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Tom Fulp: Totally not gay...

When, sometimes, Fulp discovers that feeding upon his feces is not quite enough of a turn on to induce a full orgasm, it quickly becomes necessary for him to find a new outlet for sexual frustration. In this manner, he quickly became enamored with the process of stalking old men, and slipping them date-rape drugs at just the opportune moment, before kidnapping them without consent, leading them to his secret underground Glenside, Pennsylvania Sex Bungalow (conveniently located beneath Jewgrounds HQ) and forcing them to participate in acts of fellatio for his own sadistic personal amusement. He rarely, of course, participates in the act. In solidarity with the millions of 13 year old boys who love every inch of his website, Fulp resolutely only masturbates to the scenes of elderly homosexual debauchery that occur so frequently in the favorite room of his dungeon, seeking to better understand the plight of his most ardent patrons.

For the reasons stated above, Fulp's supply of semen is generally far too depleted by the time his wife April greets him at the communal shack with dial-up internet access that serves as his abode. Thus, in a way much akin to his fanbase, Fulp is rarely if ever able to indulge his hairy and sweaty 30-year-old body in the evolutionary carnal lust of actual sex. Now that's dedication.