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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

B & B Productions is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
You can help by posting their nude pix or spamming their talk page.
YouTube is the only thing I have. THE ONLY THING.


— B & B Productions, 2023

B & B Productions
Born October 22, 2004
Gender Male
Ethnicity Japanigger
Occupation YouTuber
Nationality Americuck
Residence Alhambra, California, Zionist Occupied States of America

B & B Productions, also known by his fursona name as Hideaki or just simply B & B (Real name: Bryce Baba; born: October 22, 2004 [age 18] is a lazy, retarded, narcissistic, autistic, paedophiliac, perverted, manchild furfaggot best known for creating shitty, effortless videos about a show full of Australian dogs called Bluey that is targeted towards children who are aged 2 - 6 years old. In recent years, the show has gained a metric fuckton of attention by mongoloid furfaggots that channel their zoophilia, paedophilia, and other mental issues by drawing pornography of the characters, most of the art being incestuous and/or depicting children. He is also known for sperging out on Twatter occasionally and threatening to delete his online accounts to gain sympathy from his white knights.

Being one of the first troglodyte faggots to focus on Bluey reviews and memes, he has built a decent sized following on the platforms which he is active on. This large following consists mostly of retarded children that likely found his channel after accidentally closing off of Cocomelon on their degenerate parents' tablets. The others include autistic teenagers and sexually perverted adults, which is why the Bluey fandom is the pedophilic shithole that it is known as today. B & B was once a well respected member amongst his community of inbred, faggot manchildren (and arguably still is), however that all changed on February 6, 2023 when it came to light that the retard had made a slideshow full of Rule34 in what he claims is a "Warning about the dark side of the fandom", exposing thousands of pre-teens and younger zoomer tards to pornography for the first time. His tactic for defending himself is to claim that he hates the art, yet contradicts his retarded self by liking sexually suggestive art on Twitter.

Personal Life

Bryce's first fictional crush.
Apparently ching chongs can heat other things besides ramen noodles.

Bryce Baba was born on October 22, 2004 in Alhambra, California to hoarder April M. Yoshimura (born: April, 1971) and closeted faggot nigger Jap Brian H. Baba (Born: August, 1972). At just 7 months old on June 19, 2005, Bryce's uncle, Richard "Ricky" Makoto Baba (Born: September 12, 1970) died from cancer at just 34 years old so that he'd never have to witness Bryce grow up. Bryce also has a younger brother named Brayden Baba (Born: August 9, 2008) who was diagnosed with severe autism and at the age of 14 watches Wolfoo and Peppa Pig. His mother April is a slut who collects Hello Kitty merchandise and bitches about "muh raycism" on Faceberg. Bryce attended Alhambra High School until he graduated on May 26, 2023 and continues to live in a hoarded up apartment.

Not much is known about his father, as the cuck would have frequent arguments with his wife that would quickly end their marriage in divorce. All while little Bryce sat and watched shit like Almost Naked Animals or that one bald ass Canadian faggot. Like most whores, April Yoshimura would begin a new relationship with a man named Trent Alan Yamauchi (Born: July, 1971), who currently spends most of his time selling "rare" pieces of Chink labour online for his autistic step children.

Relationship With Family

Bryce claims that his family, especially his severely autistic, mongoloid brother Brayden Baba exist just to make him suffer. Bryce claims that he and his brother have argued with each other almost daily due to his brother's severe autism, yet Bryce refuses to recognise his own autism because he's not mentally and emotionally prepared to accept it. Bryce claims that his mother doesn't recognise muh mental issues as legitimate concerns despite respecting his wishes of not revealing his autism to Bryce, that is until she accidentally did a few years ago. The only person in his family that he does not appear to cry like a little bitch about is his step father, Trent. That's probably because Trent was tricked into ordering him a cartoon dog body pillow, not knowing what they're used for.

Bryce has also grown up to waste his money on retarded shit like his mother. He currently collects Bluey merchandise, cardboard advertisements, silver spoons, Pieces of plastic made by Chinks, and pieces of metal called coins and mold coloured paper.

(2020-2021) Online Beginnings

The story of B & B Productions began rather recently. On November 25, 2020, Bryce and his autistic brother Brayden created a channel called Bryce & Brayden Productions, but was shortened to just B & B Productions in an attempt to keep their names hidden from the public. Bryce first posted retarded Thomas the Tank Engine YouTube Poops and Brayden would post shitty Minecraft videos. After discovering Bluey, Bryce gradually stopped posting Thomas the Tank Engine kikery and instead posted Bluey YouTube Poops, which made his channel extremely popular amongst Bluey fans. However, these videos would eventually get copyright claims, so Bryce quit YouTube Poops altogether and took full control of the channel, while his brother Brayden would make a new channel titled Mr. Terraria Bunny where he posts the most autistic shit you could imagine such as putting Peppa Pig's head on Bluey characters or some shit like that.

One of Bryce's YouTube Poops
Brayden's Autism

Sexual Deviancy

After making his YouTube Poops private, he began discussing Bluey. these videos are half-assed and edited from an iPhone and almost every single one including some form of incorrect information due to laziness, but even the autistic children and nonces interested in this shit don't care and he quickly gained thousands of subscribers.

17 Straight Minutes of B & B Pointing Out Mistakes in His Videos

While this trend of growth continued for B & B, his 2 inch rod got a little hard and he decided to be like the big YouTubers and download cub/incestuous furry pornography, crop it, and show it to his mostly underaged audience some time in 2021. Bryce's reason for posting this video was to "Warn people about the dark side of the fandom" despite following cub fetishists on Twitter. Since the fandom was in its infancy and B & B was an extremely small YouTuber at this point, he was able to avoid consequences for years.

The Beginning of the Degeneracy

Old Glory

"Bluey, Porn, Old Glory, too, our symbols of an autist."

Shortly after this, a fucking dog body pillow shown at the beginning of the video became a meme within the growing Bluey community and retards watched as Bryce was waiting for it to be shipped from Hong Kong until it got lost/destroyed during the shipping process. This didn't stop Bryce from asking his step father to order him another one, this time poor Trent would be delivered his son's sex toy at his own work place.

Weaponised Autism

Official rules of the server. Notice how inappropriate content was allowed in a server full of children.
One of the emojis created in the server.

Realising the extent of his fanbase was growing, Bryce started a Pisscord server called B & B Productions Official Fan Club on April 26, 2021 full of his autistic underaged fans and sexual deviant kike faggots. Pure degeneracy would commence here like adding an emoji of the character Bluey, a 6 year old puppy in a sexually suggestive pose and pornography would be constantly shared around.

Bryce exploiting his white knights in a desperate attempt to save his reputation.

This wasn't the only thing that happened in the server, as B & B quickly realised that he could use the people in this server that worshipped him like the Flying Spaghetti Monster to help him "troll the trolls" by telling his new army of autistic children to white knight him in his own comment section. This initially worked in Bryce's favour, until one of the trolls threatened to kill themselves to make Bryce's plans of further weaponising his fantards backfire severely. Bryce got scared after this and fucking deleted everything to avoid damaging his reputation within his community, but it far was too late.

After this, B & B's server was plagued with drama and trolls began discovering his server, after one particular incident that nearly resulted in a retarded furfaggot being doxed the server would shut down and Bryce would delete his Discord account on August 26, 2021, just 4 months after being created. However, exactly one month later on September 26, 2021, the server would get a new owner and became public again. This time serving as an archive to Bryce's autism.

(2021-2022) Early Presence on Twitter

July 26, 2021: Bryce decides to spend $285 on an album.

After quitting Pisscord, Bryce's main online activity was on Twatter, where the impulse spending would really hit the fan, as he would spend $90 on four Bluey plushes and almost $300 on fucking Vinyl. He also continued to bitch about the trolls and anyone who questioned why a teenager was making videos about a series for toddlers with a mix of posting about his personal issues and declining YouTube channel. On December 24, 2021, Bryce made his infamous Rule34 slideshow video private and announced on Twitter and YouTube that it was because his entire family was watching his videos at their Christmas party and didn't want his parents discovering his secret. On January 1, 2022, the New Year began great for our favourite Jap by announcing that his slut mother, April Yoshimura, was diagnosed with Chink Lung Herpes and his step father Trent had to fill her place at her job. Bryce stated that he was not looking forward to 2022, which would age like sushi.


Hideaki 1.0 in all of its glory
Kill me...

On January 4, 2022, Bryce drew a Bluey original character, an inbred Shikoku. His new OC was created because Australian furfaggot Sataru Animations, who let children in his Pisscord server look at and post Rule34 and fucking deleted the entire server when called out for it, asked members of the Bluey community to send him their OCs for a chance to appear in his shitty animation that looks like it was made on GoAnimate. To the Blueykike fandom, this solidified Bryce's status as King of the Retards and the worshipping drastically grew.

Fanart of his new OC soon infested Bluey Twitter like the Chink Lung Herpes was infesting itself into people. On January 8, 2022, Bryce decided to name his new creation Hideaki, this name is derived from the combination of Bryce's real grandfathers' names, who'd likely both kill themselves if they found out that a fursona was named after the both of them.

Name Leak

Doxing 101: Maybe admitting it isn't the best idea.

On January 19, 2022, it was discovered that our favourite retarded Japnigger had made a critical fuck up in concealing his identity online, when someone on Pisscord pointed out that Bryce's brother's real name Brayden was partially leaked on one of their Minecraft videos. 3 days later, it was discovered that Bryce's name had too been partially leaked but by a fucking notebook out of all things. Just hours later, it was discovered that he had commented on his own video with his personal account named Bryce B. and hearted it, all within just seconds after one of his videos were uploaded online. This solidified the legitimacy of the name that trolls had found. About a day later, on the same video that partially leaked his name, it was revealed at the end of it that his full name Bryce Baba had accidentally been leaked. Effectively giving trolls the beginning of Bryce's dox.

On January 29, 2022. A troll called Bryce by his real name on Instagram and asked how his brother Brayden was. As a result, the troll was instantly blocked. Bryce also admitted on Twatter that their real names had been leaked, thinking that his white knights would take care of things. However, all they did was condemn the leaking of the information as they thought saying "ITS BAD LEAVE HIM ALONE" would be effective.

The Video That Doxed Bryce

B & B vs. Vrg_rl (Part 1)

When all else fails, use white knights.
The redneck himself.

August 20, 2022, 6:51 PM, a date which will live in infamy. It was revealed that autistic inflation fetishist TrulyRadley and his redneck Ohioan friend Vrg_rl said that Bryce should kill himself and touch grass on July 29, 2022. Ultimately ending a record of almost 7 months without drama for our favourite Japfag. Bryce responded how he usually does, by acting depressed on Twatter to activate his white knights into defensive mode. Surprisingly, it proved successful for Bryce this time, as just 47 minutes later, Bryce would announce Vrg_rl and TrulyRadley both surrendered to Bryce on JewTube and Pisscord


How to kill your channel 101

Although the drama ended as quickly as it did, the damage to Bryce had already been done. He began posting about how much of a fucking mess his life is and how he had no idea where to continue from now. Posting about his failing YouTube channel had went from once every 2-3 months to nearly a weekly occurrence. He also began heavily posting about fast food, something the autist has always had an interest in, but it would now grow to an extremely unhealthy obsession. He even made a separate Twatter account called Retro Fast Food to show pictures of 90's styled Taco Hell, Burger Sluts, and NigDonald's. He drew an old Taco Bell styled background for his YouTube videos, which the quality became even more fucking shitty with his photography being replaced with a still image of Herpeyaki making occasional facial expressions.

Return to Discord


Like other terminally online niggers, Bryce had to step back onto Dicksword. This time however, the fandom had grown so much that he was unable to use his white knights and post porn like he originally did or else his poor wittle reputation would be ruined. On October 20, 2022, he revealed that he had an uncle who was nicknamed "Mako". Bryce describes his uncle as a nice person, but also says that he was likely an autist fucking faggot as well, contradicting himself in the same paragraph. Bryce claims that he only saw "Mako" when he was a baby because he shit the bed due to cancer. This person was discovered to be Richard "Ricky" Makoto Baba, a brother of Bryce's father, Brian H. Baba.

Bryce's return to Discord went as well as you'd expect for an autist, it didn't. Trolls quickly learned about this and began trolling again. The trolling was extremely effective and he started sperging out like he did before, he even sperged when people wouldn't give him attention.

His activity on Shitcord quickly declined due to this. As a result, he began prioritising his activity on Twatter once again, but he wouldn't delete his account or even quit Pisscord this time, and is still to this day occasionally active, but activity is no where near what it once was.

Hideaki Shipping

People actually like this.
Typical art made by a Troon.

In late 2022, a stupid fucking trend began in the Bluey fandom where people would ship their OCs with Hideaki, some of the people doing this trend were minors who Bryce specifically gave permission to do this (while he was an adult). This trend was started by Mikey Corgi and Kyle, two Failipinos who take it up the ass. It then spread to other people like chinks, niggers, and kikes. The trend died rather quickly in February, but one beaner whore has attempted to revive it as late as May, 2023. DreamyPond is a bisexual, weird, retarded, timber nigger who would embarrass Geronimo if that redskin were still alive. At the age of 21, cannot drive a car, cook, go to college successfully, or draw, yet still claims to be a genius.

Bryce loved the art, and attempted to stretch the "joke" like his father's broken condom because it made his 2 inch rod grow half an inch, yet Bryce would later lie and say that he hated it.

The Mental Breakdown

Bryce was sure that he had gotten away with everything he did in the last two years, but like always, it came back to bite him in the ass. The beginning of 2023 looked like it was going to be Bryce's best year yet. January went smoothly, trolling was on the decline, nobody had started drama since August, 2022. However, this would all change on February 6, 2023.

On February 6, 2023, Bryce had again got involved in drama, this time it was with a 26 year old manchild faggot named Scudworth's Husband and his friends, Bryce decided to bitch about sexually suggestive art about a Bluey character. Scudworth's Husband pointed out to the retarded Japnigger that he had cub porn in his videos for over 2 years and refused to remove it, causing Bryce to have his biggest freakout yet, where he threatened to leave the fandom, blackened his profile picture, quit uploading videos, and even threatened to commit suicide. He would tweet one more time on February 9, 2022 claiming that he's receiving professional help and wouldn't tweet again for a record 11 days. Due to the mental breakdown, he said that he would stop producing Bluey videos and instead transition to Fast Food History videos. However, in May, 2023, Bryce went back on his statement and stated that he would continue producing Bluey content.

Bryce threatening to quit Twatter
Bryce describing his shitty life.
Bryce threatening to neck himself

My Problems

On February 7, 2023, Bryce created what was supposed to be his suicide note on Google Docs of all fucking things. On this note, Bryce lists 9 reasons why he planned to commit suicide. The Document can be found Here, but the document will be summarised below:

Reason 1. Social Wrath: He claims that Scudworth's Husband's drama was the incident that made him consider suicide, but claims it wasn't the sole incident. However, doesn't list any other incidents that could've contributed and for some reason comes out as bisexual

Reason 2. The Fandom in General: Bryce bitches about shipping art despite giving a 14 year old permission to make shipping art of Bryce's character. He also says that the fandom is too political, despite nearly everyone in the fandom being Socialist/Commiefaggots who refuse to speak politically. He also mentions how some people deserve to be exposed and called out like he was.

Reason 3. To Forgive or Not to Forgive: Bryce claims that he has tried to atone for his mistakes and bitches that the internet won't leave him alone for looking at cub porn, having paedophile tendencies, and other unforgivable shit. He also calls out his tranny friend softservedshiba for simply disagreeing with him.

Reason 4. My Brain is Broken: Bryce states that the only thing that he has is his YouTube channel and blames everything wrong with him on Autism, despite initially denying that he had autism at the beginning of his "career".

Reason 5. I Can't Touch Grass: Bryce states that he cannot touch grass due to being allergic to it, this is despite taking pictures in grassy areas before without ever mentioning such allergy. He also mentions the chronic skin condition that he has, which may or may not be real. He only mentions said condition when he desperately needs his white knights.

Reason 6. "Just Get a Job, You Lazy Bum": Bryce states that he refuses to do manual labour because he has chronic niggerpox, or whatever the fuck is wrong with him. He considers YouTube his first and only job.

Reason 7. You Have a Great YouTube Channel?: Bryce bitches about his subscribers not tuning in to his half-assed videos and admits that he's losing his grip on his channel. He whines about other Bluey YouTubers for having the same ideas and turning them into polished piles of shit, while Bryce's videos just remain dogshit.

Reason 8. You're Only in it for the Money, Nothing You Say is From the Heart: Bryce admits that he doesn't give a shit about his fans and that they're mere Shekel signs to him.

Reason 9. Just Get Some Rest and It'll All be Better: Bryce bitches about how things will never get better, the only truth our favourite Japnigger has said throughout this entire document. He blames doxers for everything wrong in his life, but can't name a single doxer. He also effectively disowns all of his white knights on the spot by saying "Fuck my friends, I'm tired of them".

Response Video

On February 10, 2023, Bryce uploaded a video in response to the drama that had just unfolded 4 days prior. In it he discusses the issues, his emotions like a 12 year old bitch, and makes threats towards himself to gain sympathy and activate his white knights.

Of course, the video is scripted and he even admits this in the video. He also does not address everything that occurred in an attempt to spare himself some humiliation. Of course, everyone that isn't inbred or a retarded child understood that everything stated was bullshit.

Bryce's Apology Video

B & B vs. Vrg_rl (Part 2)

The redneck himself, once again.

Vrg_rl was concerned when Bryce threatened to take his own life, but when the apology video was released, Vrg_rl's redneck mind quickly changed. Vrg_rl made a video on his shitty channel talking about the problems with Bryce's apology. However, when it was learned that Bryce was a faggot, Vrg_rl quickly stopped all the drama and decided to call him "brave" for his heroic actions of Paedophilia and desires to fuck dogs.

Vrg_rl's Response Video

Complete Dox Released

In late May, 2023, Bryce's dox would be extended greatly, as his entire family and his address would be posted online by trolls. It is unknown who exactly leaked Bryce's address, but many trolls have spread the information publicly on places such as Shitcord and Twatter. Bryce was made aware of this on around May 22, 2023. He has not publicly commented on the leaking of his address, but in private he's sperging out and telling the few white knights he has left to stop them and is threatening the trolls that are not only leaking Bryce's personal information, but his perverted faggot friends as well. During this time, Bryce claimed that even his own therapist has ended communications or "ghosting" him because of how fucking autistic he is.