The Slow Mo Guys

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Did You Know: Gavin Free was the slow motion cinematographer for shitty movies like Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Shadows and Snow White and The Huntsman?
Oh wait, nobody gives a flying fuck.


The Slow Mo Guys are two of the members at RoosterTeeth. They are unoriginal britfags that can't get enough of all of the money they are harvesting on YouTube, so they decided to make another effortless channel. They both are completely unfunny, and they try way too hard to be entertaining with their extremely terrible stunts, ranging from jumping into a stream of Diet Coke and Mentos, to getting shot in the face by a Nerf gun.

The Show

Extreme intelligence is a requirement.

The show is about a gay couple filming stuff being smashed/destroyed/exploded in slow motion. Then they film the aftermath when everybody knows full well that it is completely unnecessary. Doesn't this channel sound like a great way to spend your spare time?

Many fanboys like to consider these two jack-offs badasses, just because they copied The Matrix's "dodging the bullet" scene. And how they blow up Lego buildings and a globe. But in reality, they are nothing than two untalented cunts.

The show is also infamous due to the fact that they troll Microsoft and Apple fanboys by sledgehammering a PC and a Mac. You can see both of these videos below.


These videos contain a massive amount of butthurt reactions. If you can't handle the slightest bit of destruction to your precious Mac or PC, stay away.

Everything About The Fags

Typical Quotes

What we are going to do are a few tests of human reflex. Just to show how slow we really are, and how rubbish we are.


Gavin, being self-aware.

Bloody hell!


Gavin's reaction to anything

How did my life find me in this situation?


—Dan, when he has a condom on his head.

The Fanboys

And the fanboys are newfags to YouTube that have never seen slow motion videos before these terrible excuses for celebrities. Here is a list of the fanboys:


See Also

External Links

The Slow Mo Guys is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
The Slow Mo Guys
is part of a series on

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