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Garbage in, Garbage Out is one of the oldest computer-related acronyms. It may even predate online printers.

GIGO in Action

Despite being one of the simplest foundation concepts in all technology, some persist in the belief that machines think like people, lately that's largely because of Google. When they type in "ferri pron", Google comes up with only a few initial hits. But the search engine for the illiterate sees that the IP address is American and automatically cross-references a list for similarly spelled, heavily searched words and sends back some popular links. They click a likely candidate and read up on all the disgusting unicorn diaper-fetish material WikiFur has to offer.

When they're EDiting, coding, scripting or using a calculator sloppily, however; the machine picks up GIGO and slaps them in the face with mechanical intolerance, facepainting the display with their own cancer. They say to their fellow furries, "why can't PCs be user-friendly" and Steve Job's ear perks up, figuring he can pawn another iBook on somebody who wants a rainbow background for their MySpace page and retard-proof graphical programs so they can upload "original" material to DA.

GIGO is part of a series on acronyms


Internets Lingo


Other Lingo


Internet Places/Group


Moar Internet Shit


IRL Acronyms


Bad Acronyms


GIGO is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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