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Since it was taken out of the article, I'm going to paste some of the old info that was built up here regarding wiki accounts, media, etc. 19:39, 21 April 2013 (EDT)



ArbCom member Elen of the Roads thinks it's okay to call editors self-confessed paedophiles while spreading hazardous personal info. This is totally not something that would be grounds for indefinite account locking if you weren't in the ArbCOM cabal.
Look! It's Tyciol! Wiki's ickiest user! Why isn't anyone banning HIM?? I can't think of a better example of an ultra-nerdy Wikipedian. why did it take them four years to do something about Tyciol?



Tyciol was blocked in April 2010, after I privately emailed Ryan Postlethwaite.


—Peter Damian

The mere existence of Tyciol with an active account on any WMF project makes Sue Gardner a bold face liar when she says Wikipedia has a "zero tolerance" policy toward pedophilia.


—Glass Bead Game

I would fully expect that Tyciol wouldn't involve himself in predatory activities on a WMF project. He was quite "civil". I wouldn't say that any of his posts here actually promoted pedophilia. WP has "zero tolerance" of people who self-identify as pedophiles on Wikipedia itself. I don't believe User:Tyciol has ever done that



Tyciol finally got his ass B& from TOW last Thursday for "Pro-pedophile activism", with Postlethwaite swinging the banhammer. Needless to say, this caused the usual drama bomb, as the Wikipedos ran about trying to deal with it, and poor Ryan caught the fallout from it.

"If I think they're probably a pedophile, the likelihood is that they've made pro-pedophilia edits so I'll block them" "if any user who's brought to my attention I strongly suspect is a pedophile, they'll be blocked" - Ryan's reviews

The ban occurred October 29, 2009 and was reported by HangingCurve by May 1, 2010.

Sock paranoia

In July, multiple sock accounts were created solely for reverting the edits of accounts accused of being Ty socks. Probably just one guy: AANQW, ADL, AL, BL, DAL, RBC and XB.

In addition to the main account, several other accounts have been found through searches blocked under accusations of being operated by the same user. These include:

  1. PAN in July 2010
  2. DB in September 2010
  3. AC in July 2011
  4. BC in August 2011
  5. CB in October 2011
  6. YJ in January 2012

See also: Wikipedia:Category:Wikipedia_sockpuppets_of_Tyciol

This list may not be complete as the Wikimedia CA is not searchable based on block summaries and these discoveries are a result of associated discussions on Wikimedia projects that pertain to these accounts.

Tyciol is a troll, well-fed by ArbCom and by Rlevse




In ongoing fail, the latest news is that Tyciol was brutally banhammered Jan 14 2010 by Encyc owner Emperor User:Chika in a fit of righteous rage.[1] Expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled). This lead to Eme/Wikademia inquiring as to WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. [2]

Also permanently banned from the forum (much alike WR) "permanently banned from this board" "A ban has been issued on your username" "please contact the Board Administrator for more information."

Wikimedia Commons

Tyciol was not someone Commons should have around. Was it worth giving the en-ArbCom an excuse to keep me banned just so that I could ensure that Tyciol was kept off Commons? Yes, yes it was.


—Ottava Rima

Tyciol also got his ass banned on Wikimedia Commons, despite pedos on Commons initially coming to his rescue. His block on commons generated the usual sperging out by Aspie Wikipedos.

pedo advocate transplant from WP.



The blocking occured in July 2010. The first block was made by MBisanz

Tyciol is blocked, with the summary "(pedo advocate transplant from WP.)" I see no evidence that he was given any opportunity to discuss his case here.



This block provoked a [July 2 reaction from Wnt on the Administrator's noticeboards' blocks and protections section. This in turn provoked an immediate response:

I see no reason to have him blocked at commons. Wikipedia arbcom rules do not apply at commons. This block should be reverted as soon as possible.



The block was removed on July 5th by Kameraad Pjotr.

I think no one would describe his editing on commons as pro-pedophilia without believing it to have come from a "confessed pedophile"


—Gmax on Ty at first

On the 8th, Gmaxwell made a reply pointing out that exceptional cases make for bad policy. However he eventually relented and re-banned on the 9th, avoiding all controversy by simply stating "You have all been trolled, I think."

Account only has the potential for disruptive use


—Gregory Maxwell

Pjotr's induced Ottava to vote to de-admin him on the 14th, which did not succeed.

Wikimedia Meta Global

People tried to vote for a lock in July, but this was rejected by Laaknor.

Tyciol, who you may recall from any discussion here involving advocacy of paedophilia on WP, seems to have had his account globally "locked" in August. This is more or less a global block



After being progressively kicked off of Wikipedia, the Commons, along with minions from Simple and Wikiversity, in August the parent-dominated Kylu was bullied by the community into making the global lock (without a vote). They then had a sham vote the following day. This evoked bawwwfest on his meta talk page.


In a reverse of justice, Kylu asked for people to vote as a necessity to rescind it. This vote to unlock was rejected by Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt.

Kylu briefly conveyed communications (since locked users cannot edit even their own talk page) and then left forever.

Some did not take kindly to his presence.

Your account is subject to a global lock because we are technically unable to apply a global block to it



A second attempt to unlock in 2011 was rejected by Vituzzu, a steward who had only been on the job a couple months, responding to Coren's encouragements.

I don't see any *substantial* reason to remove the lock I see just some more drama.



Lock talk

Sj discusses the Global Arbitration Committee and references alongside Thekohser. Identifies that they aren't under the scope of anti-vandalism or anti-harassment.

Wikipedia Review

I can confirm he has indeed been reading here lately.



I know that several arbitrators frequent our pages. I would appreciate an explanation from them regarding what - if anything - is being done to safeguard the minors who participate on the site from characters like Tyciol and his ilk.


—A Horse With No Name

Maybe the Tyciol stuff here and elsewhere should be split off into their own thread?



when someone doesn't upload a video of an eight year old being gang raped, are they imposing a nasty point of view on asswipes like Tyciol who would just love to see such filth?


—taiwopanfob, sharing his perception

the infamous WP pedophilia nut-squad? Herostratus, Flyer22, Jack-a-Roe, Tyciol, James Cantor, Eloquent? Dare I say it, ForesticPig?



The account, registered March 14, 2008 and example of 1 of 8 posts, made 11:20 which after a flurry of replies caused the thread to be locked and the account banned, because WikiReview are butthurt flaggots who can't take it.

One thing that makes CorporateSexOffenders look stupid: this person Tyciol isn't a criminal, he hasn't done anything. He hasn't raped anyone, hasn't had sex underage, hasn't done anything to legally justify a page like this. Its one thing for sites to maintain profiles of "convicted paedophiles" (in most parts of the world this is illegal and an invasion of privacy, but in parts of USA it somehow managed to get through), but its quite another to maintain profiles of people who are guilty of thought crime.



Good work, Tyciol, I'm getting interested in Tyciol. WTF?



Another example: a reply from Milton Roe.

I notice that User:Tyciol participates in the discussion here. Some of the comments he makes from his LiveJournal account make me a little disturbed he is contributing to Wikipedia. His views on the morality of paying for downloads (wrong)


—Peter Damian

I don't think any good can come from his user name being associated with WR.



The staff of WR got butthurt about the membership and rescinded it without explanation or review. Likely so as to be able to talk without contradiction to their attacks.

Tyciol is right up there among the cleverest. He's a squirrely one, I'll give him that! He'll make a fine political consultant.



Somey has replied on occasion also, too, yet does not seem to be moving to rescind the ban of someone he engaged in discourse with so freely. Nor has Jon Awbrey who also replied.


So nothing of what you've seen or observed of children would make you say that they're not as emotionally mature or responsible as an adult? You're either a) an idiot; b) living in a cave, completely removed from society and have no memories of your own childhood or c) you have some other reason for wanting to believe what you wrote and I think anyone can guess what that is. I've read enough, I'm not going to let you harass people on this forum



Ty was banned Feb 4, 2011, by Jasmin, though it is not clear what rules were broken.


Banned from both the forums and the IRC server without just cause. One of the spankwiki admins = a coward.

Around April 14/15 2012 HACKERS ON STEROIDS banned the account which had existed for over an anterior entire half-decade (7.5 years, Oct 2004 - April 2012. Ended it IN THE GREEN).

The "Why isn't Tyciol banned" thread was deleted at some point. The crucible remains, at the moment.

Googled "Tyciol". Kinda wish I hadn't. BRB, feeling sick to my stomach.



fat, lazy, useless AND a legit pedo to boot? Doesn't get much worse than that.



is that real or a joke.



nothing at all funny about it. Hopefully bans him as they dont really need a 'child sex activist' posting on their forums.



no wall of text answer to being called a pedophile?



Unfortunately, I don't think he is subbed to this thread. We may have to wait until his May workout before he addresses this.



we may have to refresh the why isnt tyciol red thread to get his attention.

plus i negged him yesterday and told him to get to his w/o journal thread.



Encyclopedia Dramatica itself

Tyciol runs free. Won't be long before adminship! Hey Ty - since you're reading this, did you pick up the Black genitalia link from reading here yesterday?




Joined before getting own article due to the LJ drama. Contributed to the wiki extensively prior to it being wiped out or whatever. Great friends with 7. Created Aimee Louise Sword and uploaded ~half of the Ae-tan gallery from the old forums. See 2007 crawl and 2010 crawl of article, as well as 2006 crawl and 2007 crawl of user page. Unfortunately the talk page was not visited by the Wayback machine.

Previous versions

Using Wayback, earlier incarnations of the article can be found since the new ED lacks the history codes. The exact dates (such as when the article was first made) have been lost to time.


Joined this one too. lol Then it died and became .se

The Media

NBC News' show To Catch a Predator host Chris Hansen's colleagues: Perverted-Justice

Hola, I'm Xavier, one of the three administrators of Perverted-Justice and our associated sites. I ended up being banned because I uttered the term "Tyciol is a pedophile" about five times on my talk page. You see, you are not to note bias in editors, even if that bias is the person publicly outing themselves as a pedophile on another website as... well, Tyciol. Same name, same guy. I guess I was supposed to stick my fingers in my ears and go "la la la la la" when dealing with this person's edits. Noting that he was a pedophile when reverting a long pedophile rant of his equals DEATH.


—Xavier Von Erck, August 2007

The head of PJ, Xavier, showed up on Wikipedia Review once back in '07 to cause drama related to Wikipedia, complaining about his ban.

There's a Wikipedian called Tyciol. Well here's his ED article. It looks all insulting and stuff. But then see -- It trashes the guy as a child molestor based purely on him expressing his opinions online. It then spreads as much personal information as possible. The person has never been charged with any sex crimes and claims not to do any crimes, just expresses his opinions. makes the ED article look pleasant in comparison. Basically, if Wikipedia wants to do badsites correctly, they need to ban all links to and currently they haven't.


—LamontStormStar, October 2007


Larry Sanger is no fan of Wikipedia. Sanger went out of his way to try to broadcast this attack when that absolutely was not necessary. His latest tactic is really pretty low. SimonTek points us to a Fox News article all about Sanger calling on the FBI to investigate Wikipedia for distributing child porn. While Fox of course plays up Sanger's Wikipedia credentials, they leave out the fact that he has been working on a failed competitor for years.


—Mike Masnick

this is well documented on sites like (BTW, search for "Tyciol" there


—Larry Sanger, May 3rd, 2010

During an article about Larry Sanger's CP hoax with the FBI, he attempts to derail the discussion with this reply whilst largely ignoring MM's points.

Silicon Republic

The original news article.
After Marie was done ret-conning her article.
Tyciol is quoted in this SiliconRepublic article. A brief note to the article author, and the quote is magically gone...


—Kevin's article Wikimedia Dumps Porn by Marie Boran initially had a quote:

Not all users were happy with this policy change with some suggesting that this deletion and removal of 'pornographic images' would not just mean images inappropriate for viewing by most but would encompass images that were not necessarily considered inappropriate in certain cultures - namely art.

"The censorship of centuries-old art is a very frightening event. It's hard to believe that this hasn't come to attention before, is this a reaction to sponsorship changes?" asks user Tyciol.

"I would much rather have the option of viewing advertisements on here as a way of volunteering funds to support the site, rather than indulging in censorship at the whim of Google being afraid people will boycott their engine if they list Wikimedia sites," he added.


—Marie Boran, October 5, 2010

All three paragraphs were later removed and replaced with the statement:

Edit: Reference to banned Wikipedia user removed


—Marie Boran

The original version can be read in Business and Leadership.

Boran compromised her original writing after protests led by people who noticed and complained about the quote on Commons, Review and Wikipedia.


In September 2011, Gregory Kohs wrote the article Wikipedia welcomes kids to pornography project. He decided to throw in the "purported pedophile" accusation.

WikiProject Pornography then grew to attact over two dozen active participants, including several Wikipedia administrators and one purportedly "pseudo-intellectual pedophile" who uses the nickname "Tyciol".


—Gregory Kohs, Wiki Edits Examiner, September 27, 2011


My old user page

I tried getting the wayback machine to find User:Tyciol on the old wiki but I can't seem to, only comes up with 2009 entries. Guys who find the old latest copies, how did you do it? Basically I had a lot of links and writeup on the situation which now it seems like it'd just make sense to merge it in here, basically I'd done a timeline with links to the various wikipedia drama threads and stuff. Including the global lock. Ty 08:39, 15 August 2011 (UTC)

There are no user pages in the archives, only main space. --zaiger (talk) 02:05, 23 April 2012 (EDT)


The powerpuff girls? Equivamptalk(Troll me here) 12:51, 15 August 2011 (UTC)

  • I'm not sure why that was added. I mean yeah, they're cute, especially the anime versions in Z, but while I find them attractive lolis and all that and would do all sorts of sexy things with them and make them my super-harem, they don't stand out to me in particular so that part about thinking they're my girlfriends or whatever is pretty much pulled out of thin air. In the meanwhile they miss out on my healthy fixation on Cannon Sensei Tobashisugi. TymeTalk 06:51, 26 August 2011 (UTC)
Super-harem. Oh, murr. Equivamptalk 20:08, 26 September 2011 (CEST)
I fucking love the powerpuff girls (not in the same way Ty does). 07:06, 29 December 2011 (CET)

Something new

I've found something new. Tyciol is a furry. Proof. There is this site called Evil Unveiled and it shows that in fact he brags about being a furry. User:Kool2 16:59, 26 September 2011

  • The term 'furry' doesn't even show up when I visit that page. I don't "brag about being a furry" as people put it. I say I'm a furfan, because I am a fan of certain comics and cartoons that have "furry" characters in them. I'm not sure if that's something to brag about, it's not as if being a fan is an accomplishment or skill. I'm kind of perplexed why people pretend this is some kind of huge secret, or that liking Sonic X or whatever is somehow damning to my character. Oh well. Ty-cmeal 14:56, 3 December 2011 (CET)



hello. this article is still much too large, even after i trimmed a LOT of fat. if nobody else cleans it, i will go thru and click the 100 or so links and clean it myself. there is shit on there that nobody cares about, like his ban from some japanimation forum, etc etc etc... -hipcrime 21:58, 21 April 2012 (EDT)

  • I'm just guessing, but are you referring to AnimeOTK? That's the SpankWiki bro. That's relevant drama =/ Tymec 03:51, 22 April 2012 (EDT)

article cleanup

hello. i have cleaned all the junk and shit nobody cares about from this article. Ty's primary notoriety stems from his LiveJournal posts, and his global ban from the Wikipedia projects. the rest is in the history, if anyone cares to look. all the dead links have been cleaned up, and none that were archived were worth saving. please discuss any issues with this rewrite here, kthx. -hipcrime 14:14, 22 April 2012 (EDT)

  • Oy, this is quite BS hip, obviously people do care about a lot of the stuff I deleted. If you paid any attention at all the to references included, there has been many a shitstorm over at the Wikipedia Review. You actually removed articles from news sites. The global ban is actually something few care about because it's been hushed up and swept under the rug. I can't believe you actually deleted those news articles, those really should be put back. When you say they were 'archived', did you actually host the stuff you deleted on a sub-page like I suggested? Or do you mean viewing the history? Viewing histories isn't a good way to archive content. Tymec 00:56, 23 April 2012 (EDT)


Actually the reason I was banned from the Wikimedia projects is detailed here. It was more due to assertions that I had called myself a pedophile (I hadn't) or that I was trolling the commons (I wasn't).

Also my first edit to ED wasn't my own article, I was editing ED before it was created. I added .ch because that's the history you're referring to. Stop pretending the old ED didn't exist. Tymec 01:00, 23 April 2012 (EDT)

you seem upset. it was an oversight, but plz continue overreacting for my amusement. i have restored Revision as of 09:32, April 22, 2012. - - hipcrime - 01:24, 23 April 2012 (EDT)
Tymec 02:06, 23 April 2012 (EDT)

missing image

TMTAE does not like.
-hipcrime 02:23, 30 April 2012 (EDT)

This was a screenshot from DD's YT channel commnets. I prob have original saved somewhere but it's easier for me to make a new version. I hate the new site design. Now instead of having pages, YT comments work like twitter where you 'load more' and crap. I'm pretty sure they used to have dates, so much for that.

Feel free to mine the channel for 4yo drama, a lot of clashes between people who no longer create drama, back in the days of old ED.

Here's what I recall having added a quote of before: File:TvTime.jpg. A good example of the shit TMTAE used to post back when she was being fed false info by the Yahweh clan, or just jumping to deluded assumptions, I dunno.

I'll leave it up to you if you want to add it or any other screencaps. It sucks that troyriser deleted his account, was so full of lulz. Tymec 03:04, 1 May 2012 (EDT)


trolls template

hi. i added template:trolls because Equivamp's latest addition just bolsters my theory that Ty isn't a pedo but suffered blowback from the 'don't pay for CP' comments. also, lol @ the meta on this article. i dunno who did that but im just going to leave it like that cuz i dont really think Ty is a pedo. -hipcrime 19:56, 26 April 2013 (EDT)

What do you mean by meta? Are you referring to the old data that got removed which I added under '2010' above? 15:57, 11 May 2013 (EDT)
advanced meta. -hipcrime 18:01, 11 May 2013 (EDT)

Well shit

I am pissed. People just jump to the conclusion I'm a troll nowadays. Fuck. Can't even have any good discussions. Also the ban summary I got was just 'troll fail' not

You never answered the questions to complete your introduction, but it sounded very general.
You decided to post your intro on April Fool's Day.
Your username suggests "an unemployed Asperger's basement-dwelling furfag hentai Wikipedophile nerd, who lives with his mommy"

as fairi5fair claimed, thoguh perhaps it got changed. Thanks to obmon and TheDisgruntledGentleman for their support. At least when you're banned you can still see likes. I don't even remember it being April Fool's Day when I posted that, but considering that I had registered back in June 2012 I thought that made it clear that I was a silent reader until then, guess not :( 19:40, 11 August 2013 (EDT)


Time machine

Trying to remember when I first joined ED, pretty sure sometime in 2006. 03:20, 21 April 2015 (EDT)