Unrelated links

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Sandwich Chef won't stand for your unrelated links.

Unrelated links are links found on the internet that are misleading or have nothing to do with the link word that they link from. This can be witnessed on pages created by n00bs all over Encyclopedia Dramatica, who are unfamiliar with how we do things here, and thus, are fags.

How to spot an unrelated link

Well, given the infestation of 13 year old boys on the site, it is almost certain that 90% of this is linked to just for the sake of it, and this has nothing to do with the word it linked from. So, every time you see this it is likely that this is an unrelated link. Now get searching and see if you can find one!

Posting unrelated links?

If you are posting unrelated links, you obviously are devoid of any sort of sense of humour, or life. You might as well resign from ED forever and go back to your massive porn collection.

Unrelated Links

Unrelated links
is part of a series on Unrelated Pages
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Unrelated Topics

Ad hominem | Airplane | Conspiracy Theory | Desktop | Face-painters | Flash Mobs | Humanitarian | Inara BBS | MS Paint | Nathaniel | NO BINARIES | Nothing | Parkour | PeppermintPatti | Pillow Angel | Pussyhawks (English version) | Recent Changes | Resurrection | Scott Stapp | WHY IS THERE AN ARTICLE? | Woman | Упячка | Упячка, English version  | Растишка