Sasha Wiley-Shaw

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Sasha Wiley-Shaw looks like it was written by pseudo-intellectual 13-year-old boys.
Look out for unfunny Uncyclopedia bullshit, boring in-jokes, and angsty teen-ery.
You could also add in actual humor.

Sasha Wiley-Shaw AKA Creepybittergrrl is a dumbcunt feminist teacher and activist from Vancouver, Canada. She is a member of the BCTF (Bitches Causing Total Fail), a teacher's union known for going on strike almost every two years... Stalling the education process, keeping students out of class, demanding higher wages for themselves -- because it's all for the kids.

Sasha Wiley-Shaw, taken just before her cum-spray facial.


Sasha, The Feminist

Like most feminists, Sasha is a straight-up, foaming-at-the-mouth man-hating harpy. With a chip on her shoulder and an axe to grind, Sasha likes to vent her penis envy to other like-minded cunts, spouting abysmal poetry so horrid Jack Kerouac shit a brick from beyond the grave.

Creepybittergrrl: shit poet, mountain goat trainer, daddy issues

'To the daughter I haven't had:

I have mothered others in your place Sisters, students, delinquent roofers, nurses in training...'


Cut Your Dick Off!

Sasha, was one of many idiots armed with box-cutters tearing down men's rights posters (cause feminism is about "equality," amirite?). When one man spoke up to protest the vandalizing of the posters, it was reported that the man was told to STFU because he hates women. Then, they threatened to cut his dick off.

Misogyny: A serious fucking problem in the homeless community.

She really cares about the issues that really matter... like shoving aside homeless protesters to create safe spaces for women at Occupy Vancouver and blocking access to public spaces in the name of free speech.

Sasha Gets Arrested

Sasha Wiley-Shaw, showing how the mean patriarchy hurt her widdle wrist.


On June 22nd, 2012 -- The dumb cunt was finally arrested by the Po Po during a march. After acting like complete cunts, banging pots and pans, blocking traffic... the law stepped in to put an end to these shenanigans and slapped the cuffs on this stupid bitch.

Why does she have a "come hither" look on her face?


Bricks were shat, tempers flared, and a crowning moment of awesome was captured on video, when a big fat cunt was knocked right on her ass during a scuffle with police. It was epic. Of course, the dipshit protesters whined that their rights were being violated. Not a fuck was given, but the scheming bitch still went on to milk her victim status for as long as she could, by showing off her broken sprained arm in a cast.

The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) defends the arrests. Constable Lindsey Houghton said in a statement e-mailed to The Tyee, "behaviour which involves bullying, violence, threats of violence and sometimes criminal acts is always subject to limitations even when it is done under the guise of a protest."

Apparently, the group didn't think blocking crosswalks, and harassing motorists just trying to get on with their day, was any way criminal. In fact, it's all the power-tripping authoritarian pigs that brutally swarmed these pot-banging idiots, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

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