justify misogyny, terror, rape, or 
murder based on "she made me angry" or some such. It allows the perpetrator to pretend that he (or 
occasionally she) has no autonomy and no responsibility for his actions.

In other words, ED, no feminist is going to (nor should) take any responsibility for the actions of 
a mob that demonstrates the worst of what humanity is capable of (terrorizing, stalking, murder by 
engendering suicide, consumption (and therefore providing a market for) snuff porn, violent rape 
porn, and degrading porn. You can keep on trying to justify yourself, but it's pretty hollow. You 
yourself have demonstrated the very things.

And sorry, mods, that you have to wake up and clean the mess these cretins have made in your lovely 
MO | 08.11.07 - 8:17 am | #


 I'm asking why you are giving a platform to these psychopaths. Did you miss the banter further up 
where the psychopathic stalkers and Brian G decided between them that Biting Beaver was emotionally 
disturbed? Did you miss the distancing between the good feminists who aren't "misandrists", 
whatever that might mean, and the radicals who are obviously man-haters?

I don't hold anybody responsible for the psychopaths' actions but I do wonder why feminists would 
give them a platform to spout their hatred and continue their vindictive and vicious campaign 
against a woman who stands up for women and stands up for feminism.

If you don't see that the owners of this blog have a choice about whether they allow comments from 
these criminals then there's nothing more to say. Then again it's much more hilarious to see the 
comment count go up (we've got a bet on it!) than stop the anti-woman bile at its source.
ED Editor | 08.11.07 - 8:47 am | #

 Exposure to the light often cures the problem. The thing these guys hate most is when people 
understand how truly pathetic and powerless they really are, and by letting them speak for 
themselves, they demonstrate that amply.

Again, hilarity at the expense of others is the very syndrome we're talking about here, correlated 
with porn consumption (that is, related to, but not necessarily cause and effect), that leads to 
treating others as "not human" and therefore leads to the sorts of horrific issues we have seen in 
wars since the beginning of time.
MO | 08.11.07 - 9:16 am | #


 And Anon trying to take credit for long existing diagreements among feminists is both amusing and 
MO | 08.11.07 - 9:20 am | #


 "Exposure to the light often cures the problem. The thing these guys hate most is when people 
understand how truly pathetic and powerless they really are, and by letting them speak for 
themselves, they demonstrate that amply."

I posted the shit that they do on their website about four hundred posts ago which gives you a 
pretty good idea of what they are about. How much proof does anybody need? Heart posted the 
death/rape threats against her on her blog and described the campaign against her and we've seen 
their attacks on feminist blogs already.

On the other hand here they've been allowed to slander Biting Beaver and feminists yet again with 
some commenters here even going so far as to agree with their assessment of Biting Beaver.

Whose interests does that serve?
ED Editor | 08.11.07 - 9:26 am | #


 u ED ppl are all jerks, leave them alone.

i have a story too. my daddy always says that women were the scum of the earth and that i should 
never try to have sex. lately he caught me masturbating to porn on my computer. now he never lets 
me on it, i only got here by asking my friend. he keeps trying to make me repeat patriartchy(sp) 
stuff. i know it all, but i still cant help masturbating. he says that me doing this is wrong, and 
im going to be a slut and that i might have issues with my life. i dont have issuse i think. please 
W.A.F.fle | 08.11.07 - 9:43 am | #


 It serves ours. Some people honestly believe that the need for feminism is over, and that women 
are no longer subject to attack by men for being women, and are "equal". Allowing these posts to 
light demonstrates amply that, even if their motive is simply to bully, their entire creed is laced 
through and through with hatred of and fear of women as autonomous beings.
MO | 08.11.07 - 9:54 am | #