Brett Kavanaugh

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Kavanaugh confirmed 50-48. Massive libtard/antifa/communist meltdown imminent!!!
Brett Kavanaugh, as he appears IRL.

Brett Michael Kavanaugh is a Jewnited States Supreme Court Justice who is most notable for looking like a gayer and more effeminate version of Nathan Fillion and for the unrivaled feminist SJW meltdown that occurred after President Donald J. Trump nominated him to fill the recently vacated seat of former Supreme Court Justice and Immortal Dark Lich, Lord of the Nether Realm, Anthony Kennedy.

Not even five seconds after his nomination was announced by Drumpf, the usual suspects had already begun freaking out on Twitter: SJWs, Planned Parenthood TERFs, Feminists, Fake News and other facets of the mainstream media, despite Kavanaugh being a milquetoast centre (FUCK OFF, BRITFAGS) CENTER-right justice corporate-state-butt-boy who would have been considered centre left 9 years ago. There were also protests going on in Washington DC because of Kavanaugh's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh is also known for organizing weekend gang rape parties in high school that were so fucking awesome that college-age women would keep coming back every week so they could experience moar brutal rape at the hands of a bunch of drunken frat boys who were too fucking wasted to even be able to stick it in the right hole.

Kavanaugh Fake Rape Accuser

Absolutely unrapeable. Not even worth storing in a freezer for later use.
Christine Margaret Blasey Ford

3872 Duncan Pl
Palo Alto, CA 94306-4548
Phone Numbers
(650) 704-5505 - Wireless
(650) 561-3433 - LandLine/Services
(650) 575-5775 - Wireless
(808) 983-9312 - Wireless
(650) 493-1877 - LandLine/Services



—L.J. Rivers, posting dox he found with Google (archive)

"Bishop" Larry Jerome Rivers thought it a good idea to dox Christine Blasey Ford & tell MAGAs to go after her. Well, Larry, I've got your number, & your address, & your criminal record. Quite the grifter. Probably a bad idea to let you near the collection plate. Leave her alone.


—BillyBrawler, doxing a man to help in the fight against doxing (archive)

So....Christine Margaret Blasey Ford..parents are Mr and Mrs Ralph Blasey of Potomac. Russell Biddle Ford (her husband) parents are John Bailey Ford of Scottsdale,Arizona and Mrs Ruth Guthery of Wyckoff,New Jersey.

Married in 2002 in Half Moon Bay,California


—Helly_283 (archive)

Christine Middle NameBlasey Last NameFord Birth Information Age51 Birth Date November 28, 1966 Astrological SignSagittarius Known Aliases Christine Margaret Blasey Christine B Ford Christine Margaret Ford Christine M Blasey


—drbrijo (archive)

The Situation In a Nutshell

File:Kavanaugh Pepe 1538870838705.jpg

See Also

Dear God, why does he have the body of an 8-year-old boy and the face of a 60-year-old woman?

External links

Brett Kavanaugh
is part of a series on Politics.
Ideologies: [You are wrong!We are right!]

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Issues: [Fuck it, Too lazy.Get it fixed!]

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Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

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Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

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See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade

Brett Kavanaugh
is part of a series on Donald Trump.

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