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My Life Is Average...
My Life Is Average...


My Life is Average (MLIA) is an unfunny sister website to FML, the purpose being less about whining faggotry and more about ostensibly awesome events. This site is only useful for emo kids to whine about how these things can never happen to them. Like its sister site, many stories reek of being fake, and at least 15 stories have been shamelessly stolen from

Typical stories revolve around Harry Potter fags versus Twilight fags, rewordings of FML posts, and unusual things that teachers have done (proving that the posters are mostly 16 year old girls). One of the bigger trends is lying about a family member or friend dying recently, but always wanted to have a MLIA story posted before he/she died, and can only achieve that dream if you vote for it to appear on the front page.

According to TOW, the stories are moderated, but the general level of maturity suggests that the mods are either asleep half the time or the same kids submitting this crap.

In addition to the aforementioned FML, another similarly entertaining website is My Life Is Good, where high school students engage in a circle jerk of how awesome their lives are.

Exciting Reads on

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The Commenters

Like any other forum style website- the comments are segregated into three groups. Regs, normals, trolls, and n00bs. All of them (except the OP loving newfags are evil, spiteful bastards. They'll cuss you out in a heartbeat and provide sympathy if you are deemed a valuable member. If not, tits or gtfo.

The Average Users and Comments of MLIA

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