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Add pixplzkthnx to Waterdogs
Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.
This sold over $80

What the fuck is this?

Waterdogs are a closed species on deviantart meaning, you can't make one yourself according to the furfag creator. Alfeddy created this hybrid just to make quick cash of his idiot fanbrats. People must pay $15.00 to make a simple design for yourself. Now, you can make a simple beach dog character for free, but the white knights will go batshit on you as soon as you upload it.

some other adopts with the same concept for less

Another Waterdog fanbrat

The butthurt

Many fans (and even Alfeddy himself) get defensive when someone criticizes the obvious overpricing of nearly $300. They claim you're 'jealous' and 'poor' as a shitty defense mechanism. The user Griffsnuff went out her way to block innocent people who opposed his unoriginal species. When someone dares to draw water or lava on a dog that slightly resembles waterdogs, people will try to report it constantly, even if it's not against the site's TOS.

Free the water

FreeTheWater is an ongoing movement exposing the shitty concept of beach dogs. The tag attracted more Butthurt fags than maggots and shit. The movement consists of trolls and advrage people drawing fake waterdog's and selling them for deviantart points. New species like tidepool dogs and Aquanines evolved from this. They are also %90 cheaper. The rant journals piled up quickly after the tag gained popularity. Alfeddy abandoned Waterdogs for weeks since he can't take the heat from both this and other issues going on. [[1]]


Many people realized that following waterdogs is a waste of time, and because of it Al decided to move his ass to another account and leave waterwoofs. He's a teen who makes 13 yrs old furries pay for his shitty adopts. Right after making adopts he spends his time with Dylan, who is known for being his slut. Alfeddy knows how shitty his species are but he's surrounded with brainless fans so you can't even touch his fabulous ass. His best buddies are Migora (Dylan desu!!!) and Kittyjpg who will make anything for their dearest friend Al. Al's art is known for being shitty and even worse than MLP fanarts, even though people love to see their sparklewoofs in Al's style. He will become Blusinewolf or Mirrorzan in future, for sure.

See Also

Waterdogs is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Waterdogs is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.