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[[File:Dead frontier logo.gif|300px|image|right]]
Dead Frontier is a free browser Survival Horror [[MMO]] created by a british cuntbag called [[British Scum|Neil Yates (AdminPwn)]] and his retarded brother ([[Creationist|Xaelath]]) in Neil's  basement. And just like [[typical|most browser-based games]] that has zombies in it, you can buy premium crap and spend your money like a dumbass [[shekels|on their brand of magic game money called credits]], which is a waste because you can buy them with in-game money, too. There's also the failure of a barter system where you would pray to god that you can find someone who won't trade you a fork for a minigun, this is considered to be a pointless system since no one wants to give away their shit. It also has a a gay forum where underage dweebs talk about their uninteresting life and [[bawww|cry]] how it's unfair that the items are too fucking expensive, it's notable that more people spend their time on there than the game, mostly due to the fact that they are lazy shits who can't go exploring in the game. The ''reward'' for getting to the top of the leader boards is having access to a [[elite|special shop]] that sells expensive shit that would be impossible for you to buy with the game money, so you have to buy credits to get more money, it is believed that the creators of the game did it on purpose to get more jew gold.
Dead Frontier is a free (to an extent.) browser Survival Horror [[MMO]] created by (British Scum)Neil Yates (AdminPwn)]] and his brother ([[Creationist|Xaelath]]) in Neil's  basement. Just like most browser-based games, you can buy premium, or spend your (Lie)hard-earned [[shit nobody cares about|on their brand of magic game money called credits]], which is a waste because you can buy them with in-game money, too. This is one of the few games that actually has a [[Lie|working]] barter feature where you can trade your [[jew gold|money]] for other people's overpriced crap. Has a functioning hentai ridden forum where more people spend their time on fapping as furiously as they can. Unlike most games, you actually get rewarded for spending countless hours of your (lie) important life to get to the top of the leaderboard, your reward is access to a shop with the (Fake) best equipment in the game. Too bad it all (Fail) costs more in-game money than you have or ever will have.
Oh yeah, and there's zombies,cross dressers, cybering, hentai (loads and loads and loads of hentai)

*Also, [[Lolwut|Neil's father did a good amount of the work in the recent 3d version.]]
*Also, [[Lolwut|Neil's father did a good amount of the work in the recent 3d version.]]
[[Image:1270956105613.jpg|thumb|right|What you wish the game looks like.]]

[[Image:screenshot4.jpg|thumb|right|What the game actually looks like.]]

[[File:Dead frontier7.jpg|thumb|right|200px]]

You kill [[zombies]] with guns, [[Necrophilia|steal from dead people]], get [[raped]] by invincible killing machines disguised as challenging bosses, repeat. Now go play [[Killing Floor]], n00b.
You kill [[zombies]] with guns, [[Necrophilia|steal from dead people]], get [[raped]] by invincible killing machines disguised as challenging bosses, repeat. Now go play [[Killing Floor]], n00b.
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*'''Athlete''': Gets [[Shit|improved]] speed.
*'''Athlete''': Gets [[Shit|improved]] speed.
*'''Teacher/Priest/Lawyer/Account/Journalist/Actor/Stock Broker/Architect/Entertainer/Student''': Get a 30% EXP bonus.
*'''Teacher/Priest/Lawyer/Account/Journalist/Actor/Stock Broker/Architect/Entertainer/Student''': Get a 30% EXP bonus.
*'''Santa''': [[Faggot|Admin]] only class. [[Shit Nobody Cares About|Survivors who told of a jolly fat man riding around the decidedly not-wonderful winter wasteland were laughed at - Santa Claus was, and still is, something parents told their kids when they tucked them in at night, to keep the kids hoping. Until someone left a ton of bullets, explosives, and credits in front of a makeshift tree smack-dab in the middle of the compound. (the twelve men working the storage building claimed to have not seen anything because they were so busy looking at naked pokemon characters fuck one another to care). When guards went to look outside, there were miles and miles of used tampons.
*'''Santa''': [[Faggot|Admin]] only class. [[Shit Nobody Cares About|Survivors who told of a jolly fat man riding around the decidedly not-wonderful winter wasteland were laughed at - Santa Claus was, and still is, something parents told their kids when they tucked them in at night, to keep the kids hoping. Until someone left a ton of bullets, explosives, and credits in front of a makeshift tree smack-dab in the middle of the compound. (the twelve men working the storage building claimed to have not seen anything). When guards went to look outside, there were miles and miles of dead zombies.]]
*'''Cyborg''': (Narcissist)Admin only class. they say cyborg because they have to count all that metal and plastic from the vibrator thats constantly up his asshole as part of his body, so yeah hes a "cyborg."
*'''Cyborg''': [[Narcissist|Admin only class]].
[[Image:imagesCASZAJZ4.jpg|thumb|right|You will never get this [[Cock|gun]]. No exceptions.]]
[[Image:imagesCASZAJZ4.jpg|thumb|right|You will never get this [[Cock|gun]]. No exceptions.]]
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'''Halloween Bosses''' This is temporary
'''Halloween Bosses''' This is temporary

*'''Pumpkin Zombie''': Same shit as the newfag boss except it gives out some prizes. gay as fuck
*'''Pumpkin Zombie''': Same shit as the newfag boss except it gives out some prizes.
*'''Slender Man''': Copyrighted shit; has a ridiculous amount of health and a almost one hit kill. dumbest shit ever, christ atleast the pumpkin head was wasnt?
*'''Slender Man''': Copyrighted shit; has a ridiculous amount of health and a almost one hit kill.
*'''[[nigger|Black Titan]]''': A nigger version of a titan; ultimate cause of rage...yeah the development team over at shitty corpse just enlarged the titan photo spray painted it black in paint shop and wham-o theres a new boss, now we can say we "updated."
*'''[[nigger|Black Titan]]''': A nigger version of a titan; ultimate cause of rage.

==Notable [[Basement Dweller|People]]==
Image:1270956105613.jpg|What you wish the game looks like.
Image:screenshot4.jpg|What the game actually looks like.
File:Dead frontier1.jpg
File:Dead frontier4.jpg
File:Dead frontier5.jpg
File:Dead frontier6.jpg

*'''Razeredge:''' Some fag who has a 2 inch cock and likes brown men.
*'''Niki''': A very popular player, playing since the beginning of the game in '08. Known for never having spent any money on the game yet having an outstanding arsena from cock gobbling.
*'''Lucas.''': Dead Frontier's most famous troll. Holds the record for largest number of dicks in his ass and currently on a 1 year ban.
*'''AxionPrime''': [[basement dweller|One of the few level 200's]]. If you pay him enough money, he'll give you a handy behind KFC [[No|as cool as him]].
*'''[[Whore|Christina Jackson]]''': [[Fact|The only girl]] on the entire DF community. [[Bukkake|Owns]] [[Noob|Free Looters Union]] and [[Shit|Shadow Blades]].
*'''[[Emo|Gregg Stevens]]''': Another level 200, but he got arrested for touching an infants asshole with his index finger [[b&]].
*'''[[Jew|Reznorock]]''': Owner of worlds first ever preserved cat shit statue of Elvis Presley
*'''Blaqk''': Owner of Entropy, which is basically the only difference between him and Reznorock. Another noted [[oldfag]]. Former Moderator.
*'''RuinOfTheDead''': Mostly [[Sick_fuck|normal]] unless [[Bullying|provoked]]. Joined a group of [[Basement_dwellers|pros]] and [[Cool_guy|doesn't boast about it everywhere on the forums]]. Is also a [[Brony|ponyfag]].
*'''mvp13''': Owner of [[Gay|Scarlet]] Sentinels.
*'''Sgt. Thompson''': DF's resident [[Art|artfag]].
*'''[[Furfag|Hanno25]]''': [[Faggot|Your average internet user.]] Is known for [[Idiot|history of creating dumbass threads making no sense whatsoever]], just [[Troll|to get you mad]], so he can [[Yiff|fap]] over his [[Retarded| accomplishment of winning an argument on the internet]]. [[Hater|Also makes]] [[Bullshit|legible arguments]] [[Hater|against]] [[Brony|ponyfags]].
*'''Deaths Aeon (Death's Æon)''': One of DF's [[Fucktard|wannabe pretty boys]], he likes to talk down his former clans in order to make himself feel better about [[Gay_pride|his past]]. Likes to spell his account name Death's Æon because [[Narcissist|he thinks it makes him look cool]].
*'''[[Nigger|Thewisefish]]''': Quite simply, [[poser|somebody]] you would just want to punch in the face upon meeting.
*'''MonsterSavona''': Just [[Bullying|laugh]] at this [[Transvestite|nobody]] and move on. Or buy a rotten cabbage from him, it's totally worth it.
*'''HeirApparent''': [[rofl|AKA]] - Bloodlust, [[gay|Heirmet]], [[wtf|NoHairApparently]] or just "Heir", is one of the [[whore|easiest]] to troll players on DF, probably because they like to [[Fucktard|think they know what they're talking about]]. [[fail|Just like Andrew Kutches]], he has quit a million times... but you hope he'd just [[die|go away]].
*'''NobleV''': Another [[nigger|oldfag]] who got the [[penis|ban hammer]], but was framed because he interfered with [[Jew|Reznorock's]] cum|sucking of [[queer|AdminPwn's]] [[dick|"special weapon crafting machine".]]
Writing yourself into an article only a fucking internet loser would write an article about himself, HAHAHA XD XD XD XD

'''Protip''': Do what you want moderators cant ban you from the game, just forums and chat...Lmao there like security guards at the mall they think there cool cuz they make the younger kids laugh, only problem is there laughing at there sad fucking lives, not there comedic antidotes
{{Videoframe|vf|background-color:black;border-radius:1em;color:white;padding:1em;margin:0 auto;|font-weight:bold;
*'''[[British|AdminPwn]]''': Administrator. Rakes in tons of money from his overpriced credits.
*'''[[Christian|Xaelath]]''': Administrator and AdminPwn's brother. Goes onto Serious Discussion and talks down his users about why jesus isnt real
;Dead Frontier Hacked Game Play</center>
*'''[[Pretty Cool Guy|Crynsos]]''': Moderator. Runs the wiki. [[Fap|Doesn't do much more than that]].
*'''MaFaHai''': Moderator.  [[Malaysia|Pacifinigger]].   
;You'll be running backwards the entire game</center>
*'''[[Psion Guild|PsyFiend420]]''': Moderator. Probably spends time on 420chan.
*'''[[Spic|Akraix]]''': Moderator. Asshole. could suck a golf ball through your asshole and out of your mouth
;Dead Frontier 3D Fort Pastor Mission Save The Data BUG (FAIL)</center>
*'''yakkety''': Some fuck tard who thinks its cool to take pictures of people no one knows, who developed a game no one knows about, to brag to all the people...he...does...not...know
*'''Buford83''': One of the newer additions to the "Mods." a real piece of shit, dont denounce him or his freinds, or they'll tell you how worthless you are because you arent a moderator, and you have a life besides your ass glued to a PC chair, has a 1 inch penis, and dosent even know how to use it, has 3 pubic hairs all permed and pressed with glitter sparkles, he also got arrested in Lake Michigan for sucking off 3 horses and 2 mexican shelf stockers at the local Home Depot, this guy looooves the cock  ;)
;DEAD FRONTIER 31 - Epic Fail Time!</center>
*'''Max Brooks''': Where do i start with this guy, hes helpful, hes polite, hes a nice guy, dosent turn into a dipshit at the ability to press a button and make your screen name go away for a day or 2. Takes his modship serious but in a good way, alot of peoples overall favorite moderator, also owes me  $3.50  american
*'''Nikon''': Christ are you weird...i mean seriously, just fucking whacked, but atleast your not a fucking chode choker like the rest of those dipshits on the short bus with no wheels
==Notable Clans==
DF has a crapload of clans, these are the [[Gay|biggest]] and [[Shit|best]].
[[Image:fbfgfghid.jpg|thumb|right|They yiffed all the way into MMOs.]]
*'''V.O.I.D.''': Some cock shiners gave neil a reach around in turn for some crazy purple armour that costs about $500 american, thats right there selling fake items for more then a fucking console system is worth...tsk tsk tsk...u poor fuck tards you
*'''Free Looter's Union''': These guys are so lucky, they get free head from the skank that owns the thing
*'''Entropy''': Clan based off the philosophy of [[Bullshit|Chaos]] and [[Bullshit|Nothing]]. The clan ranks are copied from [[Fallout|Fallout's]] [[Gay|Caesar's Legion]]. They have a clan story which is [[lie|not emo at all]].
*'''Scarlet Sentinels''': fucking commies
*'''[[Furry|Furries Guild]]''': There named after weird-os who dress up in giant animal costumes and fuck one for you that wont accept members that arent HIV positive and have gonoreha of the throat and asshole
*'''S.H.A.D.O.W.''': SHADOW stands for  Suck Hard And Drink Or War, basically this clan says hey well suck you off and swallow...or if you dont let us were gonna have a clan war...OMG clan epic
*'''D.R.L.P.''': DRLP is a sub division of  DFPITA  which stands for  Dogs Fucking People In The Ass, these guys get down with other species, thats right things gettin crazy down on the farm, YEEEEHAW
For the first time only, here on Enclyopedia Dramatica, i have actual video footage of buford83 leaving his home "dressed to impress."

==See Also==
==See Also==
* [[Zombies]]
* [[Zombies]]
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]
* [[Left 4 Dead]]
* [[Left 4 Dead]]
* [[Forums So Dirty There 3 Steps From 4 Chan]]
* [[Killing Floor]]
* [[Games So Boring Its Funner To Use There Chat Rooms]]
* [[Fanboy]]
* [[Fanboy]]
* [[Waste Your $ On things You Can Actually Touch]]
* [[Writing yourself into an article]]
* [[Writing yourself into an article]]
* [[Games That Wont Stand The Test Of Time]]
{{main|Dead Frontier/Users}}
== External Links ==
== External Links ==
* [ The Official Df Site Itself]
* [ The Site Itself]
* [ Fanboy Site]
* [ Fan Site]
* [ Their Wiki]
* [ Their Wiki]


Latest revision as of 11:34, 5 January 2014


Dead Frontier is a free browser Survival Horror MMO created by a british cuntbag called Neil Yates (AdminPwn) and his retarded brother (Xaelath) in Neil's basement. And just like most browser-based games that has zombies in it, you can buy premium crap and spend your money like a dumbass on their brand of magic game money called credits, which is a waste because you can buy them with in-game money, too. There's also the failure of a barter system where you would pray to god that you can find someone who won't trade you a fork for a minigun, this is considered to be a pointless system since no one wants to give away their shit. It also has a a gay forum where underage dweebs talk about their uninteresting life and cry how it's unfair that the items are too fucking expensive, it's notable that more people spend their time on there than the game, mostly due to the fact that they are lazy shits who can't go exploring in the game. The reward for getting to the top of the leader boards is having access to a special shop that sells expensive shit that would be impossible for you to buy with the game money, so you have to buy credits to get more money, it is believed that the creators of the game did it on purpose to get more jew gold.


You kill zombies with guns, steal from dead people, get raped by invincible killing machines disguised as challenging bosses, repeat. Now go play Killing Floor, n00b.

Starting Classes


You will never get this gun. No exceptions.
Dog food is an actual item. You fucking eat it.


Burning Zed IRL.
  • Regular Zed: A newfag zombie.
  • Fat Zed: Eats food like you;.
  • Burned Zed: A newfag pyromaniac who became a zombie.
  • Radioactive Zed: A zombie that pukes acid all over you; It wants to give you a blow job whenever you come near it.
  • Burning Zed: A successful pyromaniac who was infected; counts as a newfag boss.
  • Leaper: The only mutant that can pwn you with one hit.Seriously.
  • Spider: Leading cause of FFFUUUUUUUUU-.
  • Bloat: Fat Zed with a bigger mouth to suck big cocks; then it will vomit on you.
  • Bone: Common mutant on drugs.
  • Reaper: Has a bladed arm with a 100 foot range; it known for sticking it's blade up your ass.
  • Tendril: Reaper in loli form plus negro speed; It's known for wanting to stick it's multiple cocks up your ass.
  • Siren: Emo that's horny and wants to give you a blow job and screams; this alerts everyone in the area to rape you in the ass.
  • Brute: Fat zombie, add 1000 lbs. and explodes on death.


  • Titan: A Bone with a ridiculous amount of health. Oh yeah, is like 16 feet tall and it wants to give you a blow job. Can bitch slap users with a good amount of force.
  • Flaming Titan: Guess what; this one's faster and can bitch slap users even moar harder.
  • Mother: Probably the most fucked up enemy in the entire game. A pregnant lady who's baby is now fused into her stomach and throws up everywhere. Bravo, Neil, you've created vaginal goatse.
  • Flaming Mother: ready for round 2?
  • Giant Spider: After being killed countless times by Spiders, good news, now they are bigger AND faster.
  • Flaming Giant Spider: This just in, the giant spider is now stronger than ever ^_^
  • Wraith: A jailbate Tendril. You'd hit it, sick fuck; be aware as she has multiple cocks that are bigger than yours that will be stuck up your ass.
  • Flaming Wraith: Guess what, this one is stronger, so brace yourself for penetration XD
One easy step to combat these. Step one, kill yourself.

Halloween Bosses This is temporary

  • Pumpkin Zombie: Same shit as the newfag boss except it gives out some prizes.
  • Slender Man: Copyrighted shit; has a ridiculous amount of health and a almost one hit kill.
  • Black Titan: A nigger version of a titan; ultimate cause of rage.



Dead Frontier Hacked Game Play
You'll be running backwards the entire game
Dead Frontier 3D Fort Pastor Mission Save The Data BUG (FAIL)
DEAD FRONTIER 31 - Epic Fail Time!

See Also

Moar info: Dead Frontier/Users.

External Links

Dead Frontier is part of a series on


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