Bonita Tindle

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Bonita Tindle is the latest soldier for an increasingly warped vision of IRL justice, whose methods of preventing cultural appropriation alarmed the Internet at large last week. Cory Goldstien, a white student at SFSU (of course), was stalked down two flights of stairs, then assaulted by Tindle as he blatantly flaunted his appropriation of "her" culture having twisted the smelly clumps of his unwashed hair into dreadlocks. This triggered Bonita, and her natural reaction to Goldstein's culturetheft was to re-appropriate his hair, demanding a pair of scissors and pulling Goldstein down a flight of concrete stairs.


Because a deranged black person stalking a greasy white trust fund hipster down a lonely stairway isn't suspicious at all, a passing student of Lulz Theory 201 took notice this and began to record. The high yellow reptoid-hipster stood as backup while Ms Tindle attempted in vain to grab the greasy hipster, whose shitty hygiene enabled his escape. Old media reacted with a sigh, the misogynists had a field day and the stupid burned enough that someone wrote a shitty ED article about it.

Why are you filming this?


—Bonita, prefers to assault people without cameras


After the video came out, the Internet reacted with outrage and mock outrage. Bonita reacted by deleting her LinkedIn which had described her as "Cinematographer, Photographer, Editor, Journalist, Media Specialist." So her plan is to go into old media. Great.

Cory, being a pretty cool guy, decided not to press charges, although he said "I did file a formal campus police report and I decided to let the education system deal with her", and they plan to. Because Goldstein is a Jew, he capitalized on this by updating his Soundcloud description, and certain clickbait sites cited this as evidence that Cory intends to cash in on this assault... because that would be unreasonable. e_e

The high yellow hipster who stood idly by surely noticed the camera but didn't tell Bonita. This was one element of the video that led some to believe the video was fake, but EDiots theorize he is an agent of the lulz and perhaps coerced Ms Tindle's autistic outburst.

See also

External links

Bonita Tindle is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Bonita Tindle is part of a series on Education

[Drop OutGo To School]