Second Life/Logs

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<Second Life

Cuntwaffle vrs goreans

Cuntwaffle walks into a random house in Second Life and spies on some Gorean basement dwellers having fantasy secks.

(I enter the house to find a Gorean named Demonknight. Seconds later, Demonknight's slave enters.)

Demonknight Apocalypse: ((would you mind getting you sir ?))
Demonknight Apocalypse: ((out))
You: sorry

(I exit the house and go around back to listen.)

Tears Fermi: .kneel
Tears Fermi: tfkneel
Demonknight Apocalypse: welcome back my girl
Demonknight Apocalypse: tfhug
Tears gives Demonknight a big hug.
Tears Fermi: smiles a t Master
Demonknight Apocalypse: sorry i had to leave so fast before
Tears Fermi: so happy see
Demonknight Apocalypse: rl called to me
Tears Fermi: np
Tears Fermi: rl always frist
Demonknight Apocalypse smiles
Demonknight Apocalypse: what have you girls been up to ?
Tears Fermi: well we been reading i was reading about phanters
Demonknight Apocalypse: oh ?
Demonknight Apocalypse: what about them ?
Tears Fermi: and they live in woods
Demonknight Apocalypse: aye savages
Demonknight Apocalypse: rutless beasts
Tears Fermi: and they sell me for a pot
Tears Fermi: and take me teeth
Demonknight Apocalypse: a pot ?
Tears Fermi: they love pots and pans
Demonknight Apocalypse chuckles
Tears Fermi: maybe cook girl
Demonknight Apocalypse: brrr i hope not
Tears Fermi: holds Master Hand
Demonknight Apocalypse: come girl
Demonknight Apocalypse smiles
Tears Fermi: tfrelease
Demonknight Apocalypse: you know girl you trully are a delight for my eyes
Tears Fermi: ty Master
Tears Fermi: Mast is so Handsome
Demonknight Apocalypse: you really think so girl ?

(They began to have badly animated fantasy secks.)

Tears Fermi: i am so glad you picked me Master

(About a minute later, I play a sound effect of an ear-piercing horrible scream and burst in.)


(I manage to dry hump Tears Fermi before escaping. Later, at HQ, I get some IM's.)

[18:04]  Demonknight Apocalypse: what a moron you are
[18:04]  Demonknight Apocalypse: no life at all
[18:04]  Demonknight Apocalypse: loser
[18:04]  You: isnt it somewhat humorous that under 1st life you have nothing listed?

(No response.)

Cuntwaffle vrs furries

In this log, Cuntwaffle (Hoss Holgado) stumbles into a dramatic argument between a furry couple.

Knoll Kardex: BRB.... I need to go bang my head into a wall
CuChulainn Cleghorn: babe if you will tell me how i should be acting ill do it.. im
no good for these guessing games!

(Hoss cages Knoll)

[17:32]  Knoll Kardex: Remove the damn box now
[17:33]  Knoll Kardex: Either remove it or I will have one of the furnation staff move you
[17:36]  Hoss Holgado: WE DID IT 4 THE LULZ FGT
[17:37]  Knoll Kardex: Well you can fucking undo it
[17:37]  Knoll Kardex: you know what... fine.. I will jsut have you banned
[17:37]  Hoss Holgado: no dont
[17:37]  Hoss Holgado: it was a joke
[17:37]  Hoss Holgado: relax
[17:37]  Hoss Holgado: please
[17:37]  Hoss Holgado: lets talk this over
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: i...i just wanted to get attention.
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: i have aspergers syndrome
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: im sorry
[17:38]  Knoll Kardex: Your getting banned
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: pelase dont
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: ill never do it again
[17:38]  Knoll Kardex: To late I am messaging the Furnation athorities now
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: no...
[17:38]  Hoss Holgado: im still sorry
[17:39]  Hoss Holgado: and i still respect and appreciate our friendship
[17:39]  Hoss Holgado: i just hope that one day, you can accept me for who i am
[17:40]  Knoll Kardex: What friendship you fucking retard..
[17:40]  Knoll Kardex: you caged me
[17:40]  Knoll Kardex: and I am sending a picture of it to SL athorities... I will
 have you now removed from SL
[17:40]  Hoss Holgado: please dont be angry
[17:40]  Hoss Holgado: i was only kidding
[17:40]  Hoss Holgado: i dont understand why you have to be so angry at me
[17:41]  Hoss Holgado: ok
[17:41]  Hoss Holgado: invite me

(Hoss is teleported to Knoll)

Knoll Kardex: Now remove this fucking cage

(Hoss removes the cage)

You: sorry
You: ill be going now
Knoll Kardex: you ever put another in these sims again... and I will have you
removed from SL undertstood?
You: yes
You: sorry

(Hoss pulls out his Doomsday weapon, a device that crashes servers.)

Doomsday whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me.
Doomsday whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off.
CuChulainn Cleghorn: wow, hope i never get you pissed at me

(Hoss fires Doomsday weapon; pwnage ensues.)


On another occasion, a freedom-loving patriot is just minding his own business, building large boxes in a sandbox, when...

[5:45]  Taksan Novi: you are going to get a reputation as a griefer if you do that
stuff all the time in a public place like this
[5:45]  AliDesu Priestly: stuff like what?
[5:45]  Taksan Novi: you may already be in deep dodo
[5:45]  AliDesu Priestly: I don't understand
[5:45]  Taksan Novi: the big box you ereected. you are the owner
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: okay
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: someone gave me an item
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: I tried it out
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: it turned out to be a giant weird thing
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: you asked me to move it off your stuff
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: I did
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: what's the problem?
[5:46]  Taksan Novi: bad choice of items I would send it back to them
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: why?
[5:46]  AliDesu Priestly: it's a big box
[5:46]  Taksan Novi: way too big for this place
[5:47]  AliDesu Priestly: okay, what are the size contraints on sandboxes?
[5:47]  Taksan Novi: The PROBLEM are you kidding me
[5:47]  AliDesu Priestly: no, I'm pretty new here
[5:47]  Taksan Novi: yeah I saw that when I looked at your profile
[5:47]  AliDesu Priestly: I don't understand your objection to a big box that
doesn't effect you
[5:47]  Taksan Novi: you will no doubt here about this
[5:47]  AliDesu Priestly: hear about what?
[5:48]  Taksan Novi: hear
[5:48]  AliDesu Priestly: have I not complied with your request?
[5:48]  Taksan Novi: are you kidding?
[5:48]  AliDesu Priestly: no, I'm kidding
[5:48]  Taksan Novi: are you serious
[5:48]  AliDesu Priestly: not kidding, rather
[5:48]  AliDesu Priestly: please tell me what to do and I'll do it
[5:48]  Taksan Novi: I took pictures of it
[5:48]  AliDesu Priestly: of what?
[5:48]  Taksan Novi: dont do that again
[5:48]  AliDesu Priestly: me taking down the part of the box that as touching your
[5:48]  Taksan Novi: dclean up the rest of the mess
[5:49]  AliDesu Priestly: Is this your sandbox?
[5:49]  Taksan Novi: what are you building that you require every square foot of
this sspace
[5:49]  AliDesu Priestly: I'm not
[5:49]  AliDesu Priestly: building anything
[5:49]  Taksan Novi: it is a shared spaceI give up you are hopeless
[5:50]  AliDesu Priestly: lady
[5:50]  AliDesu Priestly: I'm very confused
[5:52]  AliDesu Priestly: no one else is even around, and the space is thus not
being used
[5:52]  AliDesu Priestly: I complied with your weird request
[5:54]  AliDesu Priestly: even though you are clearly a member of a fascist
[5:54]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered

The Stripper's Pole

Your Average Second Lifer is more than willing to help up until a certain point. Once the boiling point is reached, even the most earnest and keenest desires can get sidetracked into faggotry.

[19:41]  Dylanius Shackle: I have a question for you that may well change my SL life as I know it
[19:41]  Awaken Yoshikawa: sure
[19:41]  Awaken Yoshikawa: as long as it is not lie
[19:42]  Dylanius Shackle: Where in the hell can I buy a stripper pol
[19:42]  Dylanius Shackle: e
[19:42]  Awaken Yoshikawa: what kind you want
[19:42]  Dylanius Shackle: well Im not picky
[19:42]  Dylanius Shackle: But I need something sensual
[19:43]  Awaken Yoshikawa: I tell you where to get best
[19:43]  Dylanius Shackle: Please :)
[19:47]  Awaken Yoshikawa: I want you to come to my club and see if these are not the best
[19:47]  Dylanius Shackle: well. So long as theyre for sale, I will!
[19:48]  Awaken Yoshikawa: I'm not sellling poles, but I want you to see if fhis is what you want, if so I giv eyou landmark
[19:51]  Awaken Yoshikawa: these are the dance poles I am talking about when you can see
[19:52]  Dylanius Shackle: I dont need curch boys
[19:52]  Awaken Yoshikawa: what is hat?
[19:52]  Awaken Yoshikawa: that
[19:52]  Dylanius Shackle: landmark?
[19:52]  Dylanius Shackle: Its supreme. :)
[19:52]  Dylanius Shackle: Idl ove it
[19:53]  Awaken Yoshikawa: what is curch boys?
[19:53]  Dylanius Shackle: A name brand
[19:53]  Dylanius Shackle: What are the poles you have?
[19:54]  Awaken Yoshikawa: your welcome
[19:54]  Dylanius Shackle: Right
[19:54]  Dylanius Shackle: Whatever you say :/
[19:54]  Awaken Yoshikawa: right my ass your fucked up person
[19:55]  Awaken Yoshikawa: your all what's wrong with second life
[19:55]  Dylanius Shackle: we love your kind
[19:55]  Awaken Yoshikawa: up yours
[19:55]  Dylanius Shackle: :D
[19:55]  Dylanius Shackle: Go back to your furries, scum!
[19:55]  Awaken Yoshikawa: tell your moma that
[19:55]  Awaken Yoshikawa: she loves them
[19:55]  Dylanius Shackle: ask your mom all about that
[19:56]  Dylanius Shackle: I filled her in last night
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: too late
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: hhahahahaa
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: pussy
[19:56]  Dylanius Shackle: hahahhahaha!
[19:56]  Dylanius Shackle: Your mom is a furry lover?
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: copy me pussy
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: that is all your good for
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: hihihih
[19:56]  Dylanius Shackle: go dance in your empty club :)
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: no brain nothing original
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: as long as your not here, I have 4 clubs
[19:56]  Dylanius Shackle: Thats okayt
[19:56]  Awaken Yoshikawa: hihihii
[19:56]  Dylanius Shackle: I have friends
[19:57]  Awaken Yoshikawa: hihihih
[19:57]  Awaken Yoshikawa: dudes
[19:57]  Awaken Yoshikawa: hihii
[19:57]  Dylanius Shackle: hihihihihihiih hello hello hello SESAME STREET
[19:58]  Dylanius Shackle: Not gonna respond?
[19:58]  Dylanius Shackle: Pussy
[19:59]  Awaken Yoshikawa: not to a pencil neck doofus
[19:59]  Dylanius Shackle: :(
[19:59]  Dylanius Shackle: Okay
[19:59]  Dylanius Shackle: I was dropped on my head when I was young!
[19:59]  Dylanius Shackle: Are you gonna crucify me for that??
[19:59]  Awaken Yoshikawa: go see your boyfriend
[19:59]  Dylanius Shackle: Its not MY FAULT Im LIKE THIS
[19:59]  Awaken Yoshikawa: go see you male friends, hihiihi
[20:00]  Dylanius Shackle: heyheyhey
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: you are loser
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: hiihi
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: I know
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: your type is ordinary
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: loser
[20:01]  Dylanius Shackle: Do you know anon?
[20:01]  Dylanius Shackle: or ANY of the rules of the internet?
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: leave me alone
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: loser
[20:01]  Dylanius Shackle: Why are you even responding to me, jerky?
[20:01]  Awaken Yoshikawa: go play with your boyfreinds
[20:02]  Dylanius Shackle: I can take 4 cocks and still talk to you

And she finally blocks me. Took her long enough to find the button.

My house

Back Story: I was wandering around from sim to sim, looking for lulz, when I happened upon some random SLer afk asleep in her bed. Being the good nigra I am, I couldn't let her sleep alone, so I took the space occupied by the empty pose ball. I then recieved a lulzy sound spammer from fatnigra, which I attached to myself.

After awhile she came back, lulz ensued:

[20:06]  Cazz Ayres: what the fuck are you doing in my house
[20:06]  You: lolwut
[20:07]  Cazz Ayres: please get out of my bed
[20:07]  You: no u
[20:07]  Cazz Ayres: please remove yourself
[20:07]  You: no u
[20:08]  small mattress LoversPlayGround Triple Menu  whispers: STOP
[20:08]  small mattress LoversPlayGround Triple Menu  whispers: Balls removed
(Bitch removed the bed)
[20:08]  You: excuse me wtf do you think ur doin
[20:08]  Cazz Ayres: now get out
[20:08]  You: so tiered
[20:09]  Cazz Ayres: get out
[20:09]  You: no u
[20:09]  You: why, thank you
[20:10]  Cazz Ayres: GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
[20:10]  You: no u
[20:10]  You: this is my house
[20:11]  You: lol no
[20:11]  Cazz Ayres: YES
[20:11]  You: no
[20:11]  Cazz Ayres: GET THE FUCK OUT
[20:11]  You: no u
[20:12]  You: I is tired, I seek bed, not bitch
[20:12]  Cazz Ayres: so you want to get booted from sl before you hardly start here do you
[20:12]  Cazz Ayres: then get out of my house
[20:12]  You: lol ban evasion is easy
[20:13]  You: stumped?
[20:13]  Cazz Ayres: GET OUT NOW
[20:13]  You: no u
[20:14]  Cazz Ayres: FUCK OFF
[20:14]  You: no u
[20:14]  Cazz Ayres: ok i have this conversation on file and a pic.. now please remove yourself
[20:14]  You: no u
[20:15]  Cazz Ayres: why should i leave my own house
[20:15]  You: its mine
[20:15]  You: bitch
[20:15]  Cazz Ayres: it is not yours
[20:15]  You: yes it is
[20:15]  You: I was here first
[20:15]  Cazz Ayres: then fuckin prove it
[20:16]  You: well Im here aren't I?
[20:16]  You: I think my sound more than proves it
[20:16]  Cazz Ayres: doesn't make it yours
[20:16]  You: Yes it does
[20:17]  Cazz Ayres: ok i've had enough of this.. i guarentee you will not be coming back in here
once my fiance gets back online
[20:17]  You: ok
[20:17]  You: :)
[20:17]  You: You is my new best friend
[20:18]  You: I'm reporting you for trespassing by the way
[20:18]  Cazz Ayres: i am not and never will be your friend
[20:18]  Cazz Ayres: i am leaving this room and suggest you leave this house now
[20:18]  You: no u
(She teleports downstairs)
[20:19]  You shout: I WIN THE HOUSE IS MINE
[20:19]  Cazz Ayres shouts: i'm still in the house
[20:20]  You shout: Well it's a tie
[20:20]  You shout: We should divide the house in a divorce
[20:21]  Cazz Ayres shouts: you will be the 1 banned from the land not me
[20:21]  You shout: NO U
(Even though she claims to be unable to ban me, I get banned from one corner of my wonderful new house.
I begin to wonder if maybe she liked my house division plan.
I start attaching every particle/noise/chat spammer I have along with seizure mega prims. I teleport some backup.)
[20:27]  You: shes down stairs
[20:28]  You: I'm parcel banned
[20:28]  You: so have at her
[20:28]  spagetti Fargis: oh gawd, I can't see
[20:28]  spagetti Fargis: seizure time nao plox
[20:31]  No room to sit here, try another spot.
[20:31]  Cazz Ayres shouts: ARE YOU STILL HERE
[20:32]  You shout: YES I AM
[20:32]  You shout: HAI2U
[20:32]  spagetti Fargis: HAI
[20:32]  spagetti Fargis: VROOOOOOOOOOOM
[20:33]  You: I LIEK YOUR BED
[20:33]  You: IM GONNA MOVE IN
[20:33]  Cazz Ayres shouts: PLEASE LEAVE
[20:33]  You shout: I LIEK YOUR BED
[20:33]  spagetti Fargis: CAN I LIVE HE4R TO PLOX
[20:33]  You shout: IM GONNA MOVE IN
[20:33]  You shout: I CALL BED
[20:33]  spagetti Fargis: I CAN TOILIT TO MAKE TOILIT WINE
[20:34]  You: turn of the spam
[20:34]  You: off*
[20:35]  You: we don't want outside attention
[20:35]  You: SHE ISNT A CAT
[20:36]  You: ISNT THAT CRAZY?
[20:36]  You: shes down stairs
[20:36]  spagetti Fargis: YOU BET
[20:36]  You: you have to teleport
[20:36]  spagetti Fargis: I'M GUNNA GO SAY HAI TO HER
[20:36]  spagetti Fargis: /r/ ANY SUIT YOU HAVE IN YOUR INVENTORY

The bitch sends an IM thinking that I left
[20:36]  Cazz Ayres: you gone quiet creep
[20:36]  Teyla Aya: lolwut
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: I'm talking to my new friend in my new bedroom
[20:37]  Cazz Ayres: given up and left have you
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: no
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: I'm upstair
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: in the bedroom
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: on the bed
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: that is mine
[20:37]  Cazz Ayres: Then GET OUT of my house
[20:37]  Teyla Aya: NO U
(bitch deletes MAH BED)
[20:39]  Teyla Aya: oh darn beds gone :(
(I set up a Philip Linden Chat Spammer yelling "This house belongs to Teyla Aya")
[20:43]  Teyla Aya: Good to see phil's in my corner
[20:44]  Cazz Ayres: well he gets banned to so won't do him any good
[20:45]  Teyla Aya: Do you know who Phil is?
(Spagetti and I jump on her sex toys)
[20:45]  Teyla Aya: Oh, me and spagetti liek your sex toys
[20:46]  Cazz Ayres: You are a pervert
[20:46]  Teyla Aya: you're the one with all the sex toys
(bitch goes on a delete spree, trying to delete her enormous collection of sex toys and
poseballs while spagetti and I wander from toy to toy gathering lulz)

Much later:
[21:15]  Cazz Ayres: you creeps left my house yet
[21:15]  Teyla Aya: yes
[21:16]  Teyla Aya: But I'm still in my new house :)
[21:17]  Teyla Aya: spagetti died in your bathroom :(

Pikachu Vs. Power-tripping clubowner

''So anyway, theres this club I go to watch my friend sing. As soon as I enter, some douchebag IMs me.''
[2008/11/15 21:07]  Babien Serrati: you will behave  yourself  in  tear   please  no  picture taking...
[2008/11/15 21:08]  Pikachu Nakamura: 1.)  I am not taling pics, 2.)  why is pi taking forbidden in the first place?
[2008/11/15 21:08]  Babien Serrati: the   pics yopu took   are    not  allowed...
[2008/11/15 21:08]  Pikachu Nakamura: I didn't take any pics.
[2008/11/15 21:09]  Babien Serrati: you dont want  go there i have  the ones  you took that was my  gf .  its not allowed...'
[2008/11/15 21:11]  Pikachu Nakamura: the ones I took, when?
[2008/11/15 21:12]  Babien Serrati: just heed my  words.   not  do it again...

''I have no idea which fucking pic he is referring to, so I look through my pics, before finding an upskirt shot of some random chick, '''TAKEN OVER TWO FUCKIN WEEKS AGO'''. I then log onto my alt in order to say sorry, and to help him against nigras who might take advantage of his temper.''

23:25]  (pika's alt): Good evening, may I have a word?
[23:25]  (club owner): how may i  assist
[23:28]  (pika's alt): This pic I allegedly took, was your gf wearing a red dress in the pic? If she was, then I wanted to sort out some things with you, as well as clear up my own confusion.
[23:29]  (club owner): ths is  your  alt.   you  flat denied i have pic...  no  condusion... all i said was   dont  you went off
[23:30]  (club owner): i wont tolerate that type of my home...
[23:30]  (club owner): and  tear is my home
[23:31]  (pika's alt): I did not deny you possessing said pic, only that I did not take it. The pic that was made by me, is it dated?
[23:31]  (club owner): waht was name  of   person took pic...
[23:31]  (club owner): or your alts name
[23:33]  (pika's alt): The last pic I took was over two weeks ago, of a  woman wearing a red dress. Is this your gf?
[23:36]  (club owner): Chat Range: Pikachu Nakamura [13m]
[23:36]  (club owner): is this  you
[23:37]  (pika's alt): If my pic is dated november 1st, I would like to clear some things up with you, and perhaps even offer some  advice and an apology.
[23:37]  (club owner): matters not if  it was    no one  but no one takes pics  like  this in my home
[23:37]  (club owner): Taken by Pikachu Nakamura at Tear and Tear Mall, Heavens Tear (236, 177, 23)
[23:38]  (club owner): thats on top of  picture...
[23:38]  (club owner): and my home is in background...
[23:39]  (club owner): i will   turn  this  im over  to   the      president of  twear association  her decision
''This part is kinda weird, as he is listed as an owner of the group that owns the night club''
[23:40]  (club owner): all  you had to  do   as  your alt was  say   asorry yes  sir...
[23:40]  (club owner): it would have been forgotten

''Right, forgotten. Keep in mind this is the guy yelling at me for a pic taken over two weeks ago.''

[23:40]  (club owner): if you pursue this i  shall have no  choice but to turn you over to lindens
'' We all know how taking pics of girls panties are strictly against the law of Second Life, woot.''
[23:40]  (pika's alt): Then I admit it, I did take that pic of your gf. I showed it to no one but her. I was not being malicious, and I can assure I meant no harm. All I was doing was simply being humourous. I was demonstrating the advantages of vertically challenged avatars.
[23:41]  (pika's alt): Report me to the Lindens, or whoever you wish, log my  ip address, do whatever makes you feel better.
[23:41]  (club owner): you    think you proved  your point  i   have feeling you aren't old enough to  even be in    club

''Because going on a power trip is so much more mature.''

[23:44]  (pika's alt): When you accused me of taking pics of your gf, I had no idea you were referring to something I did more than two weeks ago. Also, I didn't even know Sky was your gf. While I admit what I have done was juvenile. You assumed that knew exactly what you were referring to, and jumped to conclusions.
[23:45]  (pika's alt): I would also like to point out some other things as well. First of all  taking upskirt pics is not against the TOS, if it were, chances are There'd be no cam feature in SL.
[23:45]  (pika's alt): Second of all, I would have forgotten about this pic, perhaps even deleted it, had you not brought  it up.
[23:48]  (pika's alt): Keep in mind that every man in there could easily cam up your girl's dress. Also keep in mind that there is nothing to prevent me from creating an alt to visit your club, as there is no such thing as IP ban in SL, except of course that which is done by the Lindens
[23:49]  (pika's alt): Also keep in mind that if I were malicious, which I am really not. I could easily distribute said pic across not only SL, but the internet. Fortunately, I did not bother to save the HDD.
[23:51]  (pika's alt): Last, if I really were a griefer. Then you wpuld have acted "exactly" how I wanted you to have. Griefers enjoy angering people, you would have been their ideal victim.  Next time calm down a bit when making accusations.

Ninja Troll versus the Pedophile

Made a loli and went to mess with a creepy guy on second life, who turned out to be.... a pedo! Let us him for a ride, shall we? Watch as I lead him through a series of Memes.. My notes in italics

[4:26]  Phlat Bartfeld: hey lil oe
[4:26]  Phlat Bartfeld: onew
[4:26]  Ninja Troll: wha?
[4:27]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol..hi
[4:27]  Ninja Troll: ohhh
[4:27]  Ninja Troll: I'm like whats a lilonew!
[4:27]  Phlat Bartfeld laughs
[4:28]  Phlat Bartfeld: you look cute as always
[4:28]  Ninja Troll: Thank you :) I like to keep it casual, ya know
[4:29]  Phlat Bartfeld: have a lucky master/mistress lil one
[4:30]  Ninja Troll: thats not my mistress, thats my twin :)
[4:31]  Phlat Bartfeld: i see
[4:32]  Ninja Troll: shes the chaste one in the family
[4:32]  Ninja Troll: (family doesnt count)
[4:32]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool..just a family then
[4:33]  Ninja Troll: what are you implying sir!
[4:33]  Ninja Troll: That I engage in hot underware melting heavy petting sessions with my own sister?!?!

Guys love twins.  You fuckin perverts.

[4:34]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmmmmm
[4:34]  Phlat Bartfeld laughs
[4:36]  Ninja Troll: maybe but the lights were out
[4:36]  Ninja Troll: so noone can prove who it was
[4:36]  Phlat Bartfeld: bad little girl
[4:38]  Ninja Troll: am not!
[4:38]  Phlat Bartfeld: ppffttt
[4:40]  Phlat Bartfeld: t bad..i like bad little girls..winks
[4:40]  Ninja Troll: Dirty old man!

Starts charging the Chris Hansen Bell

[4:40]  Phlat Bartfeld: lmao
[4:41]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmm very dirty
[4:41]  Ninja Troll: Uh oh!
[4:41]  Ninja Troll hides behind chris hansen
[4:41]  Ninja Troll: wait... that doesnt work over 18
[4:42]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[4:43]  Phlat Bartfeld looks over at you..admiring your cute body
[4:44]  Ninja Troll wiggles, gnawing on the bone
[4:44]  Phlat Bartfeld leans forward playfully spanking that wigggle
[4:45]  Ninja Troll squeeks and bites her thumb
[4:45]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmmm
[4:45]  Phlat Bartfeld pulls your little body to me making you sit in my lap
[4:46]  Ninja Troll: Hey now!
[4:46]  Phlat Bartfeld tickles you
[4:47]  Ninja Troll: Stop it mister! *giggles*


[4:48]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmm feels good to have your little body in my lap
[4:48]  Ninja Troll: Does it?
[4:49]  Phlat Bartfeld: mhm lil one
[4:50]  Ninja Troll: dirty old man!
[4:50]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes..i'll stop if you like
[4:51]  Ninja Troll: Oh?
[4:51]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes..daddy will be good..laughs

LulWut?  Ummm okay.

[4:52]  Ninja Troll: how good daddy?
[4:52]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmm dpends on my little girl
[4:53]  Ninja Troll: Depends on what?
[4:53]  Phlat Bartfeld: how good or nad she lets me be
[4:54]  Ninja Troll: lets you?
[4:54]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes lil one
[4:56]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmm wants to play with you little girl
[4:56]  Ninja Troll: what kinda games?
[4:57]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmm get naked for daddy show him your little body.little sex gams to teach you how to play with boys

Most good fathers do that.

[4:57]  Phlat Bartfeld: and girls
[4:58]  Ninja Troll: O.O
[4:58]  Ninja Troll: are the games hard to learn?
[4:58]  Phlat Bartfeld: no babygirl..and fun to learn

He now 'Friends' me so that he can keep track of me, as I am clearly under age and easy to manipulate.

[4:59]  Phlat Bartfeld is Online
[4:59]  Ninja Troll: yes daddy
[4:59]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmm
[5:00]  Phlat Bartfeld: hmmm daddy wnast yuo as one of his little girls
[5:01]  Ninja Troll: I'm sorry I'm dressed like this daddy, it's all I can afford
[5:01]  Ninja Troll: you dont mind, do you/
[5:02]  Phlat Bartfeld: no my girl looks cute..and if you want to be daddys girl he can buy you anything you want..if your a good girl for daddy
[5:02]  Ninja Troll: *eyes open wide* Even boots!?!?

CHACHING!!! Wonder what he'll buy me before he realizes he's innerweb famous.

[5:03]  Phlat Bartfeld: anything my little girls heart desires
[5:04]  Ninja Troll: Iduno though, I got a twin sister, she'd prolly wanna come too

Translation, I know this other bitch who likes free stuff, will you pay to fuck her too?

[5:04]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmm daddy would like that
[5:05]  Ninja Troll: Raising twins is a big sponsability!

Is he turned off if I talk like a 4 year old?

[5:05]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes..but we can have a fun little family
[5:06]  Phlat Bartfeld: would you like a mommy to?

Nope, just gets me a mom.

[5:06]  Ninja Troll: Ooohh can I ???
[5:07]  Phlat Bartfeld: mhm..if you want to be daddys girl
[5:09]  Ninja Troll: okies, as long as I get candy!

Raep van?  Again does talking like a 4 year old turn him off? nope, fap fap fap!

[5:10]  Phlat Bartfeld: mhm all the candy you want..then daddy and mommy will have more treats for therye little girl
[5:11]  Ninja Troll likes treats!
[5:12]  Phlat Bartfeld: come sit on daddys lap and he will show his treat for his littl girl..leans down kissing your lips softly
[5:13]  Ninja Troll snuggles up into his lap
[5:15]  Phlat Bartfeld holds your little body close.kissing your cheek sofly as you snuggle against daddys big body
[5:16]  Ninja Troll: You sure are big daddy!
[5:17]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes baby..big and strong..keep my baby safe and protected
[5:17]  Phlat Bartfeld: same as rl

Takes a turn here.  Now wants to talk about the real world. 

[5:18]  Ninja Troll: orly?
[5:19]  Phlat Bartfeld holds you in his lap..daddys big han d parting your soft little leg as his hnad moves down your leg
[5:19]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes..see my rl pic?

Time to rick roll him.

[5:20]  Ninja Troll: Ooohhh looks like you're no stranger to love, daddy
[5:21]  Phlat Bartfeld: kisses you
[5:22]  Ninja Troll: Now noww, you know the rules!
[5:22]  Ninja Troll: And so do I... *giggles*
[5:23]  Phlat Bartfeld: daddy as a big palace for his twin girls to play in
[5:24]  Ninja Troll: ok but you know... just  a small comitment is what I'm dreaming of, honestly
[5:25]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles..i can commit love and caring..but my love is for your mommy
[5:26]  Ninja Troll: well, i suppose I wouldnt get that from any other guy.
[5:27]  Phlat Bartfeld: and you never know what the future holds
[5:27]  Ninja Troll: just rpromise you're never gonna give me up?
[5:29]  Phlat Bartfeld: as long as you want to be mine baby i wont..but i have my main..shes not on alot when i am..i can give yuo love ..time..and you will meet her
[5:30]  Ninja Troll: it's ok, I've just had a lot of people let me down
[5:30]  Ninja Troll: or tehy run around and desert me.
[5:31]  Phlat Bartfeld: i wont leave you..your what i wanted..and i want you
[5:32]  Ninja Troll: just dun make me cry

Bored with Rick rolling him, nothing I say phases him.  Time to move on to Belaire.

[5:32]  Phlat Bartfeld hold you close..loving the feel of my little girl in daddya arms
[5:33]  Ninja Troll: *snuggles in close* I've just been hurt alot then we had to move
[5:34]  Phlat Bartfeld: so have a i baby..thast why i play sl how i do now..had my heart broke to many times
[5:35]  Ninja Troll: yeah, well i used to live in west philadlphia, ya know,, born and raised..
[5:35]  Phlat Bartfeld: yeah
[5:36]  Ninja Troll: used to speand all my time on the playground, i was really good tat baskeball
[5:36]  Phlat Bartfeld: to baseball and footabll.i wouldve played college lvl
[5:37]  Ninja Troll: yesah well a couple of guys came in andwere basically up to no good, and I got in one little fight
[5:37]  Phlat Bartfeld: yeah
[5:38]  Ninja Troll: and so of course my mom got scared
[5:38]  Ninja Troll: and shipped me out to live with my aunt and uncle in an unfamiliar city
[5:39]  Phlat Bartfeld: i see..thats always hard..makenew freinds etc
[5:39]  Ninja Troll: pretty much, yah

Power over 9000?

[5:39]  Ninja Troll: so ya know my lonlieness is way over 9000
[5:40]  Phlat Bartfeld: awww
[5:40]  Phlat Bartfeld: how old are you rl?

Mudkips and HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE did he ask if I was really underage?

[5:40]  Ninja Troll: just me and my dog mudkips
[5:40]  Ninja Troll: O.O
[5:40]  Ninja Troll: ummm
[5:41]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol cute name
[5:41]  Phlat Bartfeld: mine is named faith
[5:41]  Ninja Troll: can I take the 5th?

Okay, let's play this out

[5:41]  Phlat Bartfeld: if you dont want to answee thts fine
[5:42]  Phlat Bartfeld: over 18?
[5:42]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[5:42]  Ninja Troll: uh yup
[5:43]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[5:43]  Ninja Troll: you have to be to play second life ritht?
[5:44]  Phlat Bartfeld: no
[5:44]  Phlat Bartfeld: alot of kids play sl
[5:45]  Phlat Bartfeld: all you have to do is clcik and say your real age verification
[5:45]  Ninja Troll: Does it matter?  What if  aperson was super smart and in all AP clases!??

Clearly under age, at least highschool.  Turn on, turn off? Survey says?!?!

[5:47]  Phlat Bartfeld: it doesnt matter to me at all.i think laws are stupid

Ding ding ding... So he likes that sweet 16 year old ass... Lets see his limits!

[5:47]  Ninja Troll: pretty much, people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it's not infringing on my rights
[5:48]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes
[5:48]  Ninja Troll: but since I dont want to get kicked off the game, I am 18
[5:48]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[5:48]  Ninja Troll: 3/4th sof it anyway

18 X .75 = 13 and a half ladies and gentlemen!! ohhh loli!

[5:49]  Phlat Bartfeld kisses you still holding your tiny body in daddys lap
[5:49]  Ninja Troll grins
[5:50]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmm
[5:52]  Ninja Troll: *wriggles in his lap* du tell on me, I dont want to have to make another avy

Gee mister, now you have power over me cause you can get me banhammered! I hope you don't abuse it by touching me.

[5:53]  Phlat Bartfeld: its our secret babygirl..slips his and farther down your soft little leg

What did I just tell you! Now I must let you think that perhaps I will come and play with your ding dong.  Lets see if the idea of banging a 13 and a half year old is fun for you?

[5:54]  Ninja Troll: *shivers* my last daddy got mad at me because when I went out to visit him he looked comepletely different from his picture and so I didn sleep with him and he reported me
[5:55]  Phlat Bartfeld: wow..thats messed up babygirl
[5:56]  Ninja Troll: I mean I paid for the ticket with my own saved up money!
[5:56]  Phlat Bartfeld: oh rl
[5:56]  Ninja Troll: so its not my fault he lied
[5:56]  Ninja Troll: plane tickets are like 500 dollars!
[5:56]  Phlat Bartfeld wonder what my little girl looks like
[5:57]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes expensive
[5:57]  Ninja Troll: I'm kinda plain
[5:57]  Ninja Troll: not fat or anthing!
[5:57]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmm

Yeahhhh you like that dontcha bitch!

[5:57]  Ninja Troll: romise!
[5:57]  Ninja Troll: (there should be a p in that
[5:57]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmm i bet your cute
[5:58]  Ninja Troll: never thought of myself that way
[5:58]  Ninja Troll: had braces till like last summer, still have glasses
[5:58]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmm how tall are you?
[5:59]  Ninja Troll: I'm kinda short
[5:59]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmm
[5:59]  Ninja Troll: not under 5 feet short or anything
[6:00]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmm i like petite girls

Read: Toddlers

[6:00]  Ninja Troll: i prefer bitesized l:)
[6:01]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmmmm little bites all over you tiny body

Nom nom nom DOES NOT WANT!

[6:02]  Ninja Troll: *giggles*
[6:03]  Phlat Bartfeld grins
[6:04]  Ninja Troll: I want to dye my hair like this

sup /b

[6:04]  Ninja Troll: in real life but my sup /b itch mom wont let me
[6:05]  Phlat Bartfeld: yeah..soon you can when your older..i like darker hair on girls

And no hair on their pubis

[6:05]  Ninja Troll: what color hair do you like best?
[6:06]  Phlat Bartfeld: daddy needs a change,,i want to go to dark bliss..want to come and sit with me there babygirl?
[6:06]  Phlat Bartfeld: black brownish..dark red
[6:06]  Ninja Troll: okie, pool's closed here anyhow

Pools Closed... nigras.

[6:07]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[6:09]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles
[6:10]  Ninja Troll looks around " Whats this place? Michael Vick's basement?

Ron Mexico

[6:10]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[6:10]  Phlat Bartfeld: another place i like to come
[6:10]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmm ty
[6:11]  Ninja Troll: oh? bet you like to come in lotsa places
[6:11]  Phlat Bartfeld: places to dance
[6:12]  Phlat Bartfeld: whats in your mouth my lil princess
[6:12]  Ninja Troll: *waits patiently for you to catch the double entendre in my last statement*
[6:12]  Ninja Troll: Ummm a bone.
[6:12]  Ninja Troll: Wuuf
[6:12]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol baby
[6:12]  Phlat Bartfeld pets his puppygirl
[6:13]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmm
[6:14]  Ninja Troll pauses, clears her throat and says "I bet you like to COME in lotsa PLACES"
[6:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol.cute
[6:14]  Ninja Troll: <- is vury kawaii!

kawaii!??! =^.^=

[6:15]  Phlat Bartfeld: mhm daddys baby is
[6:16]  Phlat Bartfeld holds your little body..protecting my little girl
[6:16]  Phlat Bartfeld: what places do you like to go?
[6:16]  Ninja Troll: *curles up safe from da innerwebs*
[6:17]  Phlat Bartfeld slips his big hand down your letitle leg again
[6:18]  Ninja Troll: hehe desu desu desu


[6:18]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol whats desu mean
[6:18]  Ninja Troll: cute :)
[6:19]  Ninja Troll: bitches dont know about my desu :P

Bitches don't know about my pedobaiting

[6:19]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[6:20]  Phlat Bartfeld truns your cheek..kissing your softly as my big hand spreads your legs a little more..pushing down farther
[6:21]  Ninja Troll: ooohhhhhhhh
[6:21]  Phlat Bartfeld: smiles..i'll stop
[6:22]  Ninja Troll: why??
[6:23]  Phlat Bartfeld just holds you..enjoying the chance to meet you.didnt seem like you wanted daddy to touch you
[6:24]  Phlat Bartfeld: kisses your cheek
[6:24]  Ninja Troll: *shivers*
[6:24]  Ninja Troll: aww fuck party van's here :( gotta go

Party Van, time to shut this down

[6:24]  Ninja Troll: soon??
[6:24]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[6:24]  Ninja Troll: soonsoonsoonsoonsoonsooon?
[6:25]  Phlat Bartfeld: soon what baby?
[6:25]  Ninja Troll: I come back on SL :)
[6:25]  Phlat Bartfeld: i will be here

Not once people start IMing you congratulating you on your child-fuckery.

[6:25]  Ninja Troll: and you do stuff :)
[6:25]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmm baby
[6:26]  Phlat Bartfeld: good girl
[6:26]  Ninja Troll: *nods*
[6:26]  Phlat Bartfeld: kisses you softly..have fun my girl
[6:26]  Ninja Troll: I always do!
[6:26]  Phlat Bartfeld grins

Ninja Troll versus the Pedophile: Part Deux!

So realizing he's a pedo, my friends and I start sockpuppeting like mad. More fun from the pedo!

[2008/12/05 18:07]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles
[2008/12/05 18:07]  Southern Troll: Sir...
[2008/12/05 18:07]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes
[2008/12/05 18:07]  Southern Troll: sigh, I'm never going to remember that all the time
[2008/12/05 18:08]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmmm it will be fun to spank you for not saying it

Like spanking a small child.  A hot hot small child.

[2008/12/05 18:08]  Southern Troll meeps, but muh tail would get in the way.

A small furry child.  That's right, the fugger likes to yiff.

[2008/12/05 18:09]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles..i'll lift it
[2008/12/05 18:09]  Southern Troll giggles. As long as you dun try to pull it off. I am rather attached to it =^_^=
[2008/12/05 18:10]  Phlat Bartfeld laugsh i wont
[2008/12/05 18:10]  Southern Troll: Sir doesn't mind that I am. What's the world for um big girls?
[2008/12/05 18:11]  Southern Troll: developed
[2008/12/05 18:11]  Southern Troll: no no
[2008/12/05 18:11]  Southern Troll: the opposite
[2008/12/05 18:11]  Phlat Bartfeld looks across the room admiring your litle body
[2008/12/05 18:11]  Southern Troll blushes.
[2008/12/05 18:11]  Phlat Bartfeld: no..i like it lil kitty

I'll bet you do, Pedobear.

[2008/12/05 18:12]  Southern Troll: do you have a big family?
[2008/12/05 18:13]  Phlat Bartfeld: just one lil princess.but im going to adding one more i think
[2008/12/05 18:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: my ain and parted ways today so its just preciuos
[2008/12/05 18:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: mian*
[2008/12/05 18:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol main*

Read: She found out I like fingering toddlers.

[2008/12/05 18:14]  Southern Troll squirms up on the couch beside him. "Wow. Is there a mommy? I mea, big girl"
[2008/12/05 18:15]  Phlat Bartfeld: she left today..daddy is looking for another mommy
[2008/12/05 18:15]  Southern Troll: Oh I see.
[2008/12/05 18:15]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles when u sit next to me
[2008/12/05 18:16]  Southern Troll bats her eyes. "You are a very nice guy. I can't believe I stumbled in here"
[2008/12/05 18:17]  Phlat Bartfeld: ty sweetie..i was just thinking..your not a freinds alt are you?

Seriously... for just a second this guy HAS to smell "Sting"

[2008/12/05 18:20]  Southern Troll: brb k? have to relog
[2008/12/05 18:20]  Phlat Bartfeld: sure
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[18:34]  Phlat Bartfeld: wb cutey
[18:35]  Southern Troll: thank you sir
[18:35]  Phlat Bartfeld: yw..smiles
[18:35]  Southern Troll: may I ask what that other thing you were talking about was?
[18:36]  Phlat Bartfeld: oh..some reason i remember your name..i thought maybe an ex or a freinds alt
[18:36]  Southern Troll: Um, I came here once with the lady who took care of me when I first started playing SL
[18:37]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok

Southern Troll rolls d20 on coverstory.

[18:37]  Southern Troll: She works here I came in to see if she was here but she poofed offline
[18:37]  Phlat Bartfeld: ahhh
[18:38]  Phlat Bartfeld: mistress?
[18:38]  Southern Troll: Uh huh

Rolls 12.  DM allows it, passable due to creatures low INT.

[18:39]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool..i probably know her
[18:40]  Southern Troll: She is really sweet and so are her kittens. She is the reason I became a kitty.
[18:40]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[18:41]  Southern Troll: she bought all my clothes cause i dont have a credit card
[18:42]  Phlat Bartfeld: yeah..cute litle kittyis that the only way you like to play lil a kiytty?

lil girl shit = BLECH. 

[18:42]  Phlat Bartfeld: wow bad typing
[18:43]  Southern Troll: i have never been anything else. accept that yucky pale thing i was when i started and lady said i waddled =(
[18:44]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles
[18:44]  Southern Troll: so she got me an animation thing
[18:45]  Southern Troll: i do wish i wasnt purple though hehehe
[18:45]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[18:46]  Southern Troll: i am sorry i do talk tom uch sometimes
[18:46]  Phlat Bartfeld: no its fine
[18:46]  Southern Troll: and my space key gets ahead of my letters
[18:46]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[18:47]  Southern Troll: lady says i should find a papa or a master since i dont like girls in that way

Drop the bait in the water.

[18:47]  Phlat Bartfeld: no?
[18:47]  Phlat Bartfeld: how old is your avi?
[18:48]  Southern Troll: doesnt it have to be 18?

Wiggle the hook (if you're playing along at home ALWAYS allow him at least one out to go "Pedo? NOT ME!!!"  Dun worry, he wont take it.

[18:48]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes..but some girls are younger or like to rp and act younger
[18:48]  Southern Troll: you know that there are younger girls on here? you are smart sir
[18:49]  Southern Troll: what is rp?

He circles the prey..

[18:49]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles
[18:49]  Phlat Bartfeld: roleplaying
[18:49]  Southern Troll: oh like the /me that ladt taught me
[18:50]  Phlat Bartfeld: rp as i little kitty
[18:51]  Southern Troll: if i weren't 18 you wouldn't tell would you? lady saysyou have to be 18 to play and your charater has to be 18
[18:51]  Phlat Bartfeld: no..i wouldnt ..its none of my business lil girl

Bait taken! Call the party van!

[18:52]  Southern Troll: i mean i'm not a kid or nothin
[18:53]  Southern Troll: i can drive =^_^=
[18:53]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol

He almost sounds upset... 16!?!?! TITS?!!?? Ah well, at least it's illegal.

[18:53]  Phlat Bartfeld: laws are alittle dumb on that i think..smiles
[18:54]  Southern Troll: but i got my learners they almost rasied the age limit i would have had to wait and it would suck
[18:54]  Southern Troll: not like mom and dad are home enough for me to drive
[18:55]  Southern Troll pouts
[18:55]  Phlat Bartfeld: awww
[18:55]  Southern Troll: it is not fair i think if you can pass the test without them why should you need them to sit there?
[18:56]  Phlat Bartfeld: yeah true.wont be long and you can drive alone

Did we say 16, lets dial it back a bit and see if he notices... 15 now.

[18:56]  Southern Troll: it will be freakin awesome
[18:56]  Phlat Bartfeld laughs
[18:57]  Southern Troll: the parental units are buying me a car gues it is suppose to make up for always being too busy for me
[18:57]  Phlat Bartfeld: nice
[18:57]  Southern Troll: i think i want a pink car, i don't see many
[18:58]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol that would stand out
[18:58]  Southern Troll: oooo or purple
[18:58]  Southern Troll: it's my favorite color
[18:58]  Southern Troll: whats yours?
[18:58]  Phlat Bartfeld: hmm green or blue black..guy colors

You know, the color of a bruised, beaten little girl.

[18:59]  Southern Troll: oh i like blue
[18:59]  Southern Troll: it is pretty with pink
[19:00]  Phlat Bartfeld: i like cute pink little girl dresses
[19:00]  Southern Troll: oh I have a pink plaid skirt, but it has zippers and chains
[19:01]  Southern Troll: it pisses off my mom so i have to wear it
[19:01]  Phlat Bartfeld:
[19:02]  Southern Troll: um heck yes when she's not off on business she like takes me shopping and wants me to be a prep and so i dyed my hair black like two weeks ago while she was away and bought my pink skirt, it is a little thight though

Did we mention she's a rebel... boy it would sure piss off daddy to fugg a stranger on the innerweb mista!

[19:02]  Phlat Bartfeld: mm nice
[19:03]  Southern Troll: when ever i lost my v card my freakin butt and hips got all big
[19:03]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[19:03]  Southern Troll: like i when from a 2 to a 4 in jeans made me sick
[19:04]  Phlat Bartfeld: thats still small
[19:04]  Southern Troll: i'm sorry i am talkign to much again
[19:04]  Phlat Bartfeld: now its ok..i think your cute
[19:05]  Southern Troll: aww, thank you you are really sweet sir
[19:05]  Phlat Bartfeld: yw lil girl
[19:05]  Phlat Bartfeld: i will be honest..i would be more interested in more of a human girl dhape on you

To increase the reality of my experience playing with a tiny, tiny child.

[19:06]  Southern Troll: some creepy guy is all hitting on me... liek come sit with me
[19:06]  Southern Troll: um, i can see if lady wil help me be human
[19:07]  Southern Troll: but i only have this purple skin
[19:07]  Phlat Bartfeld: come sit with daddy then

"Come get into daddies van" *Stungun, tires peeling out, raep*

[19:07]  Southern Troll: ok =^_^=
[19:08]  Phlat Bartfeld: opposite couch
[19:08]  Southern Troll: hey my dad just got home i am going to go say hey before he passes out
[19:09]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[19:09]  Southern Troll: i will leave my comp up if that is ok wont be long
[19:09]  Phlat Bartfeld: np i'll be here
[19:11]  Southern Troll: man he locked himself in his room
[19:11]  Southern Troll: what a jerk
[19:11]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[19:11]  Phlat Bartfeld: wb
[19:12]  Phlat Bartfeld: mmmmm
[19:12]  Southern Troll: ty and huh?
[19:13]  Phlat Bartfeld: yw and cute to see you in my arms
[19:13]  Southern Troll: i like your choker, it's awesome
[19:14]  Southern Troll: i havent seen lady on in a while
[19:14]  Southern Troll: i wonder if she has abandoned me too

Abandonment is teh best way to snag a pedo.  They like their victims whiny.

[19:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: ty..i get asked alot of its a collar
[19:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: awww
[19:19]  Southern Troll: collar? like a kitty collar?
[19:19]  Southern Troll: should i get up
[19:19]  Phlat Bartfeld: nope one sec
[19:23]  Phlat Bartfeld: like a slave collar
[19:27]  Southern Troll: sslaves ar like servants in SL right?
[19:27]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes girl
[19:29]  Southern Troll: i am sorry i can be such a brat
[19:29]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[19:30]  Phlat Bartfeld: its ok little brats can be fun
[19:30]  Southern Troll: i still have my like really first starting skin if you don't like the kitty. I like to please
[19:31]  Phlat Bartfeld: good girl
[19:31]  Phlat Bartfeld: its cool..if you like looking like a kitty..i like the nekp look
[19:31]  Phlat Bartfeld: neko
[19:32]  Southern Troll: i dont want you to think i'm ugly

I have self esteem issues, that could only be solved by adult secks.

[19:32]  Phlat Bartfeld: i dont think your ugly
[19:34]  Southern Troll: is that better
[19:34]  Phlat Bartfeld: i like the neko look..human look with kitty
[19:35]  Phlat Bartfeld: taking awhile to rez
[19:35]  Southern Troll: im sorry
[19:35]  Southern Troll pouts
[19:35]  Phlat Bartfeld: whats wrong babygril
[19:36]  Southern Troll: i look like a boy
[19:36]  Southern Troll: bad shape for my face
[19:36]  Phlat Bartfeld: it still looks the same to me.well put what you like on lil girl
[19:37]  Southern Troll: i need to go freebie hunting
[19:37]  Southern Troll: lady said a lot of shops have them
[19:38]  Phlat Bartfeld: yes
[19:38]  Phlat Bartfeld: my girl knows some good free places
[19:39]  Southern Troll: like lady showed me a skin store called frick that has lots of freebies it is awesome
[19:39]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[19:40]  Phlat Bartfeld is Online
[19:41]  Southern Troll: ty
[19:42]  Phlat Bartfeld: yw lil kitty girl
[19:43]  Southern Troll: hmm wow this place is kinda boring
[19:44]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[19:44]  Phlat Bartfeld: what placesds do you likte to go?
[19:46]  Southern Troll: i just roam and hang out with a few friends, but I havent been on a lot lately
[19:46]  Southern Troll: lady has land
[19:46]  Southern Troll: she let me set my home there
[19:46]  Phlat Bartfeld: you see her?
[19:46]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[19:46]  Southern Troll: some days, its been a while cause i havent been on
[19:47]  Phlat Bartfeld: yeah
[19:47]  Southern Troll: to be honest i see her like every couple of weeks though, she is my older cousin
[19:48]  Phlat Bartfeld: ahh..and your mistress?
[19:48]  Southern Troll: nope
[19:48]  Southern Troll: she just helped me get started
[19:48]  Southern Troll: told me to stay out of trouble lol
[19:49]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[19:49]  Southern Troll: like she can log onto my thing and stuff
[19:49]  Southern Troll: so ihave to keep it a secret
[19:49]  Phlat Bartfeld: ahh..hmm..that worries me
[19:49]  Southern Troll: she is cool
[19:50]  Southern Troll: she works here and brought me here
[19:50]  Phlat Bartfeld: who is it?
[19:50]  Southern Troll: Crim
[19:50]  Phlat Bartfeld: are you crimson?
[19:51]  Southern Troll: hehehe no
[19:51]  Southern Troll: but she doesnt want me in trouble so she can log in my stuff
[19:52]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[19:52]  Southern Troll: she is like the sister i dont have
[19:52]  Phlat Bartfeld: thats cool
[19:53]  Southern Troll: it beats being here all the time since mom and dad are always freakin gone
[19:53]  Southern Troll: you like hate me now dont you for not telling you, she just doesnt want me to get her in trouble if i go blurting anything stupid out
[19:54]  Phlat Bartfeld: noo i dont hate glad i wasnt bad and all over you though
[19:54]  Southern Troll: she is so cool though she wouldnt care if she knew you
[19:54]  Southern Troll: do you know her?
[19:54]  Phlat Bartfeld: a little
[19:55]  Southern Troll: are you guys friends?
[19:55]  Phlat Bartfeld: we talked a little
[19:55]  Southern Troll: how do you change your password?
[19:55]  Phlat Bartfeld: not sure lol
[19:56]  Southern Troll: well i mean what she cant see she can't be mad about lol
[19:56]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[19:56]  Phlat Bartfeld: brb
[19:56]  Southern Troll: k
[19:59]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[20:00]  Southern Troll: wb
[20:00]  Southern Troll: oh she's online
[20:01]  Phlat Bartfeld: ty
[20:01]  Phlat Bartfeld: she is?
[20:02]  Southern Troll: yeah she's on my friends list silly
[20:02]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[20:02]  Phlat Bartfeld tickles you


[20:02]  Southern Troll giggles... you should be really good friends cause I like you
[20:03]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles..i like you to
[20:04]  Southern Troll: she must be having inkernet troubles
[20:04]  Southern Troll: or maybe she hates me
[20:04]  Southern Troll: she isnt answering my ims
[20:04]  Phlat Bartfeld: awww
[20:05]  Southern Troll: holy crap!
[20:05]  Southern Troll: it's 11 and i have violin lessons tomorrow
[20:05]  Phlat Bartfeld: and i need to eat soon
[20:06]  Southern Troll: well i am going to go to bed cause if i over sleep i will be late and get yelled at and that would totally freakin suck
[20:07]  Phlat Bartfeld: was nice meeting you..i hope i can see you again
[20:08]  Southern Troll: yep you have my friend thingy so i will see you when you are online
[20:08]  Phlat Bartfeld: mhm
[20:08]  Phlat Bartfeld: goodnight little girl

Repeatedly reminding her that he enjoys the fact that she's underaged.

[20:08]  Phlat Bartfeld: sweet dreams
[20:08]  Southern Troll: aww cuz is having teleport issues
[20:09]  Southern Troll: lol she is stuck at home
[20:09]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[20:10]  Southern Troll: o o o o she's gonna log onto the sim she said
[20:10]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[20:10]  Southern Troll: yay she's back
[20:11]  Southern Troll: I should at least greet her huh?
[20:11]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[20:11]  Phlat Bartfeld: i will if she comes before i log
[20:14]  Southern Troll: man she is like outside somewhere
[20:14]  Southern Troll: im gonig to find her ig uess
[20:14]  Phlat Bartfeld: ok
[20:15]  Phlat Bartfeld smiles
[20:15]  Southern Troll: ew lag
[20:16]  Southern Troll: you leavin?
[20:16]  Phlat Bartfeld: lol
[20:16]  Phlat Bartfeld: soon
[20:16]  Southern Troll: crap oh well
[20:17]  Phlat Bartfeld: thought you were going to bed
[20:17]  Southern Troll: was gonna wait on her but she keeps loggin gout
[20:17]  Phlat Bartfeld: ahh
[20:18]  Southern Troll: i'll see her like tomorrow any how
[20:18]  Phlat Bartfeld: cool
[20:18]  Southern Troll: have a good night =)
[20:18]  Phlat Bartfeld: you to girl..goodnight

Ugh... man should die already.

Kaitlyn & Bangiras VS random n00b

(Or in other words how to do it properly)

Short introduction:
Me - Kaitlyn.
My friend - Bangiras
Random noob - Alx

We were cuddling with Bangiras, and a random noob approaches. Hilarity ensues and stuff?
P.S: I almost SHITTED myself while having that convo.
P.S. P.S: Timestamps are your friends, they'll help you keep track of the conversation and what was said when.

1st log: the original dialogue between me and Alx;
2nd log: Some paste'd stuff that Bangiras gave me;
3rd log: Our conversation with Bangiras after the person approaches us both.
4th log: What Bangiras could save from their conversation after logging off (After you log off, you can see a small portion of your previous convo. Sux.)

[5:50]  Alx Sweetwater: you Miss are adorable!
[5:50]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Thanks hun. :3
[5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: if i miss speak or seem rude, please let me know and be patient with me as i learn
[5:55]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Not at all
[5:56]  Alx Sweetwater: there is so weird lag going on here
[5:57]  Alx Sweetwater: is it always like this?
[5:57]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: fuck no
[5:57]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: SL's fucking up
[5:59]  Alx Sweetwater: i had a Kaitlyn in my classes a few semesters ago who was a goddess
[6:01]  Alx Sweetwater: you two look awesome together
[6:01]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: >w>
[6:01]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Thanks lol
[6:01]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I just asked her for cuddles
[6:02]  Alx Sweetwater: you can put me on your " always available for cuddles " list
[6:02]  Alx Sweetwater: i love to cuddle
[6:03]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: :o
[6:04]  Alx Sweetwater: you Miss would be yummy to cuddle with
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: is it rude for me to bee here ?
[6:07]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: YES.
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: then i will wander off
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: i do appologize
[6:07]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: :3

	Something I'd like to insert here, so it all makes sense:
	[6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: imma freak this guy out
Quick copy/paste from Bangiras' dialogue!:
[6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: look i am a necrophiliac okay
[6:11]  Alx Sweetwater: sure thats ok
[6:11]  Alx Sweetwater: are there people who do that on sl?
[6:11]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I am one of the only few of a secret society would you like to buy some necro porn from me

[6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I see you've talked to Bangiras, did you know that sometimes we do this little roleplay of ours, she kills me and then rapes my corpse with a spiked strap-on?
[6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: She likes to pretend i'm her mother but I am also younger than her
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: wow
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: thats really HOT!
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: it would be awesome to watch that
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: i think your really attractive
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: they say when you die you loose your senses one at a time, for a long time after you stop moving
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: only not talk or move
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: you can hear and feel things
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: so maybe when she is doing you with the strapon your not really dead, you just cant respond
[6:19]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Omg, I think you're right! That'd be so awesome!
[6:20]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I'll tell Bangiras, she'll be pleased to know that!
[6:20]  Alx Sweetwater: so maybe you need me to kneel next to your imobile body while she is penetrating you and whisper to you that i know your there and i am so enjoying what you cannot express
[6:23]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Oh baby, that'd be so hot, please keep telling me more
[6:23]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I love it
[6:23]  Alx Sweetwater: i am glad you do
[6:24]  Alx Sweetwater: if she did it right you could be carved to pieces as she was still doing you
[6:25]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Talk to me about my intestines, please
[6:25]  Alx Sweetwater: you could listen to us discussing how delicious you are as we eat your flesh while she continues doing you
[6:26]  Alx Sweetwater: does she do you anally?
[6:27]  Alx Sweetwater: from behind?
[6:27]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Oh I can assure you, she loves fucking my corpse in the butt more than in any other place.
[6:27]  Alx Sweetwater: she could reach round front and disembowel you and you would feel your entrails pulled from you and she fills you with her cock
[6:28]  Alx Sweetwater: do you know why some gay men are burryed with there butts sticking out of the ground????
[6:28]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Mm, tell me, sweety
[6:29]  Alx Sweetwater: so their friends can stop for a cold one after work
[6:30]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: So you like to burry stuff?
[6:30]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Omg I so love being burried
[6:31]  Alx Sweetwater: you might like being in a box so shallow it keeps you imobile
[6:31]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Fuck the box, I want earthworms to be eating my corpse
[6:31]  Alx Sweetwater: strategic holes for ..ah.. access to your openings
[6:32]  Alx Sweetwater: so you could be penetrated without consent
[6:32]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Man, that's lame
[6:32]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Boxes turn me off so much
[6:32]  Alx Sweetwater: the box can be filled with maggots to eat you alive as your being raped
[6:32]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I prefer flesh eating worms that go under it and crawl inside my body
[6:33]  Alx Sweetwater: i will shop  for some
[6:53]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Baby are you still here?
[6:53]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[6:53]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Omg I think I'm hard now
[6:53]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.


[6:14]  Bangiras Sabretooth: so what kind of children do you like
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: children?
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: you mean the wolf?
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I mean children, baby humans
[6:18]  Alx Sweetwater: i would guess asian would be tastey
[6:21]  Alx Sweetwater: Kaitlyn is adorable isnt she??
[6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Well I only like her when she is dead


In the meanwhile, my conversation with Bangiras, when that person shows up:

[6:07]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [6:04]  Alx Sweetwater: you Miss would be yummy to cuddle with
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: is it rude for me to bee here ?
[6:07]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: YES.
[6:07]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: XD
[6:08]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOL HE'S IMING ME TOO
[6:08]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: lol what's he saying
[6:08]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: i am new to furrys, and a goddess such as you will certainly draw me to look closer
[5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: if i miss speak or seem rude, please let me know and be patient with me as i learn
[6:08]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Who the hell is this dude
[6:08]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: idk but
[6:08]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: if i miss speak or seem rude, please let me know and be patient with me as i learn ...
[6:08]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: told me the same thing
[6:09]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:05]  Bangiras Sabretooth: You can get very good freebie ones from Curious and AX
[6:05]  Alx Sweetwater: thats so sweet of you
[6:05]  Alx Sweetwater: thank you Miss
[6:05]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Np np x3
[6:05]  Alx Sweetwater: is there something there you prefer?
[6:07]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Lol just get whatever you would like LOL
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: is it rude for me to be here?
[6:08]  Bangiras Sabretooth: dude who are you
[6:09]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOL
[6:09]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I QUOTE LE WHOLE DIALOGUEZZUUU
[6:09]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [5:50]  Alx Sweetwater: you Miss are adorable!
[5:50]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Thanks hun. :3
[5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: if i miss speak or seem rude, please let me know and be patient with me as i learn
[5:55]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Not at all
[5:56]  Alx Sweetwater: there is so weird lag going on here
[5:57]  Alx Sweetwater: is it always like this?
[5:57]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: fuck no
[5:57]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: SL's fucking up
[5:59]  Alx Sweetwater: i had a Kaitlyn in my classes a few semesters ago who was a goddess
[6:01]  Alx Sweetwater: you two look awesome together
[6:01]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: >w>
[6:01]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Thanks lol
[6:01]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I just asked her for cuddles
[6:02]  Alx Sweetwater: you can put me on your " always available for cuddles " list
[6:02]  Alx Sweetwater: i love to cuddle
[6:03]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: :o
[6:04]  Alx Sweetwater: you Miss would be yummy to cuddle with
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: is it rude for me to bee here ?
[6:07]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: YES.
[6:09]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: then i will wander off
[6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: i do appologize
[6:10]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [5:59]  Alx Sweetwater: i had a Kaitlyn in my classes a few semesters ago who was a goddess <- lolz
[6:10]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Is he like, queer?
[6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOLOL he called me a "goddess" too
[6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: he's crazy
[6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:08]  Bangiras Sabretooth: dude who are you
[6:09]  Alx Sweetwater: Kaitlyn though i was rude kneeling near you so i wander off
[6:09]  Alx Sweetwater: i dont want to spoil your mood
[6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: look i am a necrophiliac okay
[6:11]  Bangiras Sabretooth: I think he's just retarded
[6:11]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Nooo
[6:11]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: don't call the retarded 'retarded'
[6:11]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: just adress him as 'special'
[6:11]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: ;3
[6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOL but that sounds flattering :C
[6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: imma freak this guy out
[6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: look i am a necrophiliac okay
[6:11]  Alx Sweetwater: sure thats ok
[6:11]  Alx Sweetwater: are there people who do that on sl?
[6:11]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I am one of the only few of a secret society would you like to buy some necro porn from me
[6:12]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: :D
[6:12]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: lol
[6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: he better not report me to LL :C I'm already on my last strike with them
[6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I'll tell him "I see you've talked to Bangiras, did you know that sometimes we do this little roleplay of ours, she kills me and then rapes my corpse with a spiked strap-on?"
[6:13]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Add in "she likes to pretend i'm her mother but I am also younger than her"
[6:14]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: LOL
[6:14]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: xD
[6:14]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: I am wanting you to be my victim
[6:12]  Alx Sweetwater: yeah?
[6:13]  Alx Sweetwater: i think i am flattered
[6:13]  Alx Sweetwater: what do i have to do?
[6:13]  Bangiras Sabretooth: oh no i only like to kill those who i do not think should be allowed to live
[6:13]  Alx Sweetwater: i do hope i havent annoyed you that much
[6:13]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Oh no it is nothing to do with this
[6:14]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I see you've talked to Bangiras, did you know that sometimes we do this little roleplay of ours, she kills me and then rapes my corpse with a spiked strap-on?
[6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: She likes to pretend i'm her mother but I am also younger than her
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: wow
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: thats really HOT!
[6:14]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: LOL
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOLOLOLOLOLOL
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: omg
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:14]  Bangiras Sabretooth: so what kind of children do you like
[6:15]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I see you've talked to Bangiras, did you know that sometimes we do this little roleplay of ours, she kills me and then rapes my corpse with a spiked strap-on?
[6:13]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: She likes to pretend i'm her mother but I am also younger than her
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: wow
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: thats really HOT!
[6:14]  Alx Sweetwater: it would be awesome to watch that
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: i think your really attractive
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOLOLOLOL wtf is this guy
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:14]  Bangiras Sabretooth: so what kind of children do you like
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: children?
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: you mean the wolf?
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I mean children, baby humans
[6:17]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: they say when you die you loose your senses one at a time, for a long time after you stop moving
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: only not talk or move
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: you can hear and feel things
[6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: so maybe when she is doing you with the strapon your not really dead, you just cant respond
[6:17]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: ROFl
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: ROFL
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: xDDD
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: IM KILLING MYSELF IRL
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: LOL
[6:18]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOLOLOLOLOL
[6:18]  Bangiras Sabretooth: OMG HE'S A PEDO
[6:18]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I mean children, baby humans
[6:18]  Alx Sweetwater: i would guess asian would be tastey
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: LOL
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: copy that shit wholely
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I wanna paste it in my picks
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: :D
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: The baby thing
[6:18]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: xD
[6:19]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [2009/06/30 5:53]  Alx Sweetwater: you look awesome
[2009/06/30 5:53]  Alx Sweetwater: greetings Miss
[2009/06/30 5:53]  Bangiras Sabretooth: thanks :D
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: i am new to furrys, and a goddess such as you will certainly draw me to look closer
[5:55]  Alx Sweetwater: if i miss speak or seem rude, please let me know and be patient with me as i learn
[5:56]  Bangiras Sabretooth looks around to find you
[5:57]  Bangiras Sabretooth: ...where are you haha
[5:57]  Alx Sweetwater: i wandered upstairs Miss
[5:58]  Alx Sweetwater: i am an architecture student , so i look to see how the building is made
[5:58]  Bangiras Sabretooth: I still can't see you haha wow that's amazing :o
[6:00]  Alx Sweetwater: aw man , you two look deLOL okay
[6:19]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Damn hang on
[6:19]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:14]  Bangiras Sabretooth: so what kind of children do you like
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: children?
[6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: you mean the wolf?
[6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I mean children, baby humans
[6:18]  Alx Sweetwater: i would guess asian would be tastey
[6:20]  Bangiras Sabretooth: do you prefer loli or shota
[6:20]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I'm neither pedobear, nor shotacat.
[6:20]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: ;3
[6:21]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: [6:17]  Alx Sweetwater: so maybe when she is doing you with the strapon your not really dead, you just cant respond
[6:19]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Omg, I think you're right! That'd be so awesome!
[6:20]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: I'll tell Bangiras, she'll be pleased to know that!
[6:20]  Alx Sweetwater: so maybe you need me to kneel next to your imobile body while she is penetrating you and whisper to you that i know your there and i am so enjoying what you cannot express
[6:21]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: ROFl
[6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOL sorry thought I said that to Alx
[6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: omg this is why furries suck
[6:21]  Kaitlyn Cyberstar: Not-obvious troll is not-obvious.
[6:22]  Bangiras Sabretooth: [6:21]  Alx Sweetwater: Kaitlyn is adorable isnt she??
[6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: do you prefer loli or shota
[6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Well I only like her when she is dead
[6:22]  Bangiras Sabretooth: LOL


[2009/06/30 6:07]  Alx Sweetwater: is it rude for me to be here?
[2009/06/30 6:08]  Bangiras Sabretooth: dude who are you
[2009/06/30 6:09]  Alx Sweetwater: Kaitlyn though i was rude kneeling near you so i wander off
[2009/06/30 6:09]  Alx Sweetwater: i dont want to spoil your mood
[2009/06/30 6:10]  Bangiras Sabretooth: look i am a necrophiliac okay
[2009/06/30 6:11]  Alx Sweetwater: sure thats ok
[2009/06/30 6:11]  Alx Sweetwater: are there people who do that on sl?
[2009/06/30 6:11]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I am one of the only few of a secret society would you like to buy some necro porn from me
[2009/06/30 6:12]  Alx Sweetwater: i never imagined there was such a thing
[2009/06/30 6:12]  Bangiras Sabretooth: I am wanting you to be my victim
[2009/06/30 6:12]  Alx Sweetwater: yeah?
[2009/06/30 6:13]  Alx Sweetwater: i think i am flattered
[2009/06/30 6:13]  Alx Sweetwater: what do i have to do?
[2009/06/30 6:13]  Bangiras Sabretooth: oh no i only like to kill those who i do not think should be allowed to live
[2009/06/30 6:13]  Alx Sweetwater: i do hope i havent annoyed you that much
[2009/06/30 6:13]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Oh no it is nothing to do with this
[2009/06/30 6:14]  Bangiras Sabretooth: so what kind of children do you like
[2009/06/30 6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: children?
[2009/06/30 6:15]  Alx Sweetwater: you mean the wolf?
[2009/06/30 6:15]  Bangiras Sabretooth: No I mean children, baby humans
[2009/06/30 6:18]  Alx Sweetwater: i would guess asian would be tastey
[2009/06/30 6:19]  Alx Sweetwater: do you have a preference?
[2009/06/30 6:21]  Alx Sweetwater: Kaitlyn is adorable isnt she??
[2009/06/30 6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: do you prefer loli or shota
[2009/06/30 6:21]  Bangiras Sabretooth: Well I only like her when she is dead
[2009/06/30 6:26]  Alx Sweetwater: sound like Kaitlyn likes being dead for you
[2009/06/30 6:38]  Alx Sweetwater: i hope i can watch you do her sometime
[2009/06/30 6:45]  Alx Sweetwater: have you thought to put a light buld up her butt to keep her warm while you do her ?

Kairyu Ruby the SecondLife pirate

Kairyu Ruby, an otherkin penis covered renamon 39 year old american gay man who is close to the taliban, has chosen a life of piratin' on the high traffic

(''Wingless Emoto is a famous av maker in SL, he was in the club she was in'')

18:12]  Kairyu Ruby: send me a ava
[18:12]  Wingless Emoto: what?
[18:13]  Kairyu Ruby: give me a ava or i will call the taliban
[18:14]  Wingless Emoto: Have fun with that.
[18:14]  Kairyu Ruby: j am on the phone to the taliban i will give them your name
[18:15]  Wingless Emoto: Cool.
[18:15]  Kairyu Ruby: this last warning>...
[18:15]  Kairyu Ruby: give me free av to seell on now
[18:15]  Wingless Emoto: k
[18:15]  Kairyu Ruby: or i tell the taliban
[18:15]  Wingless Emoto: tell the Taliban whatever you want
[18:16]  Kairyu Ruby: i tell them you are a theieve
[18:17]  Wingless Emoto: Wouldn't telling them that I was an infidel be more effective?
[18:17]  Kairyu Ruby: i am not a liar
[18:17]  Wingless Emoto: Are you trying to be funny/joking around, or are you actualy nuts?
[18:18]  Kairyu Ruby: i am serisoy, i ampoor , i canot afford ava so i have to pirate them
[18:19]  Wingless Emoto: so you're going to make weird threats about a terrorist organization you have no connection to? how's that workin' out for you?
[18:19]  Kairyu Ruby: i ccantot help how i live, i am not linked to taliban iam just friends with them
[18:19]  Kairyu Ruby: what ava you got 2 ogger
[18:19]  Kairyu Ruby: *ofer
[18:21]  Wingless Emoto: something tells me a random "otherkin renamon" 39 year old american wouldn't be on good enough terms with the taliban to call in favors, just sayin'
[18:22]  Kairyu Ruby: i appear to be normal but i am pirate i have taliban msn addy
[18:22]  Wingless Emoto: no, you don't, unless it's a joke account.
[18:23]  Kairyu Ruby: no it is real
[18:23]  Wingless Emoto: seriously... has this bs worked before?
[18:26]  Kairyu Ruby: ye  it is not bs

''Wingless sends Kairyu an object named "Really awesome avatar dont wanna get done by the taliban omg"''

[18:28]  Kairyu Ruby: thnk u
[18:28]  Wingless Emoto: well, don't want to risk that than, the taliban is clearly your personal army of some sort
[18:28]  Kairyu Ruby: thnk u for coperation i am run away from crime scene
[18:29]  Wingless Emoto: nice hair ^_^ (''Kairyu's ava is just a white body covered in freebie wigs, well she is poor amirite)''
[18:29]  Kairyu Ruby: thnk u

== 4fags1day ==

I need some lulz and i'm getting a new pc,isp etc,so I decide to milk the lol out of my old stuff before B&.

[2010/10/28 11:28]  Rico Asteria: what the hell
[2010/10/28 11:29]  Rico Asteria: your cage BROKE!
[2010/10/28 11:29]  Rico Asteria: oops :D
[2010/10/28 11:31]  Rico Asteria: it broke again
[2010/10/28 11:31]  gb2/kitchen Oxalis:wrong one.
[I fire my goatse cage gun at this fgt]
[2010/10/28 11:31]  Rico Asteria: GET THE MOTHERFUCKING CAGE OFF YOU DICK!
[2010/10/28 11:32]  gb2/kitchen Oxalis:I DID IT FOR TEH LULZ FGT
[I rez a 10x10x10 cock on the cage and make it physical,cramming this fgt in a small goatse cage with a huge bleeding cock.]
[2010/10/28 11:32]  Rico Asteria: WELL YOU CAN UNDO IT!
[2010/10/28 11:32]  gb2/kitchen Oxalis:Oh no,the newfag's BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWING his eyes out just because no one will fap to his microscopic cock.
[2010/10/28 11:33]  Rico Asteria:I have an AR window open,so you can either take the cage,penis and particle thing off me or I click OK.
[2010/10/28 11:33]  Rico Asteria:I clicked OK you bitch.
[2010/10/28 11:33]  gb2/kitchen Oxalis:I'm fuckin going.
[I leave the sandbox to go to a FurNation sandbox.]
[Then I cage about 3 furries yiffing in a furry orgy into 1 shrinking cage.]
[2010/10/28 12:04]  Haiku Zumarung:Pi,get that toy out of my mouth.
[2010/10/28 12:04]  Pi Keng:I'm being pushed in.
[2010/10/28 12:04]  Terre Starflare: i'm relogging.
[2010/10/28 12:04]  gb2/kitchen Oxalis:BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW all you like,because YOU'RE GONNA GET RAEPED!!!!.
[I rez 8 physical tower makers and the sim gets raeped so hard no-one could move.]
2 days later,I try to log on only to find I've been CPU Banned.[[Category:Logs|{{PAGENAME}}]]

wan 2 b mi mate?

[14:58] temmo21: what do u think about my dance?
[14:58] Raccoonboy85: ist so sexy. i love it
[14:58] temmo21:
[14:59] Raccoonboy85:
[14:59] temmo21: would you like to become my mate?
[15:00] Raccoonboy85: yes. im happy to be your mate^^
[15:00] Alto: What
[15:00] temmo21: aww
[15:01] temmo21: im not single
[15:01] Now Playing:
Beat Bizarre
[15:01] Raccoonboy85: raccoon gives temmo a shy hug^^
[15:01] Anubis Abattoir: Wow.. that had to be the fastest I seen two people get together
[15:01] Alto: Internet relationships.
[15:02] temmo21: *hug racco
[15:02] Alto: What the hell
[15:02] Raccoonboy85: [Yes]

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