Monster Girl Quest

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Monster Girl Quest is basically what happens when furfags, weeaboos, and sick fucks decide to make a video game.

The plot goes something like this: There was a goddess named Ilias who made everything, including humans and monster girls, though she quickly grew to hate the latter because they fucked more shota than she ever did, so after failing to get some eunuchs to kill the only pussy in the world worth fucking, she instead decided to enforce her own version of monster girl SOPA that goes like this:

1. Monster Girls are the fucking enemy, and they should be killed, preferably by being clubbed to death with a b&stick

2. All males must bathe in magical springs that repel monster women so monster girls won't fuck them, and thus die via indirect genocide.

Of course, this is utter fail, hence your goal is to troll her plans into oblivion.

Note: The original weeaboo title literally translates to: Lose And The Monster Girls Rape You


The story of being reverse-molested by sexy inhuman vixens!

Sweet monster girls seduce and pleasure you! Lose and you will be raped!

You are the hero, a young boy. Battle sexually with diverse characters in a world of humans and creatures. All the creatures are sexy girls of some species or another! Find them all! It’s an epic quest. Will your dirty dreams come true?


The actual synopsis for the game

Part 1 - The hero is some shota named Luka, a fucking dumbass who believes Ilias is good but doesn't want to hate monsters girls as evil who, after he decided to masturbate over the body of an unconscious snake woman's tits, was then informed he had missed his chance to be a hero, so he decided he'd be a fake hero, and the snake chick (called Alice) decided to tag along so she could eat everything, including Luka's dick.

Along the way, Luka gets a sword made of melted angels, fights some lolis, gets his ass handed to him by a dragon girl who is lusted after by a blowjob machine with tits, gets stalked by a fucked up abomination called Amira, learns how to protect his pencil dick by getting a wind spirit to blow him and also learn how to stay hard via a loli in a raincoat.

Part 2- He continues his journey to be a fake hero, gets assraped by mutant flies, learns how to set his dick on fire and some useless water spells that don't do shit, finds out Ilias was evil all along and tells her to fuck off after a BDSM session with Alice.

Part 3- Ilias gets butthurt and has a bunch of angels and chimeras fuck over everything. Meanwhile, her subordinate Promestein and former Monster Lord Black Alice are planning to fuck Ilias over. Luka and a now cursed (to be a loli) Alice try to stop the invasion rapist angels/chimera, shota Luka fucks loli Alice (who becomes an adult again later), they eventually manage to screw over the invading angels and unite the humans and monsters of the world against Ilias. Luka then storms the heavens, only to find Ilias got eaten by one Promestein's science experiments that made Black Alice a fugly mass of tentacles. After killing Black Alice and Promestein, Ilias reveals she planned to be eaten all along so she could become some uber gestalt monster-angel fusion, then tries to kill you.

The Four Heavenly Knights and a fallen angel show up to help out and tell Ilias No U, then Alice and Luka finish Ilias off in the most cliche manner possible.

The ending has Luka getting gang raped by pretty much everything and Alice gets pissed at a ton of rumors she and Luka are married, all of which turns out to be a massive troll by Tamamo done mostly for the lulz, then they actually do decide to get married, Alice nearly fucks Luka until he's a withered corpse, and the ending scene has them walking around the world, with Luka trying to avoid more rape, and Alice still wanting to eat everything on the planet.


Main Characters

Alice herself, presumably happy from eating Luka's cock.
The Goddess Ilias, with Luka's cock right where she wants it.

Luka - Shota who is originally an Iliasfag but comes to hate her moralfag ass (unless you side with her at the end of Part 2) and decides the snake girl with the big tits isn't as made of fail. Is the son of a human and a fallen angel who can kick ass while he asleep, and while he's awake every monster girl rapes the shit out of him but somehow the game insists he's still a virgin until he fucks Alice towards the end of Part 2. Turns into Lukafer in Part 3 and beats the shit out of Ilias, only unlike the previous hero Heinrich (who an heroed himself), he gets to live to be raped for the rest of his life.

Alice - Short for the Alipheese Fateburn 16th. Her goal is to eat fucking everything, including Luka's cock. She's really the Monster Lord (i.e. - Ilias' most reviled troll), but Luka doesn't figure that shit out until she outright tells him.

Whenever she's not turning into a fatty and blowing up cooking pots she teaches Luka how to be something other than a shota rape magnet when she isn't giving him oral.

Eventually, Ilias make him fight her, and afterwards he side with Alice and tells Ilias to fuck herself or kills Alice, whereupon Ilias rapes him for eternity in Part 2.

In Part 3, Alice turns into a loli for awhile, pedophile scalies masturbate furiously, then she turns adult again to their immense butthurt. Has to kill her own zombie mother and helps Luka finish off Ilias for good. Winds up having Luka's kids and is still a compulsive fatass.

Ilias - The bitch who made the world and wants to eliminate all the monster girls because they sex up more shota than she does. Hence, she puts the banhammer on fucking monster girls and plans to kill them all.

Ironically, she counts as a monster in game, which even the fucking game manual trolls her over.

Part 3 has her literally fuse with Goatse and becomes Tubgirl, all in an attempt to gain ultimate power, but she gets her ass kicked and we find out the only reason she kept pulling the Goddess routine was because she was terrified of dying alone.

Promestein - Fallen angel that likes doing crazy shit with science, including to herself, all because she's a female stand in for Prometheus (the Titan Of Greek mythology that pissed the gods off royally for giving humans the gift of fire), so she works with Black Alice to secretly screw over Ilias because she's pissed that everything Ilias ever said was the longest running troll ever attempted on every sentient being.

Black Alice - Former Monster Lord that is an obvious Alice In Wonderland reference with the mind of a psychotic retarded loli. Was revived by Ilias to work for her but planned to screw her over since day one. Turns into Goatse and attempt to eat Ilias, but gets killed by Luka, which Ilias had planned all along.

The Four Heavenly Knights

The four subordinates of Alice. From the left, clockwise: Granberia, Alma, Erubetie, and Tamano

Granberia- Dragon girl who likes to fight a lot and one of the few monster girls with something on her mind aside from humping shota cock. Is lusted after by a princess named Sara, who she saved from raep. Really like lesbian sex with Alma Elma but refuses to admit it.

Tamamo- Nine tailed fox girl who's life goal is to become a fatty after eating all the world's fried tofu and who taught Alice how to be a troll. Helps you ruin the Orochi's shit and then later ruins yours. Her real form looks much less loli than her current one, and she turns out to be one of the oldest beings in existence, and the ending is one long troll by her at Luka and Alice's expense.

Alma Elma- Big titted succubus who wrecked a bunch of ships for shits and giggles who lets Luka win fights with her because she's lazy and prefers to have shota cock in her twat as opposed to actually doing her job. Turns out she's actually more badass than her whorish attitude would lead you to believe, but that's because she prefers to fuck people stupid instead of murdering them.

Erubetie - Slime woman who hates humans even though she gets her jollies fucking them because they turned her habitat into Goatse. Winds up finally smiling at the end of the game when she splits into multiple goo girls to gang rape Luka, which cause the goo girl fans to declare her the hottest monster in the game.

The Four Elemental Spirits

The four emo lolis who raep and aid our shota hero. From the left: Slyph, Gnome, Undine, and Salamander

Sylph- A winged loli who gets the shit beaten out of her by the other spirits who can't fight worth shit, is dumb as fuck, and whose only use is teaching Luka how to blow away enemy attacks before they give him a blowjob.

Gnome- Emo loli in a raincoat who teaches Luka how to keep his dick stiff so he can beat his enemies to death with it.

Undine- Even more emo loli made of water who starts out useless, who mostly gives out shitty upgrades to attacks he had since Part 1.

Salamander- Loli on fire who taught Granberia how to kick ass, but now she's more weak than most internet tough guys. Teaches Luka how to boost his power over nine thousand.

Other Characters

Amira the Unfortunate Lamia- Fugly snake head with woman legs who claims to be Luka's lover and bullshits every other sentence. Hands out a few tips, but mostly exists to troll hentaifags who want every monster girl to wave their airbrushed tits in their face.

Sara- Princess of a country whose founder fucked a Sphinx. Her father throws Luka at her yelling "RAPE HIM!" at one point, and Sara obliges by blowing Luka's dick. However, she really wants to eat out Granberia's scaly pussy.

TV Tropes related drama

During the Great Pedocide of April 2012, the page on this game was cut, which angered many who liked the plot and were pissed Fast Eddie and his goons sanitized the shit out of all references to the game and replacing with some shitty redirect to a much less lulzy ecchi manga.

Gallery of Pedobear Approved Pictures

External Links

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