Jason Blaha

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Jason Duane Blaha (born 1976) is a "fitness" enthusiast with his own Youtube Channel. Since early 2016 he has been turned into an IRL lolcow and had all his personal details exposed. He has been found out to be a liar and a coward who can't actually back up any claims he makes and who has failed at everything.

The Lies

File:Jason blaha uncle.jpg
Jason's Uncle Mike, he even looks like a generic version of a pedophile.

Jason Blaha in a past life made thousands of forum posts pertaining to his beliefs in the occult, frustration at having Klinefelter's disease, and all around shortcomings in life. Throughout his 40 years of delusion Blaha has, in his own mind, been a mercenary, bodybuilder at 3% bodyfat, distance runner, offshore engineer and has played golf with CEOs and "trained SWAT team members".

As a child, he was abused by his Uncle Mike which led to what he calls "ritualistic paedophilia" on the male side of his family.

After spending between 10 months and 3 years in bed (depending on which version of the lie he's sticking to today), he created a Youtube lifting channel called Ice Cream Fitness, and everything went smoothly for about 3 years.

The Order 66

In April 2016 Jason Blaha was order 66d by Jason Genova, famous Youtube celery, causing an army of Genova's fans to attack Blaha over the internet.

As of June 2017 there are over 4,000 pages on Fitmisc dedicated to exposing the lies told by Blaha. This escalated to a much larger movement with the advent of 'Exposed TV' making high quality documentary style videos exposing Blaha and his lies. Many others soon followed with a variety of channels being created to further expose Jason Blaha and his lies.

Then an article on a real gun club website in the US made Blaha's stolen valor article mainstream news. Then Blaha was doxxed IRL and his entire life history was found out including his criminal record. Since then Blaha has been forced out of his own home several times due to his landlords finding out what sort of individual he really is. In addition to this, he has:

  • Gone insane and robbed people he knew were not there to try and harm him
  • Exposed his girlfriend as a stripper and convicted criminal despite Blaha saying otherwise and belittling the partners of other YouTube celebrities.
  • Hidden from a 160lb Youtuber named Cassidy Campbell who turned up at Blaha's gym after Blaha put out open challenges online.

Along the way there has been in-fighting amongst the "Blahautism" community with particular hate directed at 'Shadowman' who often claims to be the leader and responsible for doing the most damage to Blaha yet he almost entirely regurgitates information found by other Blahautists. His contribution has however helped the movement as a whole, but through it all the anti-Blaha movement has been a huge success.

External links

Jason Blaha is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal