Manly Tears

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If you were looking for the /v/ lurking tripfag see Manlytears
If you were looking for feminist pandering see Male tears

Isn't that an oxymoron?



Manly Tears is a disease common in, but by no means limited to, anime and kung-fu movies. Some argue that it has recently made its way to the west and started to affect /b/tards, while others simply view it as a handy excuse which allows the Anon in question to well up inside without being accused of faggotry or starting a BAWWW thread.

When It Is Okay To Shed Manly Tears

If you win the championship, we'll look the other way.
North Korean World Cup player in a show of manly tears after being raped by Portugal's entire soccer team.
Towards the end, they showed the complete run of Tennant episodes and I watched them all. Manly tears, /b/. Manly tears.


Anon, shedding manly tears over Doctor Who being killed and replaced with Edward from Twilight

You decide

Sniff, sniff.


I, uh, killed my wife.

Gallery of Manly Tears

See Also

Manly Tears

is part of a series on the
2010 World Cup