Monster Girl Quest

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Monster Girl Quest is basically the what happens when furfags, weeaboos, and sick fucks decide to make a video game.

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The plot goes something like this: There was a goddess named Illias who made everything, including humans and monster girls, though she quickly grew to hate the latter because they fucked more shota than she ever did, so after failing to get some eunuchs to kill the only pussy in the world worth fucking, she instead decided to enforce her own version of SOPA that goes like this:

1. Monster Girls are the fucking enemy, and they should be killed, preferably by being clubbed to death with a b&stick

2. All males must bathe in magical springs that repel monster women so monster girls won't fuck them, and thus die via indirect genocide.

Of course, this is utter fail, hence your goal is troll her plans into oblivion.

Note: The original weeaboo title literally translates to: Lose And The Monster Girls Rape You


Part 1 - The hero is some shota named Luka, a fucking dumbass who believes Illias is good but doesn't want to hate monsters girls as evil who, after he decided to masturbate over the body of an unconscious snake woman's tits, was then informed he had missed his chance to be a hero, so he decided he'd be a fake hero, and the snake chick (called Alice) decided to tag along so she could eat everything, including Luka's dick.

Along the way, Luka gets a sword made of melted angels, fights some lolis, gets his ass handed to him by a dragon girl who is lusted after by a blowjob machine with tits, gets stalked by a fucked up abomination called Amira, learns how to protect his pencil dick by getting a wind spirt to blow him and also learn how to stay hard via a loli in a raincaot.

Part 2- He continues his journey to be a fake hero, gets assraped by mutant flies, learns to to set his dick on fire and some useless water spells that don't do shit, finds out Ilias was evil all along and tells her to fuck off after a BDSM session with Alice.

Part 3- Not released yet, but is going to involve finding Illias and taking her down before she can destroy the world.


Luka - Shota who is originally an Iliasfag but comes to hate her moralfag ass (unless you side with her at the end of Part 2) and decides the snake girl with the big tits isn't as made of fail. Is the son of human and a fallen angel who can kick ass while he asleep, and while he's awake every monster girl rapes the shit out of him but somehow the game insists he's still a virgin until he fucks Alice towards the end of Part 2.

Alice - Short for the Unwarranted_self_importance ''Alipheese Fateburn 16th''. Her goal is eat fucking everything, including Luka's cock. She's really the Monster Lord (i.e. - Illias' most reviled troll), but Luka doesn't figured that shit out until she outright tells him.

Whenever she's not turning into a fatty and blowing up cooking pots she teaches Luka how to be something other than a shota rape magnet when she isn't giving him oral.

Eventually, Illias make him fight her, and afterwards he side with Alice and tell Illias to fuck herself or kill Alice, whereupon Illias rapes him for eternity.

Ilias - The bitch who made the world and wants to eliminate all the monster girls because they sex up more shota than she does. Hence, she puts the banhammer on fucking monster girls and plans to kill them all.

Ironically, she counts as a monster in game, which even the fucking game manual troll her about.

=The Four Heavenly Knights= [Four monster chicks who work for Alice.]

Granberia- Dragon girl who likes to fight a lot and one of the few monster girls with something on her mind aside from humping shota cock. Is lusted after by a princess named Sara, who she saved from raep.

Tamamo- Nine tailed fox girl who's life goal is to become a fatty after eating all the world's fried tofu and who taught Alice how to be a troll. Helps you ruin the Orochi's shit and then later ruins yours.

Alma Elma- Big titted succubus who wrecked a bunch of ships for shits and giggles who lets Luka win fights with her because she's lazy and prefers to have shota cock in her twat as opposed to actually doing her job.

Erubetie - Hates humans even though she gets her jollies fucking them because they turned her habitat into Goatse.

The Four Elemental Spirits

Sylph- A winged loli who gets the shit beaten out of her by the other spirits who can't fight worth shit, is dumb as fuck, and whose only use is teaching Luka how to blow away enemy attacks before they give him a blowjob.

Gnome- Emo loli in a raincoat who teaches Luka how to keep his dick stick so he can beat his enemies to death with it.

Undine- Even more emo loli made of water who starts out useless, who mostly gives out shitty upgrades to attacks he had since Part 1.

Salamander- Loli on fire who taught Granberia how to kick ass, but now she's more weak than most internet tough guys. Teaches Luka how to boost his power over nine thousand.

Amira the Unfortunate Lamia- Fugly snake head with woman legs who claims to be Luka's lover and bullshits every other sentence. Hands out a few tips, but mostly exists to troll hentaifags who want every monster girl to wave their airbrushed tits in their face.

Sara- Princess of a country whose founder fucked a Sphinx. Her father throws Luka at her yelling "RAPE HIM!" at one point, and Sara obliges by blowing Luka's dick. However, she really wants to eat out Granberia's scaly pussy.

TV Tropes related drama

During the Great Pedocide of April 2012, the page on this game was cut, which angered many who liked the plot and were pissed Fast Eddie and his goons sanitized the shit out all reference to the game.

Below is an archived copy of the main page on the game in question, in it's original HTML code.

Monster Girl Quest (aka Monmusu Quest: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Lose and the Girls Rape You]]) is an Template:Eroge created by a small doujin group, inspired by TheMonsterGirlEncyclopedia. So far, only the first two chapters have been released and only a fan-translation (albeit a high-quality one) is available. All in all three chapters are currently planned.

Set InAWorld where Template:Cute Monster Girls abound, the story follows CuteShotaroBoy Luka, a boy with aspirations of becoming a hero. On the day of his baptism as a Hero, his village is attacked by a slime girl. After defeating her and thus missing out on his baptism, Luka stumbles upon Alice, a lamia who apparently fell from the sky. After receiving a vision from the goddess Ilias, Luka resolves to set out on a quest to confront the BigBad Monster Lord in the hope of creating a world where humans and monsters can live together in harmony. Alice, seeing something special in Luka, decides to tag along under the pretense of seeing the world BigEater and all its delicacies.

Oh yeah, did we mention that the monster girls feed on and procreate with the semen of human males, usually against the man's will? To say that this game is explicit is to say that the Atlantic Ocean is damp. Just a heads up for anyone thinking of downloading it.

Progress on the English fan-translation can be followed at [RogueTranslator's blog] where you can get complete translations of the first 2 chapters.

TheWikiRule Now has [its own wiki]!

%%This page needs WikiMagic a helping hand!

!! Tropes appearing in this series:

  • AfterCombatRecovery: Somewhat justified since almost all monsters use

only pleasure attacks and any "recovery" is merely relaxing until the boner goes away. Turns out Luka can also recover from real wounds this way. -->Alice: What the hell is wrong with your body??

AliceInWonderLand Alice at first. But in second chapter, reveal that each Monster Lord take the name Alice after first one. Then you see Black Alice, a blond girl in blue dress, an earlier Monster Lord, spoiler:and she's working for Ilias.

  • AllWomenAreLustful: At least all the monster women are (Justfied since

their sustenance is male semen)

  • AlwaysChaoticEvil: Deconstructed. The human population as a whole

firmly believes that all monsters are evil, but they're as much victim as villain, and while they're most certainly rapists, they literally feed on sex, and the Church has decreed that any consenting partner is a heretic. Other than the rape part, monsters' alignment spans the gamut, with many vile monsters, many kind-hearted ones, and many in the middle, and many monsters (especially HornyDevils succubi) are quite happy to find compromises that allow them to meet consenting partners.

  • AManIsNotAVirgin: Subverted. Luka's first real intercourse (that

doesn't result in a GameOver) is near the end of Part 2.

  • ArtShift: Most of the major characters and some of the standard

monsters have much more impressive artwork than most due to differing artists. Sometimes this is themed; the enemies in the haunted mansion appear to be watercolours or something.

    • ArtEvolution: Judging from demo, Part 2 has much better art than Part

1. Luka's character portrait even looks Template:Badass.

  • AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The Monster Lord is chosen by taking all

the applicants and having them fight each other. Explicitly justified since there are powerful monsters out there, and if the Monster Lord wasn't the strongest, there would be no way to keep them in line. It is also noted that the daughter of every Monster Lord since the first has come out on top, a fact Alice takes great pride in.

  • AttackOfThe50FootWhatever: A giant sandworm girl. She rapes Luka by

simply picking him up and sucking on him like a lollipop.

    • Also the Koryuu, a giant dragon turtle which likewise takes Luka in

her mouth and sucks on him.

mention should go to the sheer amount of tentacles and [[SwallowedWhole soft core vore]].

  • AwesomeButImpractical: Quadruple Giga. Could OHKO any monster you meet

till the end of Part 2, but takes 4 rounds to charge and fails if you're attacked in that time.

  • BabiesEverAfter: With the harpies, the kitsunes and the slug girl if

you lose to them-- among many others. Luka even remarks in one case that it isn't so bad.

  • BadassAbnormal: Luka is far more powerful than any human [[spoiler:due

to his implied angel heritage]], letting him take on monsters that would require armies of normal humans to defeat.

  • BattleCouple: The ending of Part 2 implies that [[spoiler: Luka and

Alice will be this in Part 3.]]

  • BattleStrip, OneWingedAngel: When Lamia in the first chapter, Alma

Elma and Tamamo in the second, go all-out in their final battles against Luka, they strip down to the nude. It's probably symbolic of them shedding everything tying them down and showing Luka what they really are capable of...SarcasmMode although there [[SarcasmMode might be]] FanService other DistractedByTheSexy reasons. Tamamo puts them on again before using her final attack, though.

  • BetterThanABareBulb: There is a lot of LampshadeHanging about [=RPGs=].
  • BigBad: The Monster Lord. [[spoiler: DarkIsNotEvil Or so

LightIsNotGood Luka thinks BiggerBad at first]].

  • BigEater: Alice.
  • BiTheWay: The Scorpion Girl seems just as content with raping girls as

she is with raping guys.

    • Sara's in love with Granberia, but doesn't seem to have a problem

giving Luka a blowjob as a reward for his help.

  • BloodKnight: Granberia. She is of the WouldNotShootACivilian variety

and doesn't actually kill anyone. She is also one of the few enemies that doesn't use "pleasure" attacks against Luka and actually fights him.

  • BloodSplatteredWarrior: Alice's state after fighting and killing

dozens if not hundreds of chimera monsters. She even notes none of the blood on her is her own.

  • BodyHorror: The Chimera monsters.
    • The Suck Vore is created from a human woman. We get to see the

process in the recent patch.

of the game and unlocked by completing the Monsterpedia

  • BoringButPractical: Plot-wise. The Enrikan Shirt looks like a mundane

shirt, but is really the best piece of protection gear in Iliasburg weapon shop. Most heroes (Including Luka, at first) ignore it in favor of something cooler.

  • BossRush: [[spoiler:Against the four knights at the end of the sequel,

and this time, they're not holding back.]]

  • BreakingTheFourthWall: All the time.
  • BreakTheCutie: Luka, consider what he goes and went through. However,

SubvertedTrope no, he's not so bad yet, but who knows.

  • BrutalHonesty: Many examples, both straight and [[CassandraTruth


--> Soldier A: BlatantLies I came to defend this village! Even if I'm left completely exhausted, I won't regret it! --> Alice: ...Damn pervert. --> Soldier B: I came here to have sex with a Succubus! If I'm left completely exhausted, that will be my reward! --> Alice: ...Damn honest.

she's a complete pushover, she does have higher quality art and more rape scenes than most monsters.

  • Template:Cap: Fight with cursed book pages consists of Page 17, Page 257

and Page 65537. They are all common powers of two, plus one.

  • CapeWings: The loli Vampire Girl has them, although she isn't

particularly Template:Badass.

  • ChandlersLaw: Most of the conversations end with "and then a monster


  • ChekhovsGun: Many.
    • The massacre at Remina, apparently perpetrated by monsters against

humans. Alice later reveals that [[spoiler:the monsters cohabiting the town were also killed]], leaving the exact details of the event a mystery. In second chapter, Luka can visit the ruin of Remina and [[spoiler:find some angel's feathers there, along with few Chimera Beasts.]] If there's any doubt,[[spoiler:if Luka doesn't kill Alice, Ilias will say she have to do it again. Then angelic attack on Monster Lord castle start, and it's clear no ordinary monsters stand a chance against angels.]]

    • Luka's mother's ring, which is brought up multiple times and from

which Alice feels no magic whatsoever. Tamamo points out in the second chapter that this kind of ring always emits some magic power, so it's actually odd that it doesn't.

    • The mystery behind Luka's powers that he can only use while unconscious.
    • The orbs, two of which can be found during the first chapter. Alice

reacts to the discovery of the first with some concern, but says it's OK so long as there's only one. It may be fortunate for Luka that she isn't with him when he receives the second. Their actual function involves some kind of "Holy Wings." In second chapter, [[spoiler:they're used to summon Garuda.]]

    • The scientist who comes to visit Chrome at the haunted mansion and

Lily at the witch mansion. In second chapter, [[spoiler:she's Promesthein, TheDragon to Ilias.]]

  • ChronicHeroSyndrome
  • ContractualGenreBlindness: Luka is more often this than

DangerouslyGenreSavvy. He knows that acting like an IdiotHero is well ... idiotic, but it's often the right thing to do!

  • ControllableHelplessness: Take hit from certain moves, and you can't

get free no matter how many times you tell Luka to struggle.

  • CorruptTheCutie: Many, many Monsters do this to Luka if they get their

hands on him.

  • CrapsackWorld: Nevermind monster girls raping every man in their

sight, morals and racism are getting more and more rotten in this game. SarcasmMode Gee, thanks a lot, KnightOfCerebus Ilias Kreuz!

  • CreepyChild: The first impression you will get from Chrome, and

ItGotWorse. spoiler:Black Alice is as bad.

  • CreepyDoll: The Cursed Doll in haunted house. As well as Gnome's Mud


  • CrucifiedHeroShot: One of the preview [=CGs=] for part 3 shows Luka

being held in such a pose by spoiler:angels while being raped.

  • CrystalDragonJesus: The religion that worships Ilias.
  • CurbStompBattle: Monsters often tend to underestimate Luka.

[[spoiler:Especially when he's LimitBreak asleep.]]

    • Picking a fight with Alice or Tamamo will grant Luka a quick defeat.
  • CuteAndPsycho: spoiler:Cupid from the end of second chapter, has a

full dose of Template:Moe, a playful smile, and has way too much fun killing monsters.

  • CuteMonsterGirl: The entire game revolves around them.

are [[Template:Moe cute]], some are HotAsHell sexy, some are so-so and some are downright NightmareFuel.

their hentai variants, lampshades and mocks every one of them, and then takes them apart and shows how it would really work if those cliches were actually played for story drama, all the time being very aware of how it still plays those cliches straight and often pokes fun at itself.

lord castle at the end of the second game in the trilogy.

  • TheDitz: The Kraken at the bottom of the Sea Temple. Unlike most sea

creatures she's pretty friendly, but has a tendency to jump to conclusions, leading to a boss battle. Later hinted that [[spoiler:she might not be ObfuscatingStupidity so ditzy after all.]]

accidentally squish your level one arse into paste with her little finger in the tutorial if you don't tell her not to.

  • DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnMale: You wouldn't be playing it otherwise.

In the first chapter alone, Alice forces herself on Luka three times (each increasingly intimate), although whether Luka actually has a problem with it remains to be seen.

    • Near the end of Part 2 [[spoiler: they finally have sex. It's still

presented as rape.]]

  • ElementalPowers: The elemental spirits and the [[FourIsDeath Four

Heavenly Knights]]. The bandits go for the theme, but don't quite pull it off.

and Alma Elma, the HornyDevil Succubus of the Heavenly Knights.

    • DishingOutDirt: Gnome, the great spirit of earth and Tamamo, the

Template:Kitsune of the Heavenly Knights.

    • MakingASplash: Undine, the great spirit of water and Erubetie, the

[[spoiler:BlobMonster Slime]] of the Heavenly Knights.

    • PlayingWithFire: Salamander, the great spirit of fire and Granberia,

the OurDragonsAreDifferent Dragon of the Heavenly Knights.

  • EngagementChallenge: Many monster races have some sort of requirement

before marriage can happen. Luka actually ends up assisting in two different ones.

    • Alice will only marry [[AllAmazonsWantHercules a man stronger than

her]]. spoiler:So Luka qualifies now.

Granberia, as long as you don't lose to her.

    • The Dragon Pup is also an exception unless you lose, as well - this

may be the case for all dragons, as they are warriors at heart.

  • ExplosiveBreeder: Harpies are explicitly stated to be an example.
    • But they got nothing on [[spoiler:the Beelzebubs. If the 3 sealed on

Selene's ship had broken free, they apparently would have overrun the entire world in short order.]]

  • FakeDifficulty: Prominent in the first game, irritatingly common

in the second. Notably, in some battles of Part 2, no matter how cautious the player plays, your survival hinges on Sylph's dodge buff - LuckBasedMission which triggers completely at random.

  • FakeUltimateHero: Many baptized heroes are in for profit and not being

so brave. Many characters acknowledge this.

    • Luka's repeatly called this by Alice. Ironically, he's more heroic

than any H-Game hero can be.

  • FanNickname: Some have taken to call Luka

"Luka[[spoiler:SuperpoweredEvilSide fer]]".

  • FanTranslation: Could almost be considered an adaptation, as the

translator also tried his best to fix issues with saving the game on non-japanese systems.

in Illias. [[spoiler: Luka meets several, though there may be BadassAbnormal other forces at play.]]

  • FourIsDeath: The Four Heavenly Knights or the Shitennō.
  • FourthWallObserver: A few members of the main cast and recurring


    • Amira the Unfortunate Lamia, and by extension Luka.

--> Luka: Why is she posing like that? --> Amira: I don't have a choice. I only have this one picture. Also, in this position, I can keep my eye on the 'skip' button. --> Luka: Hey! Don't talk about your own CG!

    • Alice riducules the character for maintaining a useless technique on

his skill bar.

    • There's a scholar in San Illia who mentions that he's found a passage

in a book stating that anyone who annoys Illias with repeated 'Evalution Meetings' will be punished. Of course, he has no idea what that means, so it's more like he's just noticed the Fourth Wall.

    • Ilias is also aware of the Fourth Wall.

--> Ilias: Remember Luka, I am always watching over you, even on the Status Screen!

  • GodOfEvil: The first Monster Lord, whose Alice mention during the

Haunted House quest. spoiler:Ilias as well.

  • GoodIsNotDumb: Luka, in spite of Alice's [[WideEyedIdealist first


  • GoodThingYouCanHeal: The skill you use most throughout the game is

Meditation, which regenerates half your health.

  • GreyAndGrayMorality: On the one hand, many of the monsters really are

dangerous, ranging from the simply jerkass to AlwaysChaoticEvil beings like the Ropers. On the other, Ilias's religion is driving many species to extinction, and even docile monsters like Mermaids are the target of pro-Ilias terrorists.

  • GuideDangIt: Some of the fights are ridiculously difficult, or even

luck-based on the higher difficulties. This is especially frustrating with certain enemies who have instant-win attacks that you barely get a warning for.

    • The second Granberia fight. To win, you have to use three out of five

currently available special attacks, and you have just about enough time to build up enough SP to use them. And it's not entirely clear which ones you are meant to use. (To be honest, though, moderately obvious which specials you are supposed to use, since the three you're supposed to use are the only ones that actually cause damage).

    • Any bind of the "attack to escape" variety. There's little to no

indication that it will be different than the regular "struggle to break free" kind, unless you pay incredible attention to detail (either the monster's body type or the text itself).

    • Then again, Ilias provides a pretty good guide after you lose any

battle for the first time.

human males are monster girls, though a human male may rarely be born. There is also a chance that the human male may inherit his mother's ability to use magic.

    • The royal family of Sabasa are descendants of spoiler: the Sphinx.
    • [[spoiler:Alice can't detect any monster powers in Luka... because

it's implied he's descended from a fallen angel, not a monster.]]

  • HarderThanHard: Hell difficulty. Only accessible through the

Encyclopedia, [[FakeDifficulty and the outcome is mostly based on pure luck]].

    • The Mimic, fortunately an optional encounter.
  • HaveANiceDeath: Ilias will always provide helpful advice whenever you

get a bad end, but, humorously, as time goes on she becomes more and more suspicious that you're losing on purpose, and her comments only get funnier.

  • HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler:Alice's mother, the previous Monster Lord.

When heroes approached the castle, she went out alone to meet them knowing that they would kill her, but hoping that they'd spread her final message of peace to the world. It almost worked.]]

    • Again with [[spoiler:Alice herself in a deliberate reenactment at the

end of Part 2, this time with Luka as the hero. More of a SelfSacrificeScheme when it's revealed that she's been carrying the baggage of her mother's death with her all along. Luka points out that it's more of a SenselessSacrifice, since during their travels together, they've seen plenty of evidence that the killing will only increase afterward.]]

    • Played straight by the pirate queen Selene. After opening a certain

box and [[spoiler:unleashing a trio of voracious fly-demons, she threw up a barrier around her ship, sealing herself, her crew, and the demons within]]. Alice remarks that [[spoiler:given the Beelzebub monster's ExplosiveBreeder high reproduction rate]], this act in all likelihood saved the world.

  • HeyYou: Alice initially addresses Luka with [[JapanesePronouns

'kisama']]. This is either archaic and very polite or incredibly disrespectful and offensive. Given Alice's personality, it could be either one (but more likely the latter).

  • HopelessBossFight: Tamamo, and the Sphinx. Both are optional though.

Played with on numerous occasions when it's made clear that you can't actually defeat the boss, you just have to wait out the fight until something happens.

    • Both fights against spoiler:Alice are optional and unwinnable.
    • Fights against the four knights always seem hopeless and you usually

can't defeat them normally.

      • At the end of Part 2 Luka is finally strong enough to fight them.
  • HowUnscientific: Alice repeatedly says that things like ghosts are

superstitions and not real. Hearing that from [[spoiler:the Monster Lord]] makes it only more ridiculous. Then we find out she is strikingly scared of ghosts.

  • IdiotHero: Luka. It's mostly due to a lack of worldly knowledge, however.
    • HiddenDepths: [[spoiler: Luka turns out to be more of a

KnightInSourArmor that is trying to atone for his father's creation of the WellIntentionedExtremist Terrorist group Ilias Kreuz.]]

  • ILoveTheDead: Not by choice. Lose to any of the undead enemies in the

game and you are (naturally) raped; lose to [[FrankensteinsMonster Frederika]] and [[spoiler:you're locked in a dark room with her for a full year, being forcefully kept alive and raped every second of every day for eternity.]]

    • Although with the Zombie girls, Luka quickly begins to enjoy the fact

there's many of them.

descendant of Heinrich]].

revealed a lot earlier than one would expect.

of men and even her own daughter is devoured by her own body when Alice turns her attack against her. Luka is immobilized during this and thus not able to use his usual merciful methods.]]

  • KidHero: Luka. There are also kid villains, the Four Bandits --

which are, of course, taken all but seriously.

blessed by Illias is the ability to go into homes and take stuff. --> Luka: Being a Hero has a lot of perks, you know. You get the respect of the people, cheap rates at inns, and you can even walk into people's houses and take stuff! --> Alice: Walk into people's houses and take things...? Are you a thief or something? --> Luka: [[TakeThatAudience There have been some who have abused that privilege. I don't think someone like that is a true hero, though.]]

  • LegalJailbait: Many of the monsters are very young-looking, but are

OlderThanTheyLook. Most prominently Tamamo.

  • LevelDrain: The Lencubus from the sequel does this if she manages to

pin you down.

  • LightIsNotGood / LightIsGood: Depends on your opinion of Ilias.
    • The end of Part 2 answers that question. [[spoiler: [[LightIsNotGood

It's definitely not good.]]]]

  • LoopholeAbuse: [[spoiler: Alice wanted to have sex would Luka, but

Luka forbade sex with monsters. Then Alice turned herself into a human and raped him]].

    • Hinted in Chrome's profile. She promised Luka she wouldn't experiment

with corpses again, so she began researching ghosts instead.

girl has different plans for you, with some dragging you off as a slave (or even a husband!) rather than raping you to death/eating you.

    • Also, you can get a game over within two choices, and about five

lines. How? Ignore a Goddess.

    • Several monsters have two rape scenes, as well. A few have three.
    • It's possible to die three times before actually fighting a monster.
  • MayflyDecemberRomance: Any relationship between a monster and human is

this, unless the monster chooses to seal herself and become a human.

    • This is PlayedForDrama [[spoiler: with the relationship between the

first king of Sabasa and TheSphinx. She could have turned him into a monster, but he refused. She could have sealed herself into a human and died with him, but she was scared of death and that any memory of him will be gone from this world. So she [[TakeAThirdOption took a third option]] and decided to live without him.]]

  • MermaidProblem: Does not apply; every girl is fully functional,

although their sexual organs are often somewhat different from those of a human. RuleOfSexy Not that anyone cares. The more human-looking monsters, like lamias, are pretty much humans with monster bits tacked on, so it makes sense for them to be compatible with humans.

    • Well, not all of them are fully functional, but all monsters will

have at least some way of sexually violating Luka.

  • MonsterLord: Referred to by this name specifically.
  • MoodWhiplash:
    • The Haunted House subquest swings back-and-forth between the horrors

of Chrome's reanimated undead, and cute chibi sprites of Alice being scared of ghosts.

    • The good ending of chapter 2 starts off upbeat with [[spoiler:Luka

declaring Ilias as a monster and the true enemy of humanity, and effortlessly dodging her BoltOfDivineRetribution]]. Then it's followed by a WhamEpisode.

  • MsFanService: Alice, naturally. She has a stonking great rack, a

very shapely form and wears very little in her human form. As well as a badass tattoo. She also regularly "milks" Luka.

    • Not that she wears much more in her monster girl form either, and of

course a UnusualEuphemism flower girl asks if she and Alice work in the same profession.

  • MultiBoobage: Less than you might expect, although the Tarantula girl

does have 3 pairs of breasts on the underside of her spider body, as well as the pair on her human torso.

    • The Cerberus in part 2 has 3 pairs of breasts to go with her 3 heads.

She also has even more nipples below them.

    • Taken to its logical extreme by the Beelzebubs, whose abdomens are

covered in many pairs of giant breasts.

fulfill your duty as the Chosen One and hook up with Ilias or spare Alice, causing Ilias to turn against you.]]

    • The former option is a NonStandardGameOver though, since you can't

continue to the third game with it.

      • Well duh. How would you be supposed to carry on with the entire last

third of the trilogy when [[spoiler:you've killed the BigGood and sided with the EvilGod]]?

  • NobleDemon: Granberia. She seems to avoid lethal attacks against

unworthy opponents and despises those who attack the weak.

  • NonindicativeName: The Four Heavenly Knights serve the MonsterLord,

not CrystalDragonJesus Ilias like the name implies.

    • Also, Angel Halo is an ObviouslyEvil ImpossiblyCoolWeapon.
    • It's called Angel Halo because it's forged from 666 angels fused


      • And as an obvious ShoutOut to Anime/MobileSuitVictoryGundam.
    • Also, the Suck Vore's defeat scene isn't actually a vore scene. No,


  • NonMammalMammaries: Plants, spiders and books pretty much all have


  • NonstandardGameOver: Every single lost combat encounter -- yes,

every single one -- results in Luka being raped. Sometimes he even enjoys it and survives, but many end with him dying of exhaustion, dehydration or being eaten.

    • Well, there's one exception -- if the Sphinx hits you with Kiss of

Death, ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin you die. OneHitKill Instantly.

    • If anything, this is TheManyDeathsOfYou in action. A more accurate

version of this would be [[spoiler:any of the three deaths you can face before the first battle, or picking the wrong gift from Tamamo in the cave -- it's not a normal death, but the game's over anyway. The second chance you get to fight Alice may also be this as well as it doesn't even bother with going into a proper battle.]]

  • NotQuiteBackToNormal: The "Witch Hunt" sidequest involves a witch

turning human girls into NaughtyTentacles tentacled monsters. After the witch is defeated, Luka apparently "seals" the girls' transformations... except not really, and they still can PartialTransformation sprout LovecraftianSuperpower tentacles at will.

    • Something similar happens with Succubus Village, where Alice's

revitalizing spell (which she uses to attempt to heal up the men who were attacked) accidentally unseals all the Succubi Luka spent the entire quest sealing up. Apparently, once someone becomes a monster, the change is irreversible, and can only be mitigated at best. This has interesting implications in a later sidequest, too.

  • NotSoDifferent: Illias Kreuz's anti-monster terrorist Lazarus to Luka.

outcasts in their own villages, and both were persecuted by others at a young age.

  • ObviouslyEvil: Any sword skill that Alice teaches Luka since they are

monster skills. Like many other things, this is lampshaded. The EvilWeapon sword(ImpossiblyCoolWeapon ?), Angel Halo, that Alice gives Luka early on takes this trope UpToEleven since it is made out of NumberOfTheBeast 666 EyeOfNewt melted angels.

it might not be so evil.]]

  • OminousSavePrompt: In the translation you can only save at specific

places, usually before battles. This is due to a technical difficulty involving the game engine refusing to play nice with English text. Most ways of bypassing this problem can result in save corruption, so the translator put these in mostly for convenience's sake. The fact that they double as a battle warning is just a pleasant side-effect.

with Alice's Omega Fire spell. OhCrap ensues.

  • OutWithABang: Even the monsters that only want to eat Luka have sex

with him before doing so (Or even while doing so).

  • PaletteSwap: The uncorrupted Elf you meet in Sylph's forest uses the

same model as the Dark Elf Fencer you met earlier in the game, although they changed a few details like the clothes, hairsyle and weapon, as well as the obvious skin tone shift. Even the hentai CG is the exact same pose.

    • More prominent in the sequel, where single-color translucent

silhouettes of monster girls are presented in various parts.

  • PoorCommunicationKills:
    • One of the reasons for the decline in human-monster relations in

recent times.

    • The reason for the boss fight with the Kraken, thanks to the fact

that she is TheDitz.

    • Despite appearing near the very end of the first game, Gnome can be

seen hitting Sylph twice before that game's end. Her profile notes that she just doesn't know how to express her feelings (and Sylph still considers her as her best friend).

without any sex scenes. A search for people who would prefer it like that is currently underway.

  • PressXToDie: Surprisingly often, though occasionally,

StupidityIsTheOnlyOption is played straight instead. It all depends whether or not the morally right choice is the only logical choice or an illogical one.

    • There also is the "suicide for fun" variety in that you can request a

monster to use an attack on you until you are defeated. This however is reserved for replaying the game or choosing a fight from the encyclopedia and sometimes invokes a sexy or snarky comment from the monster at hand as well.

  • PublicDomainSoundtrack: Several pieces of music in the game are famous

pieces of classical music:

    • Amira the Unfortunate Lamia's theme is

[[ Profokiev's "Montagues and Capulets"/"Dance of the Knights"]] from his ballet of RomeoAndJuliet.

    • The theme of San Ilia Castle is

[[,_Op._9_%28Chopin%29 Chopin's "Nocturne In E-Flat Major, Op.9 No.2"]].

    • The Sabasa Castle theme is

[[ Elgar's "Land of Hope and Glory"]] from his Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1.

  • PuzzleBoss: Several encounters boil down to this, and a majority of

fights require you to perform certain actions (especially once you have Sylph and Gnome's abilities, which can block instant-death attacks and let you escape from binds more quickly respectively). Granberia is the most common opponent to be fought like this.

  • ReallySevenHundredYearsOld: Several of the more powerful monsters are

this, most notably Tamamo. Alice and Granberia, however, are subversions. Everyone (including Luka) thinks they have to be a couple centuries old, at least, but in the second game they're revealed to be only twenty-two and twenty-five respectively.

  • RoaringRampageOfRevenge: In the second game, the plant and insect

monsters of Plansect Forest are in the middle of a civil war. After talking to the plant monsters, Luka carves his way to the leader of the insects and seals her. [[spoiler:The plants then start killing the defeated insects, claiming it is their right as victors]]. Luka goes ballistic, and seals everyone.

  • SaveThePrincess: Even Luka calls it a cliche. [[spoiler: Subverted

since the princess wasn't kidnapped in the first place and is actually a BadassPrincess. Played straight, when the reason for Sara's crush on the dragon, Granberia, becomes apparent, which Luka also calls cliche.]]

    • [[spoiler: Of course, BadassPrincess or not, Sara is a great deal

weaker than the superhuman Luka, so you're still mostly on your own. Nevermind not nearly as well-equipped.]]

      • [[spoiler: You even get an achievement if you somehow manage to get

Sara kill a monster.]]

    • [[spoiler:Played straight in the second game where she actually

is kidnapped by monsters and you have to rescue her.]]

  • SchmuckBait: The Imp. It's so weak (especially compared to Luka) that

she actually offers sexual favours to Luka as a bribe to not hurt her. However, if you allow her to actually have sex with Luka, [[WhatAnIdiot she catches him in an inescapable attack and defeats him, mocking him for being so stupid as to lose to someone as weak as her.]]

  • ScreenShake: Strong attacks give the screen a good dosing of this,

usually accompanied by a loud crash.

  • SdrawkcabName: Amira the Lamia. The kana used for lamia in Japanese is

ラミア (ramia). Reverse the order and you get アミラ (amira).

be linked to (and played through) in Part 2 as a double campaign, and once Part 3 is released, you will be able to link all three parts together into one huge storyline. %% ShoutOut moved to the trivia tab. %%

  • SingleGenderRace: All monster girls, obviously.
  • SlapSlapKiss: For all the abuse Luka has to suffer from Alice, she is

actually rather fond of him, and he warms up to her as well. spoiler:By the end of the sequel, they're more or less a couple.

  • SomethingCompletelyDifferent: Just to really mess with the

player's mind, the one and only human-on-human h-scene is by far the most jarring in the whole game. It's not just the contrast with the monster girl sex previously... it's also the fact that the girl isn't into guys in the first place.

IOweYouMyLife she saved her and because she admires her strength. Luka's comments give the impression that she hasn't even considered the fact that they're both girls. Or possibly she's just BiTheWay bi.

  • SortingAlgorithmOfEvil: It's pretty convenient for Luka that that the

first two elementals, Sylph and Gnome, are lacking at combat experience. Sylph, the first one, even has no offensive ability.

    • Luka promptly lampshades it, when it's subverted with one of the

Heavenly Knights appearing in the first city he visits.

  • TheSphinx: Who, of course, uses The RiddleOfTheSphinx. Even Luka

Lampshades how everyone knows the answer to that riddle. [[spoiler: The riddle is used to illustrate how [[WeAreAsMayflies short the human life]] is compared to a monsters and the issues of a MayflyDecemberRomance.]]

  • StoryBreakerPower: If Luka fought asleep all the time he would never

lose. Is actually invoked by Alice [[spoiler: when the Kraken creates an impenetrable shield. Luka's Superpowered Sleeping Side smashes it in one attack.]]

    • By the end of the sequel, Luka is already more powerful than his

sleeping self in the first game ever was, stronger than even Alice, meaning that no monster on the face of the planet could defeat him. [[spoiler:Of course, Ilias's angels and Black Alice's archfiends and elite monsters are also stronger than regular monsters, so it kind of evens out. That his strength is heavily reliant on summoning the elementals may also be countered by the artificial elementals his enemies are making.]]

    • Explained in chapter 2: [[spoiler:Using Lukafer mode in excess will

eventually consume Luka and turn him into a being of pure holy energy.]]

  • SuperDeformed:
    • The elementals have this as one of their poses.
    • The Four Bandits as well.
    • Even Alice, but only when she's really, really scared.
    • Tamamo has one near the end.
  • SuperpoweredEvilSide: [[spoiler: If Luka ever happens to fall asleep,


    • Though it is powerful, there is no proof that it's actually evil.

Then again, it does use skills like [[spoiler:FallenAngel Dance, Heavenly Demon Revival, and Nine Fold [Rakshasa], so...]]

      • It's also tied by the weapon he uses, which guarantees that he can't

kill anyone.

  • SupervillainLair: Luka's surprised the monster Lord's castle does look

pretty normal. Alice then asks [[Template:LampshadeHanging why she would choose to live in an unpleasant looking place]].

  • SwallowedWhole: There are so many vore scenes that the game gives you

the option to turn them off. Special mention goes to the Suck Vore though.

  • SwordOfPlotAdvancement: Parodied with the Goddess Sword. Alice

politely shows how useless it is to Luka by shattering it, so Luka doesn't have to go through the trouble of getting the blessing of the three sages. Played straight, however, with the MayContainEvil Angel SelectivelyLethalWeapon Halo PoweredByAForsakenChild Blade.

  • TakingYouWithMe: When she realizes she's losing her battle with Luka,

[[spoiler: Erubetie grabs hold and prepares to turn herself into a hydrogen bomb (!) to take him down. He does manage to talk her out of it.]]

  • TenchiSolution: How the Harpy Village quest is resolved.
  • TestosteronePoisoning: The King of Sabasa. He looks like a blonde,

bearded VideoGame/BlazBlue Bang Shishigami!

  • TheThemeParkVersion: In-universe example. As the story progresses,

Luka realizes how much the legend of hero Heinrich was distorted. For example, [[spoiler:his WeaponOfChoice was the Angel Halo, not Goddess Sword.]]

  • TookALevelInBadass: The Crab Girl comes back in chapter two for a

rematch, mentioning that she's been training ever since her previous sealing so as to defeat Luka.

  • Template:Tsundere:
    • Alice. She starts to slide into DefrostingIceQueen territory fairly

quickly though, and she's more of a JerkAss than just plain cruel.

    • Granberia becomes this in chapter two. Lose to her, and she'll start

blushing before she rapes him. In fact, the whole H-scene feels like one big deredere moment for Granberia, especially the way it ends.

    • Luka toward Alice as well.
  • TheUnchosenOne: Luka fails to become an official hero within minutes

of the game. It doesn't stop him from trying to slay the MonsterLord and achieve his dream of trying to bring peace between monsters and humans.

    • Made even more interesting in that Ilias always reminds Luka that he

IS TheChosenOne, even though her absence was the very reason he didn't become an official hero.

      • Later explained that [[spoiler: Ilias purposefully left him

unbaptized to see if an unbaptized Hero could kill the Monster Lord without being tempted by the monsters.]]

  • ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill: Using the Quadruple Giga against the Imp or

Tamamo. One is the weakest enemy in both parts and will stand still absolutely terrified of the building power of the skill. The other will be so weakened that she won't be able to put up any defense and a normal attack will be enough to defeat her.

    • To elaborate, the imp will be at first confused of you using so much

magic against her, then she will be frightened the moment she understands what are you about to do, and in the final moments, she will try to run away from you.

    • "Even the imp's scream is sealed"
  • UselessUsefulSpell: Undine and Salamander. Completely useless when you

get them and even after their first upgrades they still have huge downsides.

    • Once you get their second upgrades, however, they become {{Game

Breaker}}s- or they would be if you weren't by that stage fighting opponents powerful enough to NEED it!

  • VideoGameCrueltyPotential: Imp, meet Quadruple Giga. You even get an

achievement for it.

    • You can also use it on Tamamo and spoiler:Alice while they are down.
  • WhamEpisode: The end of the second chapter, [[spoiler:Ilias finally

shows her insane side and is going to destroy both the humans and the monsters. Turns out that high-rank monsters can't even scratch angels, the Four Heavenly Knights get badly beaten by special Chimera Beasts, and Promestein effortlessly avoids Luka's attack using an artificial version of Sylph. In other words, the heavenly forces are on a completely different level than everything you've seen so far.]]

Granberia to the Monster Lord's castle. She is not mentioned again.

  • WhatTheHellPlayer: Ilias's general reaction as you [[HaveANiceDeath

come to see her]] more and more often.

crippling fear of ghosts.

learn his backstory.

  • YouDontWantToDieAVirginDoYou: Near the end of the second chapter,

Alice finally decides that since Luka's about to walk into the most dangerous place on the planet, she might as well do away with his TechnicalVirgin status. Not that she really gives him any choice. spoiler:Turns out she was applying this to herself as well.

  • YouHaveResearchedBreathing: Alice teaches Luka how to meditate to help

Luka focus his mind in battle. She mentions how FallenAngel Erigora had the ability to heal his wounds with meditation, but lampshades how obvious of a lie it is. To her amazement, fear, and utter bewilderment, DoubleSubverted meditation actually [[Template:Foreshadowing does heal Luka's wounds.]]

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