Bigger Man Argument

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The "Bigger Man" Argument is well-known on the internets as the last refuge of people that get epically trolled and/or pwned in a public forum. Pulling it off involves cramming equal parts faggotry and fail into the words "I'll be the bigger man", or some paraphrased version thereof.

The wit that spawned it all.

Origins and Usage

The "Bigger Man" Argument stemmed from a meme that is at least 100 years old and therefore has been abused to the point where it is just as annoying as the fag using it, even though lulz were provided because it shows what the future holds for Sarah Palin's son Trig. For history and documentation's sake, the meme is as seen to the right, featuring the heroic Olympian struggling to overcome hurdles.

Someone thought they were being real fucking cute with the macro, but ended up starting an epidemic of "Bigger Man"-style comments and rehashings of the meme. The numbers of macro-abortions that resulted from this outnumber the total victims of AIDS.

Most often, the "Bigger Man" Argument is used by some retard as a last-ditch effort to prove to the rulers of the internets that he is superior to someone who trolled him and/or exposed him to be a little bitch. They realize that they cannot win an argument through sheer moral superiority, and they're too retarded to unleash an epic anti-troll blast. So thinking they're taking the moral highroad by becoming the "Bigger Man," and claiming they're above such "banal" and "asinine" behavior, they declare:

I'm going to be the bigger man.


After this profound display of faggotry, the proclaimer proceeds to either shut the fuck up or leave in a dramatic huff once they realize the troll wasn't fazed by what they said. Often times before they leave, they're further badgered by the troll, resulting for more lulz for all involved minus the "Bigger Man" who failed to impress the internets.

Success Rate

There has been no proven or documented cases of the "Bigger Man" Argument ever working. Even looking through the annals of history, no reports of success surfaced. It is quite possible that this argument will never work, because no self-respecting troll would find themselves overwhelmed by the moral proclamation of some pussy and back down and admit defeat. Or in short words for you retards: LOL no success rate whatsoever


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