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What Pridefall was trying to prevent.

"Operation Pridefall" was an orchestrated event in June 2020 where fags attacked their fellow fags in an attempt to "get corporations to disassociate their brands from LGBTQ rights." Sounds cool, right? Turns out to be as cool as 4chan, which was the group that splooged the attack onto the faces of so many unsuspecting idiots that didn't understand basic cyber security. In order to make this crap plan come to fruition, trolls were planning to fuck with "Pride month celebrations", which had become uniquely vulnerable in 2020 due to the coronavirus; probably due to the fact that they were too busy blowing each other to protect themselves, as well as their computers, from invasive infections.

Here's an incel making fun of incels.

The "Plan"

So, A bunch of homos on 4chan basically slid out of their bean bag chairs and decided to troll the gay community they so desperately pretend not to be a part of. They wiped the Cheetos and Mountain Dew from their neckbeards and culminated onto the public toilet that is /pol/. They knew that Gay Pride Month was coming and they would be damned if anyone would be allowed to enjoy open gay relationships while they were still balls deep in the closet.

They provided "detailed instructions" on how to post annoying comments on a bunch of shitty Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and Instagram ad pages. They even went so far as to use to create fake dating profiles to troll the LGBTQ+ community, (because who wants those sick weirdos on our dating apps anyway, amirite??). This provided some lulz but didn't actually do shit because faggots still chugged beer up their ass while tongue wrestling each other. It seems that trolling someone's butt party isn't a good way to stop thousands of twisted freaks from being gay, let alone get their various corporate sponsors to drop them.

The Response

File:Luke Howard.jpg
Luke Howard TOTALLY doesn't have AIDS!

Apparently, the first faggot to mention this was some hyper-douchebag named Luke Howard, AKA Horse Meat Disco. Yes... that is his real fucking stage name, and, as it suggests, he's into horseplay kinda shit. Best case scenario you will find this flamer DJing at your nearest brony convention while on his way to a furry orgy. After that he might show up to your local gay pride parade/nightclub rave if he's not too worn out from amphetamines and buttsex for three days straight.

The Gay community barely noticed this fiasco at the time it was happening live, (probably because they were too high and elbow deep in ass to really give a shit.) But, thanks to our good friends over at the mainstream media, (and several cry baby fags who finally checked their email after having bath-salt fueled sex all night), we were able to catch up on the pointless bullshit that had been going on. Trolls are like termites, and the gay club was made out of wood, (well, at least the dance floor was). Suddenly the orgy was over and grown men cried liked bitches about how some basement dwelling faggots had assaulted them.

Fortunately for the gays, they got some help from a closet gay double agent that was "deep in the encrypted chat forum used by one wing of the group, who wished to remain anonymous." This Buttaddict Arnold spoke with Pink News and pulled an Edward Snowden on the whole pridefall operation, exposing how retarded and pointless it all really was. As uneducated faggots across the world reeled in horror, average internet users rolled their eyes and changed the channel.

"I've seen a lot of things happen in the past couple of years where explicit hate has become much more prominent on online spaces. 4chan is the industrial centre that churns these things out. I have to say that some of it is rather creative in its own sense. They've started thinking, 'How can we think about shifting the norms of discourse so that they align more with our hateful and nihilistic perspective?' They create things in order to try to make that happen."


— - Dr Jeremy Price, Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at the Indiana University School of Education-Indianapolis at IUPUI (Ha, he's not even a real professor, who cares?)

One solution to this problem was to, get this, report them. WOW! No one ever would have thought of that one, grandma! Or you could cry and write an article as bad as this one to turn the whole thing into clickbait. Turns out this is a pointless endeavor due to the fact that 4chan moved on after trolling the gay community and migrated onto their endless assault on the Black Lives Matter movement. Gays were left in the dust as they wondered if they should [try] to outshine minority rights again or not.

Unfortunately no fag from 4Chan was man enough to pick up a blaster and get the high score, but they were at least worthy enough to get a boring news article that got buried under pop-news about Kanye West.

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Homosexual Deviants

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