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Look familiar?

Castlevania is a video game series that started out as a Mario pawning action-adventure for the NES/SNES. Over the years, however, the newer Castlevania games slowly succumbed to the tsunami waves of anorexic 13 year old anime fanboys, and emo furfags who never even heard of the original series. Games like Castlevania: Judgement appeal more to the Sonichu fanbase.

The Story

All games in the series consist of one of these two plots:

Before 1997
Castlevania games before 1997 were done in arcade style. It opens with a vampire hunter in front of Dracula's castle. Then a bunch of levels where the player gets knocked off of platforms over 9000 times by Medusa heads. The player proceeds to kill bats, mummies, Frankenstein monsters, Niggers, and Death before fighting Dracula.

After 1997
After 1997 all the games became non-linear and got a ton of RPG elements added. The vampire hunting industry gets taken over by transexuals clad in name-brand fashion acessories. Players alternate going back and forth through a castle collecting a large amount of cool weapons and useless crap needed to kill Dracula. Also, if you'd like to shit bricks, Alucard spelled backwards is Dracula. People will feel the need to point this out for over 9000 years after the release of the game.


A note about non-linearity in Castlevania - The post SoTN games really are linear, because they are just a series of fetch quests to get items and beat bosses and fornicate with other men so that whichever Belmondo you are controlling can have the story pushed forward. If they really were non-linear, you could just go kill Dracula and then go outside to find women to have sex with. Then again, you're reading ED, so you might as well just play Julius mode and avoid the embarrassment.

The Games

NES Castlevania. That's right, in the 80s zombies were pink.
Symphony of the Night
  • Castlevania

The first of the shitstorm of games yet to come. It consists of getting you getting knocked off ledges and dying. After struggling to beat the game you unleash hard-mode where your are CONSTANTLY zerg rushed with as many fucking bats as possible. The ability to change direction in the middle of a jump did not exist, causing most players to uncontrollably RAGE. The next 3 million games are like this, each with slowly improving graphics.

You play as Simon Belmont, a Vampire Slayer who uses a leather whip and other kinky Catholic sex toys to rape 8-bit skeletons. The Bosses of the game are of Dracula (obviously) and your standard B-Movie monsters like Mummies and Frankenstein.

  • Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

This game exists solely to sell copies of Nintendo Power to tell people what to do with the red crystal. In an attempt to revolutionize all gaming, Konami tried their best to integrate RPG elements into the sequel to their Medusa-head-dodging simulator. Of course, they fuck it all up and it has all the usual problems of JRPGs; poor translation, useless leveling system to pad out gameplay, random uses for random items, and an attempt at a unique THE MORNING SUN HAS VANQUISHED THE HORRIBLE NIGHT.

Realizing the abortion they had produced, Konami went back and shuffled around the sprites from the first Castlevania. They then added some new characters, most notably Alucard. Other than that, it's the same game as the first one, starting a tradition that the series would reset with Symphony of the Night.

  • Super Castlevania IV

In order to appease 12-year-olds who wanted to see Castlevania in glorious 16-bit color, Konami messed around in their labs for awhile and pooped out the best side-scrolling Castlevania to date. Seen by some fans to be a remake of the original, it is really Konami trolling its fans because every side-scrolling Castlevania is a remake of the original.

  • Symphony of the Night

The sprites are cooler and the game system has been RPG-ified. The story line is the epitome of failure, but the gameplay is so great you won't give a fuck. There are shitloads of weapons, items, and other crap to run around with making the game a lot less boring. You play as vampire named Alucard and plow through the castle to find the owner is a Belmont. You receive Magic Beer Goggles to find out he's controlled by the evil lawyer, Shaft. This creates loophole in his contract allowing Dracula to be revived again.

[[Collapse Me][More shit games]]

  • Castlevania and Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness

Amazed at the continued success of the least innovative series to date, Konami decided it was time to troll their fans and see if there was something they wouldn't buy. It took them two tries on the N64, but they succeeded.

  • Castlevania Chronicles

First released for some Japanese computing machine in 1993, it was later released on the PS1 in 2001, scaring long-time fans that the series was reverting to its prior suck. It's a remake of a remake, or maybe just a remake of the first game directly....oh hell, it's that game again.

  • Lament of Innocence

After fucking up Castlevania 64 they decided to give another go at a 3D Castlevania in the series. The end product wasn't half bad. It wasn't half good, either.

Basically you play as Leon Belmont, a knight who fought in the Crusades who has to save his hoe from some ginger vampire named Walter. To make his whip strong enough to fuck Walter he has to murder his wife with it. He does so and it creates teh whip "Vampire Killer". You go back after Walter and kill him, then there is a crazy twist revealing how Dracula came to be.

Probably the worst Castlevania ever made. You play as Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin (Aulin meaning All-in in reference to her huge fucking vagina, the cock teasing bitch). The castle is now full of paintings/portals which lead to Egypt, England and wherever the hell they please. The Final Boss is a bald-headed fuck who paints pictures. He was just one of the many vampires to have bought Draculas real-estate after his death. To kill the final boss you must under-go training taught to you by a ghost. After you beat the game you can play as "Richiter" Belmont. The rest of the game has its share of typos.

  • Curse of Darkness

Some really weird game where you play as some retard named Hector who chooses to place his trust in a weird monk instead of a spiffy time traveler. There's also this dumb witch who's the sister of the psychotic ginger you're trying to kill the whole fucking time, I mean seriously wouldn't you stop a guy from killing your brother? but noooo, she says hes CUUURSED. Anyway, you go through the game, getting furries and fighting really weird and easy enemies, kinda like every other single castlevania game without the gathering of furries and shit. You can get alot of weapons like a light saber, a power glove, and death's scythe but you often have to sacrifice already pwnage weapons to get newer ones, which some people prefer the older ones but saved so they're fucked. Your rival is Isaac, he's kinda like the joker but in olden times and really fucking gay with red hair. He owns Trevor belmont, then kisses him right before he finishes him off. The furry monsters comprise of some faggy fairy no ones ever gonna use because it's just for pussies, a golem thingy that can turn into a weeaboo, a gay dog-giant, a blob that kinda looks like chaos from sonic adventure and THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH. Then there's a black mage thing that's pretty badass but one of its last forms are some princess girl that spams stars at shit. Then you get a bird which is just.. A bird. One of it's forms are a mass of meat on a pair of wings.. really weird. Then you get the devil type... innocent devil. Real creative, huh? Then, after you go through all the boring shit you fight the last boss, DRACULA. (OMG!) After Hector pusses out on killing Isaac, that weird monk faggot reveals that he's Death, and hes gonna rape your ass, right after he sends Isaac in a coffin to turn into Dracula, however that works. Then you fight death and hes the slowest most miserable fuck you could ever possibly hope to fight in a game. After you beat the game, you can go into boss rush mode for a material which you couldn't before to get the power glove which is really just t3h l33t h@x. if you use it's best special it makes a motherfucking volcano in the ground.

tl;dr: Just another Castlevania, except you summon monsters and there's a time traveller that has nothing to do with the story.


Vampire Hunters

  • Simon: The Belmont everyone knows and loves, and starred in the original, which is always the best. Konami loves him so much that they recycled his game several times. Truly all that is man, Simon can do fucking anything with the whip. The only thing that sucks about Simon is that he can't do shit on the stairs (except in Super Castlevania IV). ED hopes he kills Stephanie Meyer in the next Castlevania.

  • Trevor: An ancestor of Simon. He needed friends to kill Dracula. What a pussy. He also married a transsexual witch. He pops up again in one of the newer 3D games, where he does nothing but troll the player. He gets his comeuppance, however, when he's taken down and molested by the game's villain.

  • Richter: Fought alongside Maria Renard and Alucard. He was controlled by Dracula, but only after getting his shit kicked in by Alucard did he come to his senses. He originally looked like Ryu, but was updated for Symphony of The Night and the Dracula X Chronicles to look like every other Belmont, with the added bonus of greasy, unkempt hair. May be related to Richiter Belmont, who you can play as in Portrait of Ruin.

Whenever someone mentions that this is the real Alucard, an army of whiny fanboys will make pained rebuttals, and claim that Ayami Kojima's is the real one.
Left: Sypha before his sex change. Right: After sex change.

You'd hit that.

Dracula and his Bitches

  • Dracula: The constant villain of the series. In every game, he gets brought back from the dead, and a Belmont has to kill him again. His usual tactics include breaking a number of wine glasses and transforming into his true form, which is never the same thing in any game, possibly the only variety in the series. Supposedly destroyed once and for all by Julius Belmont in 1999. HE'S BACK!!!

  • Death: Before death, a nigga. no, really. thats all you need to know.

The Music

It's overrated.

The Fandom

There's little information available about the Castlevania fandom currently, as it rarely escapes it's parent's basement.

There is multiple fandom for Castlevania such as the knockoff JKA Mod being developed by omegasigma from FileFucks. There are now multiple ways to troll the fandom.

  • In a poll about who's the best character, point out that Alucard is a shitty hero and Simon Belmont is moar manly.


See also

External Links

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