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Moar info: Omegle.

Stranger: any girl?
You: im a girl
Stranger: asl?
You: 13 f
You: you?
Stranger: 19m
You: cool
Stranger: horny?
You: yes
Stranger: cool!
You: yeah!
Stranger: wanna hve fun....?
You: yes
You: what kind of fun
Stranger: u better kno ..
You: is it dirty?
Stranger: no..
You: okay
Stranger: u said u r
You: i have a hot boyfriend
You: whenever i think of him i get turned on
Stranger: ever had sex...
You: no
You: i want to tho
Stranger: hve bfrnd...still..?
You: yes
Stranger: great...!
Stranger: whats ur boobs size...?
You: i hit puberty early so my boobs are big.
You: C-cup
Stranger: lovely?
You: yea
Stranger: ur height?
You: 5 ft 8
You: im tall for my age
Stranger: great...!hve got hair on pussy?
You: yea
Stranger: ever ur bfrnd rubbed ur pussy?
You: not yet
You: but i want him to tho
You: but he wont do it
You: :-(
Stranger: do u masterbate?
You: yea sometimes
Stranger: how u feeldoin dat?
You: i feel horny
Stranger: wanna feel horny rite now.....?
You: yea
Stranger: wat r u wearin rite nw?
You: sheath dress
Stranger: got undergarments?
You: yea
Stranger: wat color of ur bra n panty?
You: white bra pink pantys
Stranger: sexy!!!!!!!!
You: yea!
Stranger: alone?
You: yea
Stranger: wanna hold my dick?
You: yea
You: is it big?
Stranger: it's 11''
You: wow, thats blumming huge!
Stranger: ya!
You: can you jack you off?
Stranger: ya sure!
You: ooh this making me even hornier!
You: YES
You: YES!!!
You: YES!!!!!!!
Stranger: hve u fingered ito ur pussy?
You: ill do that now if you want
You: do u want to finger it?
Stranger: ur boobs softly..
You: yeah
You: i am
Stranger: nw suck ur nipples...
You: okay
Stranger: as if i m suckin it...
You: yea.
You: wanna finger my pussy now?
Stranger: now press ur boobs harder...hold my
You: ok!
You: this is making soooo horny!!!!
Stranger: now take my cock into ur pussy..slowly..
You: sure!
Stranger: nw push...
You: yes i will!
You: YES!!!
You: YESSS!!!!
You: yess!
Stranger: liquid is there at ur pussy/
You: The Federal Вureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violation of U.S. law. Reference no. 2334453436. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to child protective services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.
Stranger: ok....
You: Do you believe this to be a mistake sir?
Stranger: yes
You: What do you believe the mistake to be?
Stranger: age of the stranger
You: The girl you were talking with was 13. You are 19.
You: Anyone over the age of 18 having sexual conversations with a minor is known as pedophilia
Stranger: ya! i know i thought...she was faking...
You: Those lies wouldn't be tolerated in court so what makes you think they would be tolerated here?
Stranger: ok.....if u dn't want to believe's upto u..ok...i told u the truth..
You: We are dispatching agents to your home. If you attempt to leave your home we will be forced to use drastic measures or force.
Stranger: ok....waitin....
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: what's your favorite food?
You: Semen :D
Stranger: oh god
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: who r u?
You: A nazi
You: 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐
Stranger: so wat r u goin g to do?
Stranger: i like u r style
You: Are you nazi too?
Stranger: dude
Stranger: no im not
Stranger: im just a boy
You: you should become a nazi
You: and we can all praise our immortal leader together
Stranger: oh........
You: Hitler himself may be dead but his spirit and soul will always live on!
Stranger: i will surely think on u r proposal some time
Stranger: bye
You: bye and heil hitler!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hii
You: Hey I have a question.
Stranger: okay
Stranger: ask
You: What do you think would happen if someone dropped a hammer, a rock, a feather, and a ball of wool on the moon at the same time?
You: I'm asking because it's about what I'm currently doing in Science class.
Stranger: okay
Stranger: nothing would happen
Stranger: i dont know
You: Wanna know what I think?
Stranger: science is my baddest subject
Stranger: yes
You: I think that...

_______\___.__C____) just_(_(____>__|__/
Stranger: good for u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: letsbegangster
You: letsnotbegangster
Stranger: lets, fuck you buddy
You: u mad bro
Stranger: you jelly?
Stranger: come the fuck at me cunt
You: lol internet tough guy
You: u mad
Stranger: lol u mirin
Stranger: im zyzz cunt
Stranger: fuck ya shit cunt
You: you crying bro
Stranger: just your mum
Stranger: shes got to much cock in her mate
Stranger: cheers cunt, good bye
Stranger: (;
Stranger: haha
Stranger: :L
You: lol rage quit, u butthurt
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: do u like nyan cat
Stranger: ya
Stranger: i like that
You: well youre in luck!
You: :D
Stranger: hw
You: i found a nyan cat fansite, quite new
Stranger: ok
Stranger: whr
You: want the link
Stranger: ya
You: ok, open it in a new tab so we can still talk to each other though
Stranger: r u marketng
Stranger: this site
You: no
Stranger: right
Stranger: this is pron site
You: not a porn site
Stranger: ok
Stranger: then ok
You: assrovat is the person who made it
Stranger: ok
Stranger: sorry dear
You: ok
Stranger: wht do u do
Stranger: by the way
You: video game designer
Stranger: ok
Stranger: whr
You: i work solo
Stranger: ok
Stranger: m professor
Stranger: hw abt u
You: cool
You: have you gone onto the site yet?
Stranger: no
Stranger: wait
Stranger: ya
Stranger: i m watchng
You: good isn't it
Stranger: wait
Stranger: it is getting start
You: ok
Stranger: wht is this
Stranger: wht the hell is this
Stranger: i m not getting
Stranger: wht is this
You: lol have u seen the site
Stranger: oh
Stranger: my god
Stranger: it is very bad
You: lulz has been achieved
Stranger: i m shoked
_______\___.__C____) just_(_(____>__|__/
Stranger: oh
Stranger: no
You: lol if only i could see the look on your face right now.
Stranger: r u male
You: it would be priceless
You: yes
Stranger: yes
Stranger: fuck u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hru??
You: fine
You: asl?
Stranger: male
Stranger: :P
Stranger: u?
You: 13 / f
You: age?
Stranger: 14
Stranger: :P
Stranger: whats ur name? :D
You: Lauren
Stranger: from where are you Lauren?!
You: uranus!
Stranger: haahhaah lol
Stranger: :P
Stranger: im frim Mars
Stranger: do u have Facebook?!
You: yes
Stranger: whats ur full name?
You: Lauren Teven
You: want to see my facebook page
Stranger: yes
Stranger: haha u think im dum :P my antivirus caught u bitch
You: its not a virus.
You: its doing that with lots of facebook pages for some reason
Stranger: oh ok im sorry for that
Stranger: whats ur pick on fb?
You: one sec
Stranger: tyt
Stranger: the antivirus said its an attack page soo sorry im not entering in :P
You: its not a virus.
You: i get that a lot
Stranger: ik
Stranger: but i cant enter
Stranger: the antivirus does not allow me to enter
Stranger: :P
You: are u using firefox
Stranger: yes
You: if you are then just click "ignore this warning"
You: its small text in the bottom corner that red box thingy
Stranger: are u sure cz i put internet explorer and it said that its a threat
You: 100% sure
Stranger: do u have msn?
Stranger: hotmail
You: no
Stranger: skype/
Stranger: ?
You: no
Stranger: ok look tell me are you blonde?
Stranger: burnette?
Stranger: black?
You: blonde
Stranger: red head?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: mm
Stranger: ok loo wait one minute let me see the adress u sent for me
Stranger: in the mean time tell me smthn about you
You: im a 13 y/o girl who likes to chat and go on facebook!
Stranger: are u in a relationship?
You: no
You: have you seen my facebook page it'll tell you that im not in relationship
Stranger: one minute
You: have u seen it yet?
Stranger: im entering 1 sec cz my internet sucks its toooooooooooo slow
Stranger: do u go webcam on omegle?
You: no
You: my webcams broken :(
Stranger: ok i did not enter but i found out what ur up to bitch
Stranger: hey everybody
Stranger: :P lol
Stranger: i k that its fucking old
Stranger: noob
You: u mad?
Stranger: not really
You: also im not really a 13 y/o girl
You: im a 19 y/o boy biatch
Stranger: i figured it out
Stranger: :P
Stranger: ik that
Stranger: bitch
Stranger: thats omegle
Stranger: dude
Stranger: u can trust any1
Stranger: :P
Stranger: cant
You: did you just call me a bitch?
well a bitch is a female dog.
dogs bark.
bark is on trees.
trees are beautiful
You: so thanks for your compliment!
Stranger: lol ur cool btw
You: that was sarcasm right?
Stranger: no really
Stranger: :P
You: if it wasn't sarcasm then thanks
You: too bad you're a faggot.
You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Big black slut here You: PINGAS Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You:  Are you interested in a threesome with my german shepherd?

Stranger: Hii

Stranger: =)

You:  Are you interested in a threesome with my german shepherd?

Stranger: ?? ;s

Stranger: how do u wanne do that?

You: The dog takes turns on us

Stranger: are u f/m?

You: f

Stranger: me to?

You: doesn't matter the dog's male

Stranger: ok

Stranger: where are u from?

You: indiana

Stranger: ow..

Stranger: did u had sex with u dog already?

You: a few times.

Stranger: and how does it feel?

You: he's huge!

Stranger: yes I believe ;p

Stranger: so how did it feel like?

You: Better than human...his knot felt great inside me

Stranger: nice

Stranger: tell a little more about it?

You: well the first time was a mistake. I slipped after I got out of the shower. So of course I fought a bit.

Stranger: yes

Stranger: and then?

You: But then I realized I started to like it, so I let him mount me.

Stranger: do you do it with condom?

You: no he's a dog i cant get pregnant

Stranger: ok

Stranger: does he have a huge dick?

You: It has to be at least ten inches

Stranger: in centimentres?

You: a centimeter is half an inch, so 20cm

Stranger: nice

Stranger: and how do u sit when he does it?

Stranger: does someone in ur environment knows about this?

You: Generally I'm resting on my elbows and knees

You: and yes, my ex-usband knew

You: husband***

Stranger: can't u lie on ur back?

You: I can but it's more natural for him that way

Stranger: yes..

Stranger: what did ur husband say about it?

You: At first he wasn't happy

You: then he started to watch

Stranger: tell me more about the sex with ur dog

Stranger: how long does he ride on u?

Stranger: tell me fast because I have to go

You: most times over an hour

Stranger: an hour! ;o 

Stranger: horny

You: and I loved every second

Stranger: does it feel that good?

You: Yes. better than anything

Stranger: omg nice

You: Yeah. He likes his cock stroked too

Stranger: tell more

You: Dogs cum a lot more than men do

You: and they're faster

Stranger: do they cum?

You: move faster anyway

You: and yeah everything cums

Stranger: do u had an orgasm?

Stranger: do u have more at an hour?

You: Sometimes I have multiple orgasms

Stranger: omg

Stranger: niceee

You: Yes. Barnalby is a great lover.

Stranger: where do u do it?

Stranger: and whene?

You: in bed like a normal couple

Stranger: and u suck his dick?

You: sometimes

Stranger: what does he do then?

You: the closer he is to finishing, the louder he whines and yips

Stranger: and if he fished.. does he wanne have sex futher?

Stranger: as long as u want?

You: no sometimes he just goes to sleep

Stranger: but isn't that frustrating?

Stranger: if u are horny

You: Yeah, especially since my husband and I divorced

Stranger: how many times do u do it a week?

Stranger: but I have to go no.. really nice conversation..

You: bye.

Stranger: wait

Stranger: how many times do u do it a week?

You: generally twice a night, sometimes none

Stranger: are u nacked now?

Stranger: did u had sex today?

You: not yet

Stranger: does the dog sometimes wanne have sex as u don't wannee have..

Stranger: but I go

Stranger: bye

You: bye

Stranger: have fun :)

You: ;3 I will

Stranger: btw..

Stranger: how old are u?

You: 27

Stranger: ok

Stranger: ty for the conversation

You: no problem!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Talk to strangers!
16,614 strangers online

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: 𝗢𝗺𝗲𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝗣 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿.

You: Hey secksy!111! Where do you live?

Stranger: what the fuck ?

You: dod el oh el omfg fux lets tke a feild trip in mah pants

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: l

Stranger: o

Stranger: l

You: hi

Stranger: - o -

Stranger: hi

You: asl

Stranger: age(go) sex(suck my) location(dick)

_______\___.__C____) just_(_(____>__|__/

Stranger: lol

You: also nobody would suck your dick because it's so small, later faggot. ;)

You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi, you just got ass raped.

Stranger: hi

You: hi, did you like being ass raped?

Stranger: what

You: you got ass raped

Stranger: please close

You: no u

Stranger: =)

Stranger: age

You: you smile? you like being ass raped!

You: my age is 49, want a pic of me babe?

Stranger: =)

You: i assume that's a yes then

Stranger: =)

You: y u no post text?

You: are you mentally fucked?

Stranger: slow

You: i know u are

You: so do you want a pic of me or not

Stranger: not

You: are u girl

Stranger: yes

You: thought so

You: age

You: ?

Stranger: 19

You: i bet you're looking for some intensely hot men nowadays aren't you?

Stranger: =)

You: and again with smilies

You: typical 16 year old girlism

You: in a 19 year old

Stranger: =(

You: that make u sad

You: want me to tell u a story?

Stranger: yes

You: ok

You: <insert copypasta of Moby Dick here, I cut it out of this page due to the fact that it is TL;DR> 

Stranger: had

Stranger: ooooooooooooofffffffffffffffffffffffffff

You: I hope you like Moby Dick, because you're going to be spending ages reading it!


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: female?

You: yep

You: u?

Stranger: cool

Stranger: watcha doin

Stranger: im male

You: Nothing really

You: just lying in bed

Stranger: nice

Stranger: how old are you

You: 19

Stranger: me 2

Stranger: im from mexico

Stranger: im andres btw hehe

You: nice :D

You: im from uk

You: Im called Francis

Stranger: i love that name

Stranger: and i also love the uk

You: Awww thanks

Stranger: i always wanted to be there ahah

You: What's the weather like in Mexico?

Stranger: HOT

Stranger: hahahah

You: like me then?

You: hahahaha

Stranger: of course! hahaha

You: What do you look like?

Stranger: normal i guess, i exercise every day, i eat healthy, i have long hair and blue eyes hahah

Stranger: and u?

You: well

Stranger: oh, i know , like the weather

You: I'm average height. I have long brown hair and green eyes

Stranger: seriously!?

You: Yeah.....

Stranger: let me tell you, i love girls with green eyes i swear to god

You: Aww thanks

Stranger: its the sexiest thing on earth trust e

Stranger: me*

You: You're so sweet

Stranger: haha ;) youre cool

Stranger: francis

You: Thanks, Andres

Stranger: :)

Stranger: i got a question..

Stranger: do u like football?

You: Well, I like watching it

You: But I don't really follow it

Stranger: oh really? so u dont have a favourite team?

You: No.

You: Do you?

Stranger: Manchester United obviously

Stranger: hahah

You: One of my friends likes them aswell

Stranger: and u dont like them? a bit?

Stranger: its the only thing ur missing to be perfect

Stranger: :P

You: Well, I suppose they're all right

You: That's so cute, Thanks

Stranger: :D welcome

You: Do you like Nyan Cat?

Stranger: hahahah u mean the annoying flying.rainbow cat

Stranger: ?

You: Yeah haha

Stranger: haha i suppose :P

You: Ha, i thind it really funny

You: *Find

You: fail me :(

Stranger: hahah yeah me 2

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: so what are u doin today

Stranger: wait.. what time is it in the uk?

You: It's like 11 pm right now

Stranger: ohh

You: I'm not doing anything

Stranger: cool, just in time to party :P

You: It's too hot here for me

Stranger: like me?

Stranger: or like you?

Stranger: or both?

Stranger: :P

You: Like you x

Stranger: haha ur cute

You: Thanx

Stranger: so u say ur not doing anything right?

You: No not right now

You: I'm just lying in bed

Stranger: oh i will love to be 2 hahaha

You: Hahaha, what are you doing in Mexico?

Stranger: well its 5:10 pm here so

Stranger: i think i will just chill out until the night

You: Are you doing anything tonight then?

Stranger: i hope so hahah

Stranger: but i want to sleep early today so bad haha

You: Ok hahaha

Stranger: perhaps u could make some space on ur bed 4 me

Stranger: :P

You: :P

You: What are you wearing right now?

Stranger: just boxers lol hahaha and u?

You: A bra and panties

Stranger: oh that's sexy babe

Stranger: want some company ?:P

You: :D

Stranger: :)

Stranger: are u horny?

You: To be honest yes........

Stranger: im gettin hard too lol

You: :P

You: Do u wanna see some pics?

Stranger: sure babe

You: ok one sec

You: In the mean time, ask me any questions you want

Stranger: all right baby

Stranger: are u wet?

You: A bit :D

Stranger: :D

Stranger: how big are ur titties sweetie

You: My bra size is 29 D

Stranger: niceeeeee

You: Ok, i've got those pictures

You: Here's the link:


Stranger: hahahaaahahaha

You: Have u been on them yet?

Stranger: u sent me a pedo bear image hahaha


You: im male


You: U PEDO!!!




You: u still hard for me?

Stranger: shit u keeped up all this time?

You: yeah lol

Stranger: GAY dude hahahahaha

You: nope

You: just clever

Stranger: hahahahahhaaa LOL

You: :D

You: there are 2 of us

Stranger: shitttt GAY

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Omegle conversation log2011-08-08
You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

Question to discuss:
Is it true what I heard, "The reason all people with Down Syndrome look the same is because their mothers were all raped by the same demon" it makes sense in a scary, demon way. I'm not religious but?

Stranger 2: LOL

Stranger 2: nice

Stranger 2: that funny as shit

Stranger 1: My brother has down syndrome

Stranger 2: cool story bro tell me another?

Stranger 1: I'm sure you'll burn in a special place in hell

Stranger 2: u mad bro?

Stranger 1: So when did you flunk out of college after first semester?

Stranger 2: YOU MAD BRO?!?!

Stranger 1: Or was pot too important

Stranger 2: you mad?

Stranger 1: Are you an immature 20 something with no job no education and has no future... Yes

Stranger 2: you mad bro?

Stranger 2: did i hurt your feeling :(

Stranger 2: shit deal with it cry baby

Stranger 1: Are you too stupid to think of another insult as the guilt of making run of special needs children sets in? Think about it. I hope your son if your ever so lucky to have a girl has needs so you understand the hurt that I see on my mothers face every day

Stranger 2: you guys are ashamed lol nice

Stranger 2: your ashamed of your little retard?

Stranger 1: Go ahead and make fun of me cause I don't care but when you look back on your life youll be crying not me

Stranger 2: lol idk i dont think i will be

Stranger 1: Do you really have no conscience no remorse?

Stranger 2: your just mad

Stranger 2: nope

Stranger 2: you mad bro?

Stranger 1: I pity you. I'll be sure to say a prayer for you tonight

Stranger 2: i belieave in the devil

Stranger 1: So do I...? What's your point?

Stranger 2: cool im glad we agree

Stranger 1: Yeah you agree with the billions of christians around the world? 

Stranger 2: nah

Stranger 2: they are retards like your brother

Stranger 1: Yes.. Where do you think the devil originated? The bible. And hopefully you'll see. Maybe not now but later 

Stranger 2: maby when i see your brother?

Stranger 1: Maybe when your so homeless you ask my brother for a dollar

Stranger 2: nah i dont ask retards for stuff they cant even take care of themselfe good bye you FAGGGGG

Stranger 2 has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: hi

Stranger: 18

Stranger: m

You: 13 f

Stranger: horny ?

You: yes!

Stranger: where do u live ?

You: america

Stranger: i m serbian

You: want a pic of me?

Stranger: ye


Stranger: there is no photo

You: website might be fucked again... :/

You: want to cybersex?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: can we exchange photo? i want to see ur pussy

You: okay one sec


You: there's a pic of me

Stranger: i check now

Stranger: cute

Stranger: u look older than 13

You: i know

Stranger: i want to see ur pussy photo?

You: Okay one sec.

You: pic won't upload

You: :(

Stranger: try to another website? i m gonna send u too if u want

You: okay

You: you wanted to see my pussy right?

Stranger: yes

You: okay

You: The Federal Вureau of lnvestigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violation of U.S. law. Reference no. 2334453436. Your IP address ( has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to child protective services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database.

Stranger: and ?

You: We at the FBl have logged your IP address for solicitation of a minor. Do you believe this to be a mistake sir?

Stranger: i m not american so stop to joking

You: This is not a joke sir.

You: We have logged your IP address.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: well done

Stranger: and u cant do anything here is belgrade not usa

You: We have units over at Belgrade too.

Stranger: let me check that...

Stranger: heh, so u do.

Stranger: but I dont think that it is my IP

You: Check it yourself.

Stranger: ok one sec

Stranger: OH SHIT

Stranger: OH GOD HELP ME


You: Apologizing will do no good now. You are pedophile, the FBl are now aware of that.

Stranger: NO!!!!!!!!

You: We are dispatching agents to your home right now.

Stranger: NO PLEASE

You: We will see you soon.

Stranger: how long will i be in jail

You: We have not decided yet however you can expect to be in jail for at least three years.


Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Talk to strangers!
15,397 strangers online

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello! Male 16 New Jersey, and I like boys!

You: What

You: You like touching boys? And you're only 16? That is fucked up.
Question to discuss:
When was your first orgasm? How did it happen?

You: First orgasm at 13

You: totally tripped ballz

Stranger: tripped balls ?

You: it was...

You: *puts on shades*

You: orgasmic


You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: A wild abra appears!

Stranger: ok

Stranger: m or f

You: wild abra uses nigger teleport

You: a wild nigger appears!

Stranger: coooooooooooooooooooooooool

You: wild nigger infliicts AIDS on stranger

You: Stranger faints!

Stranger: do him

You: I have nicknamed stranger gaylord

You: Okay gaylord, what's up

Stranger: im not gay

You: Then y u no work hard

Stranger: u horny

You: y u no get all the badges like gary oak



Stranger: u horny

You: Names Matt 14 Canada

You: u fail

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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