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Some images of LIAT's psychopathic brother WeatherManKevin.--zaiger (talk) 23:44, 19 June 2011 (UTC)

Hope you don't mind but...

I'm going to be taking out the uncyclopediaish jokes from the article.


02:58, 20 June 2011 (UTC)


What the fuck happened to this article?--ThePooThatTookaPee 22:54, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

A bigger threat than LIAT

A lot of people including me have a problem with MeganSpeaks, the biggest attention whore on YouTube. Every today's popular video I click on you see thumbnails of MeganSpeaks with arrows pointing at her saggy breasts EVERYWHERE. All she does is talk about herself and want people to subscribe like the attention whore she is. She's a leeching parasite bitch that can't be flagged because she sucked so many dicks. However, when people talk about how she's a leech and a whore, she gets butthurt about it and threats to get them arrested. Jokes on her. Everyone got her dox. Too bad there's not a article about her. I would keep it updated with new info if there is a article about her. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 14:52, 3 December 2011 (CET)

Same person, just a dick/pussy difference

MeganSpeaks and LifeInATent is the same person so to speak, Megan or Chrissie, is only a puppet of YouTube whoring, since LifeInATent isn't coming back, and I think it just sad to have YouTube as your only form of employment. Like $3.00 per 1000 views, so if she get 500,000 views on a video for example, she only makes IN TOTAL $1500.00. So really don't count on uploading info about her, its only gonna lead back to LifeInATent. --SPR 18:29, 23 December 2011 (CET)

zealous storm brothers!

read for a little more info on the weather brothers:

Broken Images

Removed the gallery of broken images, in case you find them and want to add them again, here's the gallery.

-Mother2fan1 13:28, 19 February 2012 (EST)

I checked old ED and those are the right file names, but I highly doubt they'll be recovered. They seem to just be captures or retarded youtube comments or some shit. Mike the Græt (Talk) 15:12, 19 February 2012 (EST)
He did what he was supposed to be doing. Broken images go on the talkpage so that people can see if they are reuploaded. People are always uploading old files they find on their computers so there is a chance that these will be reuploaded at some point in the future. --zaiger (talk) 01:45, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
Boss, I have retrieve and re-upload all the broken images for you. Now there is no need to search further. LIATBuster30011 15:39, 14 June 2013 (EDT)

Took him awhile to get over the butthurt, much. I subbed because on what lulz he'll try to pull out of his ass yet, after all the shit he received, by working alongside Christfag Lazarus

is LIAT kevin now?

Did Kevin take over the LIAT 'title'? It seems to me like Brian has disappeared from the Internets and Kevin took his place. I could be wrong, but that is my observation. --zaiger (talk) 11:59, 6 March 2012 (EST)

  • They were always the same person. People are just retarded. Mike the Great (talk) 17:07, 6 March 2012 (EST)
  • Kevin doesn't have any personality disorder other than that of having no personality of his own and having to behave like others in order to speak or move. Brian is still very much out there. He's the male figure we see killing MeganSpeaks in this video and also he's the star of KONY IS GOD. His brother Kevin tried to take credit for the video but that's bullshit, because Kevin has a shitty camera that doesn't record in HD like KONY IS GOD's video does. LIAT is right there by the side of Megan and his brother fabricating drama to get some money. Sonofskyrim 19:21, 8 March 2012 (EST)

LIAT's 2 day return

Could someone post something about the 2... Was it 2 days that LIAT was online on YT?... Anyways... Could someone post about it without deleting the return section? I've got a mirror and I intend to update the page with it if the rest of the editors agree. --Sonofskyrim 23:58, 26 April 2012 (EDT)

Any infoz? Links/vids/logs etc? --zaiger (talk) 01:47, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
As far as I can tell LIAT was banned simply for being a well known douche on YT. However he seems to be under the impression that he got banned for "Click Fraud" (I think the YT user DaBigHig7 in this video is one of LIAT's socks). That would mean that he was likevoting his own videos. Either way it's mostly conjectures. What I do have is a copy of Sirliat's 3 uploaded videos and I intend to upload them this weekend. --Sonofskyrim 20:20, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
If LIAT is banned from Youtube for fraud, MeganSpeaks should be banned for fraud (and whoring too) as well. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 21:58, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
Let's deal with one thing at a time my friend... By the way, I know this is just a feeling that I have but... What are the odds that LIAT is not Megan's boyfriend but in fact his brother? I know this picure exists, but it really looks shopped. Given all the douchbaggery plus the way they all act I could almost swear those three are siblings; or at the very least related. --Sonofskyrim 23:10, 27 April 2012 (EDT)
I added the picture you send me to both LIAT and MLH's page. You know you may be on to something. Since they are both mentally fucked up and white trash maybe they are siblings. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 14:10, 8 May 2012 (EDT)

Encyclopedia Dramatica Users

Y U NO CLEAN UP ARTICLE  — Preceding comment added by Dude323 (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

LIAT's blog on Dimitri

I don't know if LIAT really did write this blog on some Dimitri person. What I heard that it's written by LIAT and it's nothing but full of lies (as always). Maybe someone can look it up and research it. Dimitri A. McCrary AKA FREEMOOR Scam Artist Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 14:31, 16 August 2012 (EDT)

Why I added the whore Template

I added that because Life in a tent is a whore that keeps making you tube accounts that get terminated and he use's people because he's an asshole not to mention the Exploitation of the Japanese Earth quakes back in march 2011 dude323

LIAT is back, currently SpeakUpBro

I added all of the Youtube puppet accounts he close down over the past three months that he use in vain to white knight MeganSpeaks and himself. He been at it for since the SayOrNotToSay is terminate in August 2012. He currently came back on Youtube on his new main channel, SpeakUpBro, in November 2012. That is done shortly after he exploit Hurricane Sandy catastrophe on his JapanBlewUp account to promote his brother channel and then close it down after getting expose agian. But much like his arch-nemesis, BBC, it seem like LIAT is going to continue doing the same shit that got his previous accounts terminate, history is going repeat itself agian because what one did in his past reflects what he is going to be in the future.User:LIATBuster30011

LOLZ, he put comments on approval. Butthurt, much. Lazarus

Yes @Lazarus, I totally agree with you. Just to let you know, I have added to more of his menacingly quotes he made to several Youtubers to the his ED article. I am anticipating that he is going to be furious as fuck if he find out about more evidences being posted about him. He is already butthurt from what I seen today, threatening people from left to right on Youtube. User:LIATBuster30011

LIAT have finally settle down with an active channel mainly to catch attention of his Campers. Now they have a "home" to come back to. User:LIATBuster30011

Latest Update On LifeInATent and His Attention Whore

LIATReborn, TimeWithMegan, and their fanboy posting shitty comments on videomaker74 video in a vain attempt to get him to remove it. It will be a mirage if they ever succeed in getting Youtube to remove it. They had display so much hypocrisy on that one video alone. I have added all the quotes they make on that video in case they succeed and try to remove it. There will be more butthurt quotes coming from them soon, so my work is not finish here. Meanwhile, can someone help me do a new Section title "LIAT Somewhat Return Agian" on LifeInATent article. There is a lot going on since LifeInATent got terminate on his SayOrNotToSay to now gap on this article. Thanks in advance.User:LIATBuster30011

  • I just love the sweet smell of butthurt in the morning. And it's coming from two of my favorite butthurt whores. Don't forget to suggest a change on Reply Girls on Know Your Meme to double their butthurt. Keep up the good work, friend. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 15:00, 19 November 2012 (EST)
    • Thank pal, but let be prepare in case LifeInATent and his Attention Whore sent their brainwashed subscribers to vandalized both LifeInATent and MeganSpeak article as a retribution for making them butthurt due to the truth raping both of them tomorrow. Mike the Great (talk) must know about this and provide backup in case that happen anytime soon to either article.User:LIATBuster30011
      • Lol, TimeWithMegan now think I am Indy1489 on ItsRickAstley video, @Ivo Robotnik. **Go get popcorn and watch the two butthurt whores rage some more in confusion to find out the identity of who is posting the truth about them.** Also thank for reminding me to suggest a change on Reply Girls on Know Your Meme, @Ivo Robotnik, I'll be doing that shortly after soon. User:LIATBuster30011

LifeInATent "Said It And Try To Fix It, Said It And Try To Fix It"

Please compare the two video, Final Message From LifeInATent/LIAT and TROLLING WITH STEROIDS!!. Note that he is now fabricating and embellishing facts about himself mainly to get people to subcribe. In the Final Message From LifeInATent/LIAT, he said his doctor prescribe him steroids to "upper his level of testosterone". But recently in his TROLLING WITH STEROIDS!!, he go on to said he do not do steroids and he "use to work out in the gym". These will be posted in the General Butthurtness Section of his article for all to see. User:LIATBuster30011

LifeInATent Got His LIATReborn Account Suspended For Lulz

See for yourself: LIATReborn. He came back as TheCampMaster, his brand new channel, to stir up a new drama on Youtube. User:LIATBuster30011

All of his known Youtube channel has been suspended, any of the three videos he ever have before being suspended is re-upload to LlATPARODY(A LIAT wannabe who try to derp his way into drama with ED under the name Tiffany Brooks). Brian is currently in a war with mrrepzion (who do not seen to bother being called out by his fellow hypocrite since he already have above fifty thousand subscibers versus LifeInATent's loyal few remaining Campers.) to gain back some positive recognition of being seen an hero and a way to rebuild his nonexistent credibility. User:LIATBuster30011

Ramir Niala & Lerrie Niala

They're the parents of Dominica Laspinas Niala Martin, Kevin's wife. They own the place where Brian and Chrissie live at. riverside.blockshopperDOTcom/p­roperty/122262025/941_cimarron Brian and Chrissie can't even afford an apartment as the typical poor white thrash they are


—IWillShutYouUpBro responding to Shortsisms' question.

You're welcome. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 17:46, 20 December 2012 (EST)

LIAT Made Peace With XDJKeemstar But Videos Of Him Warring With XDJKeemstar Is Still Up.

Videos that is still up showing LIAT herp derping his way into drama with XDJKeemstar but he unlisted it so that people do not notice he remove the comments proving that he is just as bad as XDJKeemstar when it come down to committing a fraud in YouTube Partnership. Please take note that there is all the comments proving that XDJKeemstar is bad yet there is no comments pointing out LIAT for being no better than XDJKeemstar now because LIAT removed them off his video in hope that his current 200 subscibers do not find out about his dark past as an infamous Youtube Botter. LIAT also said he move to Downtown, Los Angeles on his new channel.

Video number one Brian made the video private agian for the third time.

Video number two Brian made the video private agian for the third time.

Video number three Brian made his new video about Giovanna Plowman private after being call out on his own bullshit. LIATBuster30011 10:40, 24 January 2013 (EST)

Recent video of LIAT apologizing and supporting XDJKeemstar. LIAT also want us to give him another chance at life. :,( I later found out that he is doing it so DJ Keemstar doesn't go around telling people that LIAT is an far worse scam artist than him.

LIAT still denying his past while making peace with XDJKeemstar, but at least he admitted still have 5% good in him. LIAT is 100% evil for deceiving us into believing he have change when he didn't change a bit. LIATBuster30011 12:46, 18 January 2013 (EST)

LIAT closed his main account and back under an sock account to stir up more drama.

LIAT close his account and going back under an sock account to cry to people.

 — Preceding comment added by LIATBuster30011 (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

More information on the criminal scum, LIAT

Brian Martin's family information  — Preceding comment added by LIATBuster30011 (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

That's pretty cool, but I'm not paying $2.99 worth of sox from the internet, that's just lame. ••General Niggerson Page me. 20:22, 11 February 2013 (EST) I wonder if he has a criminal record, properly has, looking though. Lazarus

YouTube Partner

I noticed the first part of this article kind of makes a semi-big hooha about him being a "YouTube Partner"...but uh...pretty well ~everyone~ is...if you've got videos that they can leach hits off of with ads. YouTube spams the hell out of you with "partner" requests too if you try and ignore them or keep clicking the proverbial "fuck off I don't want ads on my videos" button. They'll keep trying to Jew it on up with "favors" too, like they'll keep increasing your clip upload length (I'm at like 30 minutes now). It's similar to being a "Friends Of Disney Alliance Member" long as you've got something they WANT or something they can MAKE MONEY off of...yeah, yer basically automatically in their lil "clique" whether you want to be or not. --Onideus 12:08, 14 February 2013 (EST)

LIATs back LOL

Shortshizims has recently surfaced. ••General Niggerson Page me. 18:04, 15 February 2013 (EST)

Shortshizims is now closed

LIAT closing down another account and went back into hiding. LIATBuster30011 14:17, 4 March 2013 (EST)

Now he's currently hiding at KYM as BrianRulesYouDont to harass Gaben with his sock accounts for posting stuff about him and Megan. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 19:19, 4 March 2013 (EST)

iz dat a white knight?

File:LIAT white knight?.jpg

Wut? ••General Niggerson Page me. 23:16, 23 February 2013 (EST)
ED User BuffaloWings could be KLOBoySwag himself. He change the doc without evidence and only show up to edit whatever anyone put any info about KLOBoySwag. He also the one involve in MrRepzion article. To top it off, he has an autistic name of his favorite food. LIATBuster30011 23:38, 23 February 2013 (EST)
You mean this dipshit from a month back? ••General Niggerson Page me. 23:42, 23 February 2013 (EST)
Exactly. LIATBuster30011 23:52, 23 February 2013 (EST)
Ok, I'll keep an eye out on him. ••THA NIGGA ON THE RIGHT --> BRING ME SUM KFC BITCH23:54, 23 February 2013 (EST)
He seems clean right noww. ••General Niggerson Page me. 23:59, 23 February 2013 (EST)
Yeah it could secretly be that Kyle fanboy. But let's keep a close eye on him for now. You know that fatties like him love food. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 00:04, 24 February 2013 (EST) Seems to be a white_knight for LIAT and Megan. He usually just blocks you when you call out thier lies. Looks like a skin head and wannabe Stone Cold Steve Austin


UPDATE! Turns out BuffaloWings IS a white knight. And he just got banned. Posted a screenshot just in case. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 22:32, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

We proudly announce the lulziest marriage known to man!

But first, people. You should know it's a seekrit...

See if he doesn't trust you, he'll boot your ass off of his facebook page.

And now, the event that will end this world, according to those who predicted the Mayan Apocalypse...

Will get a much better screenshot of the upcoming nuptials very soon, I think. But he needs to lern2facebook. Raffingoutroud 22:25, 8 March 2013 (EST)

As promised, more info that I can dig up... Extended info about the nuptials to mole tits.

Wonder if the blushing bride is going to wear white to cover up the cumstains from her new job. Raffingoutroud 22:59, 8 March 2013 (EST)

Rule 34 delivered.
I got a little present for his bride. Rule 34! Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 23:55, 8 March 2013 (EST)
Aww, now Megan/Chrissie can't say we didn't give her a gift in white. Hopefully the something blue involves something noble.ROR 00:14, 9 March 2013 (EST)
We good to roll with this, Doc. Or do we need to full shoop the whole thing into a wedding invitation, possibly? ROR 16:46, 9 March 2013 (EST)
Should one of us make a new section about LifeInATent marrying MeganLeeHeart if he's only using his other wife to suck up all her money? Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 12:29, 28 March 2013 (EDT)
Easily the biggest fucking saps ive ever seen. didnt it occur to you that brian and megan like fucking you over and trolling your stupid asses? you guys actually would fall for the oldest troll trick in the book wouldnt you. first you get megans birthday wrong, then most of her article is wrong and then you make this shit up. I know for a fact hes not getting married but nope you fucktards seem to think otherwise all because someone on the internet told you and it didnt occur to you that he could easily tell you faggots to see if you assholes are stalking him and have more proof for his case? I know for a fact he even says he has an fbi case building so this just proves your stalker status. Faggots every single one of you. Fuck outta ED and actually get out into the real world you stupid fucking morons and talking about money is #1 sign of jealousy and greed. fucking dick munchers everyone of you who stalk him or even her. faggots. if he didnt say that or type that then wonderful photoshop and firebugging going on. youll make up anything to keep a false article more false like the fuckwads you are. if brian says is true and the FBI is actually watching this page and your actions I hope they find you all and lock you away for good. Faggots like you dont deserve to be in the public so get fucked in prison and please die there and never access the public or the internet again DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS --BuffaloWings 21:32, 28 March 2013 (EDT)


I think MrRepzion just came in to drop us a message saying that LIAT is gonna kill hime at some vidconHis edit. Rep, if you're out ther, pls, don't hezitate to upload a screenshot of the threat and add it to the article. ••General Niggerson Page me. 17:32, 15 March 2013 (EDT)

LIAT images are on my personal space.

Creating this page for LIATBuster and other crusaders of the faith to acquire pics. Have at them boys and girls.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

The soon to be growing LIAT screencaps are found there and now above lol. As I told Ivo, LIATBuster and NKO, they can snatch and grab those captures. LIATBuster made a video capture for extra GET power. I'm going to be gone most of the day to have a social life... If you guys have more grabs, you can add there. Also, might come back later tonight and clean up some of the socks, move them to terminated socks, mainly for OCD purposes. And can you guys check on Template:Youtube2. Acts like a NASCAR doucher, white knights quite a lot for Megan. Might not be out of line to see him as a Brian socko. ROR - Tark 10:58, 16 March 2013 (EDT)

Going to clean up dead sockos on the page and place them under terminated as to not have the place permanently in a state of shit up. From there, we can add new sockos as is under active, and move dead ones to Terminated. ROR - Tark 02:03, 17 March 2013 (EDT)
Thanks for the postup on that gallery, Manhunter. Also, cleaned up the socks section, got all of the Terminated socks in their group. I added explanations on terminated accounts. Mainly so LIAT can't deny he sucks balls. Also added a new terminated misc. accounts section for his deleted twitters. Took out the strikeouts because it's messy and not lulzy anymore. Took out a lot of TL;DR stuff and simplified it. The MrInternetable is still TL;DR, though. Not even going to tackle that one. It took out a lot of stuff, about (-8191) characters, but we also got in a cleaner look and a bit more info to point and laugh at him about. Excess in lulz moderation with this constant lulzcow. I think we get this one squared away, chums, and make this a fucking one stop shop for all LIAT pwnage needs. ROR - Tark 04:01, 17 March 2013 (EDT)
Might want to add some comments from [1] (I can't right now). It almost like he convulsively broke his CAPS LOCK key. --Intuition 11:19, 29 March 2013 (EDT)

More votebotting, he doesn't even try to hide it

I made a video just doing the finger(no, I don't have a pimple :), about a lulzy review on Harlem Shake :p and Brian suddenly appears out nowhere and gave me about 10 thumbs down and lulzy comments. Vote me up and tease Brian massively PMing about how you liked the video, whether you don't, that's fine, it's suppose be stupid. Harlem_Shake is the ghey. Lazarus

Pure gold, good sir. Two more caps added to the list. ROR - Tark 11:33, 17 March 2013 (EDT)

He's going ALL CAPS and having a mental breakdown (Megan is there obviously trying hard) on the posts on the video comment, total butthurt rage!. Lazarus

Better take snapshots of their comments. The more evidence, the more resource, the better to expose their crimes. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 04:51, 1 April 2013 (EDT)


there seems to be a secret liat account we didnt get: lifeinatent4, It only spazed out at japan for an earthquake... ••General Niggerson Page me. 10:02, 17 March 2013 (EDT)

We have it under active socks, NKO. 8th on the active socks list, I believe. ROR - Tark 11:25, 17 March 2013 (EDT)
Oh shit, never mind then. ••General Niggerson Page me. 12:28, 17 March 2013 (EDT)
Sameshit for some reason. ••General Niggerson Page me. 12:31, 17 March 2013 (EDT)

LIAT's lost video!3cETHJgS!NLwW6GaV9rMvY0XL6-1ehAjYxpwzxFh-Rb1lCat-HU8

He should probably be locked away in an insane asylum before VidCon 2013 ends tragically. Sonofskyrim 18:58, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

Dox section...

Would it be better to list stuff such as his IP address, home address and phone number offsite than to store it in the article?? Considering he is threatening to write to the fundraiser/donation sources for ED and have them removed?? Also, on a related note, the Accounts section is getting pretty large and it may be a good idea to start a sub-page speifically for it, and just list the 5-6 most recent active accounts (followed by a link to the sockpuppet accounts section...-- Talk to me|Contribs 21:10, 19 March 2013 (EDT)

Actually, putting that info in the Doxbin probably would be a good idea for two reasons: the article is getting really tl;dr, and considering how much this shithead whines like a pussy about the information being on ED, putting it on a web domain he's totally fucking powerless to vandalize would probably make him even more buttmad. As for the active and sock accounts, it probably would make the page less tl;dr to put the dead socks on the subpage and list the live ones on the main article. DarkLordTR 22:39, 19 March 2013 (EDT)DarkLordTR
It has been tl;dr for a good while. I had to try to unshit up the socks and stuff. So, I do think we need to doxbin his info, so Kevin or Brian can't say we have their info on site. And yes, subpages are needed. ROR - Tark 20:01, 20 March 2013 (EDT)
i'd remove the dox but the dox template seems alot difficult to use. Plus it's funny to leave the dox there so that he can just bitch at us for no reason ••General Niggerson Page me. 20:06, 20 March 2013 (EDT)
  • We don't accept donations. The site is fully self sustaining at this point. There is nothing he can do to get our "donation links" removed. --zaiger (talk) 20:42, 20 March 2013 (EDT)
    • I bet he and Megan only wants it removed so they can scam and eat more money like the fat greedy money-glutton pigs they are.. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 22:06, 20 March 2013 (EDT)


It looks like LIAT is using TellMeInternet and pretending to be the good innocent person again. Nobody's that dumb to believe a criminal scumbag except for his retarded fanboys and his attention whore lover Megan. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 16:04, 31 March 2013 (EDT)

Stupid. Lazarus

How sweet of LIAT to be obsessed with me 24/7. Scary but lulzy. What's next? Wet dreams? Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 11:07, 5 April 2013 (EDT)

Actually the articles are against the law. That is where you're going to prison. Turning over a new leaf? You haven't gotten the worst of me. I could have done much worse by now having known your address, family info, etc but I have kept back and doing it legally. I'm not kidding either the FBI is going to arrest you for your public threats along with the dox saying to kill and rape people living at the said address. You are finished as I stated. Either you stand down now, or the charges will pile up. I am thinking you'll be gone for 9 years in prison. That is what we are looking at here. You wanted to keep harassing people under the name Ivo etc on ED you're done. You are Ivo on ED do not play dumb with me. You're finished -TellMeInternet.

Just too lazy to screencap right nowLazarus

LOLWUT?! Could you please screencap that lunatic's new message about me when you get the chance? His obsession is nuttier than Chinese chicken. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 01:12, 11 April 2013 (EDT)

Hopefully, more caps on this situation Lazarus

Wow he really is stupid. ••General Niggerson Page me. 00:17, 11 April 2013 (EDT)

The Party Van is after me. Wait, so he apparently think I'm him, as well that SHHHHHlongletterwhogivesashit or whatever

I just send him cocks from now on, no matter what he saysLazarus

If anyone's getting arrested, it's LIAT and Megan for their attention whoring, death threats, scams, frauds, etc. And we have the evidence. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 01:25, 11 April 2013 (EDT)

Repeat of events with threaten, law, sue, personal info, ips, etc.


My god his stupid volatility is absolutely hilarious --Intuition 09:26, 11 April 2013 (EDT)

My very own shoop of his profile picture. ••General Niggerson Page me. 23:18, 13 April 2013 (EDT)

Ha ha, nice. I'm hoping to pawn Asheistheraven a knob head shitty actor to troll /TellMeInternet for fun and see what happens. If he doesn't well, I'll tell LIAT :p Lazarus

He likes harassing 14 year old girls. Lazarus He's trolling in here guises. Of course from a video he made about Asspie Syndrome. Lazarus

Death threats and FBI threats don't mix.

Repost: Wedding

(This is a repost now that LIAT & Megan send a white knight name EnoughIsEnough•(talk)•(Contribs) to vandalize my posts and for us to laugh at his butthurt.) Now that LIAT and Megan had their little private unholy wedding, Megan is now Chrissie Martin or Chrissie Barmore-Martin or still Chrissie Barmore. What do you think their baby would look like? And what about Brian's other wife? Discuss. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 21:40, 20 April 2013 (EDT)


How dense can you assholes get. There is no fucking wedding so stop living in a fantasy world. Its disrespectful to even joke about weddings and harass people over it. For the last time quit fucking being assholes! All you are doing is posting made up bullshit now about people you don't know. For the last time there is no god damn wedding so stop making your stupid shit up. This site does live up to its disclaimer how everything is made in parody and satire. What are you going to post next? Michael Jackson is still alive and married his sister? Dumb asses. Also nice try on Megan's name you guys can't even get the fact that she has two last names due to parents splitting up. But you'll never know about anyone you write about cause you don't know them. Keep making up your stupid fucking made up stories. You all sound like a bunch of fake ass fuck sticks. No proof is posting on any shit you claim so hey this is to the Admins of this site. If you want accurate information, then I suggest you make sure these dimwitted losers actually stop making shit up. Makes this site look more of a joke than it already is.  — Preceding comment added by EnoughIsEnough (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

tl;dr • Mr.Jonzz 20:22, 21 April 2013 (EDT)
To LIAT:Shut your fucking vagina already. ••General Niggerson Page me. 21:51, 21 April 2013 (EDT)
His TellMeInternet channel does what he do best.
On the bright side he left a butthurt complaint here and a death threat on my talk page. I made him a ban away picture in case he's stalking again. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 01:38, 22 April 2013 (EDT)
Please remove any objects from your ass before writing potentially embarrassing comments on ED kthxbai --Intuition 04:30, 23 April 2013 (EDT)

I wonder if he's using the Aspergers Syndrome as a excuse for people attacking him. Lazarus

  • Nobody ever made any claims that anything on this site is true. --zaiger (talk) 03:27, 24 April 2013 (EDT)

rofl. Lazarus

Photographic evidence of LIAT's butthurt.

LOL, he's on a flagging rage by removing mirror of his aspergers syndrome video I had on one of my accounts, due the fact he can't handle it, and I only wanted everyone to comment, since he puts them on approval. Lazarus

LOL, I didn't know he was a crybaby. ••General Niggerson Page me. 20:08, 13 May 2013 (EDT)
I see he's still thinking about me while losing his sanity. Now if you excuse me, I am going to dig up some fresh meat he's leaving for the trolls to feed. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 02:10, 14 May 2013 (EDT)
LIAT & Megan are still butthurt over Vice's video about TheReplyGirl. Their comments are fresh like a week ago. Check it out and correct their wrong. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 01:51, 16 May 2013 (EDT)

Email address

[email protected] His other email for his TellMeInternet, from a copyright notice I got from him. Was this put in?Lazarus

Managed to get these videos up without getting DMCA's, so comments enabled without running it like a police state. Just had to add some things. Lol I know, the music must be annoying Lazarus

MartekMajestic Threatened

TellMeInternet Flagging your comments as of now Your account will be gone very soon. Grow the fuck up or DIE Sent to: MartekMajestic block user mark as spam Reply Reply All Delete 06/03/13

TellMeInternet Reported your comments to youtube And when I find your identity I swear to God i;ll fucking kill you Sent to: MartekMajestic block user mark as spam Reply Reply All Delete 06/06/13

ellMeInternet SWEAR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU STOP FUCKING HARASSING PEOPLE YOU GOD DAMN COCK SUCKER!!!!!! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU ASSHOLE Sent to: MartekMajestic block user mark as spam Reply Reply All Delete 06/06/13


More empty threats wanting to destroy his channel.

And really related about LIAT threatening a girl

More parts there on /ChrissieBarwhore.


And screencapped. ••General Niggerson Page me. 19:17, 8 June 2013 (EDT)

You guys are still going on about this guy?-- Talk to me|Contribs 19:39, 8 June 2013 (EDT)
Exactly what I was wondering. This lulz cow has no more milk to give. 19:43, 8 June 2013 (EDT)
This mother fucker's been spamming my inbox for weeks. And I have nothing else to do besides poking at him. ••General Niggerson Page me. 19:44, 8 June 2013 (EDT)

I don't think the MartekMajestic account is LifeInATent. Seems like a account that's making fun of him. I never said that, putting it in the active account/s is stupid lolLazarus

TellMeInternet Enjoy the termination on your channel. Incoming faggot Hope you die cause you fucking deserve DEATH Sent to: MartekMajestic block user mark as spam Reply Reply All Delete 06/07/13



TellMeInternet Swear to god im going to fucking kill you Thats a fucking promise Ben. You are a fucking dead little shit head and I swear to god youre going to stop breathing soon. I have your full address and where you live. Expect something to fucking happen to you soon you dickless little FUCK! YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCH COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU! Sent to: MartekMajestic block user mark as spam Reply Reply All Delete 06/10/13 Too lazy to cap-



TellMeInternet Closed, LifeInACamp Opened

What he still does best in every new channel.

Now that LIAT's main TellMeInternet channel is finally closed, he may be secretly creating another sock account. The only way to find out is trolling the shit out of Megan's TimeWithMegan account. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 03:32, 2 July 2013 (EDT)

LifeInACamp account was created. Lazarus

LOL he said he deleted TellMeInternet because the name sucks. I smell fresh bullshit. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 06:18, 3 July 2013 (EDT)

Megan in the comments trying to get attention and defending their lies Lazarus

Try to get screenshots of her bullshit and post it here. She and her husband LIAT gets butthurt every time their page is updated. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 13:15, 21 July 2013 (EDT)

For Whoever It Was That Wanted It

Here it tis:

I took out the video part since it was just redundant images and due to the 2MB upload limit I would have had to damage the audio quality to keep them both. --Onideus 17:07, 25 July 2013 (EDT)

Sysop Onideus, I think LIAC is now thinking about threatening to slit your throat for mirroring the video. Anyway, with all due respect, I respect you for doing it for great justice and for the lulz. You're the best. LIATBuster30011 12:57, 31 July 2013 (EDT)

He threatened Brett Keane to file a false privacy complaint on him lol

LIAT made some racist remarks and spouted a bunch of nonsense in a google hangout on youtube. he said he was drunk and wanted the video taken down. so he told brett keane to either take the video down, or file a false privacy complaint on him. Dot Dot Dot... 12:10, 26 July 2013 (EDT)

0:38:50 to 0:59:00 LIAC join the hangout and discuss about the Zimmerman trial...
0:59:01 to 1:19:59 ...only later turn the discussion into a racial ramble portraying African Americans and Africans all over the world as subhumans...
1:20:00 to 1:30:00 ...then change the subject and show some insanity by starting off about being Martian and having superpower like levitating pen with his mind at 1:27:35. Hmmm...what did I missed here? LIATBuster30011 14:33, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
At 1:49:00, shit just more creepy and weird. It about him being Martian again. Stay tuned for 10 minutes and you will hear more crazy theories. LIATBuster30011 14:44, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
If he mentions me again, tell him I said LIAT/Brian and Megan/Chrissie are both gutless cowards to talk to me here. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 14:56, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
That might as well be unnecessary because the moment he made his presence here known, there will be some mean comments and out he go. LIATBuster30011 15:27, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
2:21:00 he call holding his breath underwater for five minutes superpower and 2:22:14 he claim to be attack by a sorcerer in high school and they're playing with fireballs. Something you will find out of Harry Potter series. Wow, an Martian that can use the Force on a pen, hold his breathe underwater for five minutes, and have an extensive knowledge of witchcraft! That is very interesting, maybe people go up to him and ask him to teach them the way of the Force and magic because that look very cool. LIATBuster30011 15:53, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
2:29:21 the Martian now claims he can also have the superpower to control wind and create tornado. Holy shit, we're fucked. But luckily for us, moments pass and he fail to show his superpower control over wind. Probably he gone outside and buy six pack of beers while dancing in his underwear instead of returning to demonstrate what he can do with his superpowers. LIATBuster30011 16:14, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
2:46:39 to 2:48:25 The Martian is back and this time suggest everyone to call the police on MrRepzion because of his video on suicide. This is the only helpful thing he done out of the goodness of his heart. It been said that MrRepzion later get police (and maybe a bunch of annoying pizza deliveries too) at his front door later that night due to the fact that LIAC did it more out of the lulz instead of for great justice. Well hey, notice how he is asking ED coolest member to not tell anyone their plan to get help for MrRepzion because why not? LIATBuster30011 17:17, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
2:40:00 to 2:58:10 We all feel your pain, MrRepzion. We at ED already lose pretty cool guy,OldDirtyBtard, that way many years ago. His pet cat died and then he fell into a deep depression due to felt no more value to his life when he complete contributing to society. The best we can do is to have no choice but to get you some help (if you are still depressed) you needed so badly. On the second thought, maybe we should respect his decision and then honor him. Life is too short. LIATBuster30011 18:32, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
2:58:30 The Martian going about his own suicidal experience. But due to all that crazy nonsense he spew out in the whole Google hangout and the fact he been known to lie and threaten under-aged girls on Facebook and many YouTubers if he do not get his ways, it's like he just saying it to get people to feel sympathy for him so he can manipulate them later like a tool. Check this out for more information. LIATBuster30011 18:46, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
3:02:42 Brett Keane show everyone he a good person at heart by doing something about it and calling the police. Maybe he not that bad of a person after all and now earn back all of our respect. LIAC lied to me when he told me that it is him that send polices to help MrRepzion when it is actually Brett Keane who did it.
The latest would be Daniel's suicide video in which I sent the cops to his house within 2 hours of the posted video.


Yeah right, you didn't do jack shit other than tell everyone about it and then try to take all the credit away from Brett Keane for helping MrRepzion just like how you try to take all the credit away from HappyCabbie for bringing back Undertakertaker account. There is evidence in the video and I am a witness to it. I even got this PM in my inbox.LIATBuster30011 20:50, 31 July 2013 (EDT)

First, he is racist and now this lie above? Put it together and you will get the picture that he is evil person that will try to con you whenever way possible as long he get all the good recognition and attention from it without having to work for it. It is just like what MrRepzion said about him. Hopefully, people who aren't schnooks look at all the accumulating evidence here and see him for who he really is. LIATBuster30011 21:28, 31 July 2013 (EDT)

Lying and stealing is all he cares about. Let's not forget his other cares for bullying, money, death, and his reply girl/attention whore/wife in crime. But yeah, someone needs to warn Brett and other people about him and expose the truth about him. LIAT saying there's no evidence at ED---he really is blind and not taking the responsibilities for his actions. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 23:42, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
3:05:36 to 3:06:50 LIAC actually doc dropping on MrRepzion to Brett Keane.
Hey Brett, you want me to skype you his dox?


Since LIAC have once come to ED to request a personal army on MrRepzion on January 2013, it could be very possible that he the one responsible for harassing MrRepzion to the brink of suicide by using MrRepzion's doc as a weapon. I have no doubt about it. #Justice4Repzion! LIATBuster30011 09:40, 1 August 2013 (EDT)

For Whoever It Was That Wanted A Copy Of The Leaked Videos.

Brett Keane speaking out agianst Brian's atrocities on the Internet, his speech pissed Megan so much that she send a harassing message to him.

Mirrored 1 Mirrored 2

Expectedly, Brian is getting very angry at Brett Keane when he found out from Megan that he is speaking out agianst him that he threaten the old man and his wife.

Mirrored 1 Mirrored 2

LIATBuster30011 13:43, 11 August 2013 (EDT)

Might have some value...

Browsing among my collection of Corky's death threat images I came across this one in which Brian's sock not only admits he's Brian, but he also admits to giving "two shits about exploiting death and Japan".

It's all yours to use or discard.--Sonofskyrim 22:36, 20 October 2013 (EDT)

in regards to Beaker‎

not seeing any vandalism such as removing anything important so not seeing that he broke any rules. 01:21, 4 December 2013 (EST)

I don't think it was vandalism either ••General Niggerson Page me. 01:44, 4 December 2013 (EST)
I think the labeling of "SPAM" was the trigger. CobaltCat 01:48, 4 December 2013 (EST)
Some could see it as spam so I don't see any harm in labeling it as that. It is an opinion and nothing more. 01:57, 4 December 2013 (EST)
The guy look suspicious. He just join yesterday and then edit LIAT article. I got a feeling this could be LIAT again. Do anyone have CheckUser to made sure he not from Southern California? Mirrors II 19:51, 4 December 2013 (EST)

Ding, Dong, The WeatherManKevin Is Arrested

It's official. Last month, WeatherManKevin is arrested for soliciting a prostitute. The police records are in the WeatherManKevin article, and my LIAT/Megan gallery as well. Check out the charges. It would suck to be him if the cops find out his Encyclopedia Dramatica article. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 03:21, 5 April 2015 (EDT)

Full Court of Brian Martin