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User:Vegetarianzombie/ROM Hack

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The typical ROM Hacker's crib.

A ROM hack is the result of retarded hipsters trying to emphasize that they're special for not liking today's modern game industry, or the result of a retard trying to be funny by re-texturing the sprites in the game into dicks or swastikas. These are commonly confused with bootleg games, as they are both usually complete shit. Why ROM hacks are created is a true fucking mystery, as noone will know why anyone would waste so much time on re-coloring Sonic The Hedgehog just so they can see their fan character in the game.

ROM hacks have been around since the 90's and, not surprisingly, have had the same level of quality since then. The usual ROM hacks range from well-made, to "At least you tried", and finally, dicks and swastikas. The first two are the easiest to find, since many ROM hacking websites are contaminated with them. Dicks and swastika ROM hacks are a bit more difficult, as you'll need to scrape the bottom of the toilet to find those. But normally, what you'll usually find is a W.I.P hack that was made by a 12 year old that learned how to use a sprite-editing program through YouTube tutorials.

Types of ROM Hacks

Well-made Hacks

These are usually a rare occurrence, as not many people are dumb enough to actually waste all that time devoting themselves to editing Super Mario Bros. These kinds of ROM hacks are usually just graphical changes or enhancements, as well as level layout changes, which are usually still shit. A Well-made ROM hack with changes to the sounds or music of the game is a long-shot, since most of the ROM hacking community are contaminated with faggots who see the original soundtracks as some sort of holy perfection, and wouldn't dare change 1 single beep. A good hack with changes to the code has been done only once or twice, as the way cartridge games were programmed was so fucking primitive, it could only take a Neckbeard to actually go through with modifying the game like that.

"At Least You Tried" Hacks

These kinds of hacks are failed attempts at trying to create a playable hack. The reason for these hacks failing is usually because the creator is an edgy 13 year old who tried to create Shadow of the Colossus out of Duck Hunt. These are usually people who have no idea what they're doing when they open a Mario sprite sheet in MS Paint, expecting to create the first ROM hack that was considered art. An example of this can be when someone tried to re-create Metal Gear in Super Mario Bros. Srsly.

Dicks and Swastika Hacks

The kind of quality that you should come to expect.

Hacks like these are pretty much what ROM hacking was made for. Despite some of these kinds of hacks containing lulz, most of them are just an unfunny overhaul of random obscenity, making it so overwhelmingly obvious the creator of the ROM hack was trying too hard to be funny. Some of them just have some genitalia plastered here and there, only editing the crucial graphics of the game. Others have dedicated their life to modifying every single pixel in the game to reference anything to do with Nazi Germany or a wrinkly ball-sack. So much so, to the point where you wonder if the creator of the hack ever stopped to think what they were doing with their life. But that has never happened, especially with anyone who decides it's a good idea to create one of these.

Some of these hacks have elements of plot, too.

These hacks aren't hard to spot, if you find one. The titles of ROM hacks like these have no compilation, but instead a mini-showcase of words describing what you can find in the game. An example could be: "Penis Nazi Hitler Weed Niggers", or "Cocain Hitler Swastika Anus". Rolls right off the tongue.

More than just Dicks & Nazis?

In these hacks, there's a strange repeating pattern that nobody seems to understand, other than the dicks and nazi propaganda of course. Almost all of these genitalia-themed ROM hacks have some sort of reference or cameo appearance of the Quaker-Oats man, and Wilford Brimley. It can be assumed this is another attempt at a "joke" from these brain-dead lardos, which somehow turned into a fad. Or it may be that these ROM hackers are too poor to afford real food, and get their inspiration from empty jars of Quaker oats, and looking at their dick all day long. Along with Wilford Brimley, Goatse seems to be another running theme in some of these. As well as the KKK, turning Mario into a black cock, giving Mario a blackface, or just resorting to drugs, for the touch of reality.

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See Also

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